الصف السابع

Artical on the happiest day on my life, short pharagraph about _صنع يدي -تعليم الامارات

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Artical on the happiest day on my life, short pharagraph about

The happiest day in my life, short artical

باسبورد فك الملف

~ صنع يدي ~
أختكم رؤية

تجدونهـــا فـــي المرفقـــاآت

الملفات المرفقة

مشڪورھ ع الموضوع,اللھ يعطيڪ العافيھ


يعطيج العافية

بارك الله فيج

بارك الله فيج
ما قصرتي رؤيه

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف السابع

موضوع عن التلوث البيئي للصف السابع

Experts agree environmentalists that the current environmental problems, which require solutions and treatments of urgency, are many and thorny and complex, and in particular the environmental pollution of various types of pollutants and environmental toxins, and its dangerous consequences, offset, in many countries of the world, including the Arab world, remedial action without the required level. and everyone recognizes the urgent need to create environmental education and environmental awareness and environmental culture among the general people to understand the importance of the environment and the need to maintain the components, and the implantation of human behavior proper, as the main factor that determines the style and the way the human person, individually and collectively, with it, and exploit their own resources, which would conservation laws governing the components of natural and reservation balance is tight and accurate, and spread to deal with them in the light of the laws of natural reason and wisdom in use, away from excessive damage and depletion of environmental resources, including permanent
resources, renewable, and non-renewable, by rationalizing the consumption, as safeguards that are responsive to human needs and the fulfillment of its requirements through the different generations ..

In order to achieve these legitimate demands, we have to study the problems of existing environmental serious consideration and in-depth in order to reach effective treatments .. From here, however, environmental problems will be dealt with in detail in the article "contemporary environmental problems in the world", who is studying in the first quarter – Master, but we find it useful to know the student chapter Qualifying salient of these problems extensively ..

Conclusion: –
One of the main environmental hazards that threaten the growth process is random population:
1 – overcrowding in the cities and the consequent environmental and social problems and health.
2 – Migration from the countryside to the city, give rural farmers and degraded soil.
3 – the expansion of cities and centers at the expense of productive agricultural land.
4 – and indiscriminate misuse of pesticides and fertilizers by farmers [].

– Indoor air pollution: kills nearly one million children each year from acute respiratory infections, as well as mothers who are assigned cooking or stay near a stove after birth being most at risk of chronic respiratory disease as a result of pollution by using biomass fuel, which continues to spread widely.
– Malaria: kills an estimated one million children under five each year, mostly in Africa. Could be exacerbated as a result of malaria, poor water management and storage, inadequate housing, deforestation and biodiversity loss.
– Unintentional physical injuries: which may be related to environmental hazards in the family or the community, killing nearly 300 thousand children a year, due 60 thousand of which to drowning, and 40 thousand to fires, and 16 thousand new cases to the poisoning, and 50 thousand new cases to traffic accidents roads, and more than 100 thousand new cases are attributable to other unintentional injuries.
– Lead (in air) and mercury (in food and other chemicals): can lead to long-term chronic effects such as infertility, miscarriage and birth defects.
– Pesticides, solvents and persistent organic pollutants: may affect the health of the fetus, if the mother was, and also affected the health of babies, who grow their bodies quickly, high levels of contaminants in breast milk. In some cases, may not show the health effects only at a very young age
1 – Attorney Marwan Youssef Sabbagh, the environment and human rights, Combeonscher, Beirut, 1992
2 – Mohammed Mr. Arnaout, human and environmental pollution, Lebanese Egyptian Publishers, 1993,
3 – D. Alia Hatog – Buran and Mohammed Hamdan Abu friendly, ecology, Sunrise House, Amman, 1994
4 – Robert Lafon – Gramon, pollution, translation: Nadia Kabbani, Review: George Aziz, the publisher of the Arabic edition: "Tradxim", 1977.
5 – Mustafa Abdel Aziz, rights and the environment, Cairo, the modern printing press, 1978.
6 – Talal Younis, environmental education and the problems of the urban environment, a working paper presented at a symposium the role of municipalities in the protection of the environment j Arab cities, Kuwait, the Arab Towns Organization, 1981.
7 – Zinedine Abdel Maksoud, the environment and human relations problems, Cairo, Dar Al-Atwa, 1981.
8 – Ibrahim Khalifa, society maker of pollution, environmental issues, No. 12, Kuwait, the Kuwaiti Environment Protection Society, 1983.
9 – Mohamed Abdel-Fattah retribution, environmental issues, contemporary, modern science, No. 1, Year 16, 1983
10 – Rashid Al-Hamad and Mohamed Sparini, the environment and its problems, a world of knowledge, the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters, Kuwait, i 2, 1984.
11 – Dr. Mohammad Saber Wesleyan, d. Secretary Irfan Deweidar, d. Hosni, Ahmed Ismail, Dr.. Adly full joy, Environmental Science, Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Egyptian universities, a rehabilitation program for primary school teachers university level, 1986
Subject: –
Environmental Pollution
Pollution is the most serious threat to the environment, what caused the harm and damage to human life or the lives of other species, or harm the living conditions and human activities, or dividends of civilization, has been wasted and eliminates the initial resources. The fact is that pollution long everything in life ..
The pollution has become a major problem given a lot of interest in view of the negative effects of Noaiip human life. Contaminants up to the human body in the air we breathed in the water which he drinks and food that is eaten in the voices heard, not to mention the effects of eminent Caused by pollutants property rights and resources different environment. The depletion of environmental resources renewable and non-renewable, it is an issue that threatens the lives of future generations.
It is unfortunate that most of the factors causing the pollution is man-made factors, and have grown more serious with industrial progress, and with the huge expansion in the use of energy, increased economic development projects, especially those that ignored the environmental issue and neglected environmental protection and conservation.
If checked the sources of air pollution, find what you are but remnants of the different industrial – waste combustion energy (coal, oil, gas) – exhaust gas cars – atomic radiation, chemicals leading to ozone depletion, greenhouse gas emissions from human activities different and lead to changes climate, and others.
Another source of water pollution: industrial waste and human and animal pollution from sewage, fertilizers, medicines, pesticides, and waste water.
Another source of soil pollution: industrial waste and agricultural and human resources, decline of vegetation, soil, desertification, salinization, erosion, destruction of forests and trees, poor investment agricultural land, urban expansion at the expense of green areas, dumping of nuclear waste, chemical residues of agricultural fertilizers and pesticides, and others.
There is food contamination, and it causes poisoning kills thousands each year and has a disability for thousands of other human beings.
As well as noise pollution, or noise, and the most important sources: the noise spread in communities, industrial areas and workshops, and to the vicinity of airports, railway stations, and others.
Thus, the pollution is divided generally into: Pollution material: such as pollution of air, water and soil. And the contamination of non-material: Kaldaudhae produced by automobile engines and machinery, workshops, machinery and other, causing the noise affects the nerves of the rights and appends a lot of harm physiological and psychological damage, which may elicit nerves of the rights and increase of tension and jitters. In addition to organic damage – injury deaf hearing device Oouklp hearing.
In fact, the environmental pollution phenomenon to us all, to the extent that the environment is no longer able to renew its natural resources, jeopardized the balance between the elements of dysfunctional, no longer of these elements are able to analyze the remnants of Rights, or consumption of waste resulting from the activities of different. And became larger cities polluted by smoke rising from the exhaust from cars, and gas rising from the chimneys of factories and power plants, and agricultural soils contaminated as a result of the intensive and indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides, agricultural .. Objects and even living things did not disturb this pollution .. many of them are stored in the tissues of living rate of some heavy ***ls .. has not delivered the waterways of this pollution .. Femiah rivers and lakes in many places are in a deplorable state, as a result can receive the remnants of industry, and human waste and infected pollution Lakes closed and the open sea on both .. also led the industrial progress enormous to make an enormous pressure on many natural resources .. Especially those non-renewable resources such as coal, oil, oil and some minerals and groundwater, and natural resources that I configured to the expiration of Ages geological long time, and irreplaceable human life. I have accompanied this industrial progress tremendous progress of human appearance of new types of resources, chemical were not known to nature before .. Escalated some of the harmful gases from the smokestacks of factories and polluted air, and threw these plants Bmkhalafadtha and toxic chemical waste in lakes and rivers. Prodigal people in the use of insecticides and pesticides, and all led to the pollution of the environment in all its forms .. .. Air Pollution Contamination of water .. And contaminated soil, and consumed and became some of the agricultural land is unable to produce .. as well as increased the amount of land was stripped of bush and forest and increased the number of animals and plants become extinct every year and the percentage of rivers and lakes that have lost everything by living organisms, and turned into swamps [ ].
Today, the mistake of Pollution of the environment is a purely local or domestic problem, because the environment in fact is not subject to a regional system, but are open, which makes pollution is an international problem, with the contribution of all the countries affected by the impact. This is evidenced by the loss amounts enormous pollutants in many European countries through the rain did not result from her, but resulted from the contaminated areas, and moved through the water with the wind and rain from one country to another. Usually transmitted pollutants directly through the wind from place contaminated to another non-polluting. There is a problem pollution of rivers, oceans and seas, which has become a global problem .. and there is a problem to export and import of food from contaminated areas and a serious impact, and the transformation from a regional problem to a global problem. The problem of the ozone hole, which are common to all countries around the world and one of the most important environmental problems that the whole world is responsible, and can not remedy the risk, only if the all countries, developed and developing countries, in order to reduce the pollutants that reach the environment.
Many environmentalists agree that poor people are the instrument most damaging environmental regulations in the pursuit of living and life, as they consume and use what is under their hands in order to obtain energy or food, which causes the use of firewood and agricultural residues, charcoal and dung as fuel for domestic purposes in the pollution of heavy indoor pollution is experienced by the majority of women and children. and many of the studies included data and statistics indicate a high incidence of respiratory diseases and cancer of the nose and throat due to exposure to emissions of such fuels [] ..
Two decades ago, confirmed the report of the WHO’s Who that the environment is contaminated kill more than 30 thousand people every day in third world countries, and more than half the world’s population lack access to clean water free of microbes, and that 6 million children in developing countries die each year from due to diarrhea, and half the population of these countries suffer from problems of parasitic worms. The Conference of Islamic Capitals and Cities, held in Cairo in September 1986, the high mortality rate in the world due to contamination from 60 deaths in 1930 to 2022 deaths in 1985.
Population Problem
Given the severity of the problem, communities have become human, institutional and scientific organizations, environmental Bearing in mind the problem of the population issue, because of the correlation significant among the population and the march of social and economic development. Research has shown scientific field in many communities to not taking the population factor into account in development planning and environmental will lead to a developmental disorder, so that communities become unable to meet the social and economic needs and environmental members of the []. [1]
To demonstrate the severity of increasing global population and the consequent process drain of resources, the number of the world’s population currently stands at more than 6.3 billion people, it is expected that figure to 14.2 billion in 2025, if the current population growth rate as it is, which equal to 1.67% per annum.
One major consequence of population growth rates in the world high proportion of the age group of 1-24 years for a total of 50% of the world population in 2022, and increased rates of migration from the countryside to the city in developing countries, increased population density and congestion in major cities

ما تنسو التقييم والتعليق

❤ тнаиќ џоu ❤

مشكـ اختي ــــــــوره المــــ الحلو ــــــــــرور

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف السابع

ممكن برجراف عن الفن Art: people Their Works -تعليم اماراتي

ممكن برجراف عن الفن Art: people Their Works

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
السسموحة اختي ما حصلت..
ان شاء الله غيري ما يقصر

الفن التشكيلي بحث و معلومات و موضوع عن الفن التشكيلي ، الفن التشكيلي بحث و معلومات و موضوع عن الفن التشكيلي ، الفن التشكيلي بحث و معلومات و موضوع عن الفن التشكيلي

أولاً: تشكيل ماذا؟

إن ما تراه العين من أشكال وألوان، له عدة جوانب ظاهرة وباطنة. والفن التشكيلي هو الذي يعيد اكتشاف الواقع ممزوجاً بالخيال …

ورؤية الفنان التشكيلي هي وجهة نظره الخاصة وهي التي تثير التأمل والتساؤل وتثري خيال المتلقي وتسلط الضوء علي الكثير من جوانب الواقع التي قد تبدو خفية.

ثانياً: ما هي أدوات الفنان التشكيلي؟

الأدوات الرئيسية التي يلجأ إليها الفنان في الواقع هي الخامة واللون والأسلوب والتقنية. وفي كل هذه المجالات فهو حر تماماً في اختيار ما يناسب رؤيته لتنفيذ العمل الفني.

ا – الخامة: قد تكون من القماش أو الحرير أو الخشب أو المسطحات الخشنة المختلفة وغيره.
ب – اللون قد يكون:
ألوان مائية (أكواريل).
ألوان زيتية (المذابة في الزيت).
ألوان أكريليك (المذابة في الماء) والتي تعطي تأثير الألوان الزيتية.
ألوان الجير الملون (الباستيل).
ألوان الفحم الأسود.

ج- الأسلوب:
وهو ما يطلق علي المدرسة الفنية التي يتبعها الفنان وهي عديدة منها:
المدرسة الانطباعية.
المدرسة التكعيبية.
المدرسة الوحشية.
المدرسة الفطرية الشعبية.
المدرسة التجريدية.
المدرسة السريالية.
وكثيراً ما تندمج أكثر من مدرسة في العمل الواحد، إلا أن قراءة اللوحة من المتلقي الواعي هي التي تحدد الانطباع العام للعمل الفني ويختلف هذا الانطباع بين متلقي وآخر.

د- التقنية:
التقنية الفنية هو ما يطلق علي أسلوب الفنان في التعامل مع اللون والخامة، ويتباين هذا الأسلوب من فنان إلي آخر، ومن بينها:
– التلوين المسطح (أي بدون اللجوء إلي وضع اللون بشكل كثيف وبارز فوق سطح اللوحة).
– التلوين باستخدام السكينة (يظهر السطح غير أملس ومليء بضربات السكينة الخشنة والملامس المتنوعة).
– التنقيط (استخدام بقع ونقط وخطوط منتظمة بإيقاع ثابت في كل كتلة ملونة).

ثالثاً: الفن التشكيلي والحضارات

لولا الفن التشكيلي ما توصلت الحضارات وما استطاعت البشرية الحفاظ علي تراثها عبر العصور. فبفضل الفن التشكيلي عاشت الحضارة الفرعونية وكشفت لنا عن كنوز من المعرفة وخلاصات التجارب الإنسانية العديدة في كل مجالات الحياة. وتشهد علي ذلك آلاف المخطوطات واللوحات التي رسمها قدماء المصريين. علي ورق البردي وفوق جدران المعابد. وفي العصر الحديث يستطيع المتلقي أن يتعرف علي ثقافة أي شعب من خلال زيارة معارضه الفنية والإطلاع علي ما توصل إليه فكر وفلسفة ورؤية هذا الشعب لكثير من جوانب حياته اليومية ووجهات نظره حول الواقع الذي يعيشه وانطباعاته حول العديد من الأمور الإجتماعية والثقافية والسياسية…
وصدق من قال : الفنون هي مرآة الشعوب.

موفقة وحاولي ترجمية الى انجلش

شوفي انا عندي عن
how many people work because they like to , not because they must

People work because they need money to live a happy life.

TOEFL essay ppl work because they need money to live. what are the other reasons that people work. give examples

Though I do believe that there are many reasons for people to work. For one reason, people work to make money. For another reason, people work to make self-realization. Lastly, people work to promote the progress of the society.

In this essay, I will use specific examples and details to explain the last two reasons for people to work. People work not only for money but also for self-realization about themselves. By working people can feel satisfaction about themselves. This is because by working people can apply what they have learned before in reality. They can feel they are good and useful to their society. Those satisfaction about themselves will generate happiness and motivations to better develop themselves. For example, I have a friend who always wondered whether the knowledge he had learned in the college was useful or not. After he worked he had applied what he had learned into reality and got satisfaction about himself. He has confidence now and also feels he should go on with his study in the future. So, we can see by working one can make self-realization.

Another reason for people to work is because the requirement of the development of the society. The progress of the society depends upon the each member in it. The societies which are made up of hard-working people usually make more progress than those made of people who do not work. The wealth of the society is made by people’s work. Moreover, if one society gets wealthier and stronger, it can do more good to the members in it.

In short, people work not only to make money but they work for their self-realization and to make contributions in the development of the society.

It says that the marketing frenzy includes banks and building societies promoting "bonus" introductory offers, or teaser rates. Some of the "best-buy" rates at the moment are hovering around the 3% mark.

The new Isa provider has up to six working days to check details
The old provider has up to 10 days to send over the saved funds. They must inform the customer of the reasons if it is going to take longer
The old provider actually has up to 30 days to sort out all the paperwork
After the funds are transferred, the customer should see the money in their new account within five working days. Interest should then start accruing within two days
After a certain period of time, usually a year, the introductory rates drop to much less competitive levels of interest.
Consumer Focus says that the average interest rate for all cash Isas stands at 0.41%.
"It is in the banks interests that we do not move," says Mike O’Connor, chief executive of Consumer Focus.
"They are very happy for us to be getting such small rates of interest. We have to push them into giving consumers better information to get a fair deal."
The best way to make your Isa savings work for you is to transfer your savings to another provider or account offering a higher rate of interest.
But consumer behaviour analyst Mintel found that only 8% of people transfer Isas to another provider, and Consumer Focus argues that the rates are unclear and it takes a long time to switch. That means anyone wanting to transfer in this financial year is a bit too late.
In fact, some of the best buys do not allow any transfers in or out of their accounts at all.
Is this fair criticism?

منقول واتمنى تستفيدي

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف السابع

امتحان الوحدة الرابعه عن المواصلات . للصف السابع

————————– Evaluation one
Grade: 7
Reading Comprehension
Passage one
Read the passage and answer the questions bellow…

Nawal has a little garden in front of her house. She grows some vegetables and fruit in her garden. One afternoon, while she was picking some carrots and cucumbers for dinner, she heard a sound; she thought it was a bird. She looked around their was a big frog, which was trying to run away from a snake which wanted to swallow it. Suddenly Nawal killed the snake with a big stone and saved the frog. The frog then ran fast to it other friends. Nawal didn’t know where it went. She looked for the frog until she found a big family of frogs living in peace together. Nawal left them alone and went home….

A- 1- The passage is talking about ……..
a- a big frog b- little garden c- Nawal who saved the frog

2- Nawal had a little —————————
a- frog b- snake c- garden

3- Nawal grows some ————————————– in her garden.
a- fruit b- vegetables c- fruit & vegetables

4- The opposite of peace is ——————–.
a- safe b- dangerous c- sad

5- She ( line one) refers to ———————–
a-Frog b- fruit c- Nawal

Passage Two

Juan lives in the town of Candessa but he works on the island of Cabrera. It takes Juan along time to get work.
First, he rides his bicycle to the train station at Candessa.
It is about three kilometers and it takes ten minutes.
Then he gets a train to Adra. The city is about 30 km from Gandessa and the train takes 45 min on a good day.
Adra station, he got a bus to the ferry stop.
It is about two km, but the bus takes a long time- 20 min
at least.
A ferry is a kind of boat. It goes from one side of
a river to the other side or from the coast to an island.
Cabrera is about four km from the coast.
The Cabrera ferry takes 15 min.
Finally, Juan walks to the office. It is about half
a kilometer, so it only takes five minutes.
In the evening he does it all again, in the opposite direction.

A-Complete the table…( 3 m )

Activities Times
Rides a bicycle
45 min
A bus takes

B- Mark / or x …( 2 m ).

1- Jaun lives in Cabrera and works in Gandessa. ——-

2- The ferry stops os a bout four km from Adra station. ——-

C- Choose the right answer from a b or c …( 5 m ).

1- Jaun takes a ——————– time to get the work.
a- short b- long c- tall

2- First, he rides his bicycle to the ———————— at Candessa.
a- bus station b- train station c- taxi station

3- Jaun finishes work in the ———————–.
a- morning b- afternoon c- evening

4- A ferry is a kind of ———————————.
a- bus b- car c- boat

5-He gets a train to ———————————.
a- Adra b- Cabrera c- Candessa


A- Circle the right answer from a b or c ….( 10 m ).

1- A tram is ———————————- bus
a- kind b- a kind of c- kinds

2- How ———————— is it?
a- long b- much c- far

3- I come to school ————- foot.
a- by b- in c- on

4-I ——————- to drive a car.
a- wants b- wanted c- want

5-She ———————to school by bus everyday.
a- goes b- going c- go

6- – —————– long does it take?
a- Who b- How c- What

7- —————— you come from Dubai?
a- Are b- Does c- Do

8-Ben Nevis and Snowdon —————– mountains in the UK.
a- is b- are c- they

9- There is ——————————————- at my school-.
a- a large b- a large hall c- hall

10-New York City is —————————- the coast.
a- in b- on c- at

B- Reorder the following words to make correct sentences,,,

1- Khawla – a bus – Dubai – to – catches – everyday.

2- works – town – on – She – in – a large – the coast

3- is – than – a car – a bicycle – How – faster?

4- gets –- Faisal – to a train – from – Dubai – Sharjah

4- bicycle – He – his – rides – the – train – to – station


A- Choose the correct answer from a b or c …( 20 M)..

1- I ride my ——————– on Thursday.
a- car b- plane c- bicycle

2- She wants to —————— a car.
a- ride b- fly c- drive

3- An ———————– is a kind of train. It goes under the ground.
a- tram b- underground c- bus

4- It ————————– thirty minutes from Manama to Ajman.
a-take b- took c- takes

5- There are five cars on the —————————-
a- sky b- lake c- road

6-How do you ——————- to school everyday?
a- get b- ride c- fly

7- A moped is a kind of very small ———————–.
a- car b- motorbike c- plane

8- Walking is more popular than ———————- a car.
a- driving b- sailing c- riding

9-Most student in Ajman go to school by ————————-
a- ship b- bus c- boat

10- A ferry is a kind of —————————
a- spaceship b- rocket c- boat

B- Classify the following ( 10 m )….

Rocket- big – yacht – fly – drive –long – moped – tree- chair – ferry

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Means of transportation Land

A- Write the missing letters…

1- A car is fa__ter than a tra___n

2- Ahmed r__des his mop__d to school everyday.

B- Write three meaning full sentences a bout your journey to school…

1- ——————————————————————————-

2- ——————————————————————————-

3- ——————————————————————————–

C- Write a paragraph a bout the Transportation


منـــــــــــــــــــقوول :ْ~

ارجووا التقيييم ’’
والرددوود ,,
والسمووحه ..

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

يعطيج العافيـ’ة اختي,,

تم التقييم..++


السسلام عليكم
يزاج الله خير
يعطيج العافيه

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يزاج الله خير


يزاكم الله الف خير بس اذا مافية كلافة بغيت الحل مال الامتحان

مشكــورهـ ع الامتــحان اختـي ……
موفقهـ ..
يعطيج العافية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يزاج الله خير


صلى الله على محمد

الصف السابع

Wordlist Theme 5 Gr 7 كلمات الوحدة الخامسة و المعاني , الصف السابع للصف السابع

آلسَلآم عليكُم وآلرحمَه ,

Wordlist Theme 5 Gr 7 كلمات الوحدة الخامسة و المعاني , الصف السابع

فآلمُرفقآت , موفقين ..

Accomplishments (n): the act of completing something successfully. انجاز
Advisor (n): a person who gives advice to a company, government, etc. مستشار
Architect (n): a person whose job is to design buildings. مهندس معماري
Architecture (n): the study of how buildings are planned and constructed. الهندسة المعمارية
Artist (n): somebody who produces art, especially paintings or drawings. فنان
biographer (n): a person who writes a story of somebody else’s life. كاتب السيرة
biography (n): the story of a person’s life written by somebody else. سيرة
business (n): buying and selling as a way of earning money ; commerce. عمل تجاري
creature (n): a living thing such as an animal, a bird, a fish or an insect, but not a plant. مخلوق
depression (n): a feeling of unhappiness and hopelessness that lasts for long time. اكتاب
die (v): to stop living. يموت
difference (n): the way that people or things are not the same. اختلاف
event (n): something that happens, especially something important or unusual. حدث- واقعة
happiness (n): feeling of pleasure. سعادة
ill (adj): not in good health, not well. مريض
invent (v): to think of or make something for the first time. يخترع – يبتكر
journalist (n): a person whose job is to collect, write or publish news. صحفي
landscape (n) an area of country (when you are thinking about what it looks like). منظر طبيعي
literature (n): writing that considered to be a work of art (novels, plays, poetry …) الادب (شعر, قصص …)
musician (n): a person whose job is to play a musical instruments. عازف موسيقى
novel (n): a book that tells a story about people and events that are not real. رواية
novelist (n) a person who writes novels. روائي
orphan (n): a child whose parents are dead. يتيم
painter (n): a person who paints pictures. رسام
painting (n): a picture that somebody has painted. صورة زيتية
play (v) to do something to enjoy yourself. يلعب, يلهو
play (n): a story which is written to be performed by actors in the theatre. مسرحية

playwright(n): a person who writes plays. مؤلف مسرحي
poem (n): a piece of writing, often arranged in short lines which rhyme. قصيدة
poet (n): a person who writes poems. شاعر
pretend (v): to appear to do or be something in order to trick or deceive somebody. يتظاهر, يدعي
reject (v): to refuse to accept somebody or something. يرفض, ينبذ
sculptor (n): a person who makes figures or objects from wood, stone, ..etc. نحات
sculpture (n): the art of making figures or objects wood, stone, clay … etc. فن النحت
sigh (v): to let out a long deep breath that shows you are tired, sad, relieved. يتنهد, يتاوه
sigh (n): the act or sound of sighing. تنهُد,
successful (adj): having achieved what was wanted, having become popular. ناخح, موفق
undergrowth (n): bushes and plants that grow around and under trees. ما ينبت تحت الاشجار و حولها
usually (adv): in the way that is usual: most often.
من المالوف, كثيرا ما, عادة
wizard (n): a man who is believed to have magic powers. ساحر

Balat Al shuhada
Abazer Al Sheikh

الملفات المرفقة


ممكن حل الوحدالأولى من كتاب الووورد بوك كاااامل
بليييييييييييز و اللله محتايه

شكراً جزيلاً …………………..

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف السابع

طلب قصة قصيرة عن transportation للصف السابع

بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييي يييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييي ييز ابا خلال يومين قصه قصيره عن transportation pllllllllz

مافي شي

مال هلن كلر

the transportation is very important,people cant travel whithout ransportation,most people drive a car,many people travel by train or metro,some people ride a motor, a few of people walk on foot, my favorite transportaion is motor do you now why? because it is so speedly and intresting,the transportation is bliss from the god

ثانكس sphash medos m وما قصرتي

مشكورة Sphash medos m ما قصرتي يسلمو ايديك

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف السابع

تقرير عن الرياضة , Report about sports -تعليم الامارات

لو سمحت تقرير عن
Report abont sports
اليوم لو سمحت

الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
تفضل اخوي..
تقرير انجليزي فوائد الرياضة ، English report about the benifits of sports

تقرير عن الرياضة.foot ball>basket ball>golf …

موضوع انجليزي عن ال sport

بالاضافة للمرفق..
تقرير مميز..
منقول , موفق

مشكورة دومك مبدعة

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الرمش الذبوحي مشاهدة المشاركة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
تفضل اخوي..
تقرير انجليزي فوائد الرياضة ، English report about the benifits of sports

تقرير عن الرياضة.foot ball>basket ball>golf …

موضوع انجليزي عن ال sport

بالاضافة للمرفق..
تقرير مميز..
منقول , موفق

شكرا جزيلا

شكرا جزيلا

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف السابع

ورقة عمل لمادة اللغة الانجلييزية الصف السابع للصف السابع

ورقة عمل للصف السابع

School clubs.docx

الملفات المرفقة

تسلمين أم عبدالعزيز
بارك الله فيج
والله يعطيج العافية

جزاكِ الله خير ام عبد العزيز وجعل الله ولدكِ صالحا مصلحاِ السموحة بعدل في العنوان لسهولة الوصول اليه .

Thank you

thanks very much

تسلمين أم عبدالعزيز
بارك الله فيج
والله يعطيج العافية

تسلمين أم عبدالعزيز

جزاك الله عنا كل خير

تسلمين أم عبدالعزيز
بارك الله فيج

thank you

صلى الله على محمد

الصف السابع

راد سريع لوسمحتم للصف السابع

بدي امتحان علوم لوسمحتم

ليش كلو رياضيات

او ورقة عمل او اي شي

الملفات المرفقة

@@@@@@@@@@ وين الردود

الملفات المرفقة
  • نوع الملف: doc 2.doc‏ (122.0 كيلوبايت, 8 مشاهدات)


اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة hey all مشاهدة المشاركة
@@@@@@@@@@ وين الردود

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة hey all مشاهدة المشاركة
بدي امتحان علوم لوسمحتم

ليش كلو رياضيات

او ورقة عمل او اي شي

جبت لكم إمتحان

ماعندناااا امتحاناااااااااات واذا عندناااااااا انشالله بنزله لكم
تقبلووووووووووووووو مرووووووووووري
اختكم بنت الطويه………………..؟؟؟


والله انا عندي بس ما اعرف انزل بتدرب وبنزل لكولكن يجب كتابة هذا الموضوع في قسم العلوم

هذا قسم رياضيات

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف السابع

ساعدوني بور بوينت عن المنشور القائم للصف السابع

أبغي بور بوينت عن النشور القائم

أبي ظروري

أبغي اليوم

بايز ساعدونى فى بحوث عن المكعب وشبه المكعب

انتي تبي ونحنا نبا

ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه حلوة ذي انتي تبي ونحن نبا هههههههههههههههههههههههههههه حلووووووووووووووووووووووووة

وبعدين وش بيش تكتبين الكلمات خطا النشور ، بايز هههههههههههههههههه نكتة 2022

ما عندي

انا بعد ابغيه ضروري

سمحيلي ما عندي

لا الـــه الا الله