الصف الحادي عشر

بحث انجليزي عن التدخين , English report about smoking للصف الحادي عشر

والله مادري وش فيكم ياجماعة الخير كل واحد فيكم يبي تقرير يبي تقرير
طيب حطوا تقارير انتو اول (( لا تقولوا اعطونا بل قولوا خذوا ))

بس ماعلينا انا مسوي تقرير عن التدخين ان شاء اله يعجبكم

الملفات المرفقة

مشكوووووووووووووور اخوي

يسلمووووووووووو ع المجهوود الطيب

طلب عن السياحة والسفر بوجه عام

طلب كثر من موضوع الرد ضروريييييييييييييي

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة قمر2323 مشاهدة المشاركة
طلب كثر من موضوع الرد ضروريييييييييييييي


شكرا وما قصرتو

مشكور وماقصرت

بس لو اعرف اسوي تقرير من عيوني

مشكوووووووور بس طويل واااااااايد الابلة تبانا نحفظه للامتحان بس مو مشكلة مشكوووووووووووووووووور ما قصرت

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

English report about time managment -تعليم الامارات

الســـــــلام عليكم

لو سمحتوا اريد تقرير انكليزي عن time thieves او time management مع بوربوينت او فيديو

اذا توفر ذلك

جزاكم الله خيرا

الريــــــــــم العــــــــربي

time management

في الرابط


تسلمــــــــــي وشكــــــــرا جزيلا أختي

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير انجليزي عن مستقبل اللغات , English report about the future of languages -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
انا اختوكم الأمل ……..يديده
واتمنى تساعدوني ……….ولكم جزيل الشكر وتقدير…..&&
انا ادور عن بحث the futuer of languages
وادري انا بحصل عندكم؟؟
واتمنى يكون بور بينت بعد وسهلون عليه الامر؟
وشكره وبسرعه لو سمحت اخوي؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

الأمل طــــريقي


ما عرف الموضوع يديد الله يساعدج

The Future of Languages

Hundreds of years ago, schools taught Latin as a compulsory subject. The pupils had no choice whether or not to learn it, because it was deemed an important subject. Since then, it has gradually faded, and disappeared from the National Curriculum (not that the NC existed back then anyway). Why is this? Perhaps it’s because:

Nobody spoke it
It was old and archaic
It was replaced by more useful subjects

More useful, of course, meaning more important from an educational point of view, for example, learning about electricity is a vital part of a modern education, and things like this superceded learning Latin.

Eventually, there will come a stage when foreign languages are no longer deemed necessary, just as Latin has been. And I think this time will come soon.
A standard PC can be equipped with a copy of Power Translator Pro. This will translate ********s from 6 major languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) into any other of those 6 major languages. The translation process is not perfect (quite a few mistakes are still made) but it is getting better and better with every new version being released. With this, I can write in English, and a Frenchman will be able to read it in French.
This itself is fine, but more interestingly is this: With a microphone and a copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking, I can speak English into the computer and it will be written in French. The voice recognition process is not perfect, either, but it too is getting vastly better as the versions continue to be released.
By getting a simple voice synthesis program, I can make the computer speak French as well. Voice synthesis is pretty difficult for a computer, but it is making a lot of progress. BT recently designed a replacement for Stephen Hawking’s aging voice program which sounded like a very convincing Englishman.

By combining these technologies – voice recognition, translation and voice synthesis – I could quite happily sit next to a Frenchman and speak English, while he would hear French. He could then speak French and I would hear English. At the moment, this is not possible, but there is no reason why it should not be. All it requires is:

Far more powerful computers (mainly more powerful processors) to translate as fast as
you speak.

More miniaturisation.
The last point is interesting. If this were to be done as a piece of computer software, it would require a computer. Computers are big, and have big monitors and lots of cables and need mains electricity. This makes it awkward to speak to a foreign person because you’d both have to be sitting at a computer.

Over the course of the next ten or twenty years, computers will obviously get a lot smaller as they have done over the last ten or twenty years. I predict that within twenty years, all the software and hardware required to build this translator could be shrunk down into something as small as you could want (skeptics note: who would have thought how small mobile phones could get? Yet they are getting smaller every day). The translator could be manufactured as a kind of hearing aid, with a built in microphone and speaker. This would mean you could speak English and seamlessly talk to any foreign person.
When a device like this is finally built and marketed, they will sell like nothing you can imagine. They will let you speak any language, fluently to anybody, without having to ‘waste’ years of your life learning it. Eventually, foreign languages will not be taught in school, as they will be replaced by a subject that is deemed more educationally important. Hey! Just like Latin!

Technical Stuff and Feasibility

The kind of software that would let you do this now requires almost 500Mb of storage space, at least a Pentium II processor to get any kind of decent speed out of, and buckets of RAM. Better quality software (read: perfect) that can ‘learn’ the language would probably occupy several gigabytes of space. No problem for the technology of 2022, eh? If you imagine 20 years ago, we were still using hard disks measured in kilobytes, and computers were still big bulky things.
Why shouldn’t a computer be able to learn a language.? All French is, is a set of rules and a big list of vocabulary. All that is required to learn it is an understanding of the rules and a memorisation of the vocabulary. This goes for any language. The rules may be complicated, but as long as they are not random, they are perfectly learnable by a computer. A computer could even be trained to watch TV and pick up new phrases and words as they appear. Different ways of saying things would be stored as different sets of logical instructions.
A good way to look a fool in a few years time is to underestimate technology, especially in the areas of computer science and miniaturisation. This will almost certainly happen sometime in the near future, effectively removing the point of anybody today learning a language.
UPDATE 8th February 1999: Dragon have recently released the Dragon NaturallySpeaking Mobile device. This little thing listens to your speech and recognises, and saves it as text in the device. This is a major step towards the creation of a babelfish device, as it would now be very easy to integrate a tiny little dictionary unit (which are also already avaiLable – you know those things that you type a word into and press French, Spanish, Italian or German to have it translated? One of those). Next, we would need some hardware to synthesise speech, which shouldn’t be too hard. We are a lot closer now…
UPDATE 22nd February 1999: There was an article in Frontiers magazine (I think) about exactly this device. They even called it a babelfish. They picked up on the idea of having it in your ear, and seemed to show a button on the device that switched between different languages. It said linguists are getting scared and scientists are getting excited. Perfect. Of course, it hasn’t been invented yet, but it can only be so long.
UPDATE 11th January 2000: The huge explosion of the PDA market is the single most important step towards creating a babelfish device. As digital cameras combine themselves with PDA’s, Mp3 players and mobile phones, the need for huge amounts of fast storage arises. We already have the 340Mb Microdrive from IBM which can easily hold the current generation of translation programs, along with enough space for multiple languages, a voice recognition program and voice synthesis programs. Larger versions are already in development (up to 650Mb), and Sony’s MiniDV system (or whatever it’s called) is just about to be released in the UK at 650Mb. PDA’s still aren’t quite powerful enough for real time translation, but could easily manage only a few seconds delay.

So how do we do it? Really.

The technology exists now. Speech recognition applications are extremely accurate and avaiLable in many different languages. Translation is also very good, and fast on Pentium II’s. Voice synthesis is also much better now Lucent have released their version of it. It can do any language and sounds very realistic. The first software that will combine all three will be for WinCE 3.0 when it is released. HP’s new super palmtops will have very fast Celeron class processors in, which will make the process almost real time, and of course the palmtop is portable. The next innovation will be the miniaturisation. Powerful palmtops will be the size of the Palm V in a few years time, which by then will have combined itself with a mobile phone to become an all in one data device (or whatever). This would be the size at which it would become a babelfish for real. If you could both hold it up to your ear like a phone, you could both talk and neither of you would be aware of a language difference. Ten years later, minituisation technology will probably have blessed us with an earpiece version of this, as well as near perfect recognition, translation and speech.
UPDATE 11th January 2000: Not bad predictions, eh? WinCE 3.0 hasn’t come out yet, but that is pretty much irrelevant now. The first babelfish device will appear on whichever Palmtop OS is the most common, as it will undoubtedly be a hack job done by amateurs piecing together the three component programs (voice recognition, translation, synthesis). The new HP palmtops do indeed have Celeron class (well, the Celeron of early ’99) processors running at 133Mhz. This is used well enough for mp3 decoding, so an evolution of this type of lightweight, powerful processor will form part of the first babelfish. The HP Palmtops also include speakers and a microphone, essential items for the babelfish which should become standard features on PDA’s, price permitting. Time to make some new predictions then? This time next year, Palmtops will have processors powerful enough to encode mp3’s in real time as well as decoding them. Storage devices will offer up to half a gigabyte of fast memory (assuming there are no more earthquakes in Taiwan and obviously, at a hefty price). I don’t think mp3 players, digicams, PDA’s, pagers and phones will quite have merged, but phones will begin to have more complex operating systems. Your days are increasingly numbered, French.

Would this kill Foreign Languages?

No. People would still learn them, as these people would build the translators, just as only a few people today learn how to program computers, and the rest use them. Languages would become a specialist subject, taken only at degree level, or perhaps earlier. In the first stages of phasing out the teaching of foreign languages, there would be an option not to take a language at GCSE, but they would still be taught at earlier levels.
Note: at this point we have exactly what the Americans have. They don’t teach languages as religiously as we do. Do you know why? Because they don’t need to. Do you know why? Because they control the world. Their way of doing things is invariably the right way. Anti-Americanists are just incapable of accepting the fact that somebody might be better than us.
Then, kids would have the option of not taking a language at all, and gradually, as more and more kids choose not to take that option (preferring to take Genetic-Nano-Control, or some futuristic topic), more and more schools would not offer that option. Eventually, languages will become just like computer programming – if you want to have a career in it, you learn it. But only if.

What about Foreign People? Will they have to speak English?

No of course they won’t. They will still learn their own language, but the translators will work the other way round for them.
However, in the long run, English will be the only language spoken by humans. In a few hundred years time, I expect humans will be living on different planets and different solar systems. The only way for Earth to communicate or trade with these colonies would be to speak English. As humans spread, Earth will become more of a minority, being the only planet not to speak English. Perhaps in a few thousand years time, humans will have colonised the whole galaxy, with 100,000,000,000 planets, all speaking English, and Earth, speaking a hundred or so fragmented languages. They would be forced to speak English, through sheer awkwardness. Why should the universe speak English, you ask? Because it’s the law. Any person leaving the planet must be able to speak English. That is true today.
Of course, that’s all science fiction, but isn’t it more likely than most other kinds of science fiction? Like Frenchmen taking over the universe, for example.
The idea of the earpiece translator is not copyrighted as it has been popular science fiction for years. Anybody please feel free to build one. Not only would you be stupidly rich, but you’d bring happiness to millions of students who are
currently forced to speak a foreign language against their will, myself included.

هجوووره ماا قصرت ويااااااااااااااااج

مشكووورة هاااجر
بس البنات والشباب ممكن تقرير جاااهز
والله يعطيكم الف عاااااافية

يعــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــطييكم اللللاف عأأآإأأإأإأإأإأإأإإأإأإأإأإأإأإفية انكم سأإأآأعدوونو أإأآ

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف التاسع

Report on the tools in need of a trip to the abandoned house الصف التاسع

This past weekend was like most others. In addition to my normal errands and chores, I fixed a broken wheel on a toy plane, replaced six batteries and did some restoration work on a shattered clay robot that used to be an art project.

As I kept returning to the tool drawer, I realized I got all the work done with nothing more than some glue and a screwdriver. It got me to thinking, I’ve got a room full of hardware, power and hand tools, but 99% of the work I do is with 2% of my tools.

Which are the tools that I really need? What’s my deserted house list … or, more appropriately, what’s the short list of tools I need to solve anything my wife & kids throw at me? I’m not talking about building anything — just the items I need to tackle the weekly repairs and fixes.

I thought about it for a while and came up with this short list:

A boxcutter or hobby knife for opening blister packs and all your cutting needs
A multi-bit screwdriver, with (at least) Philips, Slotted, & Torx heads in various sizes
A set of hobby or jeweler’s screwdrivers. It seems like a lot of toys are being fastened with smaller screws & a set of these drivers are just the thing to tackle those finer screws.
Cyanoacrylate glue – This glue will adhere almost anything and is probably used more than anything besides the screwdriver, I’m partial to Zap-A-Gap, which is thick enough that a single ounce has lasted more than a year.
Needlenose pliers – Sometimes you just need to grab or hold on to things and the needlenose are most versatile, with varying width and a cutting edge to boot.
Goo Gone removes sticker residue, gum, crayons, tar and just about any other sticky mess, plus it’s all natural so I don’t have to think twice about using it around the kids.
MagLite – A 2 cell AA is in my drawer — a corporate giveaway leftover from many years ago. It’s the perfect size and provides just enough light to see the LEGO pieces beneath the sofa or explore how red the back of a sore throat is.
Painter’s masking tape – Masking tape is nice because it comes up easily, unlike transparent tape. The blue stuff is even better because it uses a less sticky adhesive, making removal that much easier.
Flexible claw – I originally bought this to remove a penny that had fallen into the shaft of our fireplace gas starter. It has proven to be incredibly useful in many situations, including grabbing my son’s ears on the sly.
That’s my list. There are a few others I wanted to put on the list (claw hammer, cordless drill, Dremel) but I don’t use them often enough to include them. I’m guessing it’s vastly different than the list at your house, as your tasks may be very different from mine. But what about your list? Is there an indispensable tool that I’ve missed? Let me know in the comments!

مشكورة اختي على الطرح

في ميزان حسناتك

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الحادي عشر

English report about desert للصف الحادي عشر

لو سمحتو ابى تقرير عن الصحراء في العالم

وانـــا بعد ابي
اذا ما عليكم امــــر

انا بعد ابغي

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الحادي عشر

English report about Burj Dubai للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم

شحالكم .. اخباركم

عساكم بخير ..

لو سمحتو ابغي تقرير عن برج دبي او اي مشروع مشهور فالامارات

وطبعا باللغه الانجليزية


امممممممممممممم يعني مقدمة وموضوع وخاتمة
والا بحث عاادي

بدأت شركة إعمـار وإمارة دبي، المصممة على ما يبدو على ملامسة حدود المستحيل، تشييد اعلى برج في العالم يتوقع ان يزيد ارتفاعه عن 700 متر
غير ان الارتفاع النهائي للبرج سيظل سرا حتى آخر لحظة
وانتهت مرحلة وضع اساسات "برج دبي" في اذار/مارس 2022 بعد اقامة 192 عمودا على عمق 50 مترا يشدها بعضا الى بعض حزام سميك من الاسمنت المسلح
والبرج الذي يرتفع بسرعة طابق كل اسبوع سيشكل البناء الرئيسي في مشروع عمراني ضخم بقيمة 20 مليار دولار يتوقع ان يغير ملامح المدينة
ويندرج مشروع "برج دبي" في اطار سياسة المشاريع الكبرى اللافتة للانظار التي تتبعها سلطات دبي لتجعل من هذه المدينة التي يربو عدد سكانها عن مليون نسمة احدى اهم الوجهات السياحية العالمية
واوضح روبرت بوث المدير التنفيذي في شركـة إعمـار الاماراتيـة التي تنفذ المشروع: سيتم استخدام المبنى لاغراض متعددة
واوضح وهو يشير الى مجسم المشروع: ستكون هناك مساحة 345 الف متر مربع من المبنى مغطاة. ويضم المبنى محلات تجارية واماكن للترفيه وفندقا ومباني سكنية واجنحة خاصة للمؤسسات وحديقة بانورامية تطل من عل على المدينة
واوضح ان اغلب الشقق الـ 700 التي توجد في البرج والتي تطل كلها على المدينة بيعت لمستثمرين من مختلف مناطق العالم
ونالت عقد انشاء البرج الذي تبلغ قيمته مليار دولار شركة "سامسونغ" الكورية الجنوبية. وتبلغ قيمة المشروع بكافة مكوناته ملياري دولار. ويتوقع ان يتم تدشينه نهاية 2022
واوضح بوث: في الاجمال هناك اكثر من 500 مستشار في مختلف انحاء العالم يعملون في اي لحظة، في هذا المشروع
واضاف بلهجة لا تخلو من فخر: جمعنا افضل المختصين العالميين في الابراج

سيطل برج دبي على "دبي مول" الذي يتوقع ان ينجز نهاية 2022 ليكون اكبر مركز تسوق في العالم يضم فندقا فاخرا وناطحات سحاب وشققا وبحيرات اصطناعية وحدائق محاطة كلها بجادة بطول ثلاثة كيلومترا
اما عن ارتفاع البرج فيقول بوث "سيكون عليكم التخمين بشأن ذلك" في حين يشير مصعد كهربائي الى الطابق 189
واضاف: شخصان فقط سيكونان على اطلاع على طول البرج رئيس الشركة والمسؤول عن المشروع
واوضح ان البرج يجري بناؤه بشكل يتيح تغيير ارتفاعه اثناء التشييد
غير ان تقديرات خبراء قالت ان ارتفاع البرج لن يقل عن 705 امتار

في الوقت الحالي فان اطول برج في العالم هو "تايبه 101" في تايوان الذي يبلغ ارتفاعه 508 امتار في حين تجاوز ارتفاع برج "سي ان تاور" في تورنتو (كندا) 533 مترا باحتساب الهوائي المثبت فوقه
يقول بوث: لا اعتقد ان المهم في مشروع المبنى ارتفاعه.. مضيفا: الهدف هو اقامة رمز معماري عالمي.. نحن نعرف انه لن يظل الاعلى الى الابد فلماذا نركز على الارتفاع؟
ويتوقع المستثمرون في المشروع ان يصبح برج دبي مركز جذب سياحي هام وان يجتذب ملايين السياح
وصمم برج دبي من قبل ادريان سميث من مؤسسة سكيدمور واوينغ اند ميريل الهندسية التي يوجد مقرها في شيكاغو.
حقائق حول برج دبي
يمكن مشاهدة قمة البرج بالعين المجردة من مسافة 95 كيلومتراًً
سيوفر نظام تزويد المياه في البرج ما معدله 946 ألف لتر.. أي حوالي 250 ألف جالون من الماء في اليوم الواحد
سيتطلب البرج في أوقات الذروة حوالي 10 آلاف طن من التبريد في الساعة، أي ما يعادل طاقة التبريد الناتجة عن ذوبان 10 آلاف طن من الجليد المنصهر في اليوم الواحد
سوف تصل استطاعة مصعد الخدمةو الحريق إلى 5500 كيلوجرام وسيكون أعلى مصعد للخدمة في العالم
سيكون برج دبي أول برج شاهق مزود بمصاعد مبرمجة تسمح بعمليات الإخلاء المنظم في حالات الحريق أو دواعي السلامة الأخرى
سيحتوي برج دبي على أعلى مصاعد في العالم على الإطلاق
ستكون هناك مصاعد شفافة مؤلفة من طابقين يتسع الطابق الواحد منها لـ 21 شخصاً، كما أن المسافة التي ستقطعها هذه المصاعد بين أخفض نقطة وأعلى نقطة تعتبر الأطول في العالم على الإطلاق. وسوف تكون سرعة هذه المصاعد 10 أمتار في الثانية
تقع شرفة المراقبة في برج دبي على ارتفاع 442 متراً فوق سطح الأرض مما يجعلها أعلى شرفة مراقبة يتاح للجمهور الوصول إليها في كافة أنحاء العالم
نظام تجميع الماء المتكثف: ستؤدي رطوبة الهواء الخارجي الحار وعمليات التبريد الخاصة بالبرج إلى تجمع كمية كبيرة من الرطوبة المتكثفة من الهواء.. وسيتم جمع هذه المياه المتكثفة والتخلص منها عبر نظام أنابيب مستقل يصب في خزان موجود في المستوى السفلي الذي يضم موقف السيارات.. وسوف تضخ المياه المتجمعة للاستفادة منها في نظام الري الخاص بالحدائق والمسطحات الخضراء المحيطة بالبرج
سيوفر هذا النظام حوالي 15 مليون جالون من المياه سنوياً، أي ما يملأ حوالي 20 حوض سباحة من القياس الأوليمبي
تبلغ كمية القضبان الفولاذية المستخدمة في تسليح البرج 400ر31 طن متري، ولو وضعناها بجانب بعضها بعضاً تمتد لمسافة تعادل ربع محيط الكرة الأرضية
يتكون نظام تنظيف النوافد وصيانة واجهة البرج من ثلاث رافعات مثبتة على سكك في المستويات العليا للبرج. ويستطيع كل من الأقفاص التي تحمل عمال التنظيف تغطية إحدى الواجهات بأكملها من مقر الرافعة في الأعلى إلى المستوى السابع. ويبلغ مدى ذراع الرافعة 36 متراً في حين يصل طول الذراع الإجمالي إلى 45 متراً. أما حين تكون الرافعة مخبأة في مقرها فيبلغ طول الذراع 15 متراً
تعادل المساحة الإجمالية لسطح البرج الخارجي مساحة 17 ملعباً لكرة القدم، أو مايعادل 25 ملعباً لكرة القدم الأمريكية
تعادل كمية الاسمنت المستخدمة في بناء برج دبي: مكعب يبلغ طول ضلعه 61 متراً.. 200 قدم
رصيف مشاة يبلغ طوله 900ر1 كيلومتر
خمسة أضعاف الاسمنت المستخدم في بناء برج سي ان في كندا.. أو مايعادل وزن 100 ألف فيل
تقدر حاجة البرج من الكهرباء في أوقات الذرة بحوالي 36 كيلو فولت أمبير، أي ما يعادل قوة 360 ألف مصباح 100 واط تعمل جميعها في الوقت ذاته
ستزين النوافير المتراقصة مساحة 200 متر بالقرب من قاعدة البرج
سيضم برج دبي أول مبنى “أرماني” للشقق الفندقية

يعتبر مشروع برج دبي أكثر مشاريع شركة إعمار طموحاً، حيث سيمتد على مساحة 500 فدان محتضناً العديد من المشاريع السكنية والتجارية والفنادق والمرافق الترفيهية ومراكز التسوق مع مساحات خضراء مفتوحة وبحيرات ومسطحات مائية
سيضم برج دبي مرافق سكنية وأخرى لمتاجر البيع بالتجزئة، في حين سيحيط به عدد من المشاريع الرائدة، هي: المدينة القديمة ومركز التسوق دبي مول وجادة البوليفارد ومجمع ذا ريزيدنسز والعديد من المطاعم والفنادق والمرافق السكنية والمكاتب، التي تقع جميعها على ضفاف بحيرة اصطناعية رائعة

إن روعة التصميم المعماري لكل من برج دبي ودبي مول، بالإضافة إلى موقعه الاستراتيجي بالقرب من شارع الشيخ زايد والمراكز التجارية الرئيسية في دبي سيجعل من هذا المشروع بمثابة مدينة قائمة بحد ذاته
إنه باختصار المكان الأمثل للعيش والعمل والتسلية

خخخخخخخخخخخ سوري نسيت اترجمه للانجليزي

The company started the reconstruction and Dubai, designed to what seemed to be touching the limits of the impossible, the construction of the highest tower in the world is expected to rise more than 700 meters
However, the final height of the tower will remain secret until the last moment
The stage ended with a raft "Burj Dubai" in March 2022 after a 192 column at a depth of some 50 meters to pull some thick belt of adamantine
The tower, which rises quickly Floor every week in the main building will draft Urban huge value of $ 20 billion is expected to change the features of the city
Included project "Burj Dubai" in the framework of the policy of major projects remarkable attention of the authorities of Dubai to make this city with more than a million inhabitants one of the most important tourist destinations world
The Executive Director Robert Booth in the reconstruction of the UAE company implemented the project: the building will be used for multiple purposes
He explained, referring to Mjsm project: there will be an area of 345 thousand square meters of the building was covered. The building contains shops and places of entertainment, hotels and residential buildings and suites for institutions and private garden overlooking the panoramic upon the city
He explained that most of the 700 apartments located in the tower and overlooking the whole of the city sold to investors from various regions of the world
Won the contract for establishment tower, which is estimated at one billion dollar company "Samsung" of South Korea. The value of the project in all its components to two billion dollars. It is expected to be launched end of 2022
The Booth: in total there are more than 500 adviser in various parts of the world involved in any moment, in this project
His tone is not without pride: we have the best specialists in the world Horoscopes

Forums, through Burj Dubai "Dubai Mall", which is expected to be completed end of 2022 to be the largest shopping center in the world and a posh hotel skyscrapers and apartments and artificial lakes and gardens surrounded the entire length of three kilometres Avenue
As for the high tower Booth says "You will have to guess on that," while referring to an electric elevator floor 189
He added: only two people will be informed along the tower company chairman and the person responsible for the project
The tower is being built in allowing change height during construction
However, experts estimate said that the high tower will be not less than 705 meters

Currently the longest tower in the world is the "Taipei 101" in Taiwan that has a height of 508 meters while their high tower "CNN Tower" in Toronto (Canada) 533-meter antenna installer count on it
Booth says: I do not think that the important building height in the draft .. He added: Objective is to establish a global code architect .. We know he will not remain for ever higher, why focus on height?
Investors expect the project to become Burj Dubai Centre important tourist attraction and attracts millions of tourists
The Burj Dubai is designed by Adrian Smith of the Foundation Skidmor and Angura End Merrill Engineering, which is based in Chicago.
Facts on Burj Dubai
Top of the tower can be seen naked eye from a distance of 95 kilometres
Will provide water supply system in the tower an average of 946 litres A. .. Or about 250 thousand gallons of water per day
The tower will peak around 10 thousand tons of cooling per hour, the *****alent of cooling energy resulting from the melting of 10 thousand tons of molten ice per day
Will be able to lift up to the fire Alkhaddmho 5500 kg will be the highest elevator service in the world
Burj Dubai will be the first tower altitude with lifts programmed allow evictions methodical fire or other safety reasons
Burj Dubai will display the highest lifts in the world ever
Elevator there will be a transparent two-story room floor each of the 21 people, and the distance between subscribe these elevators lowest point and the highest point is longest in the world. It will be the speed elevators 10 meters per second
Located in the control tower balcony Dubai rise 442 meters above the ground, making it the highest honor control available to the public access around the world
Condensate water pooling system: moisture will lead outdoor warm and special cooling tower to collect a large amount of moisture from the air Almtktvh .. Will be collected this water Almtktvh and disposal system via a separate pipeline would be in the reservoir located in the lower level, which includes parking .. Will be pumped water accumulated for use in irrigation system private gardens and green areas surrounding the tower
This system will provide about 15 million gallons of water annually, or about 20 fills the basin size Olympic pool
Inform the quantity of steel bars used in arming the tower 400 t 31 metric tons, if we set next to each other extends for a distance *****alent to a quarter of the area around the globe
System consists window cleaning, maintenance and front of three tower cranes installed on the railway at the higher levels of the tower. Can each of the cages carrying cleaners cover one entire facade of the headquarters of flying in top-level VII. The arm of the crane 36 metres while the total length of the arm to 45 meters. As for when the crane hidden in the headquarters stands 15 meters long arm
*****alent to the total area of the tower outer surface area of 17 playgrounds for football, or *****alent to 25 playgrounds American football
*****alent to the amount of cement used in the construction of Burj Dubai: The length of solid cubic metres .. 61 200 feet
Quay infantry is a 900 kilometre t 1
Five times the cement used in building the tower CNN in Canada .. Or *****alent weight of 100 thousand Phil
Estimated the tower of the electricity needed in times of corn by about 36 KVA, which is *****alent to the 360 A. 100 watt lamp all working at the same time
Stzin jets Almtracs area of 200 meters near the base of the tower
Burj Dubai will be the first building "Men" of the hotel apartments

Burj Dubai project is the most ambitious reconstruction projects company, which will extend over an area of 500 acres embrace many of the residential and commercial projects, hotels, recreational facilities and shopping centres with green open spaces, lakes and bodies of water
Burj Dubai will include housing facilities and other retail stores, whereas it would take a number of pilot projects are: the Old City Centre Shopping Mall, Dubai Albard serious and complex a Residcz and many restaurants, hotels, residential facilities and offices, all located on the shores of Lake artificial wonderful

The magnificence of the architectural design of Burj Dubai, Dubai Mall, in addition to its strategic ******** near the Sheikh Zayed Road, the main commercial centres in Dubai will make this project a list of the city itself
It briefly ideal place to live, work and entertainment

[code]مشكور/code]مشكور اختي والله يعطيج العافية

العفووووووووووو ^^



مشكورين ؟؟ …….

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثاني عشر

Smoking , English report -التعليم الاماراتي

بليييييييز طلبتكم لو سمحتووا

بغيت ايسي عن التدخين مقدمة وفقرتين وخاتمة واذا ما قدرتو حطولي اي شي بلييييز ضروري بس يكون مرتب لاني مب ذاك الزود دخيلكم

التسليم عقب باجر طلبتكم ساعدوني

محد حط لي شي حراااااااااااااام

بغيته ضروري وينكم يا اصحاب الموقع ابي مساعدتكم ولكم الدعاء

وعلعموووم ثانكس على عدم الاهتمام

هلا ..

السمــووحه ع التاخــير ..

بس انا عنــدي معلومات عن التدخين شبه تقرير ..

تقدريــن تاخذين منه المعلومات اللي محتايتنها ..

و هذا لعيوونج ..



When your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much
anywhere – even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we’re more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on buses or trains, billboards, TV, and in many magazines.
Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 14 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So how come people are still lighting up? The answer, in a word, is addiction.

][ Once You Start, It’s Hard to Stop ][

Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal.
Almost no smoker begins as an adult. Statistics show that about nine out of 10 tobacco users start before they’re 18 years old. Some teens who smoke say they start because they think it helps them look older (it does – if yellow teeth and wrinkles are the look you want). Others smoke because they think it helps them relax (it doesn’t – the heart actually beats faster while a person’s smoking). Some light up as a way to feel rebellious or to set them selves apart (which works if you want your friends to hang out someplace else while you’re puffing away). Some start because their friends smoke – or just because it gives them something to do. Some people, especially girls, start smoking because they think it may help keep their weight down. The illnesses that smoking can cause, like lung diseases or cancer, do cause weight loss – but that’s not a very good way for people to fit into their clothes!

Another reason people start smoking is because their family members do. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. That’s why people say it’s just so much easier to not start smoking at all.
The cigarette ads from when your parents were young convinced many of them that the habit was glamorous, powerful, or exciting – even though it’s essentially a turnoff: smelly, expensive, and unhealthy. Cigarette ads from the 1940s even showed doctors recommending cigarettes as a way to relax!
Cigarette ads still show smokers as attractive and hip, sophisticated and elegant, or rebellious and cool. The good news is that these ads aren’t as visible and are less effective today than they used to be: Just as doctors are savvier about smoking today than they were a generation ago, teens are more aware of how manipulative advertising can be. The government has also passed laws limiting where and how tobacco companies are allowed to advertise to help prevent young kids from getting hooked on smoking.

][ How Smoking Affects Your Health ][

There are no physical reasons to start smoking – the body doesn’t need tobacco the way it needs food, water, sleep, and exercise. In fact, many of the chemicals in cigarettes, like nicotine and cyanide, are actually poisons that can kill in high enough doses. The body’s smart and it goes on the defense when it’s being poisoned. For this reason, many people find it takes several tries to get started smoking: First-time smokers often feel pain or burning in the throat and lungs, and some people feel sick or even throw up the first few times they try tobacco.
The consequences of this poisoning happen gradually. Over the long term, smoking leads people to develop health problems like cancer, emphysema (breakdown of lung tissue), organ damage, and heart disease. These diseases limit a person’s ability to be normally active – and can be fatal. Each time a smoker lights up, that single cigarette takes about 5 to 20 minutes off the person’s life.
Smokers not only develop wrinkles and yellow teeth, they also lose bone density, which increases their risk of osteoporosis (pronounced: ahs-tee-o-puh-row-sus, a condition that causes older people to become bent over and their bones to break more easily). Smokers also tend to be less active than nonsmokers because smoking affects lung power. Smoking can also cause fertility problems in XXXX men and women and can impact sexual health in males.

The consequences of smoking may seem very far off to many teens, but long-term health problems aren’t the only hazard of smoking. Nicotine and the other toxins in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes can affect a person’s body quickly, which means that teen smokers experience many of these problems:

• Bad skin. Because smoking restricts blood vessels, it can prevent oxygen and nutrients from getting to the skin – which is why smokers often appear pale and unhealthy. An Italian study also linked smoking to an increased risk of getting a type of skin rash called psoriasis.

• Reduced athletic performance. People who smoke usually can’t compete with nonsmoking peers because the physical effects of smoking – like rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breath – impair sports performance.

• Greater risk of injury and slower healing time. Smoking affects the body’s ability to produce collagen, so common sports injuries, such as damage to tendons and ligaments will heal more slowly in smokers than nonsmokers.

• Increased risk of illness. Studies show that smokers get more colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia than nonsmokers. And people with certain health conditions, like asthma, become more sick if they smoke (and often if they’re just around people who smoke). Because teens who smoke as a way to manage weight often light up instead of eating, their bodies lack the nutrients they need to grow, develop, and fight off illness properly.

][ suggestions and recommendation ][

Smoking Is Expensive :: ::

Not only does smoking damage health, it costs an arm and a leg. Depending on where you live, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day can cost about $1,800 dollars a year. That adds up. Its money you could save or spend on something for yourself. The good news for people who don’t smoke or who want to quit is that studies show that the number of teens who smoke is dropping dramatically. Today, only about 22% of high school students smoke, down from 36% just 7 years ago.

][ Ending ][

If you do smoke and want to quit, there’s more information and support out there than ever. Different approaches work for different people – for some, quitting cold turkey is best, whereas others find that a slower approach is the way to go. Some people find that it helps to go to a support group especially for teens; these are sometimes sponsored by local hospitals or organizations like the American Cancer Society. And the Internet offers a number of good resources. Check out some of these by clicking on the Resources tab to the right of this article. When quitting, it can be helpful to realize that the first few days are the hardest, and it’s normal to have a few relapses before you manage to quit for good. Staying smoke free will give you a whole lot more of everything – more energy, better performance, better looks, more money in your pocket, and, in the long run, more life to live!

 Tobacco smoking – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 Smoking

Smoking Stinks!

مشكورة يالغلا

ما قصرتي …. والله يستر من حشرة الابلة …..

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن الأم , English report about mother -تعليم اماراتي


COLOR="DarkRed"]السلاام عليكم..شحالكم؟؟…عساكم مرتاحين؟؟..اذا ما عليكم امر بغيت[/COLOR] تقرير عن الأم

انا بعد ابغي يلا ويييييييييييييييين


السموحه منكم

بس هذاا اللي اقدر اساعد فيه

هذي مواقع فيها عن الموضوع اللي تبوه

ما عليكم غير تسووله كوبي على الوورد


والسموووحه منكم



Is the greatest thing in existence has been talked about all the great people in the world and I will convey to you what some writers and critics, and poets from the mother

And said, great for the greatest and most beautiful in the presence


Imam Shafi’i

And subjected to mother and home
Fqogaha one of the old age

Hafez Ibrahim

Mother is a school if you set up
I have prepared the people of good race
The mother-Rod pledge Hayya
Any irrigation Leaved Iirac
Mother professor professors robot
Served exploits over the prospects

Abu Alaa Maari

Vokrm live past your parents by
And the mother first and venerate the charity
The calculated pregnancy and lactation Tdmenh
Are beholden Nala everyone


Longs to drink the cup that
And love for the graveyard dirt and annexation

Creative Zahawi
No amount of children in the nation
Were not mothers have been promoted

Mary Hopkins

Maternity greatest gift God singled out by women

Nothing in the world and masters of the blessed mother’s lap


The heart of the mother is a school child

Andre Gritre

Masterpieces from the heart of the mother of God’s creation


I owe everything and I have reached and that the
Out of him by the angel to my mother sublimity

Mahmoud Darwish

Not Osemek woman Sosemek everything

Islam, Shams al-Din
When I bow down to accept your hands and tears pour out twice
Over your chest and begging looks satisfied
Of your eyes.
Only then I feel the completion of Rjolte

ممكن تقرير عن الام بس يكون طوييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييل جدا

اريد تقرير عن الام

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف السابع

تقرير Weather Report الصف السابع

People travel for a good weather. In Saudi Arabia where you find every day a new weather, people face all kinds of weather in one day especially in winter. Since Saudi Arabia is a huge, wide country it has various weathers.Climmate affect not only people health,but also their feelings and the environment.
Suadi climate in summer is very hot and dry to the extent that you can fry an egg on the street.Therefore, almost all people who live in the middle,western, and eastern areas cannot live without air conditioners. Someone told me that he had an old car.Someday he was coming from his work at 1:00 p.m, the time where the temprature gets to the highest degree, to his house." Out of the blue," the engine of his car started to overheating . Consequently, he stopped in the street waiting for a taxi, but unfortunately non came, therefore, he had to walk in that hot weather. Walking a while , he fell down due to a sunburn he received . Luckily , he was , someone saw him and drived him to the hospital where he treated and cured.This is a concrete example of the climate effection on people’s health.
Another example is that climate influence people’s feelings.Therefore, thin people do not like cold weather because they can not bear such a weatehr.Thus,they usually get many diseases through this wather.On the other hand,fat people do not like hot weather.Almost all of them are angry.These are some bad effects.
Since every plant grows in a certain climate , the climate determines what kinds of plants can be planted .Consequently, Saudi Arabia grows certain seedlings such as wheat and palms. Because those plants can not be seeded in a cold areas, climate plays a great role on the plant’s life and , thus, on human beings’.Again climate effects our life,but positively this moment.
Because most of Saudi Arabia regions are dry deserts, rain represnts an interesting event . Having been raining cats and dogs, those areas turn green .Hence, not only all kinds of cattles benefit , but people too.Having water,we have vegetation.Also, having vegetation means having food for man.
Eventually,climate is neither perfect nor insufficient. On account of that climate has some bad and good effects on earth and ,as a result,on people. Therefore, people’s health and feelings get hurt due to climate.All over the world,climate represents either a bar, or problems solving- kits.

تقرير جميل بس بعدل العنوان تلميذتي سحر العيون ختى يستفيد شكرا

يسلموووووووووووووووعالتعديل هالوجينه ووووووومنوره الموضوع

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الحادي عشر

الربع الخالي ، empty quarter ، report about empty quarter للصف الحادي عشر

مرحبا الساع …

علومكم عرب معهدنا …

وعلوم الدراسه معاكم …

المهم ألحين أنتوا تبون التقرير صح ولا لا…..

أوكيك إذا هيه بقولكم شىء إذا عيبكم …

أبغي ردود و تقييييم ….

الملفات المرفقة

جزيتي كل الخير


جاري التقييم

شكرا على الموضوع

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هاجر مشاهدة المشاركة
جزيتي كل الخير


جاري التقييم

شكرا على الموضوع

مشكورهــــــــــــــــ الشيخهـــــــــــ ع الرد …. ….

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله