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حل دروس :unit:20 كاملا:students, book -تعليم الامارات

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
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اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

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تقرير عن education students life -تعليم الامارات

ابي تقرير بسرعه

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله

ابي منكم تقرير انجليزي عن education students life


تفضل اخووووووي …..

تقرير عن education

Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom.


has as one of its fundamental aspects the imparting of culture from generation to generation (see socialization).


means ‘to draw out’, facilitating realisation of self-potential and latent talents of an individual. It is an application of pedagogy, a body of theoretical and applied research relating to teaching and learning and draws on many disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, sociology and anthropology.


of an individual human begins at birth and continues throughout life. (Some believe that


begins even before birth, as evidenced by some parents’ playing music or reading to the baby in the womb in the hope it will influence the child’s development.) For some, the struggles and triumphs of daily life provide far more instruction than does formal schooling (thus Mark Twain’s admonition to "never let school interfere with your education"). Family members may have a profound educational effect — often more profound than they realize — though family teaching may function very informally.
Education systems:
Schooling occurs when society or a group or an individual sets up a curriculum to educate people, usually the young. Schooling can become systematic and thorough. Sometimes


systems can be used to promote doctrines or ideals as well as knowledge, and this can lead to abuse of the system.
Education curriculum:
An academic discipline is a branch of knowledge which is formally taught, either at the university, or via some other such method. Functionally, disciplines are usually defined and recognized by the academic journals in which research is published, and by the learned societies to which their practitioners belong. Professors say schooling is 80% psychological, 20% physical effort.
Each discipline usually has several sub-disciplines or branches, and distinguishing lines are often both arbitrary and ambiguous. Examples of broad areas of academic disciplines include the natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, social sciences, humanities and applied sciences.
Education process:
Learning modalities:
Education can be physically divided into many different learning "modes" but the learning modalities are probably the most common:
ـ Kinesthetic learning based on hands-on work and engaging in activities.
ـ Visual learning based on observation and seeing what is being learned.
ـ Auditory learning based on listening to instructions/information.
Depending on their preferred learning modality, different teaching techniques have different levels of effectiveness. Effective teaching requires a variety of teaching methods which cover all three learning modalities. No matter what their preference, students should have equal opportunities to learn in a way that is effective for them.
Teachers need the ability to understand a subject well enough to convey its essence to a new generation of students. The goal is to establish a sound knowledge base on which students will be able to build as they are exposed to different life experiences. The passing of knowledge from generation to generation allows students to grow into useful members of society. Good teachers can translate information, good judgment, experience and wisdom into relevant knowledge that a student can understand and retain.
Parental involvement
. Parent involvement is more than the parent being the field trip helper or the lunch lady. Parents need to be asked about how their child learns best. They need to share their career expertise with the children. Today’s educators need to remember that parents are the child’s first and foremost teacher; parents, too, are experts, and teachers should learn from them.
Academic achievement and parental involvement are strongly linked in the research. Many schools are now beginning parental involvement programs in a more organized fashion. In the US this has been led in part by the No Child Left Behind legislation from the US Department of Education.
Education technology:
Technology is an increasingly influential factor in education. Computers and mobile phones are being widely used in developed countries both to complement established


practices and develop new ways of learning such as online


(a type of distance education).. Technology offers powerful learning tools that demand new skills and understandings of students, including Multimedia literacy, and provides new ways to engage students, such as classroom management software. Technology is being used more not only in administrative duties in


but also in the instruction of students.. Technology is also being used in the assessment of students.
In the end of this report we know the meaning of


that encompasses teaching and learning specific skills . Also we show a


systems such as: Primary




and another systems. I think the


is more important because it help us in our life and solves many problems.

هذا الي طلبته صح ولا لا ……

موفق اخوووووووووي ……

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ما قصرت طموحة

United Arab Emirates
Ministry of Education and Youth
R.A.K Education Zone
School ………………………………..

Report on :

The Education

Prepared by :

Grade :
12-Science 2

Teacher name : …………………………………….

2022 – 2022

Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom. Education has as one of its fundamental aspects the imparting of culture from generation to generation (see socialization). Education means ‘to draw out’, facilitating realisation of self-potential and latent talents of an individual. It is an application of pedagogy, a body of theoretical and applied research relating to teaching and learning and draws on many disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, sociology and anthropology.
The education of an individual human begins at birth and continues throughout life. (Some believe that education begins even before birth, as evidenced by some parents’ playing music or reading to the baby in the womb in the hope it will influence the child’s development.) For some, the struggles and triumphs of daily life provide far more instruction than does formal schooling (thus Mark Twain’s admonition to "never let school interfere with your education"). Family members may have a profound educational effect — often more profound than they realize — though family teaching may function very informally.
Education systems:
Schooling occurs when society or a group or an individual sets up a curriculum to educate people, usually the young. Schooling can become systematic and thorough. Sometimes education systems can be used to promote doctrines or ideals as well as knowledge, and this can lead to abuse of the system.
Education curriculum:
An academic discipline is a branch of knowledge which is formally taught, either at the university, or via some other such method. Functionally, disciplines are usually defined and recognized by the academic journals in which research is published, and by the learned societies to which their practitioners belong. Professors say schooling is 80% psychological, 20% physical effort.
Each discipline usually has several sub-disciplines or branches, and distinguishing lines are often both arbitrary and ambiguous. Examples of broad areas of academic disciplines include the natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, social sciences, humanities and applied sciences.
Education process:
Learning modalities:
Education can be physically divided into many different learning "modes" but the learning modalities are probably the most common:
ـ Kinesthetic learning based on hands-on work and engaging in activities.
ـ Visual learning based on observation and seeing what is being learned.
ـ Auditory learning based on listening to instructions/information.
Depending on their preferred learning modality, different teaching techniques have different levels of effectiveness. Effective teaching requires a variety of teaching methods which cover all three learning modalities. No matter what their preference, students should have equal opportunities to learn in a way that is effective for them.
Teachers need the ability to understand a subject well enough to convey its essence to a new generation of students. The goal is to establish a sound knowledge base on which students will be able to build as they are exposed to different life experiences. The passing of knowledge from generation to generation allows students to grow into useful members of society. Good teachers can translate information, good judgment, experience and wisdom into relevant knowledge that a student can understand and retain.
Parental involvement
. Parent involvement is more than the parent being the field trip helper or the lunch lady. Parents need to be asked about how their child learns best. They need to share their career expertise with the children. Today’s educators need to remember that parents are the child’s first and foremost teacher; parents, too, are experts, and teachers should learn from them.
Academic achievement and parental involvement are strongly linked in the research. Many schools are now beginning parental involvement programs in a more organized fashion. In the US this has been led in part by the No Child Left Behind legislation from the US Department of Education.
Education technology:
Technology is an increasingly influential factor in education. Computers and mobile phones are being widely used in developed countries both to complement established education practices and develop new ways of learning such as online education (a type of distance education).. Technology offers powerful learning tools that demand new skills and understandings of students, including Multimedia literacy, and provides new ways to engage students, such as classroom management software. Technology is being used more not only in administrative duties in education but also in the instruction of students.. Technology is also being used in the assessment of students.
In the end of this report we know the meaning of education that encompasses teaching and learning specific skills . Also we show a education systems such as: Primary education Secondary education and another systems. I think the education is more important because it help us in our life and solves many problems.

References :
Education – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Education | AMEinfo.com


مشكورين وما قصرتو هادا شرات الي كنت ابيه

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف السابع

حل صفحة 88 student"s book للصف السابع

SIX COUNTRIES : Italy _ Iran _ India _ Britain _ USA _ Japan _French
SIX NATIONALITIES : Japanese_ Persian _ Italian _France _Indian
Four names of people : wingfield _ greenr made _ Thomas Edison
TWELVE DATES : 500 BCE _1979_1873 _12th century _ 600 BCE _ 1889 _ 1891 _ 1910
1400 or 1500 CE _ 1950

الصور المرفقة

شكرا لك ع الحل


سؤال سي
SIX COUNTRIES : Italy _ Iran _ India _ Britain _ USA _ Japan _French
SIX NATIONALITIES : Japanese_ Persian _ Italian _France _Indian
Four names of people : wingfield _ greenr made _ Thomas Edison
TWELVE DATES : 500 BCE _1979_1873 _12th century _ 600 BCE _ 1889 _ 1891 _ 1910
1400or 1500 CE _ 1950

شكرا جزيلا

ممكن تساعدون كيف اضيف صورة

اوجوكم اريد الجواب بسرعة

هنا كيفية أضافة صوره


تم أجراء تعديل

SIX COUNTRIES : Italy _ Iran _ India _ Britain _ USA _ Japan _French
SIX NATIONALITIES : Japanese_ Persian _ Italian _France _Indian _ british
Four names of people : wingfield _ greenr made _ Thomas Edison _ Duke Kahanamoku
TWELVE DATES : 500 BCE _1979_1873 _12th century _ 600 BCE _ 1889 _ 1891 _ 1910
1400 or 1500 CE _ 1950



انا احاول لكن
ما تصير

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

طلب حل student’s book صفحة 23 -تعليم اماراتي

بغيت حل صــ 23 ،

فيstudent’s book

بلييز اليوم ضروري جدا ^^

كتابي ف الصف خخخ

تقدرين تسوين سكنر لكتابج عشان أشوف السؤال يمكن قدرت أساعدج

و أنا بعد أبيه ضروري


والله نحنا بعدنا ما وصلنا للدرس


انا بعد ابغيه لانه المس قالت انا واجب

ما اقدر اساعدم

لان المنهج مالنا غير عن منهجكم

انا من منهج مدارس الغد


2-becaus we can do the jobs when the changes
3-we cant stop learing
4-we have to continue learing for the rest our lives
وشكرا وأتمنى ردوكم مع الدعاء


السلامـ عليكمـ و رحمه الله و بركاتهـ

Reference Check

2-courses of maths
4-online courses

والسموحهـ عـ القصور

my sister
ينيهـ AlMόтFάεĻĦ or

تسلمون ع المرور .. ^_^

انا حليته ولو بغيتوا الحل بنزله ..

شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااا

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الثاني عشر

فقرة انجليزي عن سبب غش الطلاب ، English paragraph about the reasons of students cheat للصف الثاني عشر

لو سمحتووووا ابي برجرااااااف عن أسباب الغش …………

بليييز يوووم الاربعاااء علي امتحاااان ……….

وينكم ما تبووون اساااعدووني

والله لو عندي كان عطيتك ،،

إن شاء الله يساعدونك ،،

موفقة ،،

Cheating is a common phenomena in students daily life . However any phenomena should have particular reasons , In my opinion there is main three reasons for that . Firstly the student is not an honest person , so he does not care about behaving honestly . Secondly the student may did not be teached by parents or teacher that this is a bad behavior . Thirdly the student maybe want to show to friends that he is hero and can answer the exams without studying depending on cheating and no one can catch him
. In conclusion I think that parents should teach the children that any kind of cheating is not acceptable with anyone anywhere and that is misbehaving
مش منقول

يسلموو هجووورهـ عالمساعدهـ ^_^

صلى الله على محمد