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كلمات الوحدة الثالثة Work and Business للصف التاسع

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

اختي انا حصلت لج بطايق عليها الكلمات,,

ان شاء الله بيساعدج في عمل البوربوينت..






موفقة يارب..

تسلمين الرمش
جزاج الله الف خير

السسلام عليكم
يزاج الله خير الرمش
ما قصصرتي..

تسلمين الرمش
يزاج الله الف خير
يعطيج العافية
لا هنتي

مشكورة اختي
فديدج يالعيناوية
(الجسم السليم في تشجيع الزعيم)

السلام عليكم و مشكورة على جهودك

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثامن

paragragh about work and business -تعليم الامارات

بدي براااااااااااااجراف عن العمل ورجااااااااااااال الاعمال

ضروووووووري لوسمحتووووووووو

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تفضلي اختي البرجراف..

How many of us aspire to enter into this world and that it achieves what he wants and that is said about him becoming a businessman and not only, but the name of the owners of the funds.

Here’s the ambition of men in the principle of wealth and lead and become a well-known figure with a strong personality and its potential physical and also aspires to be a role in community service, and that draws attention to him and I did not everyone in this view, as we said but some or most likely.

The important thing here is how to become a businessman, and that out of all my ambition and my son name me in the domestic and global market How do I get to this success, some people think through some of their books as they could Augeok to the right path and give you all the scientific solutions in order to avoid losses and raise profits despite that most of them will not be able to reach this dream because of lack of support for them and some have a bunch in the modern feel his audience as someone who has the ability, and that was not owned and here the person must be warned before falling into the sweet words people are only good for talk and test their work in reality or trying to to run his own with some help from some experienced people that did that to such acts and have proved successful.

The self-made person is one of the most powerful businessmen for its ability to manage its projects because people started from scratch, as they say, and here lay the foundations for doing its job properly and implemented them and reached for his way, how to get you to what you meant? Through trust yourself first and not the adventure of others calculated and avoid the temptations that give you the feeling that you will become wealthy mandate within a short period of time and not to pay high amounts for certain products or services without the study and informed you of the full market, there are speculators Johmuk that the market in high permanent until you fall in Mshehadthm then find that it eclipsed the earth, and such examples saturated the Saudi market by, and asked people, they were able to build their name in the market for entrepreneurs find that their debut do not have any adventures, but diligence long period of time until he reached the conclusion reached by .

Tip: Avoid all offers that type of exaggeration and temptation often stay is a special imaginary, and that became a reality is the fact that less than expected, some draws you to the plate is beautiful and lucrative offer bold and find some conditions which, if you read the left supply line is very small which is a trap went you through to make you consider only one side and leave the other side.

The start of any work to be done is to make sure the client that you want to target that is sweeping the market by the content item or service and taking a sample of them and provide them with the product and see how satisfied they were with him in order not to provide product in the latter united to demand it.

Interest in the work carried advertising in order to attract all of the above and try to make the offer attractive manner and avoid the tricks and over-supply or develop some features that are not owned by your product here become the credibility of your business is weak and less demand for your products and providing your product explicitly avoids the problems you may experience in the future and strengthen here your reputation in the market that you want to grow it and want to become one of the biggest business.

Here, note that the successful are made with high quality of their work and take care of the requirements of the client, which is the basis of their success if the client is satisfied with something to offer him ..

منقول , موفقة


أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير انجليزي عن البزنز business للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم

لو سمحتوا ممكن تقرير انجليزي عن البزنز business

و بكون شاكرة لكم وايد

و السموحه منكم


و ها مصادر و المراجع :
معهد الامارات التعليمي www.uae.ii5ii.com
وكبيديا الموسوعة الحرة

مشكورين وما قصرتوا

في ميزان حساتكم يا رب

في ميزان حساتكم يا رب

ابي تقرير كامل

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

يبتلكم تقرير عن الاعمال الناجحة (( successful business )) الصف الحادي عشر


Nowadays we live in a technology age. Each job needs many elements to be successful. Also we have to love our jobs, by that we can achieve more goals we planned to aim believe that every job has different conditions and responsibilities, but the main problem is how can we manage doing it in a good and perfect way. Before we start any project we should plan. Planning is the right key for successful .Beside planning there are many processes for managing any job. I suggest that the important thing is to pay more attention to how deal with people and respect the customers.

Subject matter

Every person should have a successful business in the life to be a great in the world, and to make good effect in your business.

Components of successful work:

The skill and confidence they invincible army, the introduction of good advice from others over the abilities to help others abandon mean that we destroy ourselves, tried to dedicated in the service of others and forget yourself. When we think of ourselves and our concerns too, we are easily depressed, but when we work for others, our efforts are promising, Bliss ..
Selfish fade quickly .. The tender will continue long .. And satisfaction .. Not postpone joy that can be ready to work something useful and thin for the sake of others

We must always change .. We renew our activity .. And cherishing the vitality .. Otherwise frozen. Give as much as take Work must be tended to individual personality even achieve successes in his work, developments and must contain the elements of the success of the work:

1 – a successful strategy for action

2 – Maintain personal emotions and think calmly and work friendly relations with Personnel

3 – Not to cause a lot of problems because it could negatively affect the work

4 – organize time to accomplish all tasks

5 – taking special courses to develop personal skills

6 – dedication and work which stems from the credibility of the individual

7 – there must be convinced to work
There are many successful personalities from the community around us must models for us to reach the success that arrived this success, we must work at the beginning of a meaningful plan of action

To overcome the difficulties that might face, the rights not to take decisions without having the powers and care must be taken to record everything on paper of the many concerns that the person’s memory and because the rights are not features of the majority.
Do not go to work again only after knowing everything possible to know about the new work, and the meeting of some of its workers, or reading from it, or all of them.

Must be the successful person is to be done successfully: the ability to know right decision. Wisdom is the core of the first character, the ability to make the right decision. Courage, the ability to motivation, the ability to explain the resolution, the ability to remove obstacles, a lot of patience. Some of the bussiness does not recognize the wrong, but must be addressed by experts. Man who knows the weaknesses have a real chance to transform them into strengths,

Fact! Which is not mistake is not working.
The media is a very important weapon is Hidden but a whole weapons, but must be applied to create successful work.

Every one should admired that job, because that will be fly to the best, and we must know that any work should have a mistake but we must learn from that mistake.

The good worker should following the schedule that he but it and don’t get out of it.
The creativity in the business is to imagine that this company is yours and made rules for this business and company.
The good way to be successful in business is to study every things that you do it and that you will do it.

How does a small company become successful?
Despite the bad news we so often hear about the number of small businesses closing or moving, the news really isn’t all that bad: Thousands of small businesses startup every year, and a good percentage of those companies have learned what it really takes to survive the early startup years and become successful enterprises.
After working with dozens of small companies, I discovered that the successful ones share some common traits. Here, then, are the 14 qualities I’ve witnessed in many of the thriving small businesses I’ve worked with:

Company culture. Culture is defined as the "integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behavior that depends upon man’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations." For successful companies, culture is about attracting and hiring the people who would be most successful in that specific organization. And it’s about driving the behavior that makes the company successful.
$$$$$$$ Continues Below

Customer service. Simply defined, customer service means taking care of your customers. Many companies integrate customer service into their business culture through training and the design (and frequent redesign) of relevant business processes. In most cases, the business plan dictates how they will provide quality customer service.
Attitude. As the owner of the company, you must have a positive attitude and accept 100 percent of the responsibility for the results of your business. When you accept responsibility, you can act to make the necessary changes to accomplish the desired results. Then, when success is achieved, you’re generous in giving credit to others within the organization. Without exception, the most successful business owners understand that it’s all about people: hiring and retaining the right people, eliminating ineffective people and providing the necessary resources for employees to master their tasks.
Business strategy. A complex strategy or business plan isn’t necessary to achieve success. A simple one-page $$$$$$$$ will do, but it should be well thought out and well executed. A poorly crafted business plan that’s well executed is far superior to the well-crafted business plan that sits on the $$$$f collecting dust. A good business plan defines and drives the activities and behaviors of the entire organization. Without it, the business becomes a ship without a rudder; it simply can’t be steered and ends up going around in circles. A sound strategy should include a financial plan, marketing differentiators, and product strategy as well as a plan for employee retention.
Discipline. Discipline is all about executing the strategies and then staying the course. It’s about staying focused on your core markets and measuring success as defined by your business strategy. It’s not about overreacting to market changes and adjusting your core strategy to keep up.
Risk. Successful business owners aren’t afraid to take calculated risks with clear outcomes in mind. Most owners who take risks do so because they recognize the need to change as the economic climates changes, and they understand it’s disastrous not to embrace change. Successful business leaders understand that being in business is about managing and responding to change. Companies that succeed embrace change and respond to challenges presented by the market, the competition or changes in general business conditions.
Financial roadmap. An important attribute is the creation of a financial roadmap and budget–and then having the discipline to follow it. A financial plan reminds owners

where and how to spend money, and it provides ways to measure progress or shortfalls. A sound financial plan is the cornerstone of a great business plan.
Business processes. Another frequently credited attribute of success is the streamlining of business processes. We call this "creating predictability." Unfortunately, this is probably the least understood task a small-business owner can take accomplish. Business processes are how things are done within a business. Every company has some processes; some are clearly defined, others are implicit. The intention here is to increase productivity and reduce costs while generating the same (or better) outcomes. Successful businesses understand the need to continuously improve their business processes: to become more efficient and productive, and to respond to market changes faster while providing better service to customers.
Information technology. While technology is important, it doesn’t have to be complex or costly to be effective. Effective technology is probably the most important enabler for change that a company can introduce.
Marketing. Effective marketing efforts perform different functions around unique selling environments. For example, business-to-consumer enterprises have completely different marketing needs than business-to-business companies. Having a good understanding of the pains your clients are experiencing and how your product and services stop that pain can help you understand just how to market to your customers–and that’s critical to business success.
Sales. Every company’s approach to sales is different. Some depend on building referral partnerships and strategic alliances, and this is the extent of their sales process. Others aggressively attack the market with direct-mail campaigns, cold calling and other forms of direct customer contact. The specific selling approach a company uses is usually defined by its marketing plan. Successful owners know that the concept of selling is a process that can be measured and improved, like all business processes. They talk about the importance of having a consistent, measurable and repeatable sales process, and they engage professional sales trainers (with flexibility to customize training to their selling environment) to help create consistency within their selling process.
Training. Because we live in a world of continuous change, it’s more important than ever to implement a culture of continuous learning. For many successful owners, continual investment in training is a major contributor to success. For training to be successful, however, there must a direct link back to the business plan and an understanding of how training supports the successful implementation of the business strategy.
Team of advisors. Without exception, every successful business owner I’ve worked with has talked to about how having trusted advisors is necessary for success. They know they can’t know everything and they searched out advisors they could trust. They usually preferred to pay for this advice because they were looking for someone who would challenge them, hold them accountable, ask them important questions and introduce them to others who could help them when necessary.
Work/life balance. Successful business owners understand that every person has just 1,440 minutes in any given day and how they spend this time directly impacts how

effective they’ll be in growing their businesses. Smart entrepreneurs successfully integrate their social lives into their business lives: The client who purchases a product today gets invited to the lakeside cabin the next weekend. Clients become friends, and co-workers become like family. These entrepreneurs build their lives around their business, and it’s almost impossible to distinguish between their social lives and their business lives.


Finally we should respect the whole work we should work hard with great faith on good. Also work success doesn’t know the phrase "lam". But it needs to participate with others. Business now days represent the economy of many countries especially the UAE. So we should work hard to make balance in our society.


1- The Business becomes successful when your personality is always strong among all your colleagues.
2- We must have a special place in our society to have a good business.
3- Always keep a good relationship with other colleges, so we keep our business safe.



2_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education

3_ http://mwhodges.home.att.net/bilingual-education.htmn

يسلموووووووووووو اخوي ع المجهوود الطيب ^^

مشكووووووووووووووووور على البحث وماقصرت

مشكوووووووووووووور واايد


الله يعطيك العافية ومشكور والى الامام

الله يعطيك العافية

البحث اوكي بس ابي المرجع ضروري

أنا أخذته للأبله وقالت عيدي سياقته كيف حرام ساعدوني

شكرا خوي ع البحث
يعطيك العافية

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير عن How to run your business

أبي تقرير عن How to run your business دخيلكم أبيه اليوم ساعدوني بسرعه

وينكم أنا قلت بساعدوووني

أفقد الأمل يعني

تفضلي اختي تقرير شامل ,, تقدرين تختصرينه


مشكووور أخوي بس ناقص ابي كامل وجاهز دخيلكم

خرااا عليكن

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير , بحث عن work & business للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

بغيت تقرير عن work &business ويكون فيه مقدمة وموضوع والخاتمة والمصادر ..

فديتكم طلبتكم لا تردوني ..
ابغييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييه ضروووووووووووووووووووري ..

Many students discover the need to develop or hone their time management skills when they arrive at college. Unlike high school where teachers frequently structured your assignments and classes filled your day, in college, you will have less in-class time, more outside of class work, and a great deal of freedom and flexibility. These pages provide you with tips for managing your time well so you can get the most out of your Dartmouth experience.

The $$$$$$$$s on this page are provided for downloading in Microsoft Word and/or Microsoft Excel format. You will need to have Microsoft Office 97/98, or later, to read and print them.

Advantages of Time Management
gain time
motivates and initiates
reduces avoidance
promotes review
eliminates cramming
reduces anxiety
Keys to Successful Time Management
Self knowledge and goals: In order to manage your time successfully, having an awareness of what your goals are will assist you in prioritizing your activities.
Developing and maintaining a personal, flexible schedule: Time management provides you with the opportunity to create a schedule that works for you, not for others. This personal attention gives you the flexibility to include the things that are most important to you.
Time Management Resources
The following resources and $$$$$$$$s will assist you in creating a personal schedule that works for you. If you would like more information, a counselor in the Academic Skills Center would be happy to speak with you about how you manage your time.

View the Time Management Video
To assess how well you currently plan, download and take the planning quiz!

How Well Do You Plan (25K Word)
To gather information about how to create a long-term or weekly schedule for yourself, click on one of the $$$$$$$$s below:

Creating a Master Schedule (39K Word)
Time Management Tips (21K Word)
Making A Personal Schedule (22K Word)
To download calendars for creating schedules, choose one of the following:

Weekly Planner (27K Word)
10-week Planner (22K Word)
4-year Planner (8K Excel)
Distributive Worksheet (10K Excel)


شكرا والله يعطيج العافيه
بس الصراحه وااايد قصير الموضوع ولاتزعلون مني

روحي العين


فيه المقدمة والخاتمة والمصادر؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

مشكووورين بس ناقص مافيه مصادر

تسلم أخوي

بس مو كأنه نااقص المصادر

ما يستوي من دون مصدر


تسلم مره ثانيهـ


تسلم أخوي

هذا مو عن الوورك
كذابين انتو

تحية طيبة من الاعماق البحث رائع لكنه قصير م فائق احترامي اريد بحث عن الاصوات الانكليزية بس مطول من عشرة اوراق لو سمحت ؟؟؟؟؟ حبي واشتياقي

لا الـــه الا الله