الصف السابع

طلب حل كتاب الورك بوك صفحة 40 الصف السابع -تعليم الامارات

عايز حل صفحة 40 من كتاب الور بوك

وجزاكم الله خيرآ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

اعتذر منك اخوي ما حصلت الطلب..

ان شاء الله غيري ما يقصر..


ها هو الحــل .. اتفضــلوا ..↓↓☻↓↓

B – answer the question

? What do people do at museum
** they look at artefact

? Where do people rest
** they rest in the park

?What are two things people do at mosques
people pray and listen to lesson

? What does the word comfortable mean
** it’s mean very relaxed

? Which of the places on the left is your favourit ? why
** the park because these is alot of fun

C- write your own series of senteb=nces about a school
follow the pattern
What is this place
this my school
i study with my friends in this is school
my school is fantastic and comfortable

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

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