الصف التاسع

education in the UAE between past and present-ادخلوا وما بتندمووووووا للصف التاسع

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اليوم جبت لكم تقرير تعبت فيه وخلص فيه عرقي

فلا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم وشكركم

الملفات المرفقة


تسلم اخووي ع التقرير
شكرا ع المجهود …
بارك الله فيك ..
موفق ..

مشكوووور أخوي

في ميزان حسناتك

يعطيك العافية


أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الارشيف الدراسي

Present & Past للصف التاسع

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اختبار في Present & Past

في المرفقات


الملفات المرفقة

ربي يعطيج العافيه


أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف السابع

طلب ecart about UAE, past and present -للتعليم الاماراتي

ابغي مساعدة في الايكارات موضوع الايكارتAbout UAE, past and present

بكرة التسليم وابغي مساعدة لو سمحتو ضروري الايكارات عليه 50درجة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
هلا اختي دورت لج ايكارت جاهز بس ما حصلت..
واسمحيلي على ايامنا ما كانو يطلبون منا هالشي..
بس يبت لج معلومات عن تقسيم الايكارت..
اول شي القصة اللي بدأتو منها context
وبعدين تلخيص هالقصة context summery
وبعدها البحث والمعلوومات الي تخص الايكارت research
وبعدها تلخيص البحث اللي طلعتوه research Summery
وبعدها المخططات والستراتيجيات تبع الايكارت planing & Strateges
وبعدها reflaction Sheet
وبعدها آخر شي في الايكارت Product ويكون على هيئة بروشور او قصة او قصة مصورة او بوستر حسب الرغبة يعني


ما حصلت
ان شاء الله غيري يساعد
ولي عودة

قسم بالله اني ريال مو بنت بغير الاسم مشكورين ع المجهود والحمدالله سلمت الايكارات


In the past didn’t the people have transport to travel by they used animals to travel like camels and donkeys on land. But in the sea they used the ship to travel. The people spent a lot of time to travel and the road was very difficult to walk. But today in the UAE they have roads to use and travel. And the people have a new transport and different countries have this transport. Like cars, planes and trains. They spend little time to arrive at the place.


The wedding in the past was so simple.the marriages in the past were between two couples who never met each other before the wedding day.
The groom had to gave money to the bride. That money was called dowry. Some men gave the dowry like gold or jewelry. And the dowry was not expensive.
In the past women wore any color. The most popular color was green, red and White. The clothes ware simple and not expensive. They use the gold to look nicer.
The men wore candor and besht. the men’s party beautiful more the women’s party because they have many dance there like el yolaah , lewaah, rzfaah.
The wedding was in the women family house. After the party he took the women to his house. In the past people ate harees, rice and meat for dinner.


The clothes were different in the Past. First the clothes in the past were traditional. The men wore “Dishdasha” to cover the all body. He put “Shmak”on his head then put “Aqal” on the “smak”. Men like weapons. The “Khenjar” is a small knife and they put it around the body in the middle, they put a gun on the back and a sword in same small knife place, they wore a sword just for dancer with other.

The Women wore the “Thob” two pieces made of silk with silkworms or cotton. Next women wore “Sheelah” they put this on the head to cover her hair and wore “Abiah”. It’s black and made of silk and has Threads decoration in gold or selves. The “braga” it is a gold color she put this on her face and covered her eyebrows, nose and chin…


اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف العاشر

power point the uae in the past للصف العاشر

البوربينت تحت في المرفقات:

الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

ما شاء الله عليج..

مولعة قسم الانجليزي,,

يزاج ربي الف خير,,

وفي ميزان حسناتج يارب,,

ما يدخل البوربوينت

Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings.

What God عليĚ ..

Fond of the English department,

A’zaj thousand good Lord,

In the balance of Hassanatj Lord,

مشكوره اختي في ميزان حسناتج ان شاء الله ^^

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير , بحث عن Education in the past للصف الحادي عشر

مرحبآ ..

شحآلكم ؟

بغيت منكم ,, تقرير عن Education in the past

ابا فيه مقدمه وموضوع وخاتمه ومراااااجع ..

انا حصلت عنه بس مافيه مقدمه وخاتمه ..

لو سمحتوا بسرررررعه .. ابااه ضرووري ,,

والسموووحهـ ..

7lwo bs mesh wayed 2l sara7ah 🙂

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تفضلو اخواني عن education in uae in the past

It is no secret that there was little development anywhere in the Arabian peninsula prior to the discovery of oil. The reason is simple: there was no money for it. The economy in those days was a simple one, based upon pearl diving, fishing, coastal trade and the most rudimentary agriculture.
In 1962 when oil production began in Abu Dhabi the country lacked virtually everything: schools, hospitals, airports, seaports, a dependable supply of safe drinking water, electricity plants and, most importantly, proper housing for the majority of the people. Indeed in the whole country there was not a single kilometre of tarmac road. There had been peace, but a peace without prosperity.
In 1962 there were only 20 schools in the country with less than 4000 students — and most of those boys. By the time the UAE was established in 1971, there were still less than 28,000 students and education was pretty well confined to the towns. Today there are over 290,000 children at government schools all over the country. Each village has its primary school for young children and in the towns, secondary schools with boarding facilities mean that students of $$$$ sexes can complete their secondary education.
In the past, post-secondary education was government-financed and of course meant going abroad to other Arab countries or even to Britain or America. At present, however, the UAE can offer higher education at home. In 1977 the Emirates University was set up in Al Ain. Since that time there have been some 14,500 graduates with half of them women. Hundreds of new graduates are turned out each year.
Courses offered include the traditional university subjects as well as various kinds of engineering, agriculture, various scientific disciplines and a highly-rated Faculty of Medicine which is recognized by Britain’s prestigious Royal College of Surgeons. Overseas scholarships are still available for higher degrees and are still financed by the government.
Early on, the government realized the importance of technical and vocational training for its citizens — $$$$ male and female — so that they could help in meeting the demands of the local job market.
To help meet these demands, in 1988 a system of Higher Colleges of Technology was set up. These offer a more technically oriented course of study. As in the university and the government schools, tuition at the Colleges is free and curriculum has been produced in consultation with potential employers such as banks, airlines and the local oil industry. In 1992 when the first group of students graduated, they had little or no difficulty in finding jobs.
A new Certificate and Diploma programme is being introduced in 1995-96 which will offer a year-long course of basic studies for those who lack adequate preparation to enter the four year Higher Colleges course.
Additional technical education and training is also available in institutions such as the Dubai Aviation College, the Emirates Banking Training Institute or the Career Development Centre of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.
Outside the government sector, there exists a wide range of private schools with an enrolment of some 150,000 students. A number of these teach in the language of one of the expatriate communities living in the UAE and follow the curriculum of their countries. For example, there are English, French, German and Urdu schools preparing children for life in their home countries.
In the last few years, a number of universities and colleges from overseas have begun to offer partial or full degree courses through affiliates in the UAE. This means that a full range of education is available for $$$$ citizens and expatriates.
The President of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed, has said: "Youth is the real wealth of the nation" and if the income from oil can be used to create an academically and technically qualified citizenry, there can be no doubt of the wisdom of the immense expenditure.


لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير جاهز عن education in uae in the past للصف الحادي عشر

تفضلوا هذا هو التقرير و ادعوا لي بالنسبة فوق 95

education in uae in the past

It is no secret that there was little development anywhere in the Arabian peninsula prior to the discovery of oil. The reason is simple: there was no money for it. The economy in those days was a simple one, based upon pearl diving, fishing, coastal trade and the most rudimentary agriculture.
In 1962 when oil production began in Abu Dhabi the country lacked virtually everything: schools, hospitals, airports, seaports, a dependable supply of safe drinking water, electricity plants and, most importantly, proper housing for the majority of the people. Indeed in the whole country there was not a single kilometre of tarmac road. There had been peace, but a peace without prosperity.
In 1962 there were only 20 schools in the country with less than 4000 students — and most of those boys. By the time the UAE was established in 1971, there were still less than 28,000 students and education was pretty well confined to the towns. Today there are over 290,000 children at government schools all over the country. Each village has its primary school for young children and in the towns, secondary schools with boarding facilities mean that students of $$$$ sexes can complete their secondary education.
In the past, post-secondary education was government-financed and of course meant going abroad to other Arab countries or even to Britain or America. At present, however, the UAE can offer higher education at home. In 1977 the Emirates University was set up in Al Ain. Since that time there have been some 14,500 graduates with half of them women. Hundreds of new graduates are turned out each year.
Courses offered include the traditional university subjects as well as various kinds of engineering, agriculture, various scientific disciplines and a highly-rated Faculty of Medicine which is recognized by Britain’s prestigious Royal College of Surgeons. Overseas scholarships are still available for higher degrees and are still financed by the government.
Early on, the government realized the importance of technical and vocational training for its citizens — $$$$ male and female — so that they could help in meeting the demands of the local job market.
To help meet these demands, in 1988 a system of Higher Colleges of Technology was set up. These offer a more technically oriented course of study. As in the university and the government schools, tuition at the Colleges is free and curriculum has been produced in consultation with potential employers such as banks, airlines and the local oil industry. In 1992 when the first group of students graduated, they had little or no difficulty in finding jobs.
A new Certificate and Diploma programme is being introduced in 1995-96 which will offer a year-long course of basic studies for those who lack adequate preparation to enter the four year Higher Colleges course.
Additional technical education and training is also available in institutions such as the Dubai Aviation College, the Emirates Banking Training Institute or the Career Development Centre of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.
Outside the government sector, there exists a wide range of private schools with an enrolment of some 150,000 students. A number of these teach in the language of one of the expatriate communities living in the UAE and follow the curriculum of their countries. For example, there are English, French, German and Urdu schools preparing children for life in their home countries.
In the last few years, a number of universities and colleges from overseas have begun to offer partial or full degree courses through affiliates in the UAE. This means that a full range of education is available for $$$$ citizens and expatriates.
The President of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed, has said: "Youth is the real wealth of the nation" and if the income from oil can be used to create an academically and technically qualified citizenry, there can be no doubt of the wisdom of the immense expenditure.

الله يوفقج ياااارب

ميرسي حياتي على هاموضوع

وين المقدمه والموضوع والخاتمه

الموضوع ناقص واايد

يسلمو ماقصرت ع الموضوع

[SIZE="7"],ولله اي كلام


ثانكس على التقرير

تحياتي :مستر سنوب

مشكوره ع التقرير الرائع

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الحادي عشر

قواعد simple past passive ضروروي لمادة الانجليزي للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم ، اليوم انا دورت في النت ع بعض قواعد الانجليزي ولقيت هذا الموقع فيه شرح عن simple past passive و رفعت مرفق صورة عن كيفية عرض باقي تفاصيل الشرح ، وان شاء الله يعجبكم .
الموقع :-
Simple Past Passive Ppt Presentation

الملفات المرفقة

يعطيك العافيه


الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الحادي عشر

بوربوينت عن past simple للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم ، خليت لكم بوربوينت عن past simple وان شاء الله يعجبكم

الملفات المرفقة


جزاك الله خيرا

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

طلب برجراف موضوع عن deseribing weddings in the uae past and present للصف الثاني عشر

لو سمحتوا أبا بلجراف عن do you prefer awedding in atent or in hotetel

about awedding have attended

و أبا عن deseribing weddings in the uae past and present

يااا اخويه نحن روحنا نبا
هع هع ~

ان شاء الله ما بيقصرون ويااك

ووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووين المـــــــــــــــــــــــشروووووووووووووووووووووو وووووووووووع

سوري ما عندي

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

jop in the uae past and present -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم يااا اعضاء المدونة

ابيـــــــــــــ اختصرهااااا عليكم




jop in the uae past and present

ويريت يكون مرتب دخيلكم الاسبوع الياي التسليم

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب