الصف الثامن

تقرير عن العين دار الزين بالأنجليزي والعربي للصف الثامن

أبا تقرير/ بحث/معلومات = عن العين دار الزين}~
AlAlin is a well_planned city because
بلييييييييييييييييييز ابااااااا مسااااااااااااااعده ضروري لو سمحتوا}}~

Why name

Called the city of Al Ain this beautiful name because there are many water springs are also available
The stock of underground fresh water and these eyes have been exploited years old by drilling
Channels called Balavlaj, which is an artesian wells or the eyes of fresh water has been collected to feed
Canal in one stretch of several kilometers, a wonderful way of engineering a family monopoly of citizenship
Residing in the eye is the most important Aflaj eye remaining until now Falaj kind and Falaj Daoudi

The most important areas of the eye Home

Sarooj area .. Plasticity zone .. Al Jimi, Al .. Alamuedjai area .. Al Maqam .. Almrkhanih area .. Region Interceptor

The most important natural features

Al Ain Oasis which is a palm groves, one of the finest palm
On the ground that the State, which soak into Filjan mentioned above .. There is also in the city of Al Ain
Approximately nine thousand farm and its outstanding natural features of Mount Hafeet tall Mnmalav years in the South
Eye-high to my knowledge, about 3700 feet and the mountain chain stretching north
And ends with a prominent part of this
Series in the middle of the palm groves in a place called Balnagafh It is not Aalmkan who currently oversees
Al Ain Club is not the place its real and this place which there Alnagafh
Currently correct name (obstacle accidents) and on the day of the Strait of days can not be a traffic
Only the person or the guy on the passenger mount was so named because of the confrontations which have been against the invaders and bandits from outside the country

The outskirts of ocular
More .. M Gavh .. Hayer .. Chancroid .. Yahar .. Sulaimat .. Alaoha .. Cataract ((of course, some intermittently Angert Asami))

The most important historical monuments

Pre-Islamic castle – Castle Alamuedjai – Castle quadrangle – Krak des Chevaliers – Castle Mrijb

The most important modern features: University of United Arab Emirates .. Technical colleges .. Al Ain Sports Club .. Complex departments and ministries
Government .. Al Ain Hilton .. Al Ain Inter Continental

The most important gardens in the eye: Playground Hili (This park is very large and have the best electrical Games
Will be held by a lot of festivals in the summer they are wonderful and worth a visit
– Garden Basra – Garden Salimi – Park University – Garden
Hele – Garden Falaj Hazza – Garden key transportation and – Zoo

Characteristic of Al Ain and customs sweet: adherence to the customs and traditions of Arabic hospitality and heritage preservation
Mixed with the spirit of contemporary without being over Aotafrit – the tribe is still the role of moral and literary positively
Unit members of the tribe, especially from socially and continuing communication between its members

As a city of Al Ain is characterized by calm and sleep hygiene

It is proud of its citizens and residents of Al Ain residents, the father, Zayed was ruled by the eye before he takes
The reins of power in the emirate of Abu Dhabi and then the United Arab Emirates
Al Ain City is now booming based on the glorious past and original, it is the national capital being the birth place of most of the rulers of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Al Nahyan customers.
Has contributed extensively contributed to the prosperity and development of Al Ain city was built by Sheikh Diab Bin Shakhboot Castle "Amartijb" In the era of Sheikh Zayed Grand Castle was built ignorant.

In the city of Al Ain spent His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, President of the UAE prime of his youth, as he zigzagged the hills and dig and Oaudettha Ovlajha and felt them clarity of mind and purity of heart and character of thought and ambition in the oases grew dreams and hopes.


وهذا بالعربي

سبب التسميه

سميت مدينة العين بهذا الاسم الجميل بسبب وجود العديد من العيون المائيه كما يتوفر
بها مخزون جوفي من المياه العذبه وهذه العيون تم استغلالها من سنوات قديمه من خلال حفر
قنوات سميت بالافلاج والتي هي عباره عن ابار ارتوازيه او عيون مائيه عذبه تم تجميعها لتصب
في قناه مائيه واحده تمتد عدة كيلو مترات وهو اسلوب هندسي رائع تحتكره احدى العائلات المواطنه
المقيمه في العين ومن اهم افلاج العين المتبقيه حتى الان فلج العيــــــني وفلج الداوودي

اهم مناطق العين الرئيسيه

منطقة الصاروج .. منطقة المطاوعه .. منطقة الجيمي .. منطقة المويجعي .. منطقة المقام .. منطقة المرخانيه .. منطقة المعترض

اهم المعالم الطبيعيه

واحة العين وهي عباره عن بساتين النخيل التي تعتبر من اجود انواع النخيل
على ارض الدوله وهي التي يخترقها الفلجان المذكوران اعلاه .. كما يوجد في مدينة العين
مايقارب التسعة الاف مزرعه ومن المعالم الطبيعيه البارزه جبل حفيت الشامخ منذالآف السنين في جنوب
العين ويبلغ ارتفاعه حسب علمي ما يقارب 3700قدم وتمتد سلسلته الجبليه شمالا
وينتهي الجزء البارز من هذه
السلسله في وسط بساتين النخيل في مكان يسمى بالنقفه وهي ليست االمكان الذي يشرف حاليا على
نادي العين فهي ليست المكان الحقيقي لها وهذا المكان اللي فيه النقفه
حاليا اسمه الصحيح (عقبة الحوادث) وكان في يوم من الايام مضيق لايمكن المرور منه
الا للشخص الراجل او الراكب على دابته وقد سميت بهذا الاسم لما تم فيها من مواجهات ضد الغزاة وقطاع الطرق من خارج البلاد

ضواحي العين الخارجيه
مزيد .. ام غافه.. الهير .. القريح .. اليحر .. السليمات .. العوهه .. الساد (( طبعا الحينه اتغيرت بعض الاسامي ))

اهم المعالم التاريخيه

قلعة الجاهلي – قلعة المويجعي – قلعة المربعه – قلعة الحصن – قلعة مريجب

اهم المعالم الحديثه:جامعة الامارات .. كليات التقنيه .. نادي العين الرياضي .. مجمع الدوائر والوزارات
الحكوميه .. العين هيلتون .. العين انتر كونتيننتال

اهم الحدائق في العين:حديقة العاب الهيلي ( هذه حديقة كبيره جدا وتضم أفضل الالعاب الكهربائية
وتقام بها الكثير من المهرجانات فى الصيف وهى رائعه وتستحق الزياره
– حديقة البصره – حديقة السليمي – حديقة الجامعه- حديقة
الهيلي- حديقة فلج هزاع- حدائـــق عين الفايضه– حديقة الحيوان

من خصوصيات مدينة العين وعاداتهم الحلوة :التمسك بالعادات والتقاليد العربيه الاصيله والمحافظه على التراث
مع مزجها بروح المعاصره دون افراط اوتفريط – مازال للقبيله دور معنوي وادبي ايجابي في
وحدة افراد القبيله وخاصه من الناحيه الاجتماعيه واستمرار التواصل بين افرادها

وكمدينه تتميز مدينة العين بالهدوء والنظافه والسكون

ومما يفتخر به سكان العين مواطنيها ومقيميها ان الوالد زايد الخير كان يحكم العين قبل ان يتولى
مقاليد الحكم في امارة ابوظبي ومن ثم الامارات العربية المتحدة
تعتبر مدينة العين الحاضر المزدهر المبني على ماض عريق وأصيل ، فهي تعد العاصمة الوطنية كونها شهدت ميلاد معظم حكام امارة أبوظبي من آل نهيان الكرام.
وقد ساهموا إسهاما واسعاً في إزدهار وتطور مدينة العين فقد بنى فيها الشيخ شخبوط بن ذياب قلعة " المريجب " وفي عهد الشيخ زايد الكبير بنيت قلعة الجاهلي.

وفي مدينة العين أمضى صاحب السمو الشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان رئيس الدولة حفظه الله ريعان شبابه ، حيث جاب تلالها و أوديتها وحفر أفلاجها و إستمد منها صفاء الذهن ونقاوة القلب والخلق الفكر الطموح وفي واحاتها نمت أحلامه و آماله.



معهد الإمارات التعليمي ..

السموحه منج تم تغير العنوان ليتناسب مع فحوى الموضوع

مشكوره أختي وربي يجلعهـ فميزان حسناتج يالغلا}~

>>..مشكوره أختي وربي يجلعهـ فميزان حسناتج يالغلا<<..~

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثامن

حل الوحدة الاولى والثانية , اللغة الانجليزية , الثامن للصف الثامن

السلام عليكم

ارجوكم اريد حل الوحدتين 1 و 2 ضروري و بسرعة

ملاحظة في الكتابين الاثنين

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

هذا اخي إلي حصلته لك

وسموحه ما مرتب

موفق ان شاء الله

حل الوحده الأولى كاملة

حلل صفحة 16


2 .. Am I

3 .. Next

4 .. _

5 .. To me

6 .. about

7 .. how to

8 .. that

9.. important points

10 .. of China

11 .. Lebanese

12 .. each

13 .. starts

14 .. Are there any

15 .. very large lake

16 .. vote

17 .. does it take

18 .. by

19 .. Anne Hathaway in 1582

20 .. There are

حل صفحه 17 في الكتاب الملون كامله


الاجابة الأولى و الأخيرهـ ..


– I am going to study Grammer

– I am going to larn about Daily life

– I am going to study scince


– No I am not

– yes he is

– No we are not

table 3 :: الجدول






D {{

I am going to shop next week

I am study English now

I did my homework yesterday

e {{ عزيزتي هذا السؤال يتحدث عن أشياء خاطئه في هذه الجمل ..

1 – بدون to

2 – بدون us

3 – to بعد كلمة explain

4 – بدون to

حل ص 18 الكتاب الملون ..


سؤال A ما حليناه



2- لا تضعي علامة


4- لا تضعي علامة

5- لا تضعي علامة







12-لا تضعي علامة

13- لا تضعي علامة






1-Make the Mostof Your Lessons

2-How can youlearn more in lessons ? Here are three ideas











1-write a sommery .

2- prepare yourlesson .

3- ask the teacheror friend if I don’t anderstand some thing .

اريد سؤال 4 ….

write a p

في ص20 الوحدة الاولى

Iam ………… . Iam a good student . I ask my self ((What am I going to learn today)). before I go

to school .Then every day ,after School,I write a summery of my lessons. Finally,when I have trouble

understanding,I get from my frinds or my teacher.I works hard and is a successful student


مسوينtime table

ولازم لحنا بعد انسوي time table










الحين البرقراف رقم 1 اخر شي

we have diffrent subjects every day

before th break 1then sport we have math

after the break we have then arabic

after the we have then arapic

وبس الحين ادرور البرقراف الثاني بس حاله سطر واحد

in history yastarday i writie about owmeer

حل الوحدة الثانية منworkbook






3.thumb tack



6.pencil holder







1. someone who sells clothes works in the retail

2.someone who grws crops works in the agriculture

3.someone who drives a taxi works in the transport






4.worse and bettea


1.yesterday Iwas ill . taday Tam worse

2.my drawing is worse than yours

3.the wather is good tody

شكرا ريح
بارك الله فيك

مشكُوؤر آخوي {ريـ الشمال ـح} على طرحــكً

[تم النـــقل]

تسلم أخوي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

بارك الله فيك ريح,,

ويعطيك الف عافية..

موفقين باذن الله..

اهدييك بااقة تعبر مدى شكري لك ((( ويعطيك الف عافية )))

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثامن

حل &الانجليزي& للصف الثامن

اناعنددي حل الوووووحدتين الررابعة والخامسة الpeoples book and woork bOOk

اطلبوااااااا واناااااااااحاااااااااضرررة

لكن ياررريت مايكوووووووووون الموضوع موووووووجوود

أذا كان موجودين عندج

حطيهم للأعضاء عشان يستفيدون

ومشكووره مقدما

بارك الله فيج ..

شكرررررررررا ع الرد اماراتيوه

راح ابدا بالوحده الخامسه صفحة 70

















page71 exircies d=====


2-has-dont they


4-lives-do they


2-to rise

3-is still rising

4-was born


6-the baby the present

7-her flat to a lawyer


9-it to her

10-someone dies

11-to taik

12-how to

13-often plays

14-in the library every morning



17-it was


19-6825 kilometers long

20-a year

page 72

مشكوره الغلا ..

ربي يوفقج ..






5-b factory+place








لو سمحتي الوحدة الرابعة"(::%$#يالغلا#$%::)"

>(*&^%$#@!غموض شفاف!@#$%^&*)<اذا قدرت صــــ58ـــ بالكتاب الملون

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثامن

دشو بليز للصف الثامن

لوسمحتوا ابقي ورقة عمل الوحدة الخامسة للصف الثامن دخليكم

أسم الوحده لو سمحت

وإن شاء الله نساعدك ..

أسم الوحده لو سمحت

وإن شاء الله نساعدك ..

culture and civilization اسم الوحدة

آلسمووؤوح’ـهـٍ مآح’ـصلت 🙁

آنـً شآللهـٍ غ’ـيري يسآإع’ـد 🙂

فمآإنـً آللهـٍ .,.

السموحه منك دورت وما حصلت

إن شاء الله غيري يساعد


مشكوورين ماقصرتو

والله ما عندي بس اذا لغيت بطرشلك

بس شو اسم الوحدة الخامسه وانتي في اي صف
لو سمحتي علشان نساعدج …………
مجهوله الوادي

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثامن

حل صفحة 30 , اللغة الانجليزية , الثامن للصف الثامن

السَلاْمَ علَيْكُم وَرحْمُة الله وبَركْآتهُ

حَلْ صفحْة 30 مادة الانجَليزْي للصف الثامن ْ , , !

{ الاجابة باللون الاحمر }

1 never am

am never

2 plays sports often

often plays sports

3 eat in the restaurant often

often eat in the the restaurant

4- sometimes I visit

I visit sometimes

5 every day pray

pray every day

6 every afternoon in the library

in the library every afternoon

7 one time


8 weeks


9 how usually

how often

10 you do

do you do



12 to talk


13 are we

we are

14 about


15 how to


16 last


17 the

to the

18 of saudi arabia

saudi arabia

19 that


20 have

شكرا لج محبه
لج مني احلى تقييم
استمري بنشاطج ,,

تسلم ع المرور




السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

مشكورة اختي عالحل,,

بارك الله فيج..

السسلام عليكم
يزاكم الله خير

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الثامن

امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للفصل الثاني تجريبي -للتعليم الاماراتي

اتمنى لكم التوفيق وشكرا

لاتنسونا بالشكر والتقييم

الملفات المرفقة

مشكوورة اخوي ع الامتحان ..
صج وايد استفدت منه ..
لأن الانجليزي هالسنة ..> خلني ساكته
صاير صعب مع اني كنت قبل احبه

مشكووووور أخوووووي ع الإمتحان


ثانكس ع النايس

مشكورين ع الامتحان وايد ايخبل



مشكورين على المتحان

وايد حلووووووووووووووو


اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثامن

مذكرة للإنجليزي unit3 – 4 / الفصل الثاني / للصف الثامن .. -تعليم اماراتي

· Choose the correct answer from a, b,c or d:

1-My fathergets a job in a………………

a-manual b-company c-letter d-season

2-A lot ofpeople work in…………………..

a-finance b-rain c-dictionary d-lightning

3-My father’s friendworks in……………………

a-thunderstorm b-manufacturing c-shelf d- wind

5-My motheris a……………in a big company.

a-manager b-grass c-temperature d-forest

6-Abu-Dhabiis the…………of the UAE

a-storm b-country

c-mountain d-capital

7-Managersget better salaries than other……………..

a-seasons b-banks c-employees d-companies

8-Mostpeople in India work in…………..

a-agriculture b-receptionist c-tree d-wind

9-There aremany different………sectors such as retail, transport and finance.

a-forest b-employment c-accountant d-clerk

10-Manypeople like to work in the………….industry

a-leisure b-farm c-factory d-dictionary

Vocabulary Theme : 3

Choosethe word that best completes the sentences from a,b,c or d: ( 10M.)

1- Ali drives a tractor. He works in ……………..

a) finance b)retail c)agriculture d)leisure

2- My brother works for the National Bank. He’s ………..

a) an electrician b) an accountant c) a farmer d)a doctor

3- Mr.Ali has built our villa. He works in ………….

a) finance b)transport c)retail d)construction

4-Her mother works in a ……………. .She is a nurse.

a) farm b)bank c) hospital d) shop

5- Our ……….. has prepared a very tasty lunch.

a) driver b) cook c) builder d) plumber

6- A lot of people work in ………….. for example, banking.

a) farming b) retail c) transport d) finance

7- You should get more ……….. to get a good job.

a) papers b) books c)qualifications d) markers

8- Most companies don’t have ………… with low qualifications.

a) managers b) singers c)actors d)cleaners

9- She will put letters in ………….. and print out thee-mails.

a) sectors b) files c) jobs d)skills

10- He works as a ………….. in a hotel. He sits near the front door.

a) teacher b) receptionist c) manager d)pilot

11- You shouldn’t’ leave school. You should go to further ……..

a) exams b) information c) shelves d) education

12- He works in a supermarket. He works in ……….

a)transport b)retail c) leisure d)farming

13- I went to the ………. To buy milk, cheese and apples

a) class b) club c) supermarket d) school

14- I work as a clerk in a …………… office.

a) leisure b)government c) bank d)retail

15- ………..like doctors and lawyers earn a lot of money.

a)manual workers b) boys c)professionals d) students.

الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
بوركت جهودج..


طرح موفق
يعطيج العافيه !،

لا هنتي



شكرا يستحق التقييم =)

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الثامن

موضوع عنchewing gum -تعليم الامارات

n recent years, spread gum is widespread, both frankincense male or chewing gum factory, because of its many health benefits, Vamadgh useful in strengthening the muscles of the jaws and the face is also working to increase the secretion of salivary gland that equation the effects of acids resulting from food fermented causing tooth decay, as well as working the resin as an abrasive to help get rid of the plaque accumulated on the teeth, and thus becomes a mouth, a smell, and free of microbes and food waste, Vngdo teeth healthy and clean of any decay, help the chewing gum to relieve breathing and relax the muscles and removes phlegm and strengthens the airways, and benefits in the treatment of chest diseases such as asthma, cough and expels gases, and chew useful in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, constipation, and helps to digest food and stimulate the liver and cures dysentery and eliminates symptoms of vomiting sensation.

As learned from gum medically in the manufacture of tarpaulins and work Stickers medical, and also added to the solution used in the eye and the production of incense, while the oil is used and the papers and the parties gum trees flowering in the treatment of the chest through the fat area front and sides of the head with the inhalation of fragrance rising from the oil bottle several times, It also enters the oil Allpaneva the perfume industry and powder the face, soap, and is used frankincense mentioned in recipes of traditional medicine and that Bgleh with plant fresh parsley, and continue boiling until the remains of water about one cup, then strain and drink half of it morning and night, for the treatment of bronchitis, as described by some doctors for someaddicted to smoking, to chew for hours on a specific day to help in quitting smoking.

Frankincense is divided according to quality into four types:” chewing gum” Alhogera is the finest species, and ‘gum’ and ‘Najdi Cbar chewing gum” and” popular”, and the measure of quality is the color and purity, with a color Vallban White tinged Balzarkh is the best kind of gum and Oglah price, and the more money its color to red I said quality, and the terminology accepted in the Baihallban that frankincense tree called” generous” ocher, and the tree that is produced is called” tight” the goat and the average productionone tree about ten kilograms.

Benefits of chewing gum” male”

Of the benefits of chewing gum strengthen the heart and brain, and control of the dullness and forgetfulness, which is useful for inkjet and diarrhea blood if you drink or SF him half ‘teaspoon’, and it was doctors pharaohs used it to treat mania and to expel evil spirits, which goes cough, roughness and chest pain, weak kidneys, wasting, and fit drugs and break the unity, and has many other benefits, and methods of common use, dissolve a teaspoon of crushed in water, can also be soaked in the evening until the morning, to drink on an empty stomach once a day.

Out of gum

” Alkndr” is the gum above, which is a homogeneous mixture of resin and gum, volatile oil, and ‘Alkndr” in Farsi is gum Arabic, and Hgrallban does not grow in the plains, but in the mountains only, and that the odor and bitter taste special, and the user part of thetrees Alkndr, gum and peel the leg, and Isthsal gum from the stems of the trees and the Bkhaddchha ax sharp, and then leaves come out of a viscous liquid, yellowish to brown in color and freezes on the place scarified from the legs, and then combine those of a solid that is chewing gum, and the main source of his Sultanate of Oman, Yemen and Somalia .


تسلمين ع الطرح
يعطيج العافيه

ما قصرتي


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
بارك الله فيج اختي..
مجهود طيب..

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الثامن

paragraph about education system in the U.A.E للصف الثامن

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

There are 4 stages of education in the UAE.4-5 year olds attend pre-school،
6-11 yers olds attend primary school،12-14 year olds attend preparatory school،
15-17 year olds attend secondary school.All students study English as a foreign language

ابا اشوف ردودكم الحلوة

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الثامن

موضوع تعبير انجليزي -تعليم الامارات

Why I want to learn English
The answer should be easy. English is auniversal language (global language in case we are not the only creature whocan speak.) The world has changed. We can no longer live alone in our countryanymore. If you want to learn the world you need to learn English….
Because I’m astudent , I would have to learn English for my own bright future or, at least,pass the exam
I love English andbe able to communicate with people from all the world to have a lot of friends.
English iseverything now days, and I need it at my university because the lecture areteaching us in English as well as I can get a good job with good salary.Furthermore, I want to learn English because I love it….
I learn Englishbecause It’s a international language. And also we can use English and speakany body in any country. Thats why it has more weighted than other languages.Most refer books are in English. If we don’t know English, we can’t refer thosebooks. Therefore English language is Important and I learn too.
English is widelyspoken all over the world as a second language. Moreover, English Grammar isnot a complicated one.
I learning Englishbecause I like travel, I want to meet new people and I want to see differentculture.
I learn Englishbecause, it is helpful to speak in the international language, mostly when I amabroad, making life simpler.
I like to learnEnglish because English is my second language l need to be a well Englishspeaker because it is a international language.
I learn Englishbecause I want to travel a lot. I’ve already started to realize my dream and Iwill never stop. Now I work in Foreign Company and see many nationalities. Ourcommon language is English here. We enjoy this language because it helps us tocommunicate to each other. I want to do my best and improve my English.
Learning…it takesup a lot of time but the incentives may be pretty different. Do you questionyourself why you are learning English, maybe you aren’t in need of this knowledge?Or maybe you are really enthusiastic about it, aren’t you? So am I! Of courseit really useful in the modern world nowadays, but despite of the above said mygreat work force in learning is the strong senses of the inspiration and theinterest to the language, making the process of my education very speed andinteresting…I eager to have learnt English to discover the world beyond myown, outside the country and the city in which I live, out of culture which hascreated me as a person, out of myself, my views and visions, my feelings andperceptions, to open the worlds of other societies and nations with theirhabits and likings! And also I’d give the opportunities to other people fordiscovering the universe of mine taking people throughout my own world, throughcountry I’m living, through surroundings I’m feeling, through the amazingbeauty of this world. And following up this great idea I hone my Englishlanguage skills every day, because I aspire to know the language as if it hadbeen my native.
By the time I wasseventeen I didn’t have a lot to do in my afternoons and no money wasavailable, that was when I decided to go to the library every day and study ashard as I could just to get home and be able to understand some new lyrics,games and movies, yes, that’s what you’re thinking I don’t like the sound ofthe word "self-student" but I kind of learned English all by myself,nowaday I work with computers and this is just possible because I can easilycommunicate in English, what I’m saying is I learn English because I know thisis the only way I have to get whatever I want.
I learn Englishbecause it is a worldwide language, in which you can communicate with manypeople and learn new stuff.
I am learningEnglish because my English was not flute and I want to improve my career and toget new position so I will get more income, additional to that I can deal withother at my company or worldwide .
. It helps me to realize my dreams that lay in getting aknowledge meeting new people and talking to them in English.
I learn Englishbecause I want to be understood by everyone, everywhere, anytime and to see anew super fantastic world of colorful light.
With kind regards

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده