الصف التاسع

طلب بحث عن ال science and nature in the uae -مناهج الامارات

طلبتكم لاتردوني
ابا بحث عن ال science and nature in the uae ضروري بلييز اللي عندة ما يقصر وياي
بلييز ابا ضروري

مشكوووور على الموضوع

مــع تــحـــيااتـــي (( KwKw ))

سوري ما عندي

ميتو بروحي يآسه آدور ومو لـآقيه موضوع منآسب

يمكن هني شي

الملفات المرفقة

science and
nature.doc‏ (26.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 562)

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف التاسع

تقرير عن science and nature -للتعليم الاماراتي

ارجو ان تاتوني اليوم التقرير

هذا يمكن يفيد


ايضا هذا

Natural sciences is the science that deals with the study of the physical aspects of natural material for all non-human phenomena on the earth and the universe around us. Natural science tries to explain how the world and phenomena in it for developing theories of the processes of normal and try as much as possible away from the ****physical interpretations (which characterize many of the interpretations of religious and Gnostic and spiritual world and its manifestations). Also use the word natural science research followed established as a scientific methodology (scientific method). While trying to natural philosophy and social sciences the application of these scientific methodologies on various topics.

A natural science foundation of Applied Sciences, so often Tsnvann together were separated as distinct from normal social sciences and humanities, science and ****physics (theology), the arts and so on.

Can not be considered mathematics part of the natural sciences, but the link mathematics science and a very close they believe a lot of useful tools for these sciences, and mathematics derives many of the ideas from the study of natural science and can not be considered physics and chemistry, but there have Artietat


اللله يسامحكم*******وش دخل الbbc في السالفة

مشكوره آختي ع آلتقرير ,,
آستفدنآ منج ونستفيد ..
مآننعدم،، ونتريآ آلمزيد .,

بس آعتقد آن آلرآبط مآله دخل فـ آلموضوع
جزآكـِ آلله خيرآ ,,

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف التاسع

تقرير عن science and nature للصف التاسع

بغيت تقرير عن science and nature قبل يوم آلـآحد
لو سمحتوآ

يمكن يفيدج هذا
تقرير عن science and nature

موفقه ..

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة طموحة بطبعي مشاهدة المشاركة
يمكن يفيدج هذا
تقرير عن science and nature

موفقه ..

مشكوووره يا الغلا ع رابط الحلول ,,
مآ ننعدم ونتريآ آلمزيد من طلاتج الغاوييييييييييه

قمه الروعه طممووحه
موفقه حبوبه


ماا قصصرتي طموحه بطبعي .. جزاج الله الف خير ,, ^_^

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف التاسع

امتحان Science and Nature الوحدة الرابعة للصف التاسع

امتحان Science and Nature الوحدة الرابعة Vocabulary and Grammar Writing الامارات المنهج الجديد .


Choose the correct answer from the following :
1- She doesn’t enjoy ………………… English films .
a) watch b) watching c) watched d) watches
2- Hind is good at ………………… designing programmes
a) use b) uses c) using d) the use
3- He often …………… in the mosque.
a) pray b) praying c) is praying d) prays
4- Amna ………………read the advertisement of the after school clubs.
a) don’t b) doesn’t c) not d) aren’t
5- Look ! The child …………………… , he is afraid.
a) is crying b) crying c) was crying d) cry
6- The British football team played well , …………… they didn’t win.
a) or b) but c) and d) because
7- Would you like ……………… to Al-Ain University ?
a) going b) go c) to go d) goes
8- If they use websites , they …………… find useful information.
a) could b) might c) can d) should
9- I attend ………………… English course .
a) a 36-hours b) a 36-hour c) the 36-hours d) 36-hour
10- She ……………… a short story since 1993.
a) has written b) have wrote c) have written d) wrote
11- She likes reading , she ………………writing .
a) also like b) like c) like also d) also
12- There is a prize for the winner , …………… is very expensive.
a) she b) they c) he d) it
13- Most …………… I go to the bed early.
a) day b) days c) the day d) a day
14- The weather is cold and rainy ………… January in the UAE.
a) an b) through c) in d) for
15- To have a good health , you ……………… right food.
a) eat b) can eating c) eats d) must eat

Re- order the following words to make good sentences :
1- my – at – always – friends – I – weekened – meet – the
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …
2- programmes – watch – bad – TV – never
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …
3- meeting – a week – I – once – have
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …
4- in – does – the Sun – when – rise – ?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …
5- be – with – teachers – their – patient – must – students

** منقول

امتحان Science and Nature الوحدة الرابعة Vocabulary and Grammar Writing الامارات المنهج الجديد .


Choose the correct answer from the following :
1- She doesn’t enjoy ………………… English films .
a) watch b) watching c) watched d) watches
2- Hind is good at ………………… designing programmes
a) use b) uses c) using d) the use
3- He often …………… in the mosque.
a) pray b) praying c) is praying d) prays
4- Amna ………………read the advertisement of the after school clubs.
a) don’t b) doesn’t c) not d) aren’t
5- Look ! The child …………………… , he is afraid.
a) is crying b) crying c) was crying d) cry
6- The British football team played well , …………… they didn’t win.
a) or b) but c) and d) because
7- Would you like ……………… to Al-Ain University ?
a) going b) go c) to go d) goes
8- If they use websites , they …………… find useful information.
a) could b) might c) can d) should
9- I attend ………………… English course .
a) a 36-hours b) a 36-hour c) the 36-hours d) 36-hour
10- She ……………… a short story since 1993.
a) has written b) have wrote c) have written d) wrote
11- She likes reading , she ………………writing .
a) also like b) like c) like also d) also
12- There is a prize for the winner , …………… is very expensive.
a) she b) they c) he d) it
13- Most …………… I go to the bed early.
a) day b) days c) the day d) a day
14- The weather is cold and rainy ………… January in the UAE.
a) an b) through c) in d) for
15- To have a good health , you ……………… right food.
a) eat b) can eating c) eats d) must eat

Re- order the following words to make good sentences :
1- my – at – always – friends – I – weekened – meet – the
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …
2- programmes – watch – bad – TV – never
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …
3- meeting – a week – I – once – have
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …
4- in – does – the Sun – when – rise – ?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …
5- be – with – teachers – their – patient – must – students

هذا الفصل الثانى

بس مشكور

تسلم خوويه

على المراجعه

ونتريا كل يديدك

شكرا . thank you



مشكرر والله ………..

آلسلآم عليكم ورحمه آلله وبركآتة
يسعدلي صبآحك مسآئك
تًسلمٍ ـآخويَ
ع الطرح
فًـ ميزآن حسناتكَ ~..
لآتحرمنآ من يديدك
آلله يعطيك آلعآفيهَ

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف السابع

Science Competition الصف السابع

السلام عليكم…
لو سمحتو عندي كم سؤاال عن الScience Competition و أبا أجوبة…بسرعة بليييز

How many moons does Uranus Have?-1
a)10 moons B)11 moons C )27 moons

What Color are Neptune’s clouds?-2
a)Grey B)Blue c)Black

What is another name for a meteor?-3
a)shooting stars b)comets c)asteroids

How long has the sun been shining?-4
a)about 10 billion years b)about 8billion years c)about 4 billion years

What was the name of the "Mars Pathfinder" rover?-5
a)sojourner b)sojourmer c)Mars journer

If a sandstone has red,round,smooth grains,where wad the sand made?-6
a)near a volcano b)in the desert c)in the forest

How many side does an ice crystal usually have?-7
a)4sides b)6 sides c)8 sides

What is another name for the liquid ****l mercury?-8
a)quick silver b)quick ****l b)quick element

What is the largest monitor lizard alive today?-9
a)Gould’s monitor b)Nile monitor C)Komodo monitor

Which fish like to sunbathe?-10
a)sunfish b)Oar fish C)flying fish

Can Flying fish really fly?-11
a)yes b)sometimes c)no

how many types of mammal are there?-12
a)nearly 4,500 b)nearly 5,500 c)nearly 7,500

Which animals never need to drink?-13
a)kangaroo rat & the north African Gerbil
b)Desert hedgehog & the north African Gerbil
c)Kangaroo rat and the Pallas’s cat

Where does the collared falconet live?-14
a)India b)Southeast Asia c) a+b

which elements make up the stars?-15
a)Helium b)Hydrogen C)Nitrogen

What do diamonds and coal have in common?-16
a)They are both made up of Carbon
b)They are both made up of Lithium
c)They are both made up of Oxygen

What is the scientific name for the "Femur" bone?-17
a)Thigh bone b)Breastbone c) Collarbone

What are the large vessels that take blood back to the heart called?-18
a)Arteries b)Veins c)Platelets

Who opened the first electric light company?-19
a)Thomas Twyford b)Thomas Edison c)Richard Hooke

For how long does the great spotted woodpecker incubate its egg?-20
a)up to 75 days b)up to 82 days c)up to 93 days

هذه هي كل الأسئلة…بس أنا أبا الأجوبة على الأقل يكون جاهز يوم الثلاثاء….بليييييييز


لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الثامن

about the importance of science of the individual and society .. للصف الثامن

The importance of science of the individual and society ..
قال الله تعالى: (اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق خلق الإنسان من علق اقرأ وربك الأكرم الذي علم بالقلم علم الإنسان ما لم يعلم )

Thus Allah ordered His Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him and his family and him and the command of Allah to His Messenger ordered him and his nation because it is front of them and their leader to God Almighty and this demonstrates the importance of science and the importance of learning it does not equal who know and those who do not know that the worship of God is not aware of
Like walking in the deserts by ways other than no evidence and this must of everyone to seek knowledge and application of knowledge is obligatory eye on who needs it and the duty enough to those who did not need the slaves of Allah seek knowledge for knowledge is light and guidance, ignorance, darkness and misguidance Seek knowledge it with faith in the elevation in the world and the next it is the legacy of the Prophets peace be upon them that the prophets did not inherit dirhams and dinars, but inherited the knowledge they have inherited the flag is taken may take luck and a multitude of their inheritance, but man is proud, if God be with the knowledge to be an heir to the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family and him that science better of money and the greatest reward and enduring interest Seek knowledge, let your tongue Believe in others because the implications of science remains after the courtyard of his family Scientists rabbis still monuments commendable and their way Mothorh and their pursuit of commendable and reminded them brought that mentioned in the councils filled councils praise them and pray for them even said good deeds and morality high were role models of people, people in need to scientists more than they need food and drink and the marriage because scientists are the ones who Ydlewnhm the law of God, no life for man, but to do God’s law and scientists to spread the knowledge in various ways, either in council or in writing, either in sermons in mosques and methods of dissemination of science many known that the pursuit of knowledge of the best because it is these high demands, especially in our time which many people when asked the world and the flocking and many where readers knowledgeable without scholars working the fruit of science is to work and the call to God and said the Prophet peace be upon him God we know what benefit us and taught us what Anfna and increased knowledge.

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف العاشر

هذا هو التقرير عن science للصف العاشر

هذا هو التقرير عن science


بـآآرك الله فيج

يسعَد لُي صبـآحكَم / مسـآكَم | بكَّل خيرْ وبركَــهِْ ، ‘ . .

يًسـلَموِ عّ الطرَحٍ . .

اًلـًغِلـآَ كانتَ هنِـا . .

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

science and nature للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم والرحمة
اعلومكم؟عساكم طيبين


ابي تقرير عن science and nature

والسمــــــوحة ع القصـــــور

أختي ما حصلت
حصلت عن علوم الطبيعة وهي بس فقرة صغيرة هاللي حصلته

Studying natural sciences – physics, chemistry, biology and earth science classes and astronomy – the universe in different facets of the regularity of atomic and molecular levels corn cells and member of the creature objectivity. Concerned with road works where matter and energy to show different aspects of the creature. The very science these rights in giving a certain degree of control over these forces in order to improve the situation of the material. The Bchgvha to reach respects Bunch in the creature, and eventually find a reason for the ultimate creature, looks natural sciences to use this knowledge to the ultimate cause of the creature for the control of various phenomena and thus make the sovereign rights of the universe.

All this is the appropriate scope of reason. If the human mind world free of anxiety and unhappiness of life and reassuring and happy and peaceful; If the idea of a sharp, and its distinctive refinery; and if developed in intuition and a growing sense of vision – certainly it will be able to discover much more than what was discovered during the many centuries in scientific research.

Evolve all the characteristics of the mind of those easily through this system, in the absence of better results modern scientists found that it was most due to chance or luck, even though it was in the line called method of search. Such incidental findings in the field of natural forces by the mature brain-produced and mass destruction of humanity. Like a child who plays anything even Balgsn burning coal or flared, as well as play-mature minds of the scientists present in all parts of the world find it by chance during their experiences Energy Agency and nuclear weapons.

Will refer to this treatment deep routes that unless complete study absolute field of education, would be the real significance of Education never incomplete. Flantmani that brings educators educators in this generation to the level of the event and pave the way for the full education of present and future generations.

وما تقصرين

الله يسلمج ^^

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الحادي عشر

بوربوينت الوحده الرابعة Science and Nature للصف الحادي عشر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

في المرفقات



الملفات المرفقة

هلَآٍ .,

شح’ـَآلهمْ آلعَربَ عسآهمْ بخَير ( دوْمزِ *~
يزآكمْ آلله ألف خيَر وبآرك الله فيكمَ وصآنكسَ ع هيكْ موضوعِ .,~

اللهَ يحفَظكم ويوَفجكمْ

يزاج الله ألف خير وجعله الله في ميزان حسناتج

تسلمون ع الرد

وربي يوفقكم ..

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الارشيف الدراسي

طلب تقرير عن science and nature للصف التاسع

بليز عايز تقرير عن science and nature بسرعة اخر يوم الاحد ارجوكم ساعدوني

اسف ما حصلت

خلصت السنة + لاتوجد إجابة = إغلاق



سبحان الله و بحمده