الصف العاشر

تقارير عن البحر الكامل للصف العاشر

أرجو التثبيت نظراً لكثــرة الطلبــات علــى الموضوع ..

كـــل العــــــالم يدورون علـــى تقرير للبحــر الكـــامل !

قلت اســـــــــوي خيــر ,,

التقارير عبارة عن مواضيع عن ( البحر الكامل ) جمعتها ورتبتها من مــواقع مختلفة ,,

تجدونهــــــــا بالمرفقــات كامل و مرتب ..
بالتوفيـــــــــــــق ,, 🙂

ضوابط الكتابة العروضية

* تكتب الحروف بحسب النطق وإن خالفت القواعد الإملائية .
* اللام الشمسيّة تحذف كاملة إلا إذا بدأت الكلمة بهاعندئذٍ تثبت همزتها فقط.مثل[IMG]file:///C:UsersUserAppDataLocalTempmsohtmlclip11c lip_image002.gif[/IMG]اش – شم – س)/(م – نش – شم – س)
* اللام القمرية تكتب لامها وتحذف همزتها ما لم نبدأ بها الكلام.مثل:القمر(ال – ق – م – ر)/ والقمر( ول – ق – م – ر )
* الحرف المشدّد يكتب حرفين الأول منهما ساكن والثاني متحرك .مثل : الضّياع ( اض – ض – يا – ع ) .
* التنوين يكتب نوناً ساكنة . مثل : عهدٌ ( عه – دن ) .
* الألف التي تكتب ولا تلفظ تحذف .مثل : قالوا ( قا – لو ) .
* الألف التي تلفظ ولا تكتب تكتب . مثل : هذا ( ها- ذا ) .
* المَدَّة تكتب همزة متحركة بعدها ألف ساكنة . مثل : مآله ( م – أا – ل – ه ) .
* الحرف الأخير من البيت الشعري إذا كان متحركاً تمدّ حركته لتصبح حرفاً ساكناً . تريا ….تَصوَّرُ ( ت- صو- و- رو ) .
* يمكن مدّ بعض الحركات في داخل البيت الشعري ليستقيم الوزن.فإن هم ذهبت ( ف – إن – هـ – مو – ذ – هـ – بت )
* بُنَيَّ الطالب ، لا تنسَ أنَّ الحرف المتحرك ويليه متحرك يوضع تحته

الملفات المرفقة

شكراا .. اوكك سيتم اخبار المشرفين لذلك 🙂

الملفات المرفقة

تم التعديل
شكرا على جهودكم

العفوو ,, 🙂

يسلمـــــــــــــــــو علي الموضوع الرائع

اللـه يسلمج مشرفتنا ,, 🙂

شكراً يا خويهه ، الصراحة كنت محتاجه عالقواعد ..
و إذا ما عليك كلافة أبا بعد قواعد البحر الوافر …
و ما قصرت ..
و أرجوا أن تقبل مروري ..

آســف أختي مــا انتبهت لطلبج إلا الحيــن ,,

اتفضلـي موضوعين وبوربوينت ، واتمنــى اني اكــون افدتــج ,,

والسموووحه منــج على التأخيــر .. ^_

الله يطول بعمركـ أخويهه و في ميزان حسناتك بإذن الله …

اللهـم آمين .. 🙂

صلى الله على محمد

الصف العاشر

درس رحلة صيد إلى الربع الخالي الصف العاشر

ص188 .. نشاط 1

دينية (مقدسة ) :

1-ابراهيم عليه السلام
2- الهجرة الى الحبشة
3- الهجرة للمدينة
4- رحلة الاسراء

استكشافية توسعية :
1- فاسكو دي جاما
2- رحلة ماجلان

1- رحلات اهل الخليج الى الهند
2- رحلة الشتاء و الصيف .

ترفيهية سياحية :
1- رحلة الاستجمام و الراحة
2- رحلات البر


ص189 .. س أ

– التعرف على ثقافات الاخرين
– تحقيق الهدف و الغاية
– الراحة و الاستجمام
– صحة النفس

سؤال ب .. :

– وقوف الماء يفسده ..
– السهم لو مافترق القوس لم يصب الهدف ..


ص195 .. نشاط 4

ترتيب الارقام


نشاط 5

– الجغرافياا :

– الكثبان الرملية . – الطعوس – القعايد – هل تحيط به التلال

– اجتمـــاع :

– شرب الشاي و القهوة – اصطحاب الاولاد – تتبع الاثار – التجول في الصحراء

– اقتصاد :

– استخدام البنادق – قطع الغيار الخاصة

– أحيــــاء :

– الشاهين – الحبارى – الهرم – الكروان

– تــــأريخ :

– جوز السنام مدخل الربع الخالي.



الدوحة –> الكرعانه –> طريق سلوى –> القعايد –> المنايف .

البحايص –> جوز ابو صلعة –> جوز السنام .

سؤال ب ..

حدد من النص وصفين لمكانين آخرين …. الخ ..

الجواب : 1- المكان التعليمي ( القعايد ) سهل يحيط به من الغرب تلال رملية ..
2- المكان الذي شهد الحدث ( جوز السنام ) الاستراحة فيها و قضاء ليلة ..

سؤال ج .. من الفاظ دالة على الزمان

ساعات – منتصف الليل- العصر – النهار – الشتاء- لحظات – اليوم

من الالفاظ الدالة على المكان ..

الشمال- الكرعانه – طعس – جوز السنام – ابو قرون – الدوحة – االبحايص



اكمل المخطط .

من اليمين لليسار بالترتيب اوكي ..

غادرنا – سرنا – مررنا – نزلنا – واصلنا – تناولنا – امضينا – رجعنا

نشاط 7 ..

سؤال أ ماحليته بس كتبت ص194

سؤال ب ..

فلم نعثر على اي اثر لطائر او حيوان غير ذلك الورل الذي يشبه الحرباء بذيله المعقد .



سؤال أ ..

الزمان : وقت الظهيرة
المكان : سلسلة من تلال الربع الخالي
الحدث : رحلة الرحالة الانقليزي عبر الربع الهالي

سؤال ب ..

امتزجت احاسيسه بواقعه الذي عاشه اثناء الرحلة حيث شئ من الخوف نتيجة فقدان الامل ايجاد مخرج مما هو فيه ، فكان انطباعا صادقا ..

سؤال ج ..

– كانت الشمس محرقة / شعرت بالدوار و المرض .

و بس ..

مشكوووووورة ع الحل…وان شاء الله يستفيدون منج


انتو بس اطلبو وتمنو انا حارسة المصباح السحري
ويلي بدكم ياه بصير

ثانكـٍـس .ْ~

شكرا بس ما هذا البدي يا

لوسمحت لو في حل نشاط 7و8 راح اكون اسعد وحدة بالكون بس شرط اليوم

مشكووووووووووورة يا عمري الله لا يحرمنا منج اصلن لو ما لكته محلول مستحيل اكعد اني افكر احل هههه

مشكورة ي الغالية غير البشر و ما قصرتي …

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف العاشر

حل صفحة 28 للصف العاشر

لو سمحتو بدي حل صفحة 28
بليييييييز اليوم ضرورييييييي
كتاب الطالب

انا بعد اليوم اله يخليكم بسرعة

بس اول شي سؤال a بليز عليه درجات

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

ابغي امتحان Grammar ضروري الوحدة الثانية للصف العاشر

بليز بسرعة

والله ماعندي

ماااااااااا عنديييييي

سوري .. بس ما عندي


أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف العاشر

تقرير إنجليزي diabetes \جاهز للصف العاشر

ارحو ان يعجبكم

الملفات المرفقة


بانتظار المزيد من النشاط..



جزـآآك الله خير

وان شـآآء الله في ميزـآآن حسنـآآتك

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف العاشر

تقرير عن transport مع كل شي………… للصف العاشر

تفضلوا هـ التقرير …………………………….. وشكرا


………………..ارجوا ان يحوز رضاكم…………………..

مشكورة حبيبتي

مـــــــــــــــ،،،ـــشـــــــــــــ،،،،كـــــــــ ـــــــــــــــ،،،ور

اخــــــــــــــــــــــــ،،،،ـــــــيــــــــــــ ـــ،،،ــــــــــــهــــــ،،،

جزـآآك الله خيرـآآ المكافح

بوركت جهودكـ

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

دليل المعلم للانجليزي للصف العاشر

تدشون على هالموقع www.uae.skillsinenglish.com
الباصوورد uaemoe
اسم المستخدم grade10t او أي صف تبينه ابتداء من السابع

بارك الله فيك

شكرااااااااااا لج

thank you

شكراً ليك أخ ورد وننتظر منك المزيد

موضوع مفيد



[] ماأعرف كيف؟؟؟[/]

هيهيهيهيهيهيه بس احنه نباء برقراف ما شي برق راف انا بخبر عليك ماماتي هههه

ماطا الموقع أشتغل ليش

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف العاشر

Football in Spain للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم

شحالك شو علومكم

بغيت تقرير عن كرة القدم في اسبانيا وخاصة عن فريق ريال مدريد

Football in Spain

Football is the most popular sport in Spain. The Real Federación Española de Fútbol is the national governing body and it organizes La Liga, the Copa del Rey and the Spain national football team. Modern football was introduced to Spain in the late 1800s by a combination of mostly British immigrant workers and visiting sailors and Spanish students returning from Britain.
The oldest football club in Spain is Huelva Recreation Club, formed on December 23 1889 by Dr. Alexander Mackay and British workers employed by the Rio Tinto Company. Although Gimnàstic de Tarragona was formed in 1886 and Sevilla FC in 1890, the clubs did not form an actual football team until 1914 and 1905, respectively. The first official football game played in Spain took place in Seville on March 8, 1890 at the Tablada Hippodrome. Huelva Recreation Club played against Sevilla FC , a team made up of workers from the Seville Water Works. With the exception of two Spanish players on the Huelva team, all the players on both teams were British. This is the reason why the team is called Sevilla FC (football club) and not Sevilla CF (club de fútbol, in Spanish correct way). The Seville team won 2-0.
In the Basque Country during the early 1890s, British shipyard workers and miners formed Bilbao Football Club and Basque students returning from Britain founded the Athletic Club in 1898. This early British influence was reflected in the use of English names such as Recreation Club, Athletic Club and Football Club.
Barcelona and Real Madrid are the most successful Spanish clubs, in both the national league and continental competitions. They have won a combined 12 European Cups/Champions League titles and were runners-up 3 times each. Real Madrid is the most successful in Europe, having won it a record 9 times and the UEFA Cup twice. In La Liga’s 57-year history (sans the 3 seasons that the league was suspended due to the civil war), Barça and Real Madrid have won 50 titles between them. Over the years, Spanish clubs have won the UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup 7 times and UEFA Cup 5 times.
Campionat de Catalunya

Catalonia also began to produce a number of football clubs including Palamós Foot-Ball Club founded in 1898, Catala SC and Foot-Ball Club Barcelona, both founded in 1899. Several clubs also emerged with a reference to Spain in their title. These included Hispania AC and Sociedad Española de Football, both formed in 1900, and FC Espanya. Soon there were enough clubs to organize a league and in December 1900, Alfons Macaya, the president of Hispania AC, offered a trophy. The Copa Macaya eventually evolved into the "Campeonato de Cataluña ", the first league championship ever played in Spain. The teams in Europe have been known to play Seven Up (Game).
[edit]Copa del Rey

Main article: Copa del Rey
Several clubs also emerged in Madrid, most notably Madrid Football Club, formed in 1902. In the same year, Carlos Padrós, later president of Madrid FC, suggested a football competition to celebrate the coronation of Alfonso XIII. Four other teams entered the Copa del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, later to develop into the Copa del Rey. These included FC Barcelona, Club Español de Fútbol, Club Vizcaya and New Foot-Ball de Madrid. The competition featured the first recorded game between FC Barcelona and Madrid FC, with the former emerging 3-1 winners. Club Vizcaya, which consisted of players from both basque teams, eventually beat FC Barcelona in the final. Alfonso XIII subsequently became the patron of many Spanish football clubs, granting them permission to use Real in their names. Among the many clubs to add the prefix to their name was Madrid FC, which subsequently became Real Madrid.
[edit]La Selección

Within Spain, regional teams, most notably, the Catalan XI, the Euskadi XI, and even the Galician XI began to compete against each other from 1915 onwards. Despite not been officially recognised by FIFA, these teams continue to play today. The Spain national football team, commonly referred to as la selección made their international debut at the 1920 Olympic Games in Belgium and came away with the silver medal. Spanish football turned professional in 1926.
Today, these regional teams still occasionally friendly games with some national team players playing for both teams. The most recent success of la selección was winning the Euro 2022.
[edit]La Liga

Main article: La Liga
In April 1927 Alvaro Trejo, a director at Arenas Club de Getxo, first proposed the idea of a national league in Spain. After much debate about the size of the league and who would take part, the RFEF eventually agreed on the ten teams who would form the first Primera Division in 1928. FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Athletic Bilbao, Real Sociedad, Arenas Club de Getxo and Real Unión were all selected as previous winners of the Copa del Rey. Athletic Madrid, RCD Español and CE Europa qualified as Copa del Rey runners-up and Racing Santander qualified through a knockout competition against Sevilla FC. Only three of the founding clubs, Real Madrid, FC Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao, have never been relegated from the Primera Division. Until Wednesday June 24th 2022 the Spanish soccer team had an undeafted record of 35 games. But lost to the United States in a 2-0 loss in the Semi Finals of the Confederation’s Cup (South Africa 2022). These were the first goals Spain allowed in the Confederation Cup.
[edit]External links

(Spanish) [1]
(Spanish) Official RFEF Site
(Spanish) Marca
(Spanish) As
(Spanish) El Mundo Deportivo
(Spanish) Sport
(English) Soccer Spain
(English) Primera Division




أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف العاشر

Healthy food للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم والرحمه

شحالكم ؟؟ شخباركم ؟؟

بغيت مقال عن Healthy food ممكن ؟؟

ومشكورين وماقصرتو

ماعندي اروحي ادور المشكلة

وهذا البحث عن
Healthy food

Healthy food

Prepared by :
Class : 10 /
School :
Subject : healthy food .
Under the supervision of :

Healthy food is almost as important to healing as competent medical care, and healthy eating habits play a critical role in preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
Life today is not like how it was before. Along time ago, people ate foods that are very good for their health.
They ate foods that do not contain chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors. People also had a lot of time to cook their own foods. Therefore those people were not been affected by the food that they ate, because all of the foods that they had were natural foods and healthy.
That’s way they did not have any problem on their health and they lived longer than now. But these days, every one is busy and don’t have time to cook their own food.
People eat foods that are easily *****d or ready *****d. They do not even think of what they eat, and if it can effect their health or not. That is a bad way that most people do because our health depends on what we eat daily.
Foods are the building blocks of every cell in the body, are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body. It is important, for that reason, to know what is good for our body and what is not. Foods can be classified into two types, unhealthy (junk) and healthy food.
Healthy food can be found in fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts, seafood and dairy foods. They are also not of the frozen foods and with out chemical fertilizers.

The other advantage is that healthy foods have no preservatives with natural color, and flavors and even it gives you strong body .
Therefore we should be careful to every food that we eat. Because if we eat un healthy food they may cause some disadvantages to our health. Most of the vitamins that which we need are found in fruit, vegetable, meat, nut, seafood, and dairy foods. we should balance our food that we eat.
Unhealthy food can be found in fast foods, frozen foods and other foods which having chemical contents. Main causes of unhealthy foods are heart diseases, some type of cancers, high cholesterol and other recent diseases which discovered due to un managed foods.

Finally I advice all my friends to care about there health and choose there foods carefully to have a healthy and long life.

• web sites .
• My oldest brother

والسموحه على القصور


وهاذا بعد من عندي
Healthy food is almost as important to healing as competent medical care, and healthy eating habits play a critical role in preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
Life today is not like how it was before. Along time ago, people ate foods that are very good for their health.

They ate foods that do not contain chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors. People also had a lot of time to cook their own foods. Therefore those people were not been affected by the food that they ate, because all of the foods that they had were natural foods and healthy.
That’s way they did not have any problem on their health and they lived longer than now. But these days, every one is busy and don’t have time to cook their own food.

People eat foods that are easily *****d or ready *****d. They do not even think of what they eat, and if it can effect their health or not. That is a bad way that most people do because our health depends on what we eat daily.

Foods are the building blocks of every cell in the body, are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body. It is important, for that reason, to know what is good for our body and what is not. Foods can be classified into two types, unhealthy (junk) and healthy food.

Healthy food can be found in fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts, seafood and dairy foods. They are also not of the frozen foods and with out chemical fertilizers.

The other advantage is that healthy foods have no preservatives with natural color, and flavors and even it gives you strong body .

Therefore we should be careful to every food that we eat. Because if we eat un healthy food they may cause some disadvantages to our health. Most of the vitamins that which we need are found in fruit, vegetable, meat, nut, seafood, and dairy foods. we should balance our food that we eat.

Unhealthy food can be found in fast foods, frozen foods and other foods which having chemical contents. Main causes of unhealthy foods are heart diseases, some type of cancers, high cholesterol and other recent diseases which discovered due to un managed foods.

Finally I advice all my friends to care about there health and choose there foods carefully to have a healthy and long life.

• web sites .

يسلمو يا ابو كرية
عنجد انك عسل

مشكوووووووووووووووور غرشوبي بوظبي
ما تقصر …

مكـآآن الطلب ليس هنا

تم تعديل المشاركة

تسلمووون ع الطرح الرووعة

جزـآآكم الله خيرـآآ

شكرـآ ع مجهوودكم..

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف العاشر

تقرير بعنوان Solar System الصف العاشر

هذا تقرير بعنوانSolar System

وارجوا ان تستفيدوا منه

الملفات المرفقة


تسلم اخوووي .,
وربي يعطيك العافيه .,

thank you
for the report

تسلم اخوي عالتقرير … انشالله الكل يستفيد

يعطيك الف عافيه ..

شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااااااااا على التقرير



بس المرفق تعطل

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين