الصف الثامن

نموذج امتحان صف ثامن فصل ثاني 2022-2022م…. لا يفوتك للصف الثامن

السلام عليكم يالربع



يبتلكم نموذج امتحان حق صف ثامن للفصل الثاني 2022-2017م

موجود بالمرفقات

لا تنسوني من الدعاء


الملفات المرفقة

واايد عليج


مآل آنجليزي هــآ

عدلي الــ وورد خيتو

ماعليج آمر ..~

مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ووووووورة

شكرا و الله يوفقك

مشكوووورة اختي

مشكووووورة صدق من قااااال الحب عذااااااب

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
شكراً على الإفادة بالإمتحان و على المجهود


يسلموو على صـور

ويعطيك الف عافيـه

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثامن

grammer worksheet للصف الثامن

الجرامر للصف الثامن مبسط بإيجاز في كمن صفحة

لا يتجاوز أي اختبار grammar أو قواعد اللغة من 5 أنواع للأسئلة :

1) make question اصنعي سؤال وللسؤال نوعين على حسب إجابته
أ ) إجابته yes no لذا نسميه yes no question
ب) سؤال wh وسمي بذلك لأنه يبدأ بأداة سؤال تستعلم عن معلومة مثل :
what ماذا , when متى , where اين , why لماذا, how (old- many – much) كيف او كم
2) make the sentence negative انفي الجملة :
وهذا يعني أن تنفين الجملة أي تستخدمين not
3) answer the question أجيبي على السؤال :
الإجابة تكون على حسب المعلومة المطلوبة بالسؤال yes no او معلومة عن زمان أو مكان أو شيء ..الخ
4) رتبي الجملة rearrange أو order

وهنا تنظرين الى نوع الجملة المراد ترتيبها ان كانت تحتوي على علامة استفهام (؟ ) يعني انها سؤال يجب ان تعلمين ان أي سؤال يبدأ بالفعل المساعد
أي كان نوعه مثل ( is – are – am ) او الماضي منها ((was – were
أو الأفعال المساعدة الأخرى مثل can – will – do – does – did
أما إذا لم تحتوي على علامة استفهام تعرفين انها جملة عادية وأي جملة يجب ان تبدأ ب :
الفاعل أي الضمير او الاسم ومن ثم الفعل المساعد ان وجد والفعل الأساسي وأخيرا المفعول به
5) اختاري الإجابة الصحيحة choose the correct answer :
وهنا تنظرين الى زمن الجملة :
مضارع ام ماضي او مستمر …
هل تحتوي على كلمات مثل yesterday أمس , last year السنة الماضية >> يعني ماضي
ام تحتوي على كلمات مثل now ألان يعني مضارع مستمر
ام كلمة مثل every day كل يوم يعني مضارع بسيط
وهل تحتوي على فعل مساعد ام لا .. هي هي نفي ام مثبته وكل ذلك يؤثر على الاختيار.
وسيتم شرحها بالتفصيل

يتبع في المرفق

الملفات المرفقة

بارك الله فيجج

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اْلعوق.. مشاهدة المشاركة
بارك الله فيجج

مشكووورة على مروورك اللي نور الصفحة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يعطيج العافية سوسو
تسلمين وما قصرتي

مشكووووة اختي

شكرا لج

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثامن

موضوع تعبير عن environment للصف الثامن

بلييييييييييييييز أحد ينقذني
باكر أمتحان الانجليزي وابي موضوع عن البيئة ضرووووووووووووووووووووووري

The environment can play a significant role in the production of phenotypes. However, the developmental
mechanisms by which the environmental agents effect normal development are just becoming known. At least
three paths have been found through which the environment can modify gene activity. The first is the neuroendocrine route. Here, the nervous system monitors the environment and transfers signals to the endocrine system.
The endocrine hormones can then alter gene expression. The second route involves environmental factors that
change the methylation pattern of genes, thereby altering their transcriptional capabilities. The third route involves the direct induction of gene expression in the host by microbial symbionts. The normal regulation of
phenotype production by the environment should be considered a normal component of development and developmental biology


think u

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الثامن

حل كتاب ال workbook للصف الثامن

Page 6
Complete the word web :-

Subject : Geography – Religious Studies – History – Science – English – PE (period of exercise) – IT (information technology).

Levels : preparatory school – college – university .

Page 7

Listening and Speaking

A) listen and fill the blanks:
Pray – ready – fifteen uniform – toast – worrying – nervous – confident – down – in

listen again and answer the following questions
1- at 6:45
2- toast
3- * she slept until 6:45
* she didn’take a shower
* she burshed her teeth without tooth paste
* true
* she ate toast instead of eggs
* the bus was late

Page 8
Vocabulary Builder and Expander

A) write the following feelings in pairs as antonyms .
1- excited ×bored
2- tired × alert
3- anxious × confident
4- nervous × calm

B) use three of the above adjectives in sentences.
1- I feel excited when I travel a board.
2- I feel confident when I study well for the exam .
3- what happens in Gaza makes me nervous .

C ) read the sentence and decide how each person probably feels.
1- He probably feels upset.
2- She probably feels confident .
3- He probably feels excited.

D) classify the following school vocabulary

Language : suffix – poem – prefix
Maths : addition – fractions – division
Science : microscope – – volcano – magnet
Social Studies : map – president – population

E) classify the following school vocabulary

Nouns : principal – classmate – calculator
Verbs repare – organize – compete
Adjectives : excited – nervous – anxious


Grammar Builder and Expander

A) complete the text .
Sleep – am – watcing – feel – am feeling – go – am going – wear – am wearing – eat – am eating – is serving

1- false (study )
2- true
3- false ( am writing )

C) complete the answers to the questions .
1- I was writing a letter to my uncle
2- I ate fish and salad
3- I wore my uniform
4- I put my books

D) make questions for the following answers .
1- what were you doing yesterday afternoon ?
2- where were you eating ?
3- what did you eat ?

Page 10
Reading fun

B) answer these questions
1- because she feels that it isn’t fair that her friend gets perfect marks by cheating.
2- It is just like stealing .
3- no, I disagree because when we cheat oure selves and others .
4-because her problem is that she gets in trouble for talking.
5- yes, I agree

Dear too tired
It’s better for you to sleep early at night to get enough sleep you can also drink some fresh juice in the morning
From helpful Huda .

Page 11
Reading challenge

Answer the questions .
1- simple past because it is about someone who lived in the past
2- wasn’t teaching – was teaching – was talking
3- because she was deaf and blind
4- because she couldn’t be told to be careful
5- she used a special language for blind and deaf
6- yes, I agree because determination can over come any thing

Page 12

A) write simple or compound .circle the conjunction.
1- simple
2- and , compound
3- and , compound
4- simple
5- simple

B) Answer the question.

1- 8
1- what happened to Helen keller when she was born ?
2- no teaching or Helen.
3- Helen Keller gets a teacher.
4- Anne Sullivan, Helen’s teacher .
5- how to teach Helen Keller.
6- A special language to teach Helen Keller .
7- Hellen Keller , a great author.
8- Determination ca over come any thing impossible .

Page 13

A) correct the mistakes.
Walked —-> walking
Tries —–> tried
Can’t —–> couldn’t
Wiping —-> wiped
Continuing —–> continued

B) 1- full stops : 10 — exclamation :1
3- . – ? – .


وفقكِ الله وجعله في ميزان حسناتكِ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تسسلمين اختي..

يعطيج العافية يارب


جزاك الله خيراً

بارك الله فيك

جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هالوجينةحالمة مشاهدة المشاركة
وفقكِ الله وجعله في ميزان حسناتكِ

ووفقج يا رب

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بنت الابداع مشاهدة المشاركة

جزاك الله خيراً

بارك الله فيك

جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك

الله يبارك فيج

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الرمش الذبوحي مشاهدة المشاركة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تسسلمين اختي..

يعطيج العافية يارب

وعليكم السلام
ويعطيج العافيه

لو سمحتي .. أبغي حل الوروك بوك صفحة 43 .. .. ساعدوني بلييييييييييييييز

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف الثامن

بحث عن المجتمع بالانجليزي للصف الثامن للصف الثامن


Community group of people that are half-closed system that make up the network of relationships between people, the ordinary meaning of the society refers to a group of people living together in an organized fashion and within an organized group. And communities based on underlying study sociology Sciences. It is a group of individuals living in specific location Tterbt the among them cultural and social relations, that every one of them to achieve the interests and needs.

Correspond to the word community in English word society that the carrying meaning of peaceful coexistence between individuals, between the individual and the others .. The important thing in the community that its members share a common worries or concerns working to develop a common culture and awareness of society and its members prints are common qualities of this community and personal identity.

In the social sciences, tends Alalemyae to as "community" semi-closed system posed semi-closed group of people, so that most of the interactions and influences come from members of the same group of humanity. And some go further strides in science abstraction, while considered a community social relationships between the entities. Stand out in other English word in the concept is close to the joint community group that considered by some assembly or group without the inter-relationships between the members of the group, the he cares term that a group involved in habitat and food without attention to relations between members of the group. Some sociologists such as Tonaz, Ferdinand Tِnnies see there is a profound difference between shared and community and is considered the most important characteristic of society is the existence of a social structure that includes several aspects including governance and control and social hierarchy Social

The human society is a complex system is balanced constantly changing and evolving, where you pay the complexities and contradictions of social development researchers to the next logical conclusion: that any simplification, minimize or ignore the multiplicity of social factors inevitably lead to a proliferation of errors and lack of understanding of the processes surveyed. The settled opinion that the public discovery of scientific laws is impossible in the field of social development studies dominant comprehensive control over the academic group, especially among those who specialize in the humanities and face directly in their search all the intricacies and social processes combinations. The way search of human society as a highly complex system is to recognize the different levels of abstraction and time scales. The basic task of the scientific analysis is to find the key forces that affect certain systems for the initial discovery of scientific laws by detachment from the details and rules deviations. Of course, human society is a very complex system already in place. Can we described a simple scientific laws? Recent achievements in the field of mathematical modeling enables us to answer this question a positive answer specific – possible to describe social evolution by
Macroqguanan minutes and acceptable simple.

للتواصل عبر الانستجرام hero1103
youtube chanel B9LL45 لو سمحتوا سولي سبسكرايب

الله يبارك فيك

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة UaeLOrd97 مشاهدة المشاركة

Community group of people that are half-closed system that make up the network of relationships between people, the ordinary meaning of the society refers to a group of people living together in an organized fashion and within an organized group. And communities based on underlying study sociology Sciences. It is a group of individuals living in specific location Tterbt the among them cultural and social relations, that every one of them to achieve the interests and needs.

Correspond to the word community in English word society that the carrying meaning of peaceful coexistence between individuals, between the individual and the others .. The important thing in the community that its members share a common worries or concerns working to develop a common culture and awareness of society and its members prints are common qualities of this community and personal identity.

In the social sciences, tends Alalemyae to as "community" semi-closed system posed semi-closed group of people, so that most of the interactions and influences come from members of the same group of humanity. And some go further strides in science abstraction, while considered a community social relationships between the entities. Stand out in other English word in the concept is close to the joint community group that considered by some assembly or group without the inter-relationships between the members of the group, the he cares term that a group involved in habitat and food without attention to relations between members of the group. Some sociologists such as Tonaz, Ferdinand Tِnnies see there is a profound difference between shared and community and is considered the most important characteristic of society is the existence of a social structure that includes several aspects including governance and control and social hierarchy Social

The human society is a complex system is balanced constantly changing and evolving, where you pay the complexities and contradictions of social development researchers to the next logical conclusion: that any simplification, minimize or ignore the multiplicity of social factors inevitably lead to a proliferation of errors and lack of understanding of the processes surveyed. The settled opinion that the public discovery of scientific laws is impossible in the field of social development studies dominant comprehensive control over the academic group, especially among those who specialize in the humanities and face directly in their search all the intricacies and social processes combinations. The way search of human society as a highly complex system is to recognize the different levels of abstraction and time scales. The basic task of the scientific analysis is to find the key forces that affect certain systems for the initial discovery of scientific laws by detachment from the details and rules deviations. Of course, human society is a very complex system already in place. Can we described a simple scientific laws? Recent achievements in the field of mathematical modeling enables us to answer this question a positive answer specific – possible to describe social evolution by
Macroqguanan minutes and acceptable simple.

للتواصل عبر الانستجرام hero1103
youtube chanel B9LL45 لو سمحتوا سولي سبسكرايب

بارك الله فيك ياخوي

حمود كارثه الرابع على صف الثامن بالانجليزي و ان شاء الله انت كمان توصل و تصير الاول

شكرا عالجهود الطيبة
ما قصرت
كلك ذوق من تحت لفوق

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثامن

english grammar rules للصف الثامن

english language’s grammar rules
in the bottom of the page
…..thank you

الملفات المرفقة

تسلم الأيادي تلميذتي

كلك ذوق من تحت لفوق

تم التقييم

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثامن

بوربوينت عن الشيخ زايد , powerpoint about shaikh Zayed للصف الثامن

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تفضلو اخواني وخواتي..

في المرفق بوربوينت عن الشيخ زايد..

powerpoint about shaikh Zayed

Zayed & The Agriculture
He change The Deseret to a green heaven.
He order to create a forests.
He devoted all his efforts to serve the agriculture.
He established a wind protection to prevent the storms.
The country was known as the owner of more than 50 million palm.

Zayed & the Arab nation
He let the Arab nation to get together.
He works to make strong & depth relationships between the Arab nations.
He said : ( The Arab petrol is not dearest than the Arab blood )
He helps many countries that in need and has got disaster.
He helps many Arab countries like, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Iraq & Lebanon.
He devoted all his efforts to Palestinian issuance.

موفقين يارب

الملفات المرفقة

جزاج الله الف خير الرمش الذبوحي
بارك الله فيج
والله يعطيج الصحه والعافية
دمتي بود

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ريــ الشمال ــح مشاهدة المشاركة
جزاج الله الف خير الرمش الذبوحي
بارك الله فيج
والله يعطيج الصحه والعافية
دمتي بود

امين ياربي..

والله يبارك بعمرك..

تسسلم عالمرور..

مشكور يا خوي والله يعطيك العافية

يعطيك الله الف عافيه وانشاء ربى يغفر له ((الله يرحمنا ويرحم جميع أموتنا المسلمين))"أمين يا رب العالمين"

بوربوينت في قمة آلروعه..
آلله يعطيگ ألف عآفيه..
وسلمت أنآملگ ع آلنقل..

نترقب جديدگ..
گل آلود..

امين اخوي كافي
الله يسلمكم

شكرا لج

ثـآنكسسس فري مج

مشكوره وتسلمين

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الثامن

بوربوينت / daily life الصف الثامن

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

بارك الله فيكم البور في المرفقات,,

لا تنسوني من دعواتكم,,موفقين,,


الملفات المرفقة

السسلام عليكم
يزاج الله خير
تسسلمين ع الطرح

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

وياج يارب..

يسلمج ربي لجناته,,

ربي يحفظج..

هلا الرمش ,
جزاك الله خيرا تم تقييمج ++

تستاهلين كل خير

مشكوووووووووررررررة اختي

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة amir257 مشاهدة المشاركة
هلا الرمش ,
جزاك الله خيرا تم تقييمج ++

تستاهلين كل خير

اهلين اخوي امير,,

وياك يارب,,

تسلم عالمرور والتقييم,,

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fx girls مشاهدة المشاركة
مشكوووووووووررررررة اختي

العفو حياج الله,,

مشكووووورة يا اختى

العفو اخوي,,,

حياك الله,,

مشكورة خيتو
ما قصرت

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الثامن

طلبتكم ..لاتردوني للصف الثامن

هلا والله

لو سمحتوا ابغي مشروع الوحدة التاسعة

سوري ما عندي عادنا ما وصلنا الوحدة التاسعة

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثامن

مشروع الوحدة الثالثة هنا للصف الثامن

سلام عليكم


الملفات المرفقة

مشكورة وايد لش مني بوسه

اعرف انها قدية بس اقبليها مني

مشكورة عالرد



مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووورة مع اني ماحتاجها بس خليها للأيام الياية :):):):):)

ممكن حل كتاب الرياضيات؟؟





لا الـــه الا الله