الصف العاشر

معلومات , جمل عن مكة , بالانجليزي للصف العاشر

سسسسسسلام عليكم
ممكنَ 10 جمل عن صورة مكة

تكون منها سمبل و منها كوبلكسس
آتمنآ اليؤؤم بآآجرر تسسليم الدرجات =/
سساعدؤنيَ ~~>

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

تفضلي اختي,,

هذا اللي حصلته,,

Makkah is the most beutiful place h have visited
The Holy City of Makkah, which lies inland 73 kilometers east of Jiddah, is the place
where the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was born – the place where God’s message was first revealed to him and the city to which he returned after the migration to Madinah in 622 AD.

Makkah is the holiest city on earth to Muslims. Five times each day, the world’s one billion Muslims, wherever they may be, turn to the Holy City of Makkah to pray. And at least once in their lives, all Muslims who are not prevented by personal circumstance perform the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Makkah. Thus each year the Holy City of Makkah is host to some two million hajjis (pilgrims) from all over the world.

وهذا ايضا,,

people talk about the seven wonders of the world, and I’d like to talk about the eightth one which is Mecca.
Mecca is the first holy place and the second direction for all muslims. the rise of mecca as a city started after the discovery of zamzam water by the mother af arab Hajar peace be upon her.
God blessed it with having kaaba that had been built with the holy black stone. The Holy Quran commands us to perform the pilgrimage every year. Muslims of every country of different races and levels stand side by side equally to obey what God asks.
many things make this place more special than others, first, it’s considered to be one of the most ancient places in the world. second, the black stone. third, the foot prints of the prophet Ibrahim.
fourth, the continuous and the unending gathering of people around it to perform the islamic rituals. last, the doubled rewards of every pray and good affair done by the inhabitants and the visitors.
Mecca has its unique atmosphere of worshipping, it gives the person the impression of being more connected to God.
I enjoyed my stay there and i was wondering if there’s such a place exists in this world.
I feel i’m lucky because of being able to visit it and wandering round it

وهاي الترجمة بتساعدج,,في استخراج الجمل,,

يتحدث الناس عن العجائب السبع في العالم، وارغب في الحديث عن الاعجوبة الثامنة وهي مكة
تعتبر مكة اول مكان مقدس وثاني قبلة المسلمين
نهضت مكة كمدينة بعد اكتشاف ام العرب السيدة هاجر عليها السلام لماء زمزم
كما باركها الله بوجود الكعبة التي بينت من الحجر الاسود
ان القران يامرنا باداء الحج كل سنة
فيقبل المسلمون من مختلف الاعراق والمستويات من كافة الدول ليقفوا سواسية امام الله ليطيعوا ما امر به
هناك الكثير من الاشياء التي تجعل من مكة مكانا متميزا عن غيره
اولا اعتبارها احد اقدم الاماكن في العالم
ثانيا وجود الحجر الاسود
ثالثا اثار اقدام سيدنا ابراهيم
رابعا تجمع المسلمين المستمر واالامنتهي حولها لاداء الشعائر الاسلامية
واخيرا الاجر المضاعف على الصلوات والاعمال الخيرة التي يقوم بها سكانها وضيوفها
ان لمكة جو متميز بالعبادة، فهي تمنح الفرد الشعور بكونه اكثر قربا الى الله
لقد استمتعت باقامتي هناك وكنت اتساءل ما اذا هناك مكان كهذا موجود في العالم
اشعر بانني محظوظة لقدرتي على زيارتها والتجول في ارجائها

منقول,,دعواتج الغالية,,^^

مششششششكورة فديتج الرمشش دوؤمشش منوره :$
ساعديتيني وقسسم
ربي يوفقج فدنياج و ف دراسستج ويعطيج ع قد نييتج حيآآتيي $=
ثآنكس أقيين ، ’

العفووو يالغالية,,

واجبنا طال عمرج,,^^

امين يارب ويوفق الجميع,,

وتسلمين عالدعوات الطيبة,,

الله يوفقج,,

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الحادي عشر

ابغي تعريف كلمااااات بالانجليزي -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليييييييييييييييييكم

انا حادي عشر الادبي



بيغيت تعريف كلمات هاذيل




ابي اليوم ضرووري

بلييييييييييييييز ابغيهم بسرررررررررررررررعه

كيف يعني المعنى
اذا ع المعنى من عيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــوني
1- يتذكر
2- يردد (repet(
3- ع ما اضن الفقي او العمودي ( واحد منهم)
4- يفهم
5- والله ماعرفته

بيغيت تعريف كلمات هاذيل بالانجليزي



لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الحادي عشر

امتحان الانجليزي الفصل الثالث للعام 2022-2022 للحادي عشر علمي للصف الحادي عشر

جبت لكم امتحان اللغة الانجليزي للعام الماضي 2017-2016 للفصل الثالث الحادي عشر علمي


الملفات المرفقة

يااابعدي كفووووو

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الثاني عشر

قوآعد الانجليزي- تضمن لك النجآح -تعليم اماراتي

السلام عليٌكَمْ ورحمُهْ الله وبُركَـآته….~.~

شحٌـآلكَـم عربْ زآيد…~.~

يـآيب لكم قواعد الانجليزي – تضمن لك النجآح ..~.~

التحميل:رابط الموضوع الأصلي


مــآآيصير =(

ع العموم ثكرآآ ..

ما صار ولا شي

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف السادس

تقرير عن الشيخ زايد-رحمه الله- بالانجليزي لسادس للصف السادس

Being a man who created history, President His Higness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, has always been the main attraction of writers and historians who were overwhelmed by his unique personality and his ability to get his people to rally round him to help them solve their problems and for his ambition to change life in the desert.
Those writers and historians who wrote about HH Sheikh Zayed
described him as the man who was polished by desert life, making him one of the desert’s bravest knights, who loves so much and masters horse and camel riding, and who is obsessed with falconry as one of his major hobbies.These hobbies have moulded Sheikh Zayed into a personality with the habit of Bedouin, including boldness, simplicity and fairness.Despite being a simple man, Sheikh Zayed is an open-hearted philosopher, who has great love for the environment.
Born in Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Zayed is the youngest of the four sons of Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler of Abu Dhabi from 1922 to 1926. He was named after his grandfather, Sheikh Zayed bin Khalifa, popularly known as Sheikh Zayed the Great or Sheikh Zayed I, who ruled the emirate from 1855 to 1909, the longest reign in the three centuries since the Al Nahyan family emerged as leaders of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.Sheikh Zayed bin Khalifa was given the title "the Great" by his people in recognition of his great works in the history of the Emirates and for his ability to unite the various tribes and to lead to many glories the Baniyas tribe of which the Al Nahyan is a sub tribe. Since he was seven, Zayed used to speak and ask questions at his father’s court, "majlis". After the death of his father in 1927, he moved to Al ain where he spent most of his youthful years in the hills and mountings of the oasis town, which took a toll on his habbit, ideology and ambitionZayed started taking his religious education at the age of eight. Life at that time,even for a member of the ruling family was simple. Opportunities for education were generally confined to lessons in reading and writing, along with instruction in Islam from the local preacher, while modern facilitities, such as roads, communications, and health care were conspicuous only by their absence. Transport was by camel or boat and the harshness of the arid climate meant that survival itself was often a major concern.In 1946, Sheikh Zayed was chosen to fill a vacancy as Ruler’s Representative in the Eastern Region of Abu Dhabi, centred on the oasis of Al Ain, approximately 160 kilometres east of the island of Abu Dhabi itself. Inhabited continuously for at least 5000 years, the oasis had nine villages, six of which belonged to Abu Dhabi and three, including Buraimi, by which name the oasis was also known, which belonged to the Sultanate of Oman.The job involved not only the task of administering the six villages but also the whole of the adjacent desert region, enabling Sheikh Zayed to learn the techniques of government as well as deepening his knowledge of the tribes. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Saudi Arabia’s territorial claims to Buraimi provided him with the opportunity to gain experience of politics on a broader scale.Sheikh Zayed brought to his new task a firm belief in the values of consultation and consensus, in contrast to confrontation. Foreign visitors, such as the British explorer Sir Wilfred Thesiger, who first met him at this time, noted with approbation that his judgements ‘were distinguished by their acute insights, wisdom and fairness’.Sheikh Zayed swiftly established himself not only as someone who had a clear vision of what he wished to achieve for the people of Al Ain, but also as someone who led by example. A key task in the early years in Al Ain was that of stimulating the local economy, which was largely based on agriculture. To do this, he ensured that the ancient subterranean water channels or falajes (aflaj) were cleaned out, and personally financed the construction of a new one, taking part in the strenuous labour that was involved. He also ordered a revision of local water ownership rights to ensure a more equitable distribution, surrendering the rights of his own family as an example to others. The consequent expansion of the area under cultivation in turn generated more income for the residents of Al Ain, helping to re-establish the oasis as the predominant market centre for a wide area. With development gradually beginning to get under way, Sheikh Zayed commenced the laying out of a visionary city plan, and, in a foretaste of the massive afforestation programme of today, he also ordered the planting of ornamental trees that, now grown to maturity, have made Al Ain one of the greenest cities in Arabia.
In 1953, Sheikh Zayed made his first visit abroad, accompanying his brother Shakhbut to Britain, United States, Switzerland, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, India, Iran, Pakistan and France.
He recalled later how impressed he had been by the schools and hospitals he visited, becoming determined that his own people should have the benefit of similar facilities.Despite constraints through lack of government revenues, Sheikh Zayed succeeded in bringing progress to Al Ain, establishing the rudiments ofan administrative machinery, personally funding the first modern schoolin the emirate and coaxing relatives and friends to contribute towards small-scale development programmes.On 6 August 1966, Sheikh Zayed became Ruler, with a mandate from his family to press ahead as fast as possible with the development of Abu Dhabi. He was a man in a hurry. His years in Al Ain had not only given him valuable experience in government, but had also provided him with the time to develop a vision of how the emirate could progress. With revenues growing year by year as oil production increased, he was determined to use them in the service of the people, and a massive programme of construction of schools, housing, hospitals and roads got rapidly under way.At the beginning of 1968, when the British announced their intention of withdrawing from the Arabian Gulf by the end of 1971, Sheikh Zayed acted rapidly to initiate moves towards establishing closer ties with the emirates. Along with the late Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, who was to become Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed took the lead in calling for a federation that would include not only the seven emirates that together made up the Trucial States, but also Qatar and Bahrain. When early hopes of a federation of nine states eventually foundered, Sheikh Zayed led his fellow rulers in achieving agreement on the establishment of the UAE, which formally emerged on the international stage on December 2, 1971.While his enthusiasm for federation was a key factor in the formation of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed also won support for the way in which he sought consensus and agreement among his fellow rulers.Even before acceding the presidency of the new state, Sheikh
Zayed’s major ambition was to develop the country and provide comfort
for the citizens of the country. He also aimed high at preparing his people to be able to shoulder effectively the responsibility of building the country. He used to say: "Money is useless if it is not used in serving the people."Based on this philosophy, Sheikh Zayed made the rehabilitation of UAE citizens as his major target. He made the provision of services of all kinds to all the citizens of his country as his major goal. He tackled the problem of water scarcity and worked to
improve the quality of land for farming purposes. Soon farmlands stretched everywhere in the country and his afforestation project turned the desert into green land.His deep faith in unity led him to work with leaders of other Gulf countries to form the Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, which brought together six Gulf states, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain. On February 25, 1981, Abu Dhabi hosted the first GCC summit. Sheikh Zayed’s stances on Arab nationalism issues bear witness to his deep commitment to Arab and Islamic issues. He has been calling repeatedly for Arab solidarity, cooperation and unity and for burying of differences and mending of fences between Arab leaders. He has also mediated successfully on several occasions between Arab leaders. Perhaps one of his most significant achievement for his country is his ability to steer his country far away from any conflict that abounds on the Arab front and his ability to win the trust and love of all at XXXX the Arab and international levels through his balanced stance on Arab and international issues.
His Death: In 1999, while he was in a hospital for some tests, the people of the UAE wrote him a personal thank-you letter with 1.5 million signatures. He underwent a kidney transplant in 2022 at the Cleveland Clinic in the U.S. On 2 November 2022, Sheikh Zayed died, as announced by Abu Dhabi TV. He was believed to be 86 years old. No official cause of death was given; however he had recently been in London undergoing hospital treatment. He is buried in the under-construction Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. His eldest son, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, born in 1948, took an increasing role in the government from the 1990s; he was ratified as president of the United Arab Emirates by his fellow rulers on the Supreme Council directly after his father’s death.
In Conclusion:Sheikh Zayed was extremely popular in his home country. He was admired as a relatively simple man who guarded his people’s culture and traditions and presented a civilized image of the UAE to the rest of the world; he was the undisputed father of his nation. He was especially respected in the US and Europe due to his pro-western stance, and his reputation as a moderate and gentle ruler


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اشكرج عالتقرير
الله يرحم الوالد زايد ويغفر له

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف التاسع

اطلبوا اي موضوع تعبير في الانجليزي وانا اساعدكم للصف التاسع

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته …

اخواني واخواتي اطلبوا اي موضوع في الانجليزي … تعبير او إملاء او اي شيئ تبونه اطلبوا مني وانا اساعدكم فيه في التعليقات .. اكتب لكم اللي تبونه والمطلوب …

اخوكم حمود كارثه

اذا ما عليك امـرر اخوي
paragraph about planner
حادي عشر علمي :/
وجزاك الف خخير

لو سمحت تعبير انجليزي للصف التاسع الفصل الأول
ضروووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووورر ررري

مششكـور أخوى حموود على المسـإأعدده ,,

مع تمنيااتي لك بالتوفيق ,,

اريد سيرة ذاتية عن اي شخص بالانجليزي
بــــــــــــــليز بسرعة

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف السابع

تقرير عن الامارات قديما و حديثا بالانجليزي

لو سمحتوا ابا تقرير عن الامارات قديماا و حديثا
و يكون فيه الملابس و البيوت و المواصلات قديما و حدييثا
يكوون قصصصير ومرتب و حللو
اككيد حلو دامه من معهد الامارات التعليمي

In social terms:

Most families were living in tribes or large families in tents or the like

But now a small family size has Kanu in the past we see that the uncle with the grandfather with the father all in one house but now there is no

It was one of the returning parents to meet all of them every day but with the large number of concerns these days I said regular exchanges of visits and meetings

For the life of economic improvement in the economy a lot, especially after the discovery of oil Vtaddt jobs and

diversified sources of income such as McCann in the past where he was relying on agriculture, fishing and diving

أتمنى يعجبك

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ما قصرت مشرفتنا فتاة كوول


ثانكس اختي فتاة كوول موضوع حلو نال اعجابي و انا كنت اباه انجليزي ثاانكس ما قصرتي

لا شكر على واجب

In social terms:

Most families were living in tribes or large families in tents or the like

But now a small family size has Kanu in the past we see that the uncle with the grandfather with the father all in one house but now there is no

It was one of the returning parents to meet all of them every day but with the large number of concerns these days I said regular exchanges of visits and meetings

For the life of economic improvement in the economy a lot, especially after the discovery of oil Vtaddt jobs and

diversified sources of income such as McCann in the past where he was relying on agriculture, fishing and diving

أتمنى يعجبك

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثامن

برجراف عن التعليم الخاص بالانجليزي للصف الثامن

بـــــــــــــــدي برررررراجراف عن اهميه التعليم الخـــــــــاص

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

اختي هذا اللي حصلته..

بالاضافة لهالرابط واللي انتي روحج منزلتنه..

اهميه التعليم الخاص

The Importance of Education

Education and competition are two universal ingredients of all human cultures
"Education is empowerment. It is the key to establishing and reinforcing democracy, respect and social justice. Indeed, in a world in which creativity and knowledge play an ever greater role,
Education is an essential part of any society. Without education, a society would not survive for long, without it man is as though in a closed room and with education he finds himself in a room with all its windows open towards outside world .and is enabled to receive information from the external world
This is why Islam attaches such great importance to knowledge and education. When the Qur’an began to be revealed, the first word of its first verse was ‘Iqra’ that is, read. Education is thus the starting point of every human activity,

. Education is giving one the rational powers to make better choices, to be more efficient, and to advance future knowledge. . Education allows one to be able to use the knowledge they gain to improve health, technology, and economics.
Education is one of the most important things in modern country, Every modern country has a state run education system, which carries children in to there mid to late teens.

Education is the KEY to SUCCESS. If human beings do not seek education they are cheating themselves out of a potential job enhancement, salary increase, knowledge and a sense of self-worth and accomplishment


أهمية التعليم

التعليم والمنافسة هما المكونات الشامل لجميع الثقافات البشرية
"التعليم هو التمكين ، وهو المفتاح لتأسيس وتعزيز الديمقراطية والاحترام والعدالة الاجتماعية ، بل في عالم الإبداع والمعرفة والتي تلعب دورا أكبر من أي وقت مضى ،
التعليم هو جزء أساسي في أي مجتمع. بدون تعليم ، فإن المجتمع لا البقاء على قيد الحياة لمدة طويلة ، دون أن الرجل هو كما لو في غرفة مغلقة مع التعليم ويجد نفسه في غرفة واحدة مع جميع نوافذها مفتوحة تجاه العالم الخارجي. وتمكين لتلقي المعلومات من العالم الخارجي
هذا هو السبب في الإسلام يولي أهمية كبيرة لمثل هذه المعرفة والتعليم. كانت الكلمة الأولى من أول آية في القرآن عندما بدأت في الكشف عن "إقرأ" وهذا هو ، القراءة. وبالتالي التعليم هو نقطة الانطلاق من كل النشاط البشري ،

. التعليم هو إعطاء واحدة من القوى عقلانية لاتخاذ الخيارات الأفضل ، لتكون أكثر كفاءة ، وتطوير المعرفة في المستقبل. . التعليم يسمح احد لتكون قادرة على استخدام المعارف التي تكتسبها من أجل تحسين الصحة والتكنولوجيا والاقتصاد.
التعليم هو أحد أهم الأمور في الدولة الحديثة ، في كل بلد لديه التعليم الحديثة تشغيل نظام الدولة ، والذي يحمل الأطفال في منتصف إلى أواخر سنوات المراهقة إلى هناك.

التعليم هو مفتاح النجاح. إذا كان البشر لا نسعى التعليم هم أنفسهم من الغش لتعزيز فرص العمل المحتملة ، وزيادة الرواتب والمعرفة والإحساس بقيمة الذات والإنجاز

مشـــــــــكوووووره اختي

مشكوره اختي

مشكووره علي المرور

مشكوووووووورالله يعطيكي الف عافيه

مشكووووووره علي المرورالرائع

لــــآ هنتي ع,مؤضؤع**

ثاانكس فيري ماتش^^

Thank you

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف العاشر

تقرير عن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم بالانجليزي -تعليم اماراتي

هلا و غلا

شحالكم شخباركم

ممكن طلب ؟؟

ابي تقرير عن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم بالانجليزي

بليييز ابيه ظروري اوكي

و السموحة اختكم دلوعة ابوي

شكرا لك يا اخ


ثــأأنكس آمير

..بـآآرك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك أمير ^_________^

امير ما قصر

بارك الله فيكم

مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووور كثير على الجهد

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

مجموعة تعابير لإمتحان الانجليزي -التعليم الاماراتي

سوف تجدون هذه التعابير في المرفقات

لا تنسو دعائكم لي

الملفات المرفقة

يسلموووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو وووووووووووا

مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو وووووور يا طالب المجد3

ثانكس خيو

جزاك الله كل الخير
لا تنس استغفار الله يوميا مئة مرة لمحو ذنوبك وخطاياك
استغفر الله العلي العظيم وأتوب إليه

الف الف الف شكر

شكرا يا حلووووووووووووووو
ويعطيك العافية

مشكووور أخوي



اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين