الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير بالانكليزي عن life styles -تعليم الامارات

مطلوب تقرير لمادة الإنجليزي عن

life styles

اختي دوري بالقسم بتلقين الكثير السموحة وقتي ما يسمح لي ادور 🙁


سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير عن Learning Styles للصف الحادي عشر

الســـلامن عليكم

اشحالكم ياعرب عســـاكم ماتشكون من باس؟.

بثقل عليكم شوي بغيت تقرير حق الانجليزي عن اي شي

يخص المنهج فيه مقدمة وموضوع وخاتمه ومصدر وفهرس

ماعندي موضوع محدد لاني ميح في الانجليزي

المس تباه بعد اسبوع والسمـــوحه

يا ريت تكتبين شو المقررعليكم؟

اممم قلتلك انا في الانجلش ماعرف شي ((ماماتيه تقول هب زين تتعلمون لغة الغرب هاااع ))المس قالت اي شي يخص

المنهج بس انشاء الله باجر بسئل المس عن شو بسوي

ابا اسماء العجائب السبعة القديمة والجديدة بالانجليزي واباه ضروري لو سمحتووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو

انا ابغي صور لسلسله الغذائيه




وانا ابي عن
Learning Styles

تقرير عن Learning Styles

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الحادي عشر

بليز ابا مشروع learing styles -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم


دخيلكم واذا ماعليكم امر

أبا مشروع أنجليزي عن أساليب التعلم واسمة بالنجليزي learing styles
وأباه يكون منسق وجاهز اذا ماعليكم كلافة


الملفات المرفقة

و الله لوعندي جان عطيتج…

ما يغلى ع الغاليين..^^

أختي حصلت لج تقرير عن learing styles ,, جاهز ورائع في المرفقات

الله يوفقج ,, واسمحيلي ع القصور

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن Learning styles -للتعليم الاماراتي

السلام عليكم

لو سمحتوا أريد تقرير عن Learning styles

وآخر موعد يوم الأثنين

وأرجو المساعده

الملفات المرفقة

انا بعد ابا تقرير

1. Known as the bodies of the tools and materials used Amil m to improve the teaching and learning process.
2. All the procedures employed in the context of teaching to achieve quieter P educational.
3. Are the channels of communication that could be a milestone on the way to transfer a the message (article ******* seminar) aspects Althla The (cognitive, motor and emotional restraint) of the sender and uh and (the teacher) to the future is (educated) less effort M. In the shortest time possible, as clearly as possible and at the lowest possible cost .
Learning techniques :
1. the methodology of the process to improve the humanitarian learning, based on the management of human interface with sources learning Almtno Eh of educational materials, devices or machines Educate Linear, and solve the problems of education, and to achieve specific goals.
2. Nazeem integrated approach comprising several elements rights and machine wa the thoughts and working methods and management working together in under one approach.
Sources learning :
learning Resource Center is the place where a facilitating education for individual and the collective, providing access to the student or the Viewing the hearings or by providing an appropriate environment for Henman Yeh process, which is designed, implemented and evaluated P j light of the objectives of education.
The difference between teaching and learning techniques :
1. The phrase means educational tools, equipment and only T. and certain equipment for the teacher while learning techniques unchanged e on an integrated system that includes (rights, views, the ideas, methods of work, Lord. Administration) all working to raise the efficiency of the process Educate Mia.
2. Teaching aids are an integral part of the strategies for a to teach a component of the comprehensive educational system, while learning techniques is a new way of working and the way in thinking solving problems, as it depends on the planning and programming.
Stages of the evolution of the concept of teaching aids :
1. education Basri (the beginning of the 1920s).
2. Audio-Visual Education (end of the 1920s 192 15:00).
3. The theory of communication (late 1940s).
4. The entrance systems (late 1950s).
5. Educational Psychology (early 1970s).
The importance of educational methods :
1. Building concepts.
2. Care individual differences.
3. Spare monotony educational attitudes.
4. Increased attention of the students.
5. Generation need to learn.
6. An increase in the amount of production and the volume of work. 7. Reflect the values and meanings of abstract (overcome prosecutor verbal).
8. Providing learning rare and dangerous phenomena.
9. Providing the possibility of studying complex phenomenon.
10. Provide solid track records of the events.
11. To overcome the temporal and spatial dimensions.
12. Providing the possibility of studying the subtleties and her danger.
13. Economy of effort, money and time.
14. Providing solutions to the problems of education today.
15. Providing solutions to special education.
16. Provide continuing education.
Classification of educational means :
1. Audio : ie, radio-educational audio recordings.
2. Photo-optical methods such as : blackboards (Atabachirih-magnetic – hairy – pockets).
3. Optical methods such as optical : transparencies-slide-film Althea Alvotgraveh bits).
4. Audio-visual means, such as : educational films – ********* television Educate mi).
5. Concrete means such as : the figures (models – things – samples). 6. Educational dramas.
7. Field visits.
8. Games and educational means of simulation.
9. Offers illustrations.
Rules in the use of means :
a) prepare for the use of the means.
B) used in a timely manner.
C) presented in the appropriate place.
D) presented in an interesting and exciting.
E) to make sure to see all the students of the device during the presentation Ha.
F) to ensure interaction with all the means through presentation.
g ) allow for the participation of some students in the use of a the vehicle. H) Non-length in the presentation of the means to avoid monotony.
I) Non brief breach in the presentation of the means.
J) non-congested lesson large number of means.
K) Lack the means to keep students after completion in order to avoid the use they preceded on the follow-up to the remainder explanation.
L) To answer any queries necessary for the learner on means.
The rules after the completion of the use of means :
A)evaluate the way : to identify the effectiveness or lack of effectiveness in achieving machine tune, and the interaction with students, The extent of the need for the use or non-use of another time j.
B) Maintenance means: any reform that may occur from breakdowns, the replacement may destroy them, and the cleaning and coordination, in order to be ready to use again.
C) Keeping method: any stored in a proper place to preserve it until a request and use in times to come

منقول للأفادة

مشكور وما تقصر
صدق أنك عذب

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة العشبي مشاهدة المشاركة
مشكور وما تقصر
صدق أنك عذب

لا شكر على واجب


السلامـ عليكمـ و رحمهـ الله و بركاتهـ

فيـ المرفقاتـ تقرير عن Learning styles

ملاحظهـ : ترا مبـ أنا الليـ مسويتنهـ ، أعتقد انهـ موجود فيـ المنتدى ^ـ^

my sister
ينيهـ AlMόтFάεĻĦ or

شكرا على المرور جميعا أرجو أن يكون التقرير عجبكم
الله هالله فادعاءكم لي


سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن healthy life styles الصف الثاني عشر

السلام عليكم
لو سمحتوا بغيت تقرير عن healthy life styles
بليييييييييييييييز اللي عنده يعطيني لإنه محتاجتنه ضروري
و مشكووووووووووووووووووووورين …..

Healthy Lifestyle


Food is very important to live. It matters whether you eat healthy food or not. I agree that healthy life style is so important to live a great life because health is very important to do any thing. If a person who is not healthy then he or she cannot do good things. For good feelings and thinking, healthy life is very important. So I will talk about healthy life in healthy food .


Healthy Lifestyle
Better lifestyle habits can help you reduce your risk for heart attack. Learn what you can do to help prevent heart disease and stroke. Lists talk about the healthy eating . that’s mean choosing foods that are good for you, the best cooking methods and learning portion control .

Fruits and Vegetables
Everybody needs five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day. They are low in calories, high in nutritional value and absolutely delicious
It’s hard to argue with the health benefits of a diet rich in vegetables and fruits: Lower blood pressure; reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and probably some cancers; lower risk of eye and digestive problems; and a mellowing effect on blood sugar that can help keep appetite in check.

Most people should aim for at least nine servings (at least 4½ cups) of vegetables and fruits a day, and potatoes don’t count. Go for a variety of kinds and colors of produce, to give your body the mix of nutrients it needs. Best bets? Dark leafy greens, cooked tomatoes, and anything that’s a rich yellow, orange, or red color

Healthy Convenience Foods
The main purpose of convenience foods is to save us time and work. Specialty diet foods provide the additional benefit of calorie, carbohydrate and/or fat savings. In return we give them more of our cash and agree to be satisfied with their questionable quality. The tradeoff is worth it to some people, especially those with lots of extra money and zero extra time. Those of us on a budget don’t have the luxury (or the curse) of financial resources, so we must use our intelligence, time and effort instead of expensive conveniences. With this said, there are a few products that live up to their promise. They save time, work, and calories, provide acceptable quality, and as luck would have it, don’t cost much more than making them ourselves. A minor few, like frozen orange juice concentrate, even cost less than preparing them from scratch. After a great deal of investigation I’ve divided good buy convenience foods into 2 categories. The first is calorie savers, and the second is time and work savers

Are You Drinking Enough Water?
Water and other healthy beverages are important in your diet. While water is very important for your health, there are some times when drinking too much water can be a problem:

* If you have any kidney or adrenal problems, or your doctor has you taking diuretics, you need to consult with your doctor about how much water to drink each day
* Don’t drink all of the water you need per day all at once. Divide the amount you need and drink several glasses of water throughout the day. This is especially important if you engage in lots of heavy exercise.
* Infants should be given only formula or breast milk unless your pediatrician tells you

In my view people who eat healthy food they have good stamina to do hard work. Food gives energy to do work. For work food is very important. Therefore, if a person who eats food which has vitamins, proteins, iron and other important nutrients then he or she will be free from diseases. People who have no deceases can enjoy their life and take interest in their work.

Everybody likes to meet those who have good health. Therefore, a person who is healthy has friends. Otherwise, it may not be possible. People can attract others with there looks. A person who looks weak does not attract people. In that situation a person who is not living healthy lifestyle will feel lonely and not be a happy person. In my opinion for making friends and feel happy, people should eat healthy food. A healthy person can gives happiness to others. To be good looking, hygienic food is very important. If a person wants to be beautiful then she should eat good healthy food.


A good mind can be developed if people eat healthy food. Therefore, for children it is very necessary to eat healthy food. A good mind always thinks well. Health is wealth. Therefore, I would like to say people should not eat food only to fill the stomach but for the development of good health. If health is good then people can do any thing. So people should eat healthy hygienic food.

Finally in my view to develop a good, intelligent and healthy generation everybody should eat healthy and nutritious food.




Body and health ‘Althea’ and Cony, Frances

Eating problems/Obesity ‘ Althea’ Allan, Nicholas


مشكوووووووووووووووووووووورة رؤية ……..دومج ما تقصرين ^_^

تسلمي حبيبتي رؤية فعلا عمرك ما قصرتي

شكرا أستاذ علمي وبس على طلبك للموضوع
وشكرا للأخت رؤية على وضعها للتقرير

يسمنووووو ع التقرير ..

جاري الـ COPY ^.^

مشكورين وآآآيد ع الرد الله يعطيكم العافيه وينجح اليميع ^^!

يعطيج ااالف عافية

مشكوووووووووورة يا غالية

مشكوووووورة واايد و ما قصرتي

أستــــغفر الله العظيم