الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن التعليم في الامارات , Education in UAE -التعليم الاماراتي

Education is considered as a part of development of UAE, our sheikhs believe in that. People in UAE became more aware of importance of education as part of serving their country. Education in UAE went through several steps from the past until now. In this report you will read my information about education in my country and some topics about history of education and education today.

My main autlines of the report are:

– History of Education in UAE
– Education Today
– Schools Fees and uniform
– Schools and Colleges

History of Education in UAE
As we all know, before discovery of oil UAE had poor education system, according to my research there was only 20 schools in Abu Dhabi and about 4000 students most of them were boys. I asked my parents how the education was in their time, they said we studied at the Masjed and the teacher was the Al Motaua. Many families in the past will send an oldest boy to learn and the other will stay to help their father and mother at home or in the farm. My grandmother said that most the subjects in the past were Holly Quran and Math. After oil was found the education system developed or move to the next step. "When the UAE was established in 1971, education was still largely confined to urban areas, and there were less than 28,000 students in the country. Any student wishing to go beyond secondary education was financed by the government and had to go abroad, sometimes to other Arabic countries, but mainly to England and the United States" (1)

Education Today
Today, we see that every town in the UAE has its own primary school, also secondary schools. Education system nowadays include foreign language which is English, also there are many schools teach other languages such as French, German and Urdu schools. I read that the Ministry of Education and Youth has future plans for next 20 years in order to have more educated people.

In last decade early sخاف اللهخاف اللهخاف اللهe of education (kindergarten) was not so important; kids can enter the primary school with out this sخاف اللهخاف اللهخاف اللهe, but now a kid when reach 4-5 years old must attend kindergarten after that he/she can go to primary school (6-11) years old. The next sخاف اللهخاف اللهخاف اللهe is to go to preparatory schools when he/she pass can go to secondary schools at age of 15-17 years old. Finally after finish this sخاف اللهخاف اللهخاف اللهe the student has the choice to go any college or university in any specialization he/she wants. Our country also offers a lot of facilities to students to study a broad.

Schools Fees and uniform
Uniforms are different from school to school. Boys are wearing Dishedasha and for the girls green dress for the primary level and blue dress for the secondary level.
Our sheikhs insure that UAE students will get free education to encourage all of them to learn. Al so they provide schools for uneducated old people.

Schools and Colleges
First of all, I want to mention that the current Minister of Ministry of Education is H.E. Dr. Hanif Hassan Ali because I surprised that many students do not know the name of minister.

Students in this time have many choices of study; there are many private and public schools and colleges among the emirates provide many programs such as: engineering, technology, health science, communication technology and business. Some of these colleges and universities are:
• United Arab Emirates University
• Zayed University
• Higher Colleges of Technology
• Abu Dhabi University,
• American Universities of Sharjah
• Ajman University of Science and Technology


At the end of this report which is my way to learn as being a student. I found a lot of information about education in UAE I did not know before. I really enjoyed doing this project and it benefit me even I started to talk about it to my family at home. I use many web sites and talked to may parents and grandmother to collect information.


(1) http://www.sheikhmohammed.co.ae/engl…istory_edu.asp.


بارك الله فيج اختي ..يسلمووو

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة المبرمجة مشاهدة المشاركة
بارك الله فيج اختي ..يسلمووو

مشكورة ع مرورج الغاوي

yeslamo kteeeer y3teke el3afye bark allah fek

يسلمو ع مرورج الغاوي

مشكورة ع ىلطرح ىرآقس
في ميزآن ح ـسنآتج
جآر تقييم

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
موفقييين ان شاء الله
تسلم الايادي

think u

شكرا تسلم الايايدي مجهود راااائع

بارك الله فيكم ..^^

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

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