الارشيف الدراسي

ياليت تساعدوني بحث لامنهجي باللغه الانجليزيه للصف التاسع

مرحباااااااااااااااااااااا بالجميع

طالبه فزعتكم اي بحث لامنهجي باللغه الانجليزيهبليييييييييييييييزززززززز

الملفات المرفقة



تقبلي مروري


قلبي بخمر الحب سكران

أنا عندي بس ما اعرف كيف اعطيش هو ولوسمحتي
خبريني كيف أسو إرفاق عشان أعطيش

أختى سوسو 999 تقدرين تروح الى الأنتقال للوضع المتطور وعندها تسطيعي أرفاق الملف الموجود عندك في الجهاز عن طريق أرفاق الملف وبعدها تنزلينه

هذا اللي عندي يا كرز2009
مشكور يا الوافي 2022
وإنشاء الله يفيد الكل
والسموحة على القصور

مشكورة يا أختي

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الاول الابتدائي

منطاد الحروف الانجليزيه !! الصف الأول

عبارة عن منطاد
النص الجزء الأعلى للحرف الكبير
والجـــزء الأسفل للحـــرف الصغير
نقص بطاقاتالحروف
و تغلف ( لتظل معكممدة أطول)
نضع على المنطاد إحدى البطاقتين فقط
و على الطالبالمطابقة و وضع البطاقة الصحيحة
نفع الله بها

الملفات المرفقة

شكرا ع المنطاد ^^

يعطيج العافيه

جزاك الله خير

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته’’

يعطيج الف عافية’’

تسلم يمناج,,

عساج عالقوة’’

بآرَكـ الله فيكم ع المُرُور ..

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الارشيف الدراسي

كتب إلكترونية لتعلّم الإنجليزية ,Crammer time لتعلم اللغه الانجليزيه للصف التاسع

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

كتب إلكترونية لتعلّم الإنجليزية ,Crammer time لتعلم اللغه الانجليزيه
كتب إلكترونية لتعلّم الإنجليزية ,Crammer time لتعلم اللغه الانجليزيه

روابط التحميل





الجزء الأول



الجزء الثاني


بارك الله فيج ..

إن شاء الله الجميع يستفيد منه ..

شكرا لج ..

بارك الله فيج

ويعله في ميزان حسناتج


صلى الله على محمد

الصف الرابع الابتدائي

كيفية تعلم و فهم اللغه الانجليزيه -تعليم الامارات

كيفية تعلم و فهم اللغه الانجليزيه…

اللغه الانجليزيه تنقسم الى ثلاثة أقسام..
إستماع__Listeningعليك ان تتبع الآتي …

1-التوكل على الله

2-الثقة بالنفس و عدم الاحباط حينما تقع في خطأ

3-ان لا تهمل اللغه فاللغه ستذهب حينما تترك ممارستها

4-محاولة فهم قواعد اللغه فهي أساس اللغه—————————————————–

كيف تطور اللغه ؟

محاولة ترجمة أي كلمة تراها …
قراءة صفحه من كتاب انجليزي..
فقط صفحه … العديد من الكلمات الغير معروفه
و لكن مع المترجم بالتأكيد ستخرج بحصيله
كبيره من الكلمات التي عرفتها…
لو قلنا كل يوم تفعل نفس هذا التمرين..
فأنا متـاكد أنك ستخرج عارف لنص الكلمات المستعمله
في اللغه الانجليزيه…

الان لديك كلمات …و تعرف معناها في اللغه العربيه
بقي الان كيفية نطقها …أسئل من لديه معرفه في اللغه
عن كيفية نطقها..أو أستماع لبعض الاشرطه
او متابعة فلم أجنبي و سماع كيفية نطق الكلمه …
معظم الكلمات تنطق بالطريقه العاديه
و بعضها تنطق بطريقه أخرى …حاول ان تعرف تلك الطريقه الاخرى
صدقني..الطرق الاخرى قليله و لكن تحتاج منك بعض الصبر..

الان لديك كلمات و تعرف كيفية نطقها …

بقي الان المحادثه …

كن واثقا من نفسك …و لا تخف من الخطأ
فأنت لست أول من أخطأ في الكلام ..

حاول أن تتكلم مع أحد من المطاعم أو أحد يتكلم انجليزي
و اذا كنت خايف….ع الاقل أي كلمه

أو عشان تطور ثقتك في نفسك حاول تتكلم بصوت مرتفع
لحالك قول الكلمات صحيح شي يضحك بس ع الاقل سوي شي
طبق كلمات مع بعض كأنك في فلم أجنبي …أنطق الكلمات
و انشالله ما يكون الا كل خير …

و ان شاء لله أكون ع الاقل أفدتكم في معلومه بسيطه


تسلمين الغلا


الله يسلمج

بارك الله فيك أخي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

تسلم يمناج اختي,,

ما قصرتي,,

موفقة يارب,,

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الارشيف الدراسي

دليلك الشامل لتعلم اللغه الانجليزيه في كافة المجالات والمهارات للصف التاسع

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

دليل لكل من اراد تعلم اللغه ومرجع للجميع

هذا القسم يحتوي على كل ما تحتاج معرفته لتطوير لغتك .اقرأ مجموعه من النصائح والاستراتيجيات باللغه العربيه والانجليزيه التي ستساعدك لتطوير مهاراتك و ايضا ستجد اجوبه على كثير من الاسئلة المتداوله مثل . كيف أطول لغتي ؟ كيف اتعلم اللغه الانجليزيه ؟ كيف احفظ الكلمات والقواعد ؟ من اين ابدء ؟

This section will help you find new strategies and guide you to improve you English , Find answers to the most common questions, such as How do i learn English ? how can i learn grammar ? how do i learn new vocabularies ? and so on…

.كورس تطوير مهارة الاقرائة , الاستماع و التحدث
الان أنتقل الى متسوى جديد في اللغه الانجليزيه مع اكثر من 250 محثاده في كافة مجالاة الحايه مصممه خصيصا لتناسب مستوى المبتدئين و المتوسطين في اللغه و حتى المتقدمين. جميع المحادثات تحتوي على ملفات صويته مصممه بطريقة جميله وحجم صغير حتى يستطيع اي شخص التعامل معها والوصول اليها

Reading , listening , Speaking Course .
What you should do is : just go to any conversation that you want to listen to ( because each conversation has a title ) .. then click on it , to go to its downloading page, after downloading , you will find a **** for the conversation and an audio file so that you can listen to the recitation of the conversation.

ستجد في مركز الكتب مجموعه قيمة من الكتب المتخصصه والمعتمده في تعليم اللغه الانجليزيه.
يحتوي القسم على كتب خاصه بتطوير مهارة الكتابه وتعلم القواعد بالاضافه الى كتب التدريب والاستعداد للتوفل والايتلس. بالاضافه الى المناهج التي تقوم بتقديمها اشر الجامعات البريطانيه والامريكيه . يتم تجيديد مكتبة الكتب بصورة دوريه لاضافة كل ما هو جديد في عالم الكتب
جميع الكتب من رفعي الخاص واضمن عمل الروابط.

In the Books Center you shall find many books that teaches English .
There are books regarding TOEFL and IELTS in addition to a collection of books that teaches grammar and writing.also find the courses that are tough at the American and British universities such New Headway and many others

ستجد في مركز القصص مجموعه كبيره من القصص باللغه الانجليزيه مع امكانية الاستماع اليها و تحميلها .. بعد اختيار القصه تستطيع تحميلها والاختيار بين قرائتها بدون صوت او مع الاستماع الى النص, جميع القصص مصوره وهي مناسبه لجميع الاعمار من من المرحله الابتدائيه الى الجامعيه بالامكان اختيار المناسب من القصص من خلال غلافها ..

The Books Center is a place where you can find Many stories meant for All ages , These stories comes with an audio File , so you can read and listen to them at the same time. you can chose what suit you from the Story Cover .Reading is one of the best skills that all English Student and whomever want to learn Must practice it .Hope you enjoy the collection

مجموعة شاملة من دروس اللغة الإنجليزية من ( أساسيات – قواعد عامة – قواعد الإملاء -الأزمنة – حروف الجر والعطف والربط – الأفعال المساعدة – اختلافات اللهجتين البريطانية والأمريكية . . وغيرها ) لجميع المستويات مشروحة بطرق سهلة ومفصلة ومدعمة بالأمثلة باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية ومرفقة باختبارات قصيرة للتأكد من الفهم .

Full collection of English lessons explaining (basics, Important grammar, spelling, tenses, different between us and British English… etc. for all levels. The lessons are supported with both English and Arabic example and quizzes to insure that you understand the topic

هنا تجد أفضل قنوات اليوتيوب على الإطلاق ، محصورة ومنظمة بطريقة تسهل عليك اختيار ما يناسبك ، توفر لك شروحات ( القواعد – المحادثة – المفردات والمصطلحات – تعليم النطق الصحيح . . وغيرها ) فقط باللغة الإنجليزية بطرق ممتعة وطاردة للملل لجميع المستويات ابتداءً من الصفر وحتى المتقدمين .

Here you’ll find the best you tube Video channels that are well organized making it easy for you to choose whatever suite your taste. Fined lessons about ( Grammar, conversations, vocabulary and idioms, the correct way of pronunciation .. and many more ) Only in English with a fun and entertainment way of teaching starting with level zero up to the Professional stage


قسم يلم بكل ما يتعلق بالأدب الإنجليزي ، ابتداءً دروس تحليل القصائد والروايات والمسرحيات ، بالإضافة إلى روايات وقصائد وروايات محللة وجاهزة للتحميل ، انتهاءً بروايات وكتب أدبية للتحميل ، منسقة و مرتبة ليسهل عليك إيجاد ما تريد .

This section contain all what you need of the English literature starting with lessons about how to analysis a poems and stories followed by a big collected of Stories, poems , Novels that are been already analysis and ready to use . Also you’ll find novels and stories ready to be downloaded at the end of the page.

تجد في هذا القسم إجابات لجميع الأسئلة وعدة مقالات ومواضيع حول التوفل والآيلتس بالعربية ، كما يتضمن القسم مجموعة كتب مهمة لتساعدك في تخطي الاختبارين بسهولة ، وعدة مواقع تفيدك حول المهارات التي تحتاجها وكيفية تطويرها ، بالإضافة إلى عدد من قنوات اليوتيوب الشهيرة حولهما ، مع مجموعة اختبارات تجريبية لتحديد المستوى العام ومعرفة نقاط الضعف .

Find answers to all your ( TOEFL & IETS ) questions . read about these test what are they and what the point of taking them. Find tips and video lessons from the best teachers in the world. Also you’ll find sits , links , and important files about the these test. You can finally test yourself and see if you’re ready or not for a real test.

ايضا موضوع آخر يسبب مشاكل لاكثر طلاب اللغه الانجليزيه خاصه المبتدئين, و خلاف مصطلحات اللغه التي لا تحمل نفس المعنى الحرفي . يتوجب على الطالب معرفة هذه المصطلحات وكثير ما ستواجهه في الاختبارات . تعرف عليها وعلى اشهرها مع ترجمه لها وحصر لاشهرها استخداما من خلال هذا القسم

Another topic that causes problems to English student, Unlike Idioms the phrasal verbs is a very important topic and will face student in many occasions and exams .find out what’s it and how it used from this section

كثير ما تمر علينا مجمعوه من الاختصارات ولا نعرف معناها . تم انشاء هذه الصفحه لتكون مرجع للجميع للبحث عن اشهر الاختصارات العلميه المستخدمه في الجامعات والكليات والمسؤسسات التعليميه والاكاديميه.

Many times we come across short-cuts for words without knowing their meaning, here is a page i created to help finding the meaning of the popular abbreviations that are used in Colleges and universities.

مركز لتحميل اكبر واشهر اسطوانات تعليم اللغه . ستجد اشهر الكورسات التي تقدمها الشركات والجامعات الامريكية والبريطانيه , اذا كنت تبحث عن أحد الدورات او الكورسات فهذا المكان المناسب للبحث

Find the largest collection of English courses divided into groups of files to make the download easier and faster for all

ستجد في هذا القسم مجموعه من المواقع الخاصه في تعليم اللغه الانجليزيه مع وصف مختصر لكل موقع. يحتوي الدليل على مواقع متخصصه في تعليم مجالات الكتابه والاستماع والقرائه بالاضافه الى مواقع الترجمه واختبارات التوفل وغيرها

The English websites Is a guide to the sites specialize In Teaching English, there are sites for teaching (listening , reading, speaking ,writing and TOEFL& IELTS

هذا القسم مخصص للاختبارات . يمكنك ان تختبر نفسك في كافة مهاراة اللغه (القراءة,الاستماع,القواعد ,المفردات) مبشاره من الموقع والحصول على نتيجتك بالاضافه الى تصحيح اخطائك . كما يمكن تحميل هذه الاختبارات من مركز التحميل للاستفاده منها او اعطائها صديق لا يمكنه الوصول الى الانترنت. يتم انشاء الاختبارات بصوره دوريه واضافتها الى هذا القسم.الاسئله يتم تجميعها وكتابتها من مواقع متخصصه في هذا المجال

The Online Quizzes Center is a place where you test your self in all the language skills , – Listening , reading , grammar , vocabulary also TOEFL & IELST – you can get your result right after you finish any of the quizzes also you may download any of the quizzes from the downloading Center to share it with friends who can’t access the net

مجموعة دروس صوتية مختارة من أفضل المواقع تساعد في تطوير مهارة الاستماع والمحادثة لديك ، حيث تقدم لك أكثر المصطلحات والمفردات شيوعا في اللغة الانجليزية مشروحة باللهجة البريطانية وبطريقة ممتعة ومسلية ، وتتضمن أيضا ( قصص ، معلومات عامة عن البلدان ، محادثات ، طرائف ، ألعاب . . وغيرها) للمستويين المبتدئ والمتوسط . بأمكانك تحميل هذه الدروس الى هاتفك النقال او جهاز الايباد الخاص بك
A collection of audio lessons which are been chosen from the best sites that teach and improve listening skills. These lessons provide the most popular words and expression explained by the British accent in a fun and enjoyable way, also topics contain (stories, information about countries, conversations, jokes, games. etc.)

مواضيع عامة على هيئة ملفات صوتية مرفقة مع ملفات نصية لتساعدك على تقوية مهارة الاستماع والقراءة السريعة لديك ، كما يتبع كل ملف نصي اختبار قصير يحدد مدى استيعابك لما سمعت ، ويمدك بعدد هائل من المفردات الجديدة والمهمة . . باللهجة البريطانية من المعهد البريطاني .

General audio topics with their **** files to help you learn and improve you listening skills and faster your reading skills. At the end of each **** there is a short quiz to check how much did you get. It will also provide you with a lot of new vocabulary and important sentences. All audio files are from the British console

مركز شامل لجميع المفردات والمصطلحات المقسمة حسب أماكن استعمالها ( المطاعم – الأسواق – البنوك – مكاتب العمل . . . ) وعلى حسب تصنيفها ( الجسم – الوقت – الحيوانات – المهن . . . ) ، مع حصر للمفردات الأكثر شيوعا التي تساعد المبتدئين على الفهم والتحدث ، ويجمع القسم أشهر القواميس والمعاجم التي تضم آلاف المفردات والمصطلحات ، وملفات تجمع فيها العبارات التي يستخدمها الـ Native Speakers في حياتهم اليومية .

Full center contain English vocabulary and sentences. Vocabularies are organized to categories ( hospital vocabularies , bank vocabularies , house vocabularies , animals vocabularies ..etc ). Find useful dictionaries and files to help build your vocabularies.

أشهر برامج تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية لغير الناطقين بها ، بطرق سهلة ومفصلة لجميع المستويات . . كما يضم القسم قواميس صغيرة الحجم تضم عدد هائل من المفردات ومجموعة فريدة من الكتب الإلكترونية التي تساعد على تحسين اللغة بشكل واضح ، جاهزة للتحميل بروابط مباشرة .
جميع الروابط من رفعي الخاص واضمن عملها

Find the best English teaching programs for Non-English speakers for all levels. Also you’ll find small dictionaries and very useful electronic books. All files are ready to be downloaded with direct links

مصطلحات اللغه الانجليزيه مهمه جدا وتسبب كثير من المشاكل للمبتدئين في اللغه ؟ لماذا لانها مجموعه من الكلمات لا يمكن ترجمتها بالمعنى الحرفي لها ؟
تعرف عليها وعلى اشهر هذه المعاني مع الترجمه الصحيحه لها في هذا القسم هذه المعاني قد لا تكون مهمه جدا في الاختبارات او للطلاب المبتدئين لاكن يجب الاطلاع عليها ومعرفت ماذا تعني

Usually idioms cause allot of problems for English students spicily the beginners, Find out why, read about them and get the most popular idioms translated in both English and Arabic, this topic might not be very important for beginners but at least you should know what does Idiom mean

قسم الافعال الشاذه يحتوي على تعريف مختصر لماهية الافعال الشاذه وكيفية استخدامها بالاضافه الى دروس الفيديو والملفات المتعلقه بها.ايضا يحتوي القسم على جدول قمت بتصميميه ليجمع تصريفات الافعال مع ترجمتها وأمثله عليها
الافعال الشاذه موضوع مهم في اللغه و يجب عدم تاجيله او الاتسهانه به

Find commonly used irregular verbs with their meaning, read about them and understanding them with the help of the videos and files provided in the page.

ملاحظة مهمه في هذا القسم .. هذه الاختصارات عاميه ولسيت أكاديميه ولا يعترف بها في الجامعات او أكاديميا .. مجرد اختصارات عاميه تستخدم في غرف الشات ومواضيع الانترنت وعلى صفحات الانترنت مثل brb , lol , وغيرها

Please note that these abbreviations are not academic, they more like slang words that are used in chat rooms and the in the World Wide Web. Take a look at them

الموضوع الذي اشغل الكثير ما الفرق بين اللهجة الانجليزيه واللهجه البريطانيه او ما الفرق بين اللانجليزيه الامركيه والانجليزيه البريطانيه . موضوع أخذ اكثر من حقه وأشغل الكثير عن أمور اهم كان من المفترض ان يستغل الوقت فيها. هذا القسم تم انشائه لتوضيح جميع الاختلافات التي قد تحتاج معرفتها من خلال الكتب ومقاطع الفيديو والبرامج التعليميه.

The most hated question for me , what is the different between American English and British English . This why I made this page to be the answer for whomever asking Find all what you need to know about the differences in this section.

ما الذي يتوجب علي معرفته كمبتدء في اللغه الانجليزيه ؟ او ما هي الاساسيات التي يجب أن أبدء في تعلمها لتطوير لغتي الانجليزيه . ستجد الجواب في هذا القسم
ملاحظه مهمه : قم بقرائة النصائح في مركز النصائح والارشادات اولا ثم اقرا نصائح هذا القسم.

What must i know First , After reading the tips and guide lines given at "How Do I Start " Center , Read this Section , It simply tells which basses must be study and memories to achievea good pesion in hearing the language

دورة اتقان اللغة الانكليزية
دوره مبسطه و مقسمه لتناسب المبتدئين
هذا الكورس يعتمد على اللغه العربيه في الشرح ويتضمن التالي
– التعامل مع الاساسيات مثل الحروف والاصوات والمفردات بأنواعها المختلفه بالاضافه الى التعامل مع التركيب الاساسي للجمله الانجليزيه والخبريه والاستفهاميه بالاضافه الى الكثير
كورس لا يحتاج الى تحميل متوفر للاطلاع من خلال الموقع

A simple course design for beginners and new learners , the course main language uses Arabic to make it simple for those of you finding it difficult to follow up with the English explanations and ****s.

طبـعآ الكـل يعرف بـآن مهـآره الكتآبه مهـآره مهمه جـدآ .. سـواءآ في مجـآل التدريس والدرآسه ..أو في مجـآل وصف المـشآعر أو حتى في مجـآل التعبيـر عن الذآت ..
والكثـير منآ بـوده أن يكتـب .. ولآ كـن لآيعرف من أين يبدأ ؟؟.. أو كـيف يبدأ ؟؟ فـ من هذآ المنطـلق أقدم هذا الموضـوع كـ دورة لـ المبتدئين فـ كتآبه الـ

Writing Course A simple writing course for beginners to develop and Improve their English. My advice is to use the Beginner Course Number One before trying this one . this course has more details and academic aspects and definitions .

أكثر من 180 قصه قصيره للاستماع لها . القصص على صيغة ملفات
بأحجام صغيره حتى يستطيع الجميع تحميلها . بالامكان تحميل القصص الى جهازك المحمول او مشغل الصوتيات للاستماع لها في اي وقت . قمت أيضا بدمج الملف النصي لكل من القصص.
بالامكان الاستماع والقرائة في ان اردت. نصيحه للاستفاده من هذا القسم . عند تحميلك احد القصص استمع اليها عدة مرات ثم حاول كتابة النص وقارنه بالنص الاصلي . بهذه الطريقه ستحسن مستوى الاستماع والكتابه لديك بشكل كبير

More than 180 MP3 short Story to listen to and download .You may download any of the stories to your mobile phone , i pod or whatever mp3 device you might have. A **** file comes with each story where you can read the actual story. personally i advice you to listen to the story two or three times before writing it, then check your writing and compare it with the actual ****. This will improve both your listening and writing skills.

هذا القسم يهتم بمهارات الكتابه وأساليبها مع شرح لاهم الاساسيات والمبادء التي يجب على متعلم اللغه معرفتها كما يهتم بدروس الترجمه والتعليمات التي يتوجب اتباعها ومراعاتها في حال الترجمه .للاسفتاده القسوى من هذا القسم يجب الاعتماد على قسم الدروس وقسم القواعد والكلمات ايضا. يحتوي القسم ايضا على بعض المواضيع المتخصصه في الكتابه مثل الاقتباس واعادة صياغ الجمل

Find the basses that you need to know in order to improve your writing. the Center contains lessons in paraphrasing , surmising , outlining and Quotation. Also find tapes on how to write a better essay and many more .

تلبية لطلباتكم الان فلم الكرتون الممتع تيمون وبومبا باللغه الانجليزيه .اكثر من 80 حلقه و 15 ساعه من المشاهده. تذكر انك لا تشاهد وتستمع للمتعه فقط والهدف الاول هو أكتساب الخبره والاستماع للغه الانجليزيه . استمع بتركيز وحاول أن تفهم اكثر ما يمكنك من المحادثه.مشاهده ممتعه للجميع
Now , Enjoy watching Temon and Bomba In English. Keep in mind that you’re not watching for fun but for learning. 80 episode , more than 15 hours of Fun English

مجموعة رائعة من القصص المصورة يمكن تحميلها للأطفال والمبتدئين حيث باستطاعتهم طباعتها وتلوينها ، جميعها من رفعي الخاص

A great collection of Comics for children and beginners to enjoy and learn , even to colour for children , Uploaded by me

مجموعه من أشهر قواميس اللغه الانجليزيه
قواميس عالميه ومعتمده انصح الطلاب بتحميلها

Find and download the best dictionaries in the world . I advice every English student to take a look at this Center

هذا القسم تابع ل
English courses Center
جميع الملفات في هذا القسم من رفعي الخاص

All files in English courses 2 are uploaded by Me.

شكرا على هذا الجهد المميز

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الرابع الابتدائي

نموذج امتحان اللغه الانجليزيه -التعليم الاماراتي

لو سمحتوا
أريد نموذج امتحان للانجليزي
الوحدتين الخامة و السادسة
ضروري …

الملفات المرفقة

ما حصلت ألا إمتحان شامل في المرفقات

وهذا الثاني إن شاء الله تستفيدين منه . .

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وزارة التربية والتعليم اليوم:الثلاثاء
منطقة العين التعليمية التاريخ: /11/2008
مدرسة الطليعة للتعليم الأساسي والثانوي
************************************************** **********************
Reading comprehension(10)
Read the following paragraph then answer the the question below:
Reem lives in an apartment. she likes to go to the movie theater, and the skating rink .she has a bird and a cat. every day she has to feed them after school . Her friend Sara lives on a farm .she likes to play in the fields and fish in the lake .every day Sara has to feed her chickens before school .Sara likes the country very much .
A) Read then mark with true or false:
1-Reem lives in the city . ( )

2-Ream has a dog . (——–)

3-Ream has to feed her bird after school (——–)

4-Sara has to go to the movie theater . (——–)

5-Sara has to feed her chickens before school (——-)

************************************************** **********************
Text two :Read the passage then answer the question below; ( 10 )
Mona is ten years old .she is in grade four. She lives in AlAin .At 6:00 in the morning she gets up .then she gets dressed . she brushes her teeth after she eats her breakfast . Mona goes to school to at 7:00 . she reads and writes there . At 2:30 she comes back home .After she eats lunch, she does her homework .At 8:00 she watches TV .Then she goes to bed .

Choose the right answer from a , b ,c ,or d :
1-Mona lives in ————
a-Dubai b-Al Ain C-Abu Dhabi

2-Mona gets dressed —————-
a-before school b-at school c-after school

3- breakfast line 2 means food we eat in the
a- morning b-afternoon c-evening

4-she line 1 refers to———–
a-school b-Mona c-family

5-this text is about ————————
a-Mona’s school b- Mona’s day c-Mona’s family
vocabulary: ( 15)
A): Circle the correct word: (10)
1-we always see————-in the city.
a-farms b-fences c-museums

2-she always————-and writes at school .
a- sleeps b- reads c-watches

3-My cousin is a—————-.He fights fires .
a-fire fighter b-teacher c-barber

4-The father of my father is my———
a-grand father b-uncle c-grandmother

5-He has to ————-his chickens
a-feed b-take c-bed

6-I ————-the bus to the school every day .
a-take b-comb c- clean
7-My mother is a mail carrier .she always brings ————
a-books b-food c- mail

8-you can fish and swim in the————-
a-lakes b-buildings c-movie theater

9-I have to ————-the plants right now .
a-water b- paint c-do

10-He has to wash the ———–
a-bed b- dishes c- plants

B) :Classify the following: (5)
Department store , movie theater ,house ,parks ,fence
City country

Structure (20)
1- I have to ————–my homework.
a-does b- do c- did
2-There ————ponds in the country .
a-is b- are c-am

3-My aunt types letters. ———is a secretary.
a-He b-She c-they

4-Ali ————-water the plants every day
a- has to b- have to c- had to
5-I go to school every day ————-7:00
a- on b- in c- at

6-My father ———–a doctor
a-is b- are c- am
7-Dana ———— up at 6:00 every day
a- gets b- got c- getting

8-they always ———lunch at 3:00
a-eat b- eats c- eating

9-She has to ———–the goldfish
a- feed b- fed c- feeding

10——–Thursday , she usually goes shopping with her mother
a- on b- in c- at
************************************************** *******
B) Correct the words between brackets :
1-Tim has to ( goes ) —————-to bed .

2-my father is a coach .He ( teach )—————–sports.

3-there are ( a fence )—————-in the country.

4-lets ( playing )—————soccer

5- I( has )to———– brush my teeth.

Writing (15)
A) Fill in the missing letter

1- there are re_turants in the ci _y.
3- My mother is a dent_st .she fi _es people tee_h .


Write the following sentences in neat hand writing:

There are department stores in the city

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……..

C)read about Mario mother and write about your father;

MY mother is a doctor .she usually works five days a week.
Sometimes she works at night.



الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

ما قصرت اماراتية,,


السلام عليكم …….
مشكورة اختي
بارك الله فيج

جزاك الله خيرا

الله يوفقج اتمني يكون هدا اللي تبغيه
واعتذر عن تعديل اسم الموضوع للاستفاده للجميع

بـــــآأإأركـ الله فيــك آ:::آ
جعلـــه الله بميزآأإأآن حسناتك
بالتـــوفيق للجميع~*~}^^

تسلم الايادي

صلى الله على محمد

الارشيف الدراسي

تقرير / بحث / عن تاريخ اللغه الانجليزيه وتطورها English history للصف التاسع

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

English ******** history

The Lawgiver of English Usage: Henry Watson Fowler(******** history)

Educated at Rugby and Oxford’s Balliol College, H.W. Fowler began his career by teaching English grammar for seventeen years at a Yorkshire secondary school for boys. When offered a promotion to housemaster, he quit and move to London. There, while proving to himself that it was possible to live on 100 pound sterling a year, he was a freelance journalist. Fowler made his real mark on the English ******** only after moving to the remote island of Guernsey in 1903. He and his brother, Francis George Fowler, proposed to write "a sort of English composition manual, from the negative point of view, for journalists & amateur writers." The outcome, The King’s English, was published by the Oxford University Press and quickly became a de facto standard. Exposing the shortcomings of eminent writers, the tome offering but five basic commandments:

1. Prefer the familiar word to the far-fetched.2. Prefer the concrete to the abstract.3. Prefer the single word to the circumlocution.4. Prefer the short word to the long.5. Prefer the Saxon word to the Romance.
The majority of "Old English" words are lost to modern usage and have no descendants. Of the small core of survivors, most are readily familiar and seldom have abstract meanings. The roots are typically short and often contain a single syllable. Some have taken on meanings only indirectly related to those in Saxon times. And, others are downright awkward in contemporary usage. Fowler addressed these point in A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, first published in 1926 and still in print. He warns that:

"…conscious deliberate Saxionism is folly, that the choice or rejection of particular words should depend not on their descent but on considerations of expressiveness, intelligibility, brevity, euphony, or ease of handling, & yet that any writer who becomes aware that the Saxon or native English element in what he writes is small will do well to take that fact as a danger-signal."

(extract from "The Fowler Collection" site)


"Ow we spake" (the dialect of the Black Country)
(******** history)

The dialect of the area remains perhaps one of the last examples of early English still spoken today. The word endings with ‘en’ are still noticeable in conversation as in ‘gooen’ (going), callen (calling) and the vowel A is pronounced as O as in sond (sand), hond (hand) and mon (man).Other pronunciations are ‘winder’ for window, ‘fer’ for far, and ‘loff’ for laugh – exactly as Chaucer’s English was spoken.

This "dictionary" is Black Country in general and not particularly Sedgley in origin. Local dialect was (and probably still is to a lesser degree) quite distinctive between the different towns and villages of the Black Country. My Grandmother reckoned that she could tell which village that a person came from by the way they spoke. This has probably changed today due to the greater mobility of people.

(extract from the Sedgley Manor site)

Earliest English cookbook rediscovered
(******** history)

A cookbook thought to be the earliest printed in English has been unearthed at the Marquis of Bath’s ancestral seat.

It dates from 1500 and includes recipes for the likes of chopped sparrow and roasted swan.

The Daily Telegraph says it offers an invaluable culinary and cultural insight into the life of England’s wealthiest and most influential people, including kings and archbishops.

A British Library spokesman described the book, entitled A Noble Book of Royal Feasts, as an extraordinary find.

He said recipe books from the medieval period are in existence, but this is the earliest known copy of a printed cook book in English.

"One feast listed was that served for George Nevill, who became Archbishop of York in 1465. It is a huge list of birds, including curlews, gannets, gulls, dotterels, larks, redshanks, peacocks, partridges, woodcocks, knots and sparrows.

"Henry V’s coronation feast is also recorded and it included cygnets, trout, fried roach, perch, carp and lamprey. During the meal the King would have had swan, but everybody else would have eaten conger eel."

(extract from the "Ananova" site__________________________________________

What is "Hiberno-English"? Is it a dialect of English?
(Pondial differences)

Bob Cunningham: Recalling Padraig’s recent remarks about whether or not Hiberno-English should be considered to be a dialect of English, I’ve done a Google search and have come up with some remarks that seem to be pertinent.

University College Dublin has a *** site at www.ucd.ie. On a page of that site, at Staff Publications, there appear the following remarks:

===== Begin remarks =====

Hiberno-English is the name given to the Irish dialect of English. It differs from Standard English on two principal counts. First, it is a hybrid dialect, full of borrowings from the Irish ********, with words or phrases imported directly or in anglicised form (‘meas’, ‘rawmaish’, ‘galore’, and so on). Thus ‘galore’ is an anglicisation of the Irish ‘go leor’, meaning ‘in abundance’. Galore has now passed into Standard English usage, but Hiberno-English is full of such formations which remain unique to Ireland. Irish also influences the grammar, as in ‘I’m after writing a letter’.

The second strand in Hiberno-English comprises words obsolete in Standard English but still commonly used in Ireland. Thus a word like ‘oxter’, meaning an armpit, is still in general use in Ireland but passed out of Standard English around 1800. Similarly, words such as ‘cog’, to cheat in an exam, ‘crack’, ‘bowsey’ and ‘delph’ have retained their currency in Ireland.

In this pioneering work, Professor Dolan has prepared an accessible one volume dictionary of Hiberno-English.

===== End remarks =====

So far as I’ve seen, the page doesn’t give an explicit reference to Professor Dolan’s book. However, I happen to have a book called _A Dictionary of Hiberno-English_, subtitled "The Irish Use of English"; compiled and edited by Terence Patrick Dolan, published by Gill & Macmillan Ltd, Goldenbridge, Dublin 8; copyright Terence Patrick Dolan 1998. It seems reasonable to assume it’s the book the UCD *** page is referring to.

(extract from the aue archives, article by Bob Cunningham, follow the link below for the complete thread)

"No lawful standard…": The Evolution of English Dictionaries
(******** history)

As early as 1582, in the Elementarie (a list of about 8,000 English words, but with no definitions), Richard Mulcaster had called for a dictionary which, in addition to providing for English words "the right writing, which is incident to the Alphabete, wold open vnto us therein, both their naturall force, and their proper use." But not until 150 years later, in Nathaniel Bailey’s Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1721), did anyone try to list all the words in the ********. The earliest English dictionaries were not dictionaries at all in the modern sense, but rather lists of Latin words and their English *****alents or lists of "hard words" in English.

In 1730, Nathaniel Bailey produced his Dictionarium Britannicum. It encompassed 48,000 words and became the standard English dictionary until Samuel Johnson, using Bailey’s work as a foundation, produced A Dictionary of the English ******** (1755). Johnson conceived his plan for the dictionary with the notion of "fixing" the ********.

One of the more remarkable features of Johnson’s dictionary project was his relationship to Lord Chesterfield, who promised patronage but delivered only verbal allegiance:

I had long lamented, that we had no lawful standard of our ******** set up, for those to repair to, who might choose to speak and write it grammatically and correctly . . . . The time for discrimination seems to be now come. Toleration, adoption, and naturalization, have run their lengths. Good order and authority are now necessary. But where shall we find them, and at the same time the obedience due to them? We must have recourse to the old Roman expedient in times of confusion, and choose a Dictator. Upon this principle, I give my vote for Mr. Johnson to fill that great and arduous post. And I hereby declare that I make a total surrender of all my rights and privileges in the English ********, as a freeborn British subject, to the said Mr. Johnson, during the term of his dictatorship. Nay, more; I will not only obey him, like an old Roman, as my dictator, but, like a modern Roman, I will implicitly believe in him as my pope, and hold him to be infallible while in the chair; but no longer. (The World. November 28, 1754; quoted in Finegan 23)

(extracts from the "Virginia Tech" site, article by Daniel W. Mosser______________________________________

Is English the "Official" ******** of the UK?
(******** history)

Don Aitken: There has never been any law stating that English is the official ******** of the UK, although there is one (dating from the 18th century) requiring court records to be kept in English and not in French or Latin, as they were until that time. The Uk has no official ********, and I don’t think anyone has ever suggested that it should have.

Henry Churchyard: Here are some semi-random facts:

ca. 1250 First book appears to teach French to children of upper classes in England Early 14th century Contemporary statements that all classes can speak English, while knowledge of French is somewhat limited 1362 For the first time, chancellor opens parliament in English. Lawsuits ordered to be conducted in English, not French. 2nd half of 14th century Schools generally switch over from French to English as ******** of instruction. (The subject matter which is taught is still mostly Latin, of course.) 1399 Henry IV comes to throne as first monarch speaking only English (apparently) 1404 English ambassadors negotiating with France insist that French not be used as the ******** of negotiations (instead, Latin is used) 1st half of 15th century Private letters between members of upper classes switch over from being generally in French to almost entirely in English 1443 London Brewers switch guild proceedings from French to English 1443 Parliamentary proceedings ("petitions of commons") start to appear in English. ca. 1443 "A large number of towns are seen translating their ordinances and their books of customs into English." late 1480’s (first Tudor on throne) Parliamentary statutes are written down in English in their final form; effective disappearance of most of the last lingering uses of French in the internal domestic administration of England, though many French (and Latin) phrases remained in the ******** of the law.

(extract from the aue archives, articles by Don Aitken and Henry Churchyard)

12th & 13th Century English Textile Surnames
(******** history)

The sources for these surnames are Appendix 1, "Textile professions from BLC, EFF, and IPM grouped by occupation and role listed by property and year," and Appendix 2, "Textile professions from the control group selected by occupation and role listed by property and year" of The Textile Industry in Es*** in the late 12th and 13th Century by Michael Gervers.

While the given names and place names in the Appendix have been modernized, the surnames have been retained in their original forms. I have listed the surnames in alphabetical order, organized by their modern counterparts and with derivation notes. Following each name are the dates that the name was found. (I have not included duplicate instances; a specific spelling might have been found four times in 1254, but I have listed the date only once.)

(extract from Sara L. Friedemann’s page on 12th & 13th Century English Textile Surnames)


The origin of the @ symbol
(******** history)

It’s called the "at" or "ape tail" in English, the "arroba" in Spanish, the "chiocciola" in Italian. Everyone familiar with the internet knows we’re talking about the symbol in an e-mail address separating the addressee’s or sender’s name from the server name : the "@" symbol. But where does this funny looking symbol come from ?

Following a few indications given by the School for Palaeography in Rome, Stabile consulted a collection of documents of 16th century Italian business men. The documents belong to the International Institute for history of the Economy "Francesco Datini" in Prado. After some browsing in the documents Stabile found that the @ symbol was formerly used to designate an "amphora". In those days this antique unit of measure was used a lot in the wine commerce, especially in Venice. But the origin of the @ symbol even goes back much further than the 16th century Venice. In an Arabic-Italian dictionary from 1492 Stabile found that the Arabic word written as "@" meant simply "amphora", confirming the previous finding.

That the @ symbol finally became part of cyberspace is due to Ray Tomlinson, an American engineer who is one of the founding fathers of the internet, or actually the Arpanet, the predecessor to the present internet. In 1972 Tomlinson invented a system for individual electronic mail, introducing the first "hot" application of the Arpanet. He used the @ symbol to distinguish a sender’s or addressee’s name from the name of the electronic mail box. According to Stabile, Tomlinson chose this symbol "just because it was on the keyboard".

(extract from "Kurt’s Not Frequently Asked Questions" page


The Protean N-Word(Etymology)

Let’s turn first to etymology. Nigger is derived from the Latin word for the color black, niger. According to the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, it did not originate as a slur but took on a derogatory connotation over time. Nigger and other words related to it have been spelled in a variety of ways, including niggah, nigguh, niggur, and niggar. When John Rolfe recorded in his journal the first shipment of Africans to Virginia in 1619, he listed them as "negars." A 1689 inventory of an estate in Brooklyn, New York, made mention of an enslaved "niggor" boy. The seminal lexicographer Noah ***ster referred to Negroes as "negers." (Currently some people insist upon distinguishing nigger–which they see as exclusively an insult–from nigga, which they view as a term capable of signaling friendly salutation.) In the 1700s niger appeared in what the dictionary describes as "dignified argumentation" such as Samuel Sewall’s denunciation of slavery, The Selling of Joseph. No one knows precisely when or how niger turned derisively into nigger and attained a pejorative meaning. We do know, however, that by the end of the first third of the nineteenth century, nigger had already become a familiar and influential insult.

Nigger was also a standard element in Senator Huey P. Long’s vocabulary, though many blacks appreciated the Louisiana Democrat’s notable reluctance to indulge in race baiting. Interviewing "The Kingfish" in 1935, Roy Wilkins (working as a journalist in the days before he became a leader of the NAACP) noted that Long used the terms "nigra," "colored," and "nigger" with no apparent awareness that that last word would or should be viewed as offensive. By contrast, for Georgia governor Eugene Talmadge, nigger was not simply a designation he had been taught; it was also a tool of demagoguery that he self-consciously deployed. Asked by a white constituent about "Negroes attending our schools," Talmadge happily replied, "Before God, friend, the niggers will never go to a school which is white while I am governor."

(extract from the review of "Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word" at the Amazon site)


Is the English ******** changing? (******** history)

Yes, and so is every other human ********. ******** is always changing, evolving, and adapting to the needs of its users. This isn’t a bad thing; if English hadn’t changed since, say, 1950, we wouldn’t have words to refer to modems, fax machines, or cable TV. As long as the needs of ******** users continue to change, so will the ********. The change is so slow that from year to year we hardly notice it (except to grumble every so often about the ‘poor English’ being used by the younger generation!). But reading Shakespeare’s writings from the sixteenth century can be difficult. If you go back a couple more centuries, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales are very tough sledding, and if you went back another 500 years to try to read Beowulf, it would be like reading a different ********.

Why does ******** change? ******** changes for several reasons. First, it changes because the needs of its speakers change. New technologies, new products, and new experiences require new words to refer to them clearly and efficiently. Consider the fax machine: Originally it was called a facsimile machine, because it allowed one person to send another a copy, or facsimile, of a document. As the machines became more common, people began using the shorter form fax to refer to both the machine and the document; from there, it was just a short step to using the word fax as a verb (as in I’ll fax this over to Sylvia).

Another reason for change is that no two people have had exactly the same ******** experience. We all know a slightly different set of words and constructions, depending on our age, job, education level, region of the country, and so on. We pick up new words and phrases from all the different people we talk with, and these combine to make something new and unlike any other person’s particular way of speaking. At the same time, various groups in society use ******** as a way of marking their group identity – showing who is and isn’t a member of the group. Many of the changes that occur in ******** begin with teens and young adults: As young people interact with others their own age, their ******** grows to include words, phrases, and constructions that are different from those of the older generation. Some have a short life span (heard groovy lately?), but others stick around to affect the ******** as a whole.

We get new words from many different places. We borrow them from other ********s (sushi, chutzpah), we create them by shortening longer words (gym from gymnasium) or by combining words (brunch from breakfast and lunch), and we make them out of proper names (Levis, fahrenheit). Sometimes we even create a new word by being wrong about the analysis of an existing word. That’s how the word pea was created: Four hundred years ago, the word pease was used to refer to either a single pea or a bunch of them. But over time, people assumed that pease was a plural form, for which pea must be the singular, and a new word – pea – was born. (The same thing would happen if people began to think of the word cheese as referring to more than one chee.)

Word order also changes, though this process is much slower. Old English word order was much more ‘free’ than that of Modern English, and even comparing the Early Modern English of the King James Bible with today’s English shows differences in word order. For example, the King James Bible translates Matthew 6:28 as "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not." In a more recent translation, the last phrase is translated as "they do not toil". English no longer places not after the verb in a sentence.

Finally, the sounds of a ******** change over time, too. About 500 years ago English began to undergo a major change in the way its vowels were pronounced. Before that, geese would have rhymed with today’s pronunciation of face, while mice would have rhymed with today’s peace. But then a ‘Great Vowel Shift’ began to occur, during which the ay sound (as in pay) changed to ee (as in fee) in all the words containing it, while the ee sound changed to i (as in pie). In all, seven different vowel sounds were affected. If you’ve ever wondered why most other European ********s spell the sound ay with an e (as in fianc) and the sound ee with an i (as in aria), it’s because those ********s didn’t undergo the Great Vowel Shift. Only English did.

(extract from the Linguistic Society of America FAQ)



شكراً لج ,

تم +

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني الابتدائي

نشاط , مقارنه بين الـ animals and plants , لمادة اللغه الانجليزيه ثاني_صنع يدي للصف الثاني

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

نشاط , مقارنه بين الـ animals and plants , لمادة اللغه الانجليزيه ثاني

comparing basics needs between animalsand plants, انجليزي, الصف الثاني الابتدائي

باسبورد فك الملف


~ صنع يدي ~

أختكم رؤية

تجدونهـــا فـــي المرفقـــاآت

الملفات المرفقة

مشكورة "|~…

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

يعطيج العافية رؤية..

يزاج ربي كل خير..

بارك الله فيج

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
ما شاء الله
تسلم الايادي
موفقين ان شاء الله

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الارشيف الدراسي

مجموعه بطاقات , شهاده تكريم , شكر , تقدير باللغه الانجليزيه -للتعليم الاماراتي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

مجموعه بطاقات , بطاقه , شهادات , شهاده تكريم , شكر طفوليه
شهاده تكريم باللغه الانجليزيه , شهادات شكر وتقدير للاطفال ,انجليزي


تجدونها في المرفقات ,,


الملفات المرفقة
  • نوع الملف: doc 01.doc‏ (79.0 كيلوبايت, 2706 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: doc 2.doc‏ (133.0 كيلوبايت, 2130 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: doc 3.doc‏ (104.5 كيلوبايت, 2022 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: rar 4.rar‏ (181.6 كيلوبايت, 2190 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: rar 5.rar‏ (184.8 كيلوبايت, 1868 مشاهدات)

مجموعه بطاقات , بطاقه , شهادات , شهاده تكريم , شكر طفوليه
شهاده تكريم باللغه الانجليزيه , شهادات شكر وتقدير للاطفال ,انجليزي

تجدونها في المرفقات ,,


الملفات المرفقة
  • نوع الملف: rar 6.rar‏ (184.8 كيلوبايت, 939 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: rar 7.rar‏ (184.8 كيلوبايت, 753 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: doc 8.doc‏ (150.0 كيلوبايت, 919 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: rar 8.rar‏ (140.2 كيلوبايت, 585 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: doc 9.doc‏ (90.5 كيلوبايت, 1314 مشاهدات)

مجموعه بطاقات , بطاقه , شهادات , شهاده تكريم , شكر طفوليه
شهاده تكريم باللغه الانجليزيه , شهادات شكر وتقدير للاطفال ,انجليزي

تجدونها في المرفقات ,,


الملفات المرفقة
  • نوع الملف: rar 11.rar‏ (71.0 كيلوبايت, 561 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: rar 9.rar‏ (97.9 كيلوبايت, 478 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: doc 12.doc‏ (57.0 كيلوبايت, 743 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: rar 12.rar‏ (109.9 كيلوبايت, 468 مشاهدات)
  • نوع الملف: doc 14.doc‏ (40.5 كيلوبايت, 746 مشاهدات)

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف السادس

بارجراف , فقره اربع , خمس أسطر عن trip , مادة اللغه الانجليزيه سادس_صنع يدي -التعليم الاماراتي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بارجراف , فقره اربع , خمس أسطر عن trip , مادة اللغه الانجليزيه سادس

Paragraph about trip, English, Beach trip, الصف السادس, انجليزي

باسبورد فك الملف


Last weekend, I went with my friends Hamad, Saeed and Rashid to the beach. This beach is in Ras Al Khaimah. We decided to ………………..

~ صنع يدي ~
أختكم رؤية

تجدونهـــا كامله فـــي المرفقـــاآت

الملفات المرفقة

مشكوره دائماً مبدعه

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

يزاج الله خير اخت رؤية..

واخيرا رجعتي لنشاطج السابق وقمتي تحطين مواضيع ^^

ان شاء الله على طول..

بس السموحة منج تم وضع المحتوى في الموضوع نفسسه..

شكرا لجِ

سبحان الله و بحمده