الصف الثاني عشر

the food in the past -تعليم الامارات

مرحبااااااااا السااااااااااااااااع ..

حبايبي ..

حد عنده تقرير عن الموضوع ..

او أي فكره عنه ..

يساعدني فيه ..

و يزاكم الله كل خيييير ..

دخيلكم وانا بعد ابي تقرير عن نفس الموضوع ..وابويااا دخيلكم ساعدونااا … بصيح والله .. خخخ

اسففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففف والله

اسفة والله بس أنا دورت وملقتش
يا ريت لو تحاول تغير موضوع تقريرك بيكون أفضل (إذا قدرت )

لوووووووو سمحتوا بلييييييييييييييييييز انا بعد أريد
إذا جدرتوا إلي عنده مايبخل علينا بليييييييييز
اتنمنى الرد بأسرع وقت ممكن

السلام عليكم …
Your heart needs care for life. A healthy heart is about enjoying a healthy lifestyle and making this part of your everyday life. It is also about taking positive steps to reduce risk factors.

The good news is that if you lead a healthy lifestyle, as outlined in the information in this section, you can reduce your risk of developing heart disease.
Enjoy Healthy Eating
Enjoying a variety of foods from the different food groups is the key to healthy eating. Try to:
• Eat plenty of plant-****d foods including vegetables, fruits and legumes and grain ****d foods (preferably wholegrain), such as bread, pasta, noodles and rice
• Eat moderate amounts of lean meats, skinless poultry, fish and reduced fat dairy products
• Replace saturated fat with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils and fats.
A healthy way to start the day – the benefits of breakfast

Regular breakfast eaters are more likely to enjoy a wide range of benefits including a more nutritious eating pattern and a healthier weight. Some simple ways for people on the go to enjoy the benefits of breakfast are available in an information sheet

Eggs, The Heart Foundation And The Tick – The Facts

Fresh hen eggs now carry the Heart Foundation Tick, as they are a highly nutritious food containing good quality protein.
Be Active Every Day

Being physically active is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. At any age physical activity provides a range of health benefits. And the good news is activity doesn’t have to be vigorous – moderate activity, such as brisk walking, is great for your health!

The Heart Foundation and other leading authorities recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on all or most days of the week. This can be accumulated in bouts of ten minutes or more if this is more convenient.

Be Smoke Free

Cigarette smoking is the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in Australia. It is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, as well as a range of cancers and other diseases and conditions.

The single most important thing a smoker can do for their cardiovascular health is to quit smoking. One of the first steps in the quitting process is to decide that you want to quit, then set a quit date and plan towards it.

Another way to be smokefree is to make your house a smokefree zone. This protects the non-smokers in the household, especially children and people with heart disease. Also, when you are out, ask for a smokefree area. Encourage your local pub, club or casino to go completely smokefree.

Risk Factors for Heart Disease
‘Risk factors’ for heart disease are characteristics that increase our chance of developing heart disease.

These include:
– smoking
– high blood cholesterol
– physical inactivity
– diabetes
– high blood pressure
– being overweight
– depression, social isolation and lack of social support.

Being male and having a family history of early death from heart disease are also risk factors for developing heart disease.

Leading a healthy lifestyle and following medical advice to reduce or remove risk factors over which we have some control, is the best way to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, and to help prevent it getting worse if it already exists.
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in the arteries as the heart pumps it around the ****.

If the blood pressure remains high it can cause serious problems like a heart attack, a stroke, heart failure or kidney disease. High blood pressure usually has no warning symptoms and therefore it is important to have regular blood pressure checks to find out whether you might have high blood pressure.

Finally , this id the more important thing you should do to have a healthy life … I hope the healthy life for every o

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الاول الابتدائي

ورقة عمل food party للصف الأول

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

إليكم احبتي ورقة عمل عن food party

ف المرفق
موفقين ان شاء الله


الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم
يزاك الله خير
يعطيك العافيه

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

بوركت جهودك..

موفق ان شاء الله..

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف العاشر

Healthy food للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم والرحمه

شحالكم ؟؟ شخباركم ؟؟

بغيت مقال عن Healthy food ممكن ؟؟

ومشكورين وماقصرتو

ماعندي اروحي ادور المشكلة

وهذا البحث عن
Healthy food

Healthy food

Prepared by :
Class : 10 /
School :
Subject : healthy food .
Under the supervision of :

Healthy food is almost as important to healing as competent medical care, and healthy eating habits play a critical role in preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
Life today is not like how it was before. Along time ago, people ate foods that are very good for their health.
They ate foods that do not contain chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors. People also had a lot of time to cook their own foods. Therefore those people were not been affected by the food that they ate, because all of the foods that they had were natural foods and healthy.
That’s way they did not have any problem on their health and they lived longer than now. But these days, every one is busy and don’t have time to cook their own food.
People eat foods that are easily *****d or ready *****d. They do not even think of what they eat, and if it can effect their health or not. That is a bad way that most people do because our health depends on what we eat daily.
Foods are the building blocks of every cell in the body, are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body. It is important, for that reason, to know what is good for our body and what is not. Foods can be classified into two types, unhealthy (junk) and healthy food.
Healthy food can be found in fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts, seafood and dairy foods. They are also not of the frozen foods and with out chemical fertilizers.

The other advantage is that healthy foods have no preservatives with natural color, and flavors and even it gives you strong body .
Therefore we should be careful to every food that we eat. Because if we eat un healthy food they may cause some disadvantages to our health. Most of the vitamins that which we need are found in fruit, vegetable, meat, nut, seafood, and dairy foods. we should balance our food that we eat.
Unhealthy food can be found in fast foods, frozen foods and other foods which having chemical contents. Main causes of unhealthy foods are heart diseases, some type of cancers, high cholesterol and other recent diseases which discovered due to un managed foods.

Finally I advice all my friends to care about there health and choose there foods carefully to have a healthy and long life.

• web sites .
• My oldest brother

والسموحه على القصور


وهاذا بعد من عندي
Healthy food is almost as important to healing as competent medical care, and healthy eating habits play a critical role in preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
Life today is not like how it was before. Along time ago, people ate foods that are very good for their health.

They ate foods that do not contain chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors. People also had a lot of time to cook their own foods. Therefore those people were not been affected by the food that they ate, because all of the foods that they had were natural foods and healthy.
That’s way they did not have any problem on their health and they lived longer than now. But these days, every one is busy and don’t have time to cook their own food.

People eat foods that are easily *****d or ready *****d. They do not even think of what they eat, and if it can effect their health or not. That is a bad way that most people do because our health depends on what we eat daily.

Foods are the building blocks of every cell in the body, are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole body. It is important, for that reason, to know what is good for our body and what is not. Foods can be classified into two types, unhealthy (junk) and healthy food.

Healthy food can be found in fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts, seafood and dairy foods. They are also not of the frozen foods and with out chemical fertilizers.

The other advantage is that healthy foods have no preservatives with natural color, and flavors and even it gives you strong body .

Therefore we should be careful to every food that we eat. Because if we eat un healthy food they may cause some disadvantages to our health. Most of the vitamins that which we need are found in fruit, vegetable, meat, nut, seafood, and dairy foods. we should balance our food that we eat.

Unhealthy food can be found in fast foods, frozen foods and other foods which having chemical contents. Main causes of unhealthy foods are heart diseases, some type of cancers, high cholesterol and other recent diseases which discovered due to un managed foods.

Finally I advice all my friends to care about there health and choose there foods carefully to have a healthy and long life.

• web sites .

يسلمو يا ابو كرية
عنجد انك عسل

مشكوووووووووووووووور غرشوبي بوظبي
ما تقصر …

مكـآآن الطلب ليس هنا

تم تعديل المشاركة

تسلمووون ع الطرح الرووعة

جزـآآكم الله خيرـآآ

شكرـآ ع مجهوودكم..

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الحادي عشر

healthy food للصف الحادي عشر

ابي Ecart عن healthy food ضروري لمدارس العين

الله يخليكم ردو

السسلام عليكم,,

Healthy food


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

تسلم يمناها الطيبة ما قصرت,,

موفقين يارب,,

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

بحث ومشروع fast food كامل للصف الثاني عشر

السلام عليكم والرحمة
هذا بحث كامل عن fast food
ان شالله تستفيدون منه وبالتوفيق للجميع
ودعواتكم ..

البحث بشكل مرتب مع الصور في المرفقات ,,

Table of Contents

Fast food popularity amongst teens in UAE
Fast food facts and statistics
Media influence and its contribution to obesity
Medical research and government support
Obesity awareness and prevention methods


Fast food is very popular amongst teenagers as easy accessible source of daily meal and this is causing rapid increase of obesity in children and young adults. The point of this project is to review the obesity factors, causes and preventative measures that are taken by society and health institutions in the United Arab Emirates.
Fast food so rapidly had become routine part of our daily lives that not consuming junk food often stands out as unacceptable. Families dining out in popular fast food restaurants, toddlers familiar since early age with French fries and coke, people lining up to get newly promoted types of sandwiches and having little idea how this food can effect health or decrease life span of a person.
Awareness is still an issue within UAE and active champagnes can change and improve health of the nation and help everyone to function to their full potential.
Fast food restaurants are popular because they serve filling foods that taste good and don’t cost a lot of money. However, fast food is usually cheap because it’s often made with cheaper ingredients such as high fat meat, refined grains, and added sugar and fats, instead of nutritious foods such as lean meats, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Of course, the UAE is not alone in facing these problems. WHO says obesity has reached alarming numbers globally. In 2022 it estimated that 1.6 billion adults were overweight, of whom at least 400 million were obese.
Currently UAE’s Ministry of Health and other government agencies have formed a National Nutrition Committee to draft a national strategy for reducing obesity, diabetes and other diet-related diseases.
In this presentation, we will attempt to identify major reasons for fast food popularity, the consequences of consuming it and preventative measures that are currently being taken and possibly will take place in future.

Fast food popularity amongst teens in UAE

“Arab teens name top brands”
Fast food and beverages dominate list of top brands in survey of responses from teens in the region
Fast food has become one of the most popular brands with teenagers in the Middle East.
According to Dubai-based market research firm AMRB and global teen research firm TRU, some of the top brands in the region amongst teens are KFC, Pepsi and McDonald’s. (http://www.7days.ae/article/business…p-brands-28448, July 20, 2022)
Los Angeles Times reported that long-awaited state law, announcing that the calorie count numbers for the items on the restaurant menus goes into effect Jan. 1, 2022. (http://articles.latimes.com/2017/dec…menus-20171230, December 30, 2022)
Unfortunately, there are not yet such law implemented in UAE, but as per recent obesity and diabetes prevention campaigns held in this region, lots of awareness being created for the children and teen in UAE. High incomes and a taste for fast food and sugary drinks have pushed nationals of the United Arab Emirates into the obesity club. The low levels of exercise, along with a taste for fast foods laden with carbohydrates; salt, fat and processed sugar is cause for increasing concern about the nation’s health. In 2022 the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that over 50% of men and women in the UAE were overweight or obese.

These rates are also increasing in other countries in the region. [WHO defines overweight as a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 25 kg/m² and obesity as a BMI equal to or greater than 30 kg/m².] In 2022, the Department of Nutrition and Health at UAE University reported that about a quarter of children aged between eight and 12 were overweight. Where there is obesity, diabetes follows. In 2022 WHO reported that 13.5% of the UAE population was diabetic, the second-highest prevalence of the disease in the world; this figure is expected to rise to 19.3% by 2030.

The UAE draft strategy – which is being developed with support from WHO – will focus on health and nutrition education, improve food consumption patterns with more focus on vegetables and fruits, food fortification with micronutrients, food labeling and marketing and school feeding programs.
Type 2 diabetes mainly in those aged 40 and over but now children as young as 10 are developing the disease in UAE with parents still see a thin child as sickly, a fat one as healthy.
There are other signs that the fight against obesity is gathering momentum in the region.
At Dubai Women’s College, for example, fitness training has become part of the curriculum. Students are assigned two hours of physical activity a week, an hour of theory, plus homework.

At the moment the teenage obesity in this country is on the increasing rate as we live in a world surrounded by junk food that is available and easy. And there aren’t as many opportunities to exercise in the UAE because everything is oriented around cars. Plus, there are not as many role models for kids; most of the people our students know have all the same bad habits.” (http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/…/en/index.html, 2 February, 2022)

Fast food facts and statistics

Unfortunately, fast food obesity is a major risk factor of ten very serious diseases and health problems. These factors include: sleep apnea, heart disease, arthritis and respiratory problems. Fast food obesity is increasing at an alarming rate throughout the whole world .Here is the most common diseases caused by Fast food:
1- Heart Disease: Of all the diseases caused by fast food obesity, heart disease is one of the most common and most devastating. Large amounts of body fat usually result in higher levels of LDL cholesterol and lower levels of HDL.
2- Diabetes (Type 2): One of the fastest growing obesity related diseases is diabetes, as pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to covert sugars into energy for your cells. The rest of the sugar ends up floating around in your blood and causing damage.
3 –Dyslipidemia: could be considered a junk food obesity related illness. That’s because the disease occurs when LDL levels and triglycerides are abnormally high. Having this condition puts you at greater risk of coronary heart disease, and most physicians attribute its development directly to weight gain.
4 -Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Women who are overweight or obese have a higher likelihood of developing this disorder which is one of the main causes of infertility in females who are within reproductive age. The condition causes irregular menstrual cycles and excess hair growth.
5- Sleep Apnea: Many people with weight problems attribute their lack of energy to their size but many of them actually have a disorder known as sleep apnea. While sleeping, you literally stop breathing and this causes you to wake up suddenly.
6- Arthritis: While most people think of arthritis as a disease for older people only, the condition is simply caused by strain on the joints over time. When you wear more than your body can handle, the strain is greater and causes arthritis to develop much earlier.
7- Blount’s Disease: Blount’s disease is a condition that develops when too much weight is placed on the growing bones in the lower half of the body.
8- Respiratory Problems
Just as being overweight puts more stress on your heart, it also causes your lungs to work harder in order to get the oxygen needed where it needs to faster. Plus, conditions such as plague build-up from high cholesterol in the arteries can make it harder for oxygen to move free through your system.

9 -Liver Damage: Sometimes the body has problems breaking down all of the fatty foods we eat and dealing with the fat appropriately. As a result, fat can build-up around the liver.
10- Stroke: A stroke is caused by a blockage in the arteries supplying blood to the brain. When the blood and the oxygen it carries can’t reach the brain, the cells begin to die off causing permanent brain damage and even brain death.
(Bassitt, 2022)

Hamburgers Sandwich Compared

Fast Food Restaurant Serving Size
Calories Saturated Fat
McDonald’s 198 510 7 40 1190
Burger King 121 600 8 30 1560
Wendy’s 130 410 6 41 1100
Hardee’s 118 310 4 36 560
Carl’s Jr 209 470 6 54 1060
Sonic 117 310 5 30 610
White Castle 58 410 5 410 210
Dairy Queen 140 350 7 33 400
Jack in the Box 118 310 6 30 600
In-N-Out Burger 243 390 5 39 650

French Fries (Large) Compared:

Fast Food Restaurant Serving Size Calories (g) Saturated Fat (g) Carbs (g) Sodium (g)
Sonic 98 280 2 42 135
In-N-Out Burger 125 400 5 54 245
McDonald’s 170 570 6 70 330
Hardee’s 193 610 6 78 370
Del Taco 198 490 5 47 380
Carl’s Jr. 198 620 6 80 380
Burger King 160 500 6 57 530
White Castle 244 700 6 89 560
A&W 156 430 4.5 61 640
Popeyes 88 310 7 35 660
KFC 102 260 2.5 33 740
Arby’s 213 566 7 82 1029
Jack In The Box 236 640 8 77 1180
Dairy Queen 280 730 6 100 1530

Fast food is bad food. That’s pretty much common knowledge these days. The majority of the foods served at fast food restaurants contain an insane amount of calories, tons of fat (including the very evil Trans fat), and are high in pretty much everything else that you’d want your food to be low in. Long story short, it’s the kind of food you want to avoid Eating.But, you probably know this already. The funny thing is, most of the world doesn’t seem to care.
The fast food restaurants continue to do just fine because people continue to eat their unhealthy food. So I figured, if you are still going to eat this junk, you might as well at least know which is the best of the worst, and which is the worst of the worst.To show this, I’ve compared the nutrition facts of the most popular foods from over 20 popular fast food restaurants to see how each restaurant’s version of the same food stacks up against the others. If this isn’t enough to convince you to eat less (or none) of this stuff, it will at least give you the information you need to make the better choice and avoid making the worst one. (http://www.fastfoodnutrition.org/, 2022)

A Healthy Meal from McDonalds
Item Calories Fat Carbs Protein
Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken 210 6 11 28
Newmans Own Creamy Caesar Dressing 190 18 4 2
Totals: 400 24 15 30
A Healthy Meal from KFC
Item Calories Fat Carbs Protein
Tender Roast Chicken Breast (no skin) 169 4 1 31
Cole Slaw 108 9 21 2
Totals: 277 13 22 33

Media influence and its contribution to obesity

The media plays a big role when it comes down to obesity. Teenagers are unaware of the subliminal messages being sent to them through the television. We only see part of the message the advertisement is conveying to us.
Subliminal messages and the effects of advertising:
“Unfortunately, this medium, which has been used for much good, has increasingly been misused. The number of programs and commercials that conflict with good moral standards is steadily rising, and few viewers demonstrate enough self-discipline to resist. Some of today’s teenagers don’t even realize what hidden messages they are receiving – and little by little they subconsciously come to accept them as normal or appropriate.” (http://www.medicineweb.com/health/di…ce-on-obesity/)
During commercial breaks, the food being advertised is mostly unhealthy junk food. They are portrayed by very appealing people and do not show us the risks of consuming their products. Even during the movies or tv shows being aired, a lot of food and beverages are branded which makes the audience only want it more.
“The subtle influence of advertising works in a variety of ways, such as those shown below:
Promotion of images that do not equate to the truth, but are presented in ways that appears to be ‘truthful’. So, people are convinced that buying product ‘A’ will make them happy or younger or more attractive—it must be so because the advertisements ‘prove’ it.
Repetition of messages which stress minor differences between products, for example, Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola, can influence unconscious decisions on what becomes a preferred product.
Even if consumers dislike some annoying advertisements, the constant repetition of messages can still influence their purchasing actions.” (http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/r…-11/11rp09.htm, 2022)

Also, the following has been proven through a study:

1. The majority of the brand placements were for energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods or product lines.
2. Sugar-sweetened beverages, largely soda, accounted for the largest proportion of all of the food product brand placements; 1 in 4 brand appearances was a sugar-sweetened beverage.
3. A surprising number of product-placements for low quality food and beverages were found in movies targeted specifically to older children and teenagers. One third of G-rated movies, more than half (58.5%) of PG-rated movies, and almost three quarters (73.2%) of PG-13–rated movies had brand appearances.
4. Six companies accounted for almost half of all brand placements – PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Nestle USA, McDonald’s, Dr. Pepper/Snapple Group and Burger King.” (http://hoodcenter.dartmouth.edu/Food…Placement.html)

Medical research and government support

Increasing body fatness is accompanied by profound changes in physiological function. These changes are, to a certain extent, dependent on the regional distribution of adipose tissue. Generalized obesity results in alterations in total blood volume and cardiac function, whereas the distribution of fat around the thoracic abdomen restricts respiratory excursion and alters respiratory function. The intra-abdominal visceral cage tissue, which characterizes upper body obesity, is a major contributor deposition of adipose and to the development of hypertension, elevated plasma insulin concentrations and insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidaemia. (Obesity as a medical problem. Nature, 2022)
Obesity is now so common within the world’s population that it is beginning to replace under nutrition and infectious diseases as the most significant contributor to ill health. In particular, obesity is associated with diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, certain forms of cancer, and sleep-breathing disorders. Obesity is defined by a body-mass index (weight divided by square of the height) of 30 kg m.
The global epidemic of obesity results from a combination of genetic susceptibility, increased availability of high-energy foods and decreased requirement for physical activity in modern society. Obesity should no longer be regarded simply as a cosmetic problem affecting certain individuals, but an epidemic that threatens global well being.
What role should the government play in the fight against obesity? In a poll last spring of 1,002 adults, 48 percent said that obesity is a private matter and personal responsibility that should be dealt with by individuals alone, while 47 percent said that it is a public health issue requiring government intervention. In contrast to this ambivalence about government’s role, 75 percent of the respondents agreed on the need and desirability for healthcare providers to play a greater role in fighting the obesity epidemic. Commissioned by the Harvard Forums on Health, the poll has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.
Despite the divided opinion regarding government intervention, 62 percent of the respondents said they support the idea of requiring restaurants to list nutrition information on their menus. They also strongly supported government educational campaigns (75%) and the creation of more public space where people can be physically active (81%). On the other hand, 59 percent opposed a special tax on junk food. The respondents drew a distinction between government efforts to fight adult obesity and efforts to fight childhood obesity, giving a very strong endorsement of the latter.
The support for educational campaigns grows to 90 percent when those efforts concern children. Similarly large numbers favored more physical education in school (91%) and wanted schools to provide healthier lunches (95%), and two-thirds thought that schools should play a major role in fighting childhood obesity. How the government would pay for these initiatives remains unclear, however. Although 76 percent said they would support higher taxes to pay for these efforts to curb childhood obesity, only 42% were willing to pay $100 more per year. (Journal of Physical Education, 2022)

Obesity awareness and prevention methods

Whether a person is at risk of becoming obese, currently overweight or at a healthy weight, there are steps to prevent unhealthy weight gain and related health problems. Not surprisingly, the steps to prevent weight gain are the same as the steps to lose weight: daily exercise, a healthy diet, and a long-term commitment to watch what you eat and drink.
Reasonable Diet-Changing daily diet habits and plays important role in obesity prevention. Diet controlling does not happen overnight and requires long term dedication until the previous living and eating habits completely replaced. People with obesity may control to lose weight 0.5-1.0kg per month by reducing 125-250Cal energy intake steadily per month. Individuals with medium or above obesity level can control more strictly to lose weight 0.5-1.0kg per week, or reduce energy intake 550-1100 Cal per day.
Limiting to sugar and fat intake-As sugar has low sense of satiety, so it’s easily causes high appetite.
Since too much sugar will convert into fat inside your body, avoiding eating sugar, honey, confectionaries and sweet cakes should be decreased to a minimum and fiber intake is advisable. Following tips are proven to be useful:

Seafood contains lower heat energy than other meat,
Fowl contains lower heat energy than poultry.
Lean meat contains lower heat energy than fat meat.
Skim milk contains lower heat energy than full cream.
Green leaves vegetable contains lower heat energy than root vegetable.
These tips will help keeping same kind of food by choosing the one with low heat energy.

Eating more vegetables and fruits-Green vegetables, especially green leaf vegetables, contain more vitamin C and carotin which can improve anti-disease ability. Also Vegetables and fruits contain fiber which helps reducing sugars, decreasing fat and help digestion which results in effective weight lose. Recommended foods to fight obesity as following: melons, radish, tomatoes, cucumber ect. Foods with high water levels will help body fat to ****bolize, restrain appetite and insufficient water levels will reflect in low ****bolism and accumulation of body fat. On the other hand, salt intake will cause body water retention, blood volume and weight increase. Additionally, extra salt intake one of the causes of hypertension and heart attack. WHO recommends only 2 g per person daily and monitoring salt consumption on daily bases definitely can help throughout diet process. (http://www.healthy-chinese-recipe.co…revention.html)
As important it is to follow healthy diet, it is the best practice to combine it with daily exercise or physical activities. The best way to step into the new healthier stage in life and leave behind dangers of being obese is to consult with nutritionist or physician. This will help to achieve desirable weight loss in best and effective way that is most suitable on individual bases.
General awareness of the fast food and obesity related consequences is rising in UAE. Throughout educational and governmental channels, young people recognizing the seriousness of the issue and take firm stand in preventative measures. One of the best examples is weight watching and blood test for diabetes kiosks around the colleges, universities, or even shopping malls. Finally, the launch of World Diabetes Day in 20-Nov-2017 was an eye opening experience for lots of people in UAE and raised the awareness of obesity and healthy eating habits to the highest levels. Of course, statistics are not yet encouraging, but the UAE approach is proven to be successful and the nation is on the right path in protecting future generations.


Our research observed various websites, articles and books, trying to identify currently discussed opinions and activities on the “Fast Food and Obesity” topic. It appears that lots of information accessible identifying the seriousness of the issue and covering awareness programs, citizen participation and government involvement.

Fast food and obesity as a cause of junk food consumption has become global problem in the world with millions people are still living in poverty and without access to clean water or daily meals. It appears that social standards are changing with major influence by media and western culture and healthy eating habits are slowly disappearing being replaced with the corporate fast moving-fast serving life style. As a result of business oriented environment and growing inflation, old fashioned home cooked healthy meals being replaced by questionable junk food as cheap solution.

Based on the information that we have gathered throughout project research, we have concluded that the fight against fast food and obesity is not an easy task. However, with the right determination and “word of mouth” tactic and support from the educational and governmental facilities, we can start implementing necessary changes and shape healthy future for young people in UAE for generations ahead.

We believe that first step is always the hardest but realization of importance will be our main force to break the bad eating habits and prevent obesity. In our opinion, the media is profit oriented in promoting bad foods, where the people needs and the consequences of eating fast food is not linked back to media. We need to use media, celebrities and famous people to promote healthy habits and not singers telling kids that soft drinks are cool.

References and Literature

http://articles.latimes.com/2017/dec…menus-20171230. (December 30, 2022). Sharon Bernstein. Los Angeles Times .
http://hoodcenter.dartmouth.edu/Food…Placement.html. (n.d.).
http://www.7days.ae/article/business…p-brands-28448. (July 20, 2022). 7 DAYS newspaper, Article .
http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/r…-11/11rp09.htm. (2017).
http://www.fastfoodnutrition.org/. (2017).
http://www.healthy-chinese-recipe.co…revention.html. (n.d.).
http://www.medicineweb.com/health/di…ce-on-obesity/. (n.d.).
http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/…/en/index.html. (2 February, 2022). Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Volume 88: 2022 ,Volume 88 .
Journal of Physical Education, R. &.-7. (2017). The government and obesity.
Obesity as a medical problem. Nature, 4. (2017). Kopelman, P. G. .

الملفات المرفقة

ماقصرتي …،

~{.. ـآًلٌفًُ شٌـكًرْ عًـًلًـآًِ ـًآًلًطًرْحٌٍ,ًْ
………….. مًـآًنُـنٌحرُمَ هًـ ـآًإلأُبُـدًـآُع ًُ يًـآإًرًبٌ ِ."~:
.,~ ,

السلام عليكم …
صراحة اعجبني
يسلمو خيتو

رائع !

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
فميزان حساناتكم يارب
تسلم الايادي

شووووو (رائع !و

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
فميزان حساناتكم يارب
تسلم الايادي) اصلا مايشتغل

كتير مرتب الله يعطيكى العافية

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الاول الابتدائي

ورقة عمل عن party food

الســـــــــــــــــــــــــلام عليـــــــــكمــ ورحمة الله وبركاته

تفضلو احبتي ورقة عمل عن party food
في المرفق

مع تمنياااتي لكمــــــــــ بالتوفيق والنجاااح
ودوام الصــحة والعافية

الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

ما قصرت اخوي,,

عساك عالقوة..

السلام عليكم
يزاك الله خير
يعطيك العافية


بارك الله فيك


سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

تقرير جاهز عن unhealty food

السلام عليكم و رحمه الله وبركاته

تقرير عن unhealthy food

كامل وجاهز مع المصادر والصور ( 3 مواقع )

وطبعا مع المقدمة والخاتمة ..

بتحصلونه فالمرفقات

وبالتوفيـــــــج ..!


الملفات المرفقة

بارك الله فيج ,,

تم التقييم ++

تسلميــن ع الطلة

تسلمين ,,

ربي لا هانج

الله يسلمج ..

سـآآنكس خيتووو ع المرور^^






صلى الله على محمد

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير بعنوان : junk food / انجليزي / ف3 / للصف الحادي عشر .. للصف الحادي عشر

junk food and the link between violence and what we eat

That Dwight Demar is able to sit in front of us, sober, calm, and employed, is "a miracle", he declares in the cadences of a prayer-meeting sinner. He has been rocking his 6ft 2in bulk to and fro while delivering a confessional account of his past into the middle distance. He wants us to know what has saved him after 20 years on the streets: "My dome is working. They gave me some kind of pill and I changed. Me, myself and I, I changed."
Demar has been in and out of prison so many times he has lost count of his convictions. "Being drunk, being disorderly, trespass, assault and battery; you name it, I did it. How many times I been in jail? I don’t know, I was locked up so much it was my second home."

Demar has been taking part in a clinical trial at the US government’s National Institutes for Health, near Washington. The study is investigating the effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplements on the brain, and the pills that have effected Demar’s "miracle" are doses of fish oil.

The results emerging from this study are at the cutting edge of the debate on crime and punishment. In Britain we lock up more people than ever before. Nearly 80,000 people are now in our prisons, which reached their capacity this week.

But the new research calls into question the very basis of criminal justice and the notion of culpability. It suggests that individuals may not always be responsible for their aggression. Taken together with a study in a high-security prison for young offenders in the UK, it shows that violent behaviour may be attributable at least in part to nutritional deficiencies.

The UK prison trial at Aylesbury jail showed that when young men there were fed multivitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, the number of violent offences they committed in the prison fell by 37%. Although no one is suggesting that poor diet alone can account for complex social problems, the former chief inspector of prisons Lord RamsXXXXam says that he is now "absolutely convinced that there is a direct link between diet and antisocial behaviour, XXXX that bad diet causes bad behaviour and that good diet prevents it."

The Dutch government is currently conducting a large trial to see if nutritional supplements have the same effect on its prison population. And this week, new claims were made that fish oil had improved behaviour and reduced aggression among children with some of the most severe behavioural difficulties in the UK.


For the clinician in charge of the US study, Joseph Hibbeln, the results of his trial are not a miracle, but simply what you might predict if you understand the biochemistry of the brain and the biophysics of the brain cell membrane. His hypothesis is that modern industrialised diets may be changing the very architecture and functioning of the brain.

We are suffering, he believes, from widespread diseases of deficiency. Just as vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, deficiency in the essential fats the brain needs and the nutrients needed to XXXXbolise those fats is causing of a host of mental problems from depression to aggression. Not all experts agree, but if he is right, the consequences are as serious as they could be. The pandemic of violence in western societies may be related to what we eat or fail to eat. Junk food may not only be making us sick, but mad and bad too.

In Demar’s case the aggression has blighted many lives. He has attacked his wife. "Once she put my TV out the door, I snapped off and smacked her." His last spell in prison was for a particularly violent assault. "I tried to kill a person. Then I knew something need be done because I was half a hundred and I was either going to kill somebody or get killed."

Demar’s brain has blanked out much of that last attack. He can remember that a man propositioned him for sex, but the details of his own response are hazy.

When he came out of jail after that, he bought a can of beer and seemed headed for more of the same until a case worker who had seen adverts for Hibbeln’s trial persuaded him to take part.

The researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, which is part of NIH, had placed adverts for aggressive alcoholics in the Washington Post in 2022. Some 80 volunteers came forward and have since been enrolled in the double blind study. They have ranged from homeless people to a teacher to a former secret service agent. Following a period of three weeks’ detoxification on a locked ward, half were randomly assigned to 2 grams per day of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA for three months, and half to placebos of fish-flavoured corn oil.

An earlier pilot study on 30 patients with violent records found that those given omega-3 supplements had their anger reduced by one-third, measured by standard scales of hostility and irritability, regardless of whether they were relapsing and drinking again. The bigger trial is nearly complete now and Dell Wright, the nurse administering the pills, has seen startling changes in those on the fish oil rather than the placebo. "When Demar came in there was always an undercurrent of aggression in his behaviour. Once he was on the supplements he took on the ability not to be impulsive. He kept saying, ‘This is not like me’."

Demar has been out of trouble and sober for a year now. He has a girlfriend, his own door key, and was made employee of the month at his company recently. Others on the trial also have long histories of violence but with omega-3 fatty acids have been able for the first time to control their anger and aggression. J, for example, arrived drinking a gallon of rum a day and had 28 scars on his hand from punching other people. Now he is calm and his cravings have gone. W was a 19st barrel of a man with convictions for assault and battery. He improved dramatically on the fish oil and later told doctors that for the first time since the age of five he had managed to go three months without punching anyone in the head.

Threat to society

Hibbeln is a psychiatrist and physician, but as an employee of the US government at the NIH he wears the uniform of a commander, with his decorations for service pinned to his chest. As we queued to get past the post-9/11 security checks at the NIH federal base, he explained something of his view of the new threat to society.

Over the last century most western countries have undergone a dramatic shift in the composition of their diets in which the omega-3 fatty acids that are essential to the brain have been flooded out by competing omega-6 fatty acids, mainly from industrial oils such as soya, corn, and sunflower. In the US, for example, soya oil accounted for only 0.02% of all calories available in 1909, but by 2022 it accounted for 20%. Americans have gone from eating a fraction of an ounce of soya oil a year to downing 25lbs (11.3kg) per person per year in that period. In the UK, omega-6 fats from oils such as soya, corn, and sunflower accounted for 1% of energy supply in the early 1960s, but by 2022 they were nearly 5%. These omega-6 fatty acids come mainly from industrial frying for takeaways, ready meals and snack foods such as crisps, chips, biscuits, ice-creams and from margarine. Alcohol, meanwhile, depletes omega-3s from the brain.

To test the hypothesis, Hibbeln and his colleagues have mapped the growth in consumption of omega-6 fatty acids from seed oils in 38 countries since the 1960s against the rise in murder rates over the same period. In all cases there is an unnerving match. As omega-6 goes up, so do homicides in a linear progression. Industrial societies where omega-3 consumption has remained high and omega-6 low because people eat fish, such as Japan, have low rates of murder and depression.

Of course, all these graphs prove is that there is a striking correlation between violence and omega 6-fatty acids in the diet. They don’t prove that high omega-6 and low omega-3 fat consumption actually causes violence. Moreover, many other things have changed in the last century and been blamed for rising violence – exposure to violence in the media, the breakdown of the family unit and increased consumption of sugar, to take a few examples. But some of the trends you might expect to be linked to increased violence – such as availability of firearms and alcohol, or urbanisation – do not in fact reliably predict a rise in murder across countries, according to Hibbeln.

There has been a backlash recently against the hype surrounding omega-3 in the UK from scientists arguing that the evidence remains sketchy. Part of the backlash stems from the eagerness of some supplement companies to suggest that fish oils work might wonders even on children who have no behavioural problems.

Alan Johnson, the education secretary, appeared to be jumping on the bandwagon recently when he floated the idea of giving fish oils to all school children. The idea was quickly knocked down when the food standards agency published a review of the evidence on the effect of nutrition on learning among schoolchildren and concluded there was not enough to conclude much, partly because very few scientific trials have been done.

Professor John Stein, of the department of physiology at Oxford University, where much of the UK research on omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies has been based, agrees: "There is only slender evidence that children with no particular problem would benefit from fish oil. And I would always say [for the general population] it’s better to get omega-3 fatty acids by eating fish, which carries all the vitamins and minerals needed to XXXXbolise them."

However, he believes that the evidence from the UK prison study and from Hibbeln’s research in the US on the link between nutritional deficiency and crime is " strong", although the mechanisms involved are still not fully understood.

Hibbeln, Stein and others have been investigating what the mechanisms of a causal relationship between diet and aggression might be. This is where the biochemistry and biophysics comes in.

Essential fatty acids are called essential because humans cannot make them but must obtain them from the diet. The brain is a fatty organ – it’s 60% fat by dry weight, and the essential fatty acids are what make part of its structure, making up 20% of the nerve cells’ membranes. The synapses, or junctions where nerve cells connect with other nerve cells, contain even higher concentrations of essential fatty acids – being made of about 60% of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA.

Communication between the nerve cells depends on neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, docking with receptors in the nerve cell membrane.

Omega-3 DHA is very long and highly flexible. When it is incorporated into the nerve cell membrane it helps make the membrane itself elastic and fluid so that signals pass through it efficiently. But if the wrong fatty acids are incorporated into the membrane, the neurotransmitters can’t dock properly. We know from many other studies what happens when the neurotransmitter systems don’t work efficiently. Low serotonin levels are known to predict an increased risk of suicide, depression and violent and impulsive behaviour. And dopamine is what controls the reward processes in the brain.

Laboratory tests at NIH have shown that the composition of tissue and in particular of the nerve cell membrane of people in the US is different from that of the Japanese, who eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids from fish. Americans have cell membranes higher in the less flexible omega-6 fatty acids, which appear to have displaced the elastic omega-3 fatty acids found in Japanese nerve cells.

Hibbeln’s theory is that because the omega-6 fatty acids compete with the omega-3 fatty acids for the same XXXXbolic pathways, when omega-6 dominates in the diet, we can’t convert the omega-3s to DHA and EPA, the longer chain versions we need for the brain. What seems to happen then is that the brain picks up a more rigid omega-6 fatty acid DPA instead of DHA to build the cell membranes – and they don’t function so well.

Other experts blame the trans fats produced by partial hydrogenation of industrial oils for processed foods. Trans fats have been shown to interfere with the synthesis of essentials fats in foetuses and infants. Minerals such as zinc and the B vitamins are needed to XXXXbolise essential fats, so deficiencies in these may be playing an important part too.

There is also evidence that deficiencies in DHA/EPA at times when the brain is developing rapidly – in the womb, in the first 5 years of life and at puberty – can affect its architecture permanently. Animal studies have shown that those deprived of omega-3 fatty acids over two generations have offspring who cannot release dopamine and serotonin so effectively.

"The extension of all this is that if children are left with low dopamine as a result of early deficits in their own or their mother’s diets, they cannot experience reward in the same way and they cannot learn from reward and punishment. If their serotonin levels are low, they cannot inhibit their impulses or regulate their emotional responses," Hibbeln points out.

Mental health

Here too you have one possible factor in cycles of deprivation (again, no one is suggesting diet is the only factor) and why criminal behaviour is apparently higher among lower socio-economic groups where nutrition is likely to be poorer.

These effects of the industrialisation of the diet on the brain were also predicted in the 1970s by a leading fats expert in the UK, Professor Michael Crawford, now at London’s Metropolitan University. He established that DHA was structural to the brain and foresaw that deficiencies would lead to a surge in mental health and behavioural problems – a prediction borne out by the UK’s mental health figures.

It was two decades later before the first study of the effect of diet on behaviour took place in a UK prison. Bernard Gesch, now a senior researcher at Stein’s Oxford laboratory, first became involved with nutrition and its relationship to crime as a director of the charity Natural Justice in northwest England. He was supervising persistent offenders in the community and was struck by their diets. He later set out to test the idea that poor diet might cause antisocial behaviour and crime in the maximum security Aylesbury prison.

His study, a placebo-controlled double blind randomised trial, took 231 volunteer prisoners and assigned half to a regime of multivitamin, mineral and essential fatty acid supplements and half to placebos. The supplement aimed to bring the prisoners’ intakes of nutrients up to the level recommended by government. It was not specifically a fatty acid trial, and Gesch points out that nutrition is not pharmacology but involves complex interactions of many nutrients.

Prison trial

Aylesbury was at the time a prison for young male offenders, aged 17 to 21, convicted of the most serious crimes. Trevor Hussey was then deputy governor and remembers it being a tough environment. "It was a turbulent young population. They had problems with their anger. They were all crammed into a small place and even though it was well run you got a higher than normal number of assaults on staff and other prisoners."

Although the governor was keen on looking at the relationship between diet and crime, Hussey remembers being sceptical himself at the beginning of the study. The catering manager was good, and even though prisoners on the whole preferred white bread, meat and confectionery to their fruit and veg, the staff tried to encourage prisoners to eat healthily, so he didn’t expect to see much of a result.

But quite quickly staff noticed a significant drop in the number of reported incidents of bad behaviour. "We’d just introduced a policy of ‘earned privileges’ so we thought it must be that rather than a few vitamins, but we used to XXXX ‘maybe it’s Bernard’s pills’."

But when the trial finished it became clear that the drop in incidents of bad behaviour applied only to those on the supplements and not to those on the placebo.

The results, published in 2022, showed that those receiving the extra nutrients committed 37% fewer serious offences involving violence, and 26% fewer offences overall. Those on the placebos showed no change in their behaviour. Once the trial had finished the number of offences went up by the same amount. The office the researchers had used to administer nutrients was restored to a restraint room after they had left.

"The supplements improved the functioning of those prisoners. It was clearly something significant that can’t be explained away. I was disappointed the results were not latched on to. We put a lot of effort into improving prisoners’ chances of not coming back in, and you measure success in small doses."

Gesch believes we should be rethinking the whole notion of culpability. The overall rate of violent crime in the UK has risen since the 1950s, with huge rises since the 1970s. "Such large changes are hard to explain in terms of genetics or simply changes of reporting or recording crime. One plausible candidate to explain some of the rapid rise in crime could be changes in the brain’s environment. What would the future have held for those 231 young men if they had grown up with better nourishment?" Gesch says.

He said he was currently unable to comment on any plans for future research in prisons, but studies with young offenders in the community are being planned.

For Hibbeln, the changes in our diet in the past century are "a very large uncontrolled experiment that may have contributed to the societal burden of aggression, depression and cardiovascular death". To ask whether we have enough evidence to change diets is to put the question the wrong way round. Whoever said it was safe to change them so radically in the first place?

Young offender’s diet

One young offender had been sentenced by the British courts on 13 occasions for stealing trucks in the early hours of the morning.

Bernard Gesch recorded the boy’s daily diet as follows:

Breakfast: nothing (asleep)

Mid morning: nothing (asleep)

Lunchtime: 4 or 5 cups of coffee with milk and 2½ heaped teaspoons of sugar

Mid afternoon: 3 or 4 cups of coffee with milk and 2½ heaped sugars

Tea: chips, egg, ketchup, 2 slices of white bread, 5 cups of tea or coffee with milk and sugar

Evening: 5 cups of tea or coffee with milk and sugar, 20 cigarettes, £2 worth of sweets, cakes and if money available 3 or 4 pints of beer.

للأمانة منقوووووول

م شاء الله عليج

موفقة ححاء

شكرا لج أختي العوق .. ما تقصري ردج مميز …

بآرڪ آڵڵھٍ ڣۑچ ..

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة متعاونة مشاهدة المشاركة
بآرڪ آڵڵھٍ ڣۑچ ..

مشكورة أختي متعاونة .. يزاج الله خير ..

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اشكرج حورية
يزاج ربي الخير

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الرمش الذبوحي مشاهدة المشاركة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اشكرج حورية
يزاج ربي الخير

مشكورة يا الغلا ..

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الارشيف الدراسي

كل ما يختص بدرس food للصف التاسع

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

في المرفقات


الملفات المرفقة

وعليكم آلسلآم وآلرحمَه ,

شكراً لج ,.

قوآج آلله ,,

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الرابع الابتدائي

Food & Colors -تعليم اماراتي

موفقه ان شاء الله

Thank you

سبحان الله و بحمده