الصف العاشر

paragraph about The Amazon River للصف العاشر

ياريت حد يعطيني برجرافين عن نهر الامزون
لاني سمعت انه هو اللي بيينا في امتحان الانجليزي

Amazon is the longest river in the world, a length of 6,500 kilometers, but This is not what sets it apart, but because it is home to one third of animals and plants worldwide. It also contains more than 300 species of mammals, and more 500 thousand species of insects, and more than 300 species of reptiles, And more than 100 species of snakes live in the Amazon, in addition to many Of spiders, such as the Brazilian spider Large Spider and lupus

ان شاء الله تستفيدون منه


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

ما قصر اخوي حمودي يعطيه العافية..

وهذي اضافة مني..

Length: The Amazon River is 6280km long.
Source: Calillona, Peru.The Mouth(Delta) is located in North Eastern Brazil.
The Amazon River is the world’s second longest river. Only the Nile, in Africa, is longer. The Amazon however, at any one point in time has the highest amount of water flowing down it. No other river even comes close. It may not be the longest, but it is the widest.

The Amazon produces approximately 20 percent of all the water that the world’s rivers pour into the oceans on its own.

The Amazon collects water from just over 40 percent of South America’s Landmass, through the thousands of tributaries that join the main branch of the Amazon river. Of these tributaries, 17 are over 1600(1000 miles) kilometres long.
From Iquitos in Peru all the way across Brazil to the Atlantic, the Amazon is between six and ten kilometres wide..
The Amazon is even wider when it is flooded in the wet season.

The first European found the amazon because he was 200 miles out to sea and noticed that he was sailing in fresh water. He turned toward shore and found the amazon river. Ships still today anchor in the outflow of the Amazon, to remove the marine life(barnacles) attached to their hulls (salt water organisms can’t live in fresh water).

In flood season, the Amazon widens to cover its banks and the islands in the middle of the river The sediment left by the floods enriches the soil.

تسلمــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـو

شكررررن وايد استفدت منه

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الحادي عشر

The Great Man-Made River Project Report

بدي موضوع عن The Great Man-Made River Project وشكرا على جهودكم الكبيرة

سوري انا ما عندي

هاجر ما قصرت

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف العاشر

ممكن تقرير عن the Nile river (تم) للصف العاشر

بليييز اي حد عده موضوع عن the Nile river



اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف العاشر

paragraphe about Nile river and Amazon River للصف العاشر

Write a paragraph about the Nile river and Amazon River …..
The Nile river is in Egypt . The Nile river is in Africa continent . Nile River is the longest 6,671 kilometers ( 4,145 mile ) long . the Nile flows through the desert , from sudan into Egypt . The delta of Nile is the large delta into Mediterran sea pyramids are an example of historical site in Egypt . river in the world . It is
The Amazon River is in South Amerca , the Amazon is the widest river in the world . it is 6,449 Kilometers ( 4,007 miles ) . the Amazon is between six and ten Kilometers wide . The water flows from the Amazon into the ocan .
This is my paragraph about Nile River , Amazon River .

انشاء اللـه تستفيدوون

شدووا حيلكم .. نبا نتائج .

ما شءا الله عليج ,,
شدي حيلج نظرة عناد

نتريا دوم مواضيعج المفيدة تساعدين فيها اخوانج الاعضاء
و بارك الله فيج

تسلمين الغلا

وربي يوفقكم ..

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف العاشر

طلبـً خمس جمل عن nile river … ممكن :/ للصف العاشر

سسسسسسسلآم عليكمم

كحَ !!!

ممكن خمسسة جمل عن nile river
بسس ياريت تكون 3 جمل كوبلكس و 2 سمبــل
اتمنى فهمتوني ؟؟

آنتظر ردكممَ !
وشسسمه ياليت الجمل قصيرة وموب طويلة

آتريااكم اتمنى قبل يوم الاحد =/

السسلام عليكم

الجمل البسيطه..

The Nile river is famous as the in the world-1
2-The Nile river is longest river in the world

الجمل المركبه..

the Nile River is speculated to be the longest river in the world

The Nile River has played an extremely important role in the civilization

The Nile River is actually 6695 kilometers (4184 miles) long



ماقصصصصصرتي ثانكس فديتشش .. همممم آبغي بعد جمل ثآنية
:$ ياليت تكون سسهلَهه ؛$

the nile river is in Eygpt and many countries.

The continent of Africa has contain the nile river.

The Nile river has been the lifeline of civilization in Egypt

ان شاء الله تفيدج هالجمل ^^

بارك الله فيج اختي طيبه على جهودج
وبارك الله فيج اختي تاكي على جهوودج

يسلمووو ما قصرتووووا

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

بارك الله فالخوات ما قصرن,,


اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف العاشر

paragraph about The Amazon River للصف العاشر

ياريت حد يعطيني برجرافين عن نهر الامزون
لاني سمعت انه هو اللي بيينا في امتحان الانجليزي

Amazon is the longest river in the world, a length of 6,500 kilometers, but This is not what sets it apart, but because it is home to one third of animals and plants worldwide. It also contains more than 300 species of mammals, and more 500 thousand species of insects, and more than 300 species of reptiles, And more than 100 species of snakes live in the Amazon, in addition to many Of spiders, such as the Brazilian spider Large Spider and lupus

ان شاء الله تستفيدون منه


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

ما قصر اخوي حمودي يعطيه العافية..

وهذي اضافة مني..

Length: The Amazon River is 6280km long.
Source: Calillona, Peru.The Mouth(Delta) is located in North Eastern Brazil.
The Amazon River is the world’s second longest river. Only the Nile, in Africa, is longer. The Amazon however, at any one point in time has the highest amount of water flowing down it. No other river even comes close. It may not be the longest, but it is the widest.

The Amazon produces approximately 20 percent of all the water that the world’s rivers pour into the oceans on its own.

The Amazon collects water from just over 40 percent of South America’s Landmass, through the thousands of tributaries that join the main branch of the Amazon river. Of these tributaries, 17 are over 1600(1000 miles) kilometres long.
From Iquitos in Peru all the way across Brazil to the Atlantic, the Amazon is between six and ten kilometres wide..
The Amazon is even wider when it is flooded in the wet season.

The first European found the amazon because he was 200 miles out to sea and noticed that he was sailing in fresh water. He turned toward shore and found the amazon river. Ships still today anchor in the outflow of the Amazon, to remove the marine life(barnacles) attached to their hulls (salt water organisms can’t live in fresh water).

In flood season, the Amazon widens to cover its banks and the islands in the middle of the river The sediment left by the floods enriches the soil.

تسلمــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـو

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