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تقرير عن science and nature -للتعليم الاماراتي

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Natural sciences is the science that deals with the study of the physical aspects of natural material for all non-human phenomena on the earth and the universe around us. Natural science tries to explain how the world and phenomena in it for developing theories of the processes of normal and try as much as possible away from the ****physical interpretations (which characterize many of the interpretations of religious and Gnostic and spiritual world and its manifestations). Also use the word natural science research followed established as a scientific methodology (scientific method). While trying to natural philosophy and social sciences the application of these scientific methodologies on various topics.

A natural science foundation of Applied Sciences, so often Tsnvann together were separated as distinct from normal social sciences and humanities, science and ****physics (theology), the arts and so on.

Can not be considered mathematics part of the natural sciences, but the link mathematics science and a very close they believe a lot of useful tools for these sciences, and mathematics derives many of the ideas from the study of natural science and can not be considered physics and chemistry, but there have Artietat


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آستفدنآ منج ونستفيد ..
مآننعدم،، ونتريآ آلمزيد .,

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جزآكـِ آلله خيرآ ,,

لا الـــه الا الله

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