الصف السادس

اسئله Why, how, what,where,when في درس Blue jeans + Headlines _صنع يدي -تعليم الامارات

بسمالله الرحمن الرحيم

اسئله Why, how, what,where,when في درس Blue jeans + Headlines

استنتاج اسئله في اللغه الانجليزيه Blue Jeans + Headlines نشاط, واجب الصف السادس

تجدونها في المرفقات

باسووردفك الضغط

~ صنع يدي ~

أختكم رؤية

الملفات المرفقة

بآرك آلبآري فيج رؤية ..

وفقكِ وسدد خطآكِ ,

يزاج الله ألف خير

ما قصرتي ..

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف السابع

what does the 8 century mean ? للصف السابع

هلا …
اخباركم ؟؟؟
علومكم ؟؟؟
ان شاء الله بخيير ..

اقووووووول ..

ممكن طلب ؟؟؟

ابا حل السؤال الثالث في البيوبل بوك صـ 47 الوحدة 3 ..

و السؤال يقول :

what does the 8 century mean ?

…. لا تتأخرو ..
بلييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييز …

أهون عليكم ؟؟؟؟

اهئ اهئ . و الله بزعل ..

يللا و ييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييينكم ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

خلااااااص ..
اليوم حضرتي ..
نهيت بدوون ما احل ..
بس الحمد لله الابلة ما فتشت ..
يلا ..
بتحلو ؟؟؟؟


>_< ……


استغفر الله .. كم يووم اتريااااااااكم ؟؟؟

خلاااااااااااااص ..
آخر مرة اطلب ..
يزاكم الله الف خير ع المساعدة …
@_@ |~| ……….. |~| ……..

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف السابع

paragraph about what people in the UAE can do?? للصف السابع

The UAE is one of the most respectful countryin the word,it respect the law.we live here in the UAE and feel this thing.every one cont make mistake accor ding the law teenager can vote at 18 and also ride acar .some childrin go tl school at 4 and thay finish at 16.in the UAE children cant work befor 18 .if you want to live here you must respect the law…

ان شاء الله يعجبكم
تراني يالسة وانتظر الردود *_*

تــــــــــســــلـــمـــيـــن خـــيــــتـــو عـــلـــى الــــمـــوضــــوعـ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

يزاج ربي الخير..

تسسلمين اختي

مشكورة عالردود ^_^*

تسلمــي اختــي …
ما قصــرتي تـمـ التقيــيمـ +++
يعطيــج العــافيــهـ …



اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف السابع

بوير يوينت لunit 3 what are they wearing -تعليم الامارات

في المرفقات

الملفات المرفقة

مشكوره اختي

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف العاشر

مشروع // مقابلة بين شخصين Unit What do you think -للتعليم الاماراتي

Journalist: His Excellency the Governor Thank you for this interview.

Governor: Welcome, but why are you barefoot? Where are your shoes?

Journalist: God guard at the door and forced me to wear They told me from now on all journalists obliged to take off shoes!!.

Governor (laughing): No significant reserve duty, as you know, the sensible Pay attention to the experience of others.

Journalist: What is the feeling of your Excellency, You’re seeing what is happening in Gaza?

Governor: God and feeling painful and annoying and sad, and God whenever I eat fried chicken I remember the children of Gaza hungry whenever I visited the clinic, fitness and weight loss remember Gaza hospitals scorched grows lavish in my bed I remember the people of Gaza who sleep in the cold, cold, and whenever I grabbed my gun … I do not, I will not lie to you not grabbed my arm ever!! .

Journalist: Have you anything to help the people of Gaza?

Governor: I’ve definitely let us and praying for God to release increased.

Journalist: only?

Governor: No, not only that but my wife also declined to visit the Israeli Koaverha you are visiting is always in America until the aggression stops.

Journalist: What, God willing, God willing, what Israel is facing great pressure on the part of your state.

Governor: We are certainly ready to give everything to support our brothers in Gaza!!

Journalist: There is an Arab summit to be held in your country and two other summits to be held at two other Arab capitals, what is the difference between your summit and the others?

Governor: There is a very big difference.

Journalist: What is it?

Governor: First, the quality of food provided to participants is much better and luxurious conference room and beautiful reception hall, guests at the airport and the widest free markets which enables participants to the work of the shopping (shopping) is excellent.

Journalist: and Gaza?

Governor: What the Gaza Strip?

Journalist: Did you forget to invade the Gaza Strip is violated.

Governor: Do not forget there is not a huge amount of data printed on luxurious paper, and calls for a cease-fire, songs and songs of Wu … ..

Journalist: You’re asking you to open the crossings? Is sending military support? Is Sttrodon Israeli ambassadors as did Venezuela and Bolivia?

Governor: This is not the internal business of the States bordering Gaza, and we do not want to split the Arab world!! And military support how we will forward it if there is no crossings? And Israeli ambassadors poor Maznnbhm to remove them? Were employees at the door of God and beheadings and cutting off livelihoods!!

Journalist: Mansoura Strip your efforts, God willing, by His Excellency the Governor.

Governor: Thank you and hope to host Imaatkm beautiful invasions following the other Arab countries.

Journalist: smiling hunch that this will happen soon and very soon.

* All characters and dialogues of this dialogue was not imaginary with reality.

يسلمووو bardock ع المشروووع..

ويلكم ,
تسلم ع الردْ

بارك الله فيج

تم +++

ربي يوفقكم ..

انا ابغي صورهم ومعلومات عنهم ويا بوربوينت

انا ابغي صورهم ومعلومات عنهم ويا بوربوينت

.,ما فهمت عليج
صور ومعلومات عن شو ؟!

بارك الله فيج

تم +++

ربي يوفقكم ..

ربي يبارك فحياتج ^*
سـآنكس ع الرد

صلى الله على محمد

الصف العاشر

جمل عن what will you prepare for The National day عن العيد الوطني .. -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم . .
العنوـآنن وآضححَ =/ ممكن 3 جمل عن
what will you prepare for The National day

يعني عن العيد الوطني
شو التجهيزات الي بنسويهنَ ,,،*


السسلام عليكم

We want people to feel proud of the flag and keep it high for ever

The campaign encourages people to raise the UAE flag on all government buildings, private and residential establishments

We make many advertise for the National day


مششكورهـ حيـآآآتي والله ماقصرتي أنقذتيني بسس الجملة الثانية طويلة هع
آبغي جمل أسسهل بعد أذآ ممكن >< "



السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

يبت لج فقرة لو قطعتيها بتطلع لج عدة جمل قصيرة,,

Emiratis buy national flags in hypermarkets, they start weaving the patriotic design embroidery, putting flags in rooftop, students with UAE flag dress, all the shops is on festive mood other buildings is decked out in colored lights depicting the UAE flag for National Day.

موفقة يارب,,

حبوبة ابغي 3 جمل مشش فقرة اتمنى بسسرعهــ =(

اختي هاي الفقرة عبارة عن جمل,,

قطعيتها وبس,,

بتطلع لج اكثر عن خمس جمل..

الحين بقطعها لج..

Emiratis buy national flags in hypermarkets
they start weaving the patriotic design embroidery
putting flags in rooftop
students with UAE flag dress
all the shops is on festive mood other buildings is decked out in colored lights depicting the UAE flag for National Day.


ثانكس حيااتي ماقصرتي
:$ انقذتوني وقسسم

ولكم اختي,,

حاضرين للطيبين..^^

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف العاشر

حل الوحدة الثانية what do you think للصف العاشر

طلب حل الوحدة الثانية في الكتابين
أبغيه اليوم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

اختي دورت بس ما حصلت حل جاهز..

عطينا ارقام الصفحات يمكن تساعدنا,,في البحث,,


16 15
14 17 18

اريد حل الوحدة الاولى كتاب الانجليزي صفحة 22 و23 و24 و25 و26 و27و 28 و29 و30 رجاء ابسرعة

ana b3d ahtt3g hl

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف العاشر

what do you think about islam للصف العاشر

لو سمحتوا ابغي تقرير للانجليزي الوحدة الثانية what do you think ??

عن شو التقرير

عن شو تبين ، نحن حاضرين …

طلبي ، و نحن جاهزين …

تفضل هذا التقرير
ولا تنساني من دعوات صالحة

what do you think about islam
Whatever we will ask a question, What do you think about Islam.
We see different answers.
The difference printed humans
Barry Palmer

I think that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims who live peacefully and a few thousand who are violent, and these few get far too much attention in the press. I conclude that Muslims are generally peaceful people and would probably make good neighbors. I have never had a Muslim come to my door to try to convert me to Islam, and that is also good.
honey yusufi
ears,let me tell you my point of view about Islam and God,as a Muslim:my God (Allah) is the one who is peace & wants peace,who is kind & wants kindness,who is good & wants goodness.he is a part of us,he is our spirit,he is our soul,No matter you`re a muslim or a christian.we are all brothers & sisters.THESE are the main ideas of every religion,aren`t they?Unfortunately, all of us are judging the book of "life and religion" by it`s cover.we need to learn these things from children,they have no idea about different religions But they have all these good things with them,they have their Only god with themselves!And how HAPPY they are!

Salman Asad

I think the muslims are a bit too touchy about religion as a whole. Questioning most of them, you will find a basic belief level akin to that of the christians. Practicing muslims are a rare breed, those who understand the principles on a philosophical level. Being ritually strong does not make a person intellectually closer to god.
Most are stuck in the ABC of it all and very few analyze it to fathom the greater good which can be achieved through its principles. Like the christian and judaic clergies, the clergy of islam has an unholy grip on the understanding of islam to such a level that questioning matters is thought of as blasphemy, which is ironic, because it is this questioning which enriches and invigorates the hearts and minds of people.
I myself am a strong muslim, but i do not hold a grudge against other beliefs, neither do i criticize other religions. As far as Islam is concerned, its misinterpretations and misrepresentations by idiotic mullahs and mutawwahs have caused great harm to its spirit, regardless of sects and divisions.
I think constructive criticism is necessary for the growth of any idea and thought.

We saw a difference Alllaa about thinking in Islam
We saw a difference Allojobh when we asked: What do you think about Islam
This is the nature of human beings
What do you think about Islam? | A conversation on TED.com

مشكووووور .. آخوي مآ قصرت ف ميزآن حسنآتك ^^

تم تعديل العنوان

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الحادي عشر

What is the meaning of luxury life? للصف الحادي عشر

Hi, everybody at www.uae.ii5ii.com. I am newbie, nice to meet you all. You have indeed exciting forum, I looked over many topics with interest, and want to create my own.
Luxury life, what is it? Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort. Something expensive or hard to obtain. Ofcourse, we all know traditional meaning – rich persons waste a lot of money to live in expensive and exclusive style, expensive clothes, jewelry, food, cars, trips, yachts and etc.
So if you want to live such life, it means at least you requirement be one of the richest.
How do you think, is it still possible for usual people to have luxury way of life, and what is hedonism life for you?

أسمحلي أخويه أنا يبتلك معنى بالعربيه أذا بالانجليزي محتجها فيك ترايجعني مره ثانيه

ما معنى الترف في الحياة؟

أصحاب اللغة يقولون أنَّ :
الترَفُ: هو التَّنَعُّمُ، و المُتْرَفٌ من كان مُنَعَّمَ البدنِ مُدَلَّلاً ، وهو : الذي قد أَبْطَرَتْه النعمةُ وسَعة العيْشِ. وأَتْرَفَتْه النَّعْمةُ أَي أَطْغَتْه ، وهو : الـمُتَنَعِّمُ الـمُتَوَسِّعُ في مَلاذِّ الدنيا وشَهواتِها.
يقول الراغب الأصفهاني : الترف : التوسع في النعمة.

وهم الموصوفون بقوله سبحانه: " فأما الإنسان إذا ما ابتلاه ربه فأكرمه ونعمه فيقول رب أكرمن وأمَّا إذا ما ابتلاه فقدر عليه رزقه فيقول رب أهانن كلا " [الفجر/15-16 ]
فالمترف من توسع في التنعم بشهوات الدنيا وملذاتها ، ومن شأن ذلك أن يؤثر في شخصيته ، فتراه مدللا ، يفارق الرجال في القوة والاحتمال ، مخنث العزم ، مائع الإرادة ، فالدنيا عنده كأس وغانية ، نهم في طلب شهوات الدنيا ، يعيش لنفسه ، منطقه " اليوم خمر وغدًا أمر " ، شعاره " عش الحياة اليوم فتمتع بكل ما فيها ووقت الله يدبرها الله "

هل لا يزال من الممكن للشخص العادي لأسلوب الحياة الفاخرة ، وما هو مذهب المتعة في الحياة بالنسبة لك؟

السلوك هو ارتكاسات فرد من الأفراد، منظور إليه في وسط وفي وحدة من الزمن معّينة، على إثارة أو مجموعة من التنبيهات.

أن شاء الله عطيتك المعلومات الكافيه بسس ممكن غير مره تقول شو تريد الموضوع بحث أو رد بالجواب عبر أسألها ألي عطيتنا

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الثاني عشر

Do You know what is a synthetic analogue of codeine? الصف الثاني عشر

Do You know what:
In recent years, it has been postulated that tramadol, used mainly for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, might display a potential as an antidepressant drug. Buy Tramadol online: Serious potential consequences of overdosage are respiratory depression and seizure.
Good Luck!

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله