الصف الثامن

paragraph about weather in your city -تعليم الامارات

بليز ابغى paragraph about weather in your city
ضروري الله يخليكم

السموحه منك تك تغير العنوان ليتناسب مع فحوى الموضوع ..

جاري البحث عن طلبك

هذا برجراف عن weather in may cit وهو لدولة الامارات .
لا تنساني من الدعاء بالمغفرة والرحمة والتوفيق

:weather in may city
The climate of the U.A.E generally is hot and dry. The hottest months are July and August, when average maximum temperatures reach above 48 °C(118.4 °F) on the coastal plain. In the Al Hajar Mountains, temperatures are considerably lower, a result of increased altitude. Average minimum temperatures in January and February are between 10 and 14 °C (50 and 57.2 °F). During the late summer months, a humid southeastern wind known as Sharqi (i.e. "Easterner") makes the coastal region especially unpleasant. The average annual rainfall in the coastal area is fewer than 120 mm (4.7 in), but in some mountainous areas annual rainfall often reaches 350 mm (13.8 in). Rain in the coastal region falls in short, torrential bursts during the summer months, sometimes resulting in floods in ordinarily dry wadi beds. The region is prone to occasional, violent dust storms, which can severely reduce visibility. The Jebel Jais mountain cluster in Ras al-Khaimah has experienced snow only twice since records began.


عاشقة ساسوكي

τйk yσu vɚяy мgɚ

مشكور ع Paragraph

~~~~~ nice ~~~~~

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

بارك الله فيكم..

موفقين يارب..

يعني شكراً
Or thanx


أنا كم بحفظ قوووولووووووووووولي؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

لو سمحتوا اريد بحث عن MASDAR city بكرة -تعليم اماراتي

السلام عليكم
اريد احث عن masdar city بسرررررررعة
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Design and intent
The project is headed by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (ADFEC).[1] Initiated in 2022, the project is projected to cost US$22 billion and take some eight years to build, with the first phase scheduled to be complete and habitable in 2022.[2][3][4] The city will cover 6 square kilometres (2.3 sq mi) on a site 6.4 km2 (2.5 sq mi) in size and will be home to 50,000 people and 1,500 businesses, primarily commercial and manufacturing facilities specialising in environmentally-friendly products, and an expected 40,000 workers will commute to the city daily.[3][5][6] It will also be the ******** of a university, the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), which will be assisted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).[7][8] Automobiles will be banned within the city; travel will be accomplished via public mass transit and personal rapid transit systems, with existing road- and railways connecting to other ********s outside the city.[9][5]

Masdar City will be the latest of a small number of highly planned, specialized, research and technology-intensive municipalities that incorporate a living environment, similar to Novosibirsk, Russia or Tsukuba Science City, Japan.

Notable partners in the project through its Clean Tech Fund include General Electric, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Mitsubishi, Rolls-Royce, Total S.A., Mitsui and Fiat.[10] Construction of the first phase of the project is being managed by CH2M HILL and design of the central Masdar headquarters building has been awarded to Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture.[4][11]

[edit] Renewable resources
Masdar will employ a variety of renewable power sources. Among the first construction projects will be a 40 to 60 megawatt solar power plant, built by the German firm Conergy, which will supply power for all other construction activity.[5][12] This will later be followed by a larger facility, and additional photovoltaic modules will be placed on rooftops to provide supplemental solar energy totalling 130 megawatts. Wind farms will be established outside the city’s perimeter capable of producing up to 20 megawatts, and the city intends to utilise geothermal power as well.[5][13] In addition, Masdar plans to host the world’s largest hydrogen power plant.[2]

Water management has been planned in an environmentally-sound manner as well. A solar-powered desalination plant will be used to provide the city’s water needs, which is stated to be 60 percent lower than similarly sized communities.[2] Approximately 80 percent of the water used will be recycled and waste water will be reused "as many times as possible," with this so-called greywater being used for crop irrigation and other purposes.[9][5]

The city will also attempt to reduce waste to zero. Biological waste will be used to create nutrient-rich soil and fertiliser, and some may also be utilised through waste incineration as an additional power source. Industrial waste, such as plastics and ****ls, will be recycled or re-purposed for other uses.[9]

[edit] Reaction
The project is supported by the global conservation charity World Wide Fund for Nature and the sustainability group BioRegional. In response to the project’s commitment to zero carbon, zero waste and other environmentally friendly goals, WWF and BioRegional have endorsed Masdar City as an official One Planet Living Community.

Some sceptics fear that the city will be only symbolic for Abu Dhabi, and that it may become just a luxury development for the wealthy.]

ترجمه بالعربي وشوف شو الجمل اللي ما في داعي لوجودها

مشكور وما تقصر

بس اذا عندك تقرير عن نفس الموضوع مع المقدمة والخاتمة

مسكووووووور وتسلم ع التقرير

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف العاشر

بحث عن masdar city الصف العاشر

السلام عليكم
اريد بحث عن masdar city بسرررررررعة
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؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ؟؟؟؟؟

الصراحة ما عندي

وانا من جهتي بغير عتوان الموضوع

عسب اذا في حد من الاعضاء عنده يساعدك

الصراحة ما قدرد اغير عنوان الموضوع

بس بخلي حد من مشرفين المادة يغيرونه

ثـآآنكس هــآآجر

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الرابع الابتدائي

طلب اوراق عمل عن city and contry للصف الرابع


اريد منكم اوراق عمل عن الوحده الثالثه ويسلمووو

وين الدرس

وين ورقة العمل
ليش ماحد يدش

سوووري اختي ماا عندي ..

انا بعد اختي اريد هالاوراق ضرورررري ياريت حد يساعدنا والله من الاسبوع الماضي ادووور وما لقيت

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

السموحة منكم لم اجد..

ان شاء الله طلاب الصف الرابع يساعدونكم..


لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الثامن

طلب paragraph about weather in your city -تعليم الامارات

بليز ابغى paragraph about weather in your city
ضروري الله يخليكم

ابغى البرقراف ضروري

هذا برجراف عن الطقس في مديني : الامارات
لا تنسي الدعاء لي بالمغفرة والرحمة والتوفيق

weather in may city:
The climate of the U.A.E generally is hot and dry. The hottest months are July and August, when average maximum temperatures reach above 48 °C(118.4 °F) on the coastal plain. In the Al Hajar Mountains, temperatures are considerably lower, a result of increased altitude. Average minimum temperatures in January and February are between 10 and 14 °C (50 and 57.2 °F). During the late summer months, a humid southeastern wind known as Sharqi (i.e. "Easterner") makes the coastal region especially unpleasant. The average annual rainfall in the coastal area is fewer than 120 mm (4.7 in), but in some mountainous areas annual rainfall often reaches 350 mm (13.8 in). Rain in the coastal region falls in short, torrential bursts during the summer months, sometimes resulting in floods in ordinarily dry wadi beds. The region is prone to occasional, violent dust storms, which can severely reduce visibility. The Jebel Jais mountain cluster in Ras al-Khaimah has experienced snow only twice since records began.

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