الصف الثاني عشر

ممكن مساعدة لي ولغييري لموضوع امتحان السيبا وسيكون الموضوع مستمر للصف الثاني عشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركااته يعانيالكثير من الطلاب والطالبات مشكلة في اللغة الانجليزية مع أنها ليست لغتنا
والمشكلة الآن امتحان السيبا
فأنا طرحت هذا الموضوع لمساعدة نفسي ومساعدةالاخرين
يعتبر هذا الموضوع مستمر فمن لم يعرف سؤال فينموذج يسأل
لان أنا ادري انكم ستساعدوني وتساعدو غير
عندي بعض الاسئلة واحترت كيف احلها !! ممكناتشوفو السؤال واتقوولو لي القاعدة
في هذا السؤال

3. There is an exam next door. Please __________quiet.
A) you be
B) you are
C) be
D) to be
الاجابة بتكون الثالثة ليش اخترنا الثالثة ؟!! وشو قاعدة بي
6. I havefive brothers but __________ of them is quite different.
A) every
B) each
C) all
D) thewhole

الاجابة بتكون الثالثة ليش اخترناالثالثة ؟!!

7. The bluecar is __________.
A) mine
B) my
C) myself
D) me
ليش حطينا الاجابة الاولى مع اني ذاكرتالقاعدة وتقول القاعدة ان
My mine و
للملكية ليش ماحطينا

8. Hamza kept __________ the house until he foundthe keys.
A) search
B) searching
C) searches
D) searched
ليش حطينا أي ان جي شو قاعدتها

9. We want __________ for a swim this afternoon.
A) go
B) to go
C) will go
D) goes
ليش حطينا هذي الاجابة شو قاعدتها

انا بصراحة عندي وااايد اسئلة بس ممكن اتجاوبو اسئلتي عشان ااتساعدونيواتساعدو غيري
وشكرا من فتح موضوعي وسااعدني وانشالله ف ميزان حسناتكم
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله

أنا لقيت لكي هذا:
ولو ما دخل دخلي على googleوإكتبي قواعد الغة الإنجليزية.

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الثاني عشر

موضوع اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثاني عشر

دخيلكم يا أعضاء المدونة ساعدوني
ابغي موضوع انجليزي عن الماضي.الي هو: ليش الناس يدرسون الماضي (الاهرامات) أو اي شي أثري وهل انتي تعتقدين انه مهم ان يدرسون الماضي ولا لا يعني انتي شو رايج بس لازم يكون موافقة

ها وينكم؟


يبت لج اسسي عن اهمية التاريخ "" بس انتبهي انه يتكلم عن امريكا "" اذا بتغيرين فيه شوي و تتكلمين عن تاريخ الامارات في سطر

Essay on Importance of History

History is important for numerous reasons. We learn from our
mistakes. We share a common experience that binds us together. Our minds
are store our experiences(history). Our roots, which is basically our round
and where we come from. Society can build upon past accomplishments, and
it also helps us to speculate the future.
The first, and most significant reason history is important is because
we learn from our mistakes. If there was no history then everyone would
make the same mistakes over and over. That is why it is very good for
someone of high rank in the United States Military to know a good sum of
history. They can review what their past commander’s faults were and not
make the same mistakes over. As in any job, if you can evade any mistakes
you or someone else made in the past then you would run a more efficient
working place. An intelligent person would not make the mistakes
themselves but learn from other people’s mistakes. For example, if my older
brother were to get burned by an iron, I would be very careful the next time
I use the iron, since I would have the same chances of getting burned if not
The second reason history is important is because we share a common
experience which binds us together as a country, society, and people. We an
relate with our neighbors, peers, or even someone off the street if we could
have the same cultural background, the reason is because we know where
the other person is coming from and essentially how their parents brought
them up. If we didn’t have history than we would not have any thing to share
with one another. For example imagine if you didn’t know where you came
from, who any one else was, or where they came from. You just know that

و هذا واحد كامل و حلو

1. The importance of the study of world history to me personally as an American is very significant because I hope to find a career where I will work with many diverse people and I not only want to know them, but I want to have an understanding of where they came from in order to associate with them better. Another reason is that an American can be from any culture from around the world. Americans aren’t any certain race or religion, so we have to understand our fellow citizens just as they need to understand us. I was in definite need of a course like this because before I started taking this class I had no idea of the simple concept of the different beliefs between Hinduism and Judaism. I had heard of the different religions vaguely in high school, but was never actually taught about them. I didn’t even know that Jews did not eat pig because they thought it was a descendant of the devil. If I weren’t to know that, somewhere down the road I might have offered one of my Jewish friends a ham sandwich and that would have been a very embarrassing situation.
I now believe that I am a better informed American about fellow man in other parts of the world, but I still hope to learn more about them because I feel that we have only scratched the surface in class. I now know about many different religions such as: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and even more about my own religion Christianity. Although I know what they believe and how they came about their religious freedom, I hope to learn about how they celebrate and worship their religions and maybe to see how their cultures are influenced by them. Such as if there are certain holidays where they might get out of work, or how the people of different religions react towards each other and their holidays.
I now realize that because I am an American and my country is a super power, that I do not have a right to think that my religion or culture is more important than anyone else’s. I must respect their beliefs just as they respect mine. I bet if you were to ask anyone from any culture what Christmas was, they would know automatically that it is a Christian holiday. And because of this I think that I should know what Hanukkah is, or who the Buddha was and what he represented.
Every society wants to be respected and known for their different culture and beliefs. Because of this course, I now realize that if I expect anyone to understand me, that I should already try to have an understanding of them.

2. The definition of civilized is to bring or come out of a primitive or savage condition to a higher level of social organization and of cultural and scientific development. To begin, or give birth to a civilization there must be some essential factors, such as: people who are willing to come together with political, social, and economic organizations to build a larger and united community, education, a notion of law to govern its members, an atmosphere of peace, the ability to create art, to generate science and philosophy to explain the larger world, and to create theology. After a civilization acquires all of these it must make it’s own culture of thoughts and beliefs that everyone follows and believes to grow and flourish as a successful civilization. Each one of these factors are necessary because without one there wouldn’t be a unique culture because then that civilization would have to borrow other civilizations thoughts and ideas therefore now making that first civilization an offspring of the second.
The Sumerian culture is known for its set of values and techniques. The first thing that made them stand out was their invention of writing which was called cuneiform. Then from there it evolved into ideograms, then they learned to use signs to represent sounds which is called the phonetic use of signs. This system of writing was very complicated, but it was taught and learned by many which increased their intelligence, discipline, and culture. They also flourished in mathematics.
Sumerian people were very much involved with their religion and aimed to please their gods. They built their communities around their religious temples and worshiped together their beliefs and rituals. Everyone in the community also had a ranking that they couldn’t move out of, this made it easy to set rules for certain people and they were abided by.
For the most part, the Sumerians had the factors to be a successful civilization because they established a basic social, economic, and intellectual pattern, but the Sumerians were taken over by the Semites because they had a stronger army. Even though the Sumerians were conquered many of their thoughts and inventions carried on.
The Indus Valley civilization, which is noted to be the first civilization in India, was a very complex and planned out civilization. It had straight streets, uniform houses, and underground sewers. The Indus civilization was spread over a large amount of area, which shows that they had a very uniform government to control this large area. They had standardized weights, ports along the sea, and a set religion.
The Indus civilization had everything that it needed to be a successful civilization and it was for a while, but because of abandonment of the area which was thought to be because of an earthquake, led this civilization to become deserted.
Although both civilizations are long gone, their inventions and some of their political and religious ways are still around in today’s culture

بالوفيق =)

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الثاني عشر

9 نماذج مختلفة لامتحانات السيبا للصف الثاني عشر

تجدونها في المرفقات +_+

اللهم وفقنا جميعا +____@


الملفات المرفقة



الملفات المرفقة

تسلمين هاجر

ع جهودج الحلوة و المستمرة

بارك الله فيج

تصدقين نسيت سالفة السيبا ……………الله يعينا السنة الياية

أشكرك عالمرور …

حتغلطي أكبر غلطة لو نسيتي بلوة السيبا +_+

شكرا انتي الوحيدة اللي بتنوري مواضيعي .. شكلها ماعجبت الأعضاء +_+ مع اني تعبت وأنا بدور

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هاجر مشاهدة المشاركة
أشكرك عالمرور …

حتغلطي أكبر غلطة لو نسيتي بلوة السيبا +_+

شكرا انتي الوحيدة اللي بتنوري مواضيعي .. شكلها ماعجبت الأعضاء +_+ مع اني تعبت وأنا بدور

العفو انتي عزيزة علي

هي والله لازم ما ننسى هالسيبا

لا صدقيني مواضيعج وايد مفيدة بس يمكن الاعضاء ما انتبهولها

و بيي يوم الكل بيمر ع مواضيعج صدقيني

أنا دائما بانتظار مواضيعج

لا تتاخرين علي

و مواضيعج مفيدة وايد لا تفقدين الامل

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة المبرمجة مشاهدة المشاركة
العفو انتي عزيزة علي

هي والله لازم ما ننسى هالسيبا

لا صدقيني مواضيعج وايد مفيدة بس يمكن الاعضاء ما انتبهولها

و بيي يوم الكل بيمر ع مواضيعج صدقيني

أنا دائما بانتظار مواضيعج

لا تتاخرين علي

و مواضيعج مفيدة وايد لا تفقدين الامل

شكرا على رفع المعنويات +_+

ترقبوا موااضيع متميزة مني قريييييييبا +___@

تسلمي يا هااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااجر

تسلمين وجزاج الله الف خير ……

تسلمي ياااهاجر

وربي يوفقنا ان شاء الله

اللهم آآمين

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

Character Traits and Jane Eyre -تعليم الامارات

Character Traits and Jane Eyre

للتحميل كامل و مرتب في المرفقات
Charlotte Brontë published her novel Jane Eyre in 1847. It tells the story of a young orphan, Jane Eyre, from childhood to adulthood. In this worksheet, students read a passage from Chapter 1 about the character, John Reed, and list 10 of his character traits

.Charlotte Brontë published her novel Jane Eyre in 1847. It tells the story of a young orphan, Jane Eyre,
from childhood to adulthood. At the beginning of the story, Jane is 10 years old Her uncle and his family
have cared for her since her parents died a few years earlier.
In this passage, the uncle has died, and Jane is left with her aunt and cousins, none of whom are kind to
her. Her cousin John is sitting in a chair and has called Jane.

الملفات المرفقة

شكرا جزيلا

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف الثاني عشر

تمارين وإجابات لمادة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثاني عشر للقسمين العلمي والأدبي -مناهج الامارات

وزارة التربية والتعليم

إدارة التقويم والامتحانات

المادة: اللغة الإنجليزية

1121/تمارين تدريبية للصف الثاني عشر للقسمين العلمي والأدبي للعام الدراسي 1122

الفصل الدراسي الثالث

I. Reading (60 marks)

Text 1

Read the following text and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d. (3 marks each question)

Making a backyard mud or clay oven like the “tanoor” is a great
family project, and once completed, you will be able to make
fantastic breads, “harees” or grilled fish. In order to build such an
oven you need sand, mud, firebricks, newspaper and water.

Step 1. To start, you need to mix 1 bucket of clay with 4 buckets of
sand. Then add water to make thick mud. After that, add straw and
mix. Keep adding straw until the mixture is no longer sticky.

Step 2. Make a fireproof base for your oven. A good base is a layer
of rocks. Then lay about 8 inches of mud on top of the rocks. For
the floor, lay 4 inch-thick firebricks on top of the mud.

Step 3. To build the oven, put a pile of sand on top of the firebricks
and add water, as needed, so it will stick together. When it is dome-
shaped, cover it with wet newspaper.

Step 4. Lay about 4 inches of mud on top of the newspaper. Shape
the top of the mud layer inwards as you go up, and press the mud
together tightly. Don’t worry about the doorway. You will cut this

Step 5. When the mud is completely dry, cut a hole where the
doorway will be and start removing the sand as it is easy to take it
away. Stop when you reach the newspaper layer. Remove the rough
edges of the doorway so it becomes smooth and even. The height of
the doorway should be 65% of the height of the oven, so as to allow
enough airflow into the oven.

Step 6. When ready to use, light a big fire in the oven, and let it
burn for a few hours. Sweep out all the ash, wait for about half an
hour and your oven is ready.


1. Step number 1 is about ___________.
a. planning for the project
b. finding the material
c. choosing the location
d. preparing the material
2. Straw should be added to the mud to make the mixture ___________.
a. stickier
b. drier
c. thinner
d. hotter

3. The word lay in step 2 is similar in meaning to ___________.
a. take off b. break out
b. move in d. put down

4. The fireproof base of the oven is made of ___________.
a. sand
b. mud
c. rock
d. newspaper
5. The word shape in Step 4 is a/an ___________.
a. adverb
b. verb
c. adjective
d. noun
6. Which of the following affects the airflow in the oven?
a. The height of the doorway
b. The fire in the oven
c. The shape of the doorway
d. The quality of the oven
7. The word ash in Step 6 is similar in meaning to ___________.
a. grass
b. wood
c. dust
d. soil
8. Sand is the most suitable material for shaping the dome of the oven because it ___________.
a. can be easily removed
b. is a natural material
c. makes the oven stronger d. is the cheapest material

9. Where does the following sentence best fit?

“For example, if your oven was 20 inches tall, then your door should be about 13 inches tall.”

a. Step 2
b. Step 3
c. Step 4
d. Step 5
10. This text is mainly about ___________ homemade ovens.
a. the advantages of
b. how to cook using
c. the process of making
d. the history of

Text 2

Read the following text and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5

Imaginary worlds or virtual worlds are computer-based environments. Here you can
create a realistic, digital image of yourself and then interact and socialize with others.
Virtual worlds offer key opportunities for enrichment in the training, education,
medical and business sectors.

For example, in a virtual world, a student who studies design can walk into a room,
put furniture in it and get a real sense of space. The student can also change the
environment with colour and furniture. In many areas, few classroom experiences can
offer the same level of reality.

Just as in the real world, there’s good and bad in virtual worlds. This does not mean
there is no value in experiencing some of the risks of life in an online environment.
Protective behaviour is essential. Learners should know what personal information
not to give out. They should also know how to respond when asked for personal
details. These skills are a must in today’s technological world.

However, there are some ugly aspects to any virtual world. There is a belief that
virtual worlds attract a higher number of criminals than what exists in real life. This
is probably true. This is because there is a risk of coming into contact with unwanted
images or individuals in most interactive online environments. Another aspect is the
high cost. Kids may need to spend much money on decorating their virtual worlds,
because some items like high fashion clothes need to be bought online.

The only way to get away from this is to provide all users with protective strategies,
such as the ability to determine what is right and when to turn the computer off. This
is a role educators must take very seriously.


11. The writer defines a virtual world as a/an ___________ one.
a. criminal
b. imaginary
c. physical
d. protective

12. According to paragraph 2, a design student can ___________ by using virtual worlds.
a. make new friends b. talk to his family
c. create and experiment d. take examinations

13. We can infer from paragraph 3 that the writer ___________.
a. opposes the use of virtual worlds
b. finds no value in facing online risks
c. is against investing in virtual worlds
d. promotes preparing for virtual worlds

14. The opposite of the word personal in paragraph 3 is ___________.
a. private
b. public
c. special
d. interesting
Complete the following table with information from paragraph 4.

Negative Aspects of Virtual Worlds

15. __________________________________________________ ______________.
16. __________________________________________________ ______________.
17. __________________________________________________ ______________.

18. The word interactive in paragraph 4 is a/an ___________.
a. noun
b. adverb
c. verb
d. adjective

19. The word determine in paragraph 5 is similar in meaning to ___________.
a. argue
b. ignore
c. decide
d. suspect
20. The purpose of this text is to discuss the ___________ of virtual worlds.
a. development b. background
c. pros and cons d. programming

II. Writing (40 marks)

A. 1. Sentence Writing (15 marks)

Write two simple and three complex / compound sentences about the pictures below.

1. (Simple Sentence)
__________________________________________________ __________________________
2. (Simple Sentence)

__________________________________________________ __________________________

3. (Compound/Complex Sentence)
__________________________________________________ __________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________

4. (Compound/Complex Sentence)
__________________________________________________ __________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________

5. (Compound/Complex Sentence)
__________________________________________________ __________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________

A.2. Essay Writing (25 marks)

Write an essay of about 200 words discussing the following topic:

Some people prefer to spend their summer holidays in their home countries because it is cheaper and
encourages local tourism. Other people, however, prefer to spend their holidays abroad because they
believe that visiting foreign countries will enrich their experiences and skills.

Discuss the above statement and give specific reasons to support your ideas and views.

__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
Marking Key









Spelling &





الملفات المرفقة

thnx good job

هلا عاشقة المستحيل شكرا لمروكِ

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثاني عشر

طلب فواتير تلفون ثلاث فواتير للصف الثاني عشر

ابه فواتير تلفون ثلاث فواتير فقط ممكن

بايز ردوعيه ممكن لو سمحتووو…

والله اختي يلست ادور بس ما لقيت

ان شاء الله باقي الاعضاء بيساعدونج

السموحه منج

سعدوني لو سمحتو ؟؟؟؟

وحتي انا ابا

عيل بتبطي ليل ما يدون

ماعندي يااختي والسموحة

اذا عندج يبيلي

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثاني عشر

معامل الارتباط ( بيان احصائي ) للصف الثاني عشر

والله تعبت علييييييييييييه اتفضلووووووووو

الملفات المرفقة

مشكوووووووووووووووووور بصراحة روووووعة

أشد الشكررررررررررررررررررررررررر




ال يبا اي شي يتفضل عندي .عل فكرا يا اخوان انا صاحب المشروع معامل الأرتباط 2
ول يبا اي شي ينفضل عندي




يزاك ربي الجنه


أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف الثاني عشر

لو سمحتو يمكن تساعدوني أريد مشروع ……. للصف الثاني عشر

لو ممكن يكون فيه بوربوينت و تقرير
لو سمحتو ……………………………

بليز عجلو

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله