ابغي مساعدة في الايكارات موضوع الايكارتAbout UAE, past and present
بكرة التسليم وابغي مساعدة لو سمحتو ضروري الايكارات عليه 50درجة
هلا اختي دورت لج ايكارت جاهز بس ما حصلت..
واسمحيلي على ايامنا ما كانو يطلبون منا هالشي..
بس يبت لج معلومات عن تقسيم الايكارت..
اول شي القصة اللي بدأتو منها context
وبعدين تلخيص هالقصة context summery
وبعدها البحث والمعلوومات الي تخص الايكارت research
وبعدها تلخيص البحث اللي طلعتوه research Summery
وبعدها المخططات والستراتيجيات تبع الايكارت planing & Strateges
وبعدها reflaction Sheet
وبعدها آخر شي في الايكارت Product ويكون على هيئة بروشور او قصة او قصة مصورة او بوستر حسب الرغبة يعني
ان شاء الله غيري يساعد
ولي عودة
In the past didn’t the people have transport to travel by they used animals to travel like camels and donkeys on land. But in the sea they used the ship to travel. The people spent a lot of time to travel and the road was very difficult to walk. But today in the UAE they have roads to use and travel. And the people have a new transport and different countries have this transport. Like cars, planes and trains. They spend little time to arrive at the place.
The wedding in the past was so simple.the marriages in the past were between two couples who never met each other before the wedding day. The groom had to gave money to the bride. That money was called dowry. Some men gave the dowry like gold or jewelry. And the dowry was not expensive. In the past women wore any color. The most popular color was green, red and White. The clothes ware simple and not expensive. They use the gold to look nicer. The men wore candor and besht. the men’s party beautiful more the women’s party because they have many dance there like el yolaah , lewaah, rzfaah. The wedding was in the women family house. After the party he took the women to his house. In the past people ate harees, rice and meat for dinner. |
The clothes were different in the Past. First the clothes in the past were traditional. The men wore “Dishdasha” to cover the all body. He put “Shmak”on his head then put “Aqal” on the “smak”. Men like weapons. The “Khenjar” is a small knife and they put it around the body in the middle, they put a gun on the back and a sword in same small knife place, they wore a sword just for dancer with other. The Women wore the “Thob” two pieces made of silk with silkworms or cotton. Next women wore “Sheelah” they put this on the head to cover her hair and wore “Abiah”. It’s black and made of silk and has Threads decoration in gold or selves. The “braga” it is a gold color she put this on her face and covered her eyebrows, nose and chin… |