الصف التاسع

report about facebook and teenagers للصف التاسع

السلام عليكم بدي
report about face book and teenagers
يا ريت يلي عندو ياها يفيدنا منها وشكررراااااااااااااااااااااااااا

تفضلي اختي

كشفت دراسة جديدة أجراها أستاذ علم النفس بجامعة ولاية كاليفورنيا لارى
روزين ، أن استخدام المراهقين لموقع التواصل الاجتماعى الشهير الفيسبوك
بشكل مبالغ يؤثر تأثيرا سلبيا على العادات الاجتماعية للمراهقين، ويجعلهم
عرضه للمشاكل النفسية مثل النرجسية ، ومشاكل فى عيوب الشخصية.

وجاء البحث تحت اسم " أقرصنى أو نبهنى " كيف تستطيع الشبكة الاجتماعية مساعدة أو إيذاء أطفالنا ومراهقينا".

وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن هناك بعض التأثيرات السلبية للشبكة الاجتماعية
وأهمها : تطور النرجسية عند المراهقين الذين يستخدمون الفيس بوك بشكل مبالغ
فيه , إضافة إلى بعض المشاكل النفسية الأخرى مثل السلوكيات المعادية
للمجتمع , والهوس , والنزعة العدوانية , ومن بين التأثيرات السلبية
لاستخدام الفيس بوك بشكل مبالغ هو زيادة نسبه الغياب عن المدارس , و
المعاناة من اضطرابات النوم , والقلق و الاكتئاب , و انخفاض معدلات
التركيز والحفظ .

وأكدت الدراسة أن التعرض عامة لجميع وسائل التكنولوجيا وألعاب الفيديو
بشكل كبير يوميا له دور مؤثر فى هذه المشاكل بجانب الفيس بوك .

وفى نفس الوقت أوضحت الدراسة بعض الجوانب الإيجابية للشبكة الاجتماعية
الأوسع انتشارا عالميا , فى التعاطف والدعم للاصدقاء عبر الشبكة فى العالم
الحقيقى من خلال قضاء وقت اطول معهم على الشبكة ، , كما أن الشبكة
الاجتماعية تساعد شباب المراهقين الذين يعانون من الانطواء والخجل الزائد،
على التواصل الاجتماعى فيما بينهم والشباب على الموقع من خلال شاشة تحميهم
وهو يدعم فرصتهم فى أن يصبحون أكثر اجتماعيه فيما بعد , كما توفر أدوات
تعليمية تساعد على تنشيط الطلاب الصغار وحثهم على التعليم .

ونقل موقع " ساينس ديلى " المتخصص فى نشر الأبحاث العلمية فى مجال
التكنولوجيا مجموعة من النصائح للآباء و الأمهات ومنها " إذا كنت تستعد
أو تستخدم بالفعل مجموعة من برامج الكمبيوتر لتراقب نشاط أطفالك على
الشبكات الاجتماعية فأنت تهدر وقتك , الطفل سيجد الحل فى غضون دقائق " .

وأضاف " يجب أن نبدأ مبكرا فى الحديث عن الاستخدام المناسب للتكنولوجيا , ونبنى الثقة مع أطفالنا " .

وشجع الموقع الآباء على تقييم استخدام أولادهم للشبكات الاجتماعية وإزالة
أية محتويات غير لائقة , كما يجب على الآباء متابعة ومعرفة , أحدث تقنيات
مواقع الانترنت والتطبيقات التى يستخدمها أطفالهم .

وتابع " التواصل هو جوهر الأبوة أو الأمومة , أنت تحتاج للتحدث مع أولادك
والاستماع لهم , فيجب أن تكون نسبة استماع الآباء للأولاد لا تقل عن نسبه 1
إلى 5 بمعنى أن تتحدث دقيقة وتستمع لطفلك 5 دقائق " .

A new study conducted by Professor of Psychology at the University of California to see
Rosen, that the use of adolescents to the famous social networking site Facebook
Overly negative impact on the social habits of adolescents, and makes them
Presentation of psychological problems such as narcissism, and problems in personal defects.

The search under the name "Oqrsny or warned me," How can social networking help or harm our children and adolescents. "

The study concluded that there are some negative effects of social network
And most important: the development of narcissism in adolescents who use Facebook are exaggerated
Which, in addition to some other psychological problems such as anti behaviors
To the community, and mania, and aggressiveness, and between the negative effects
To use Facebook is to increase the amounts are attributed to absence from school, and
Suffering from sleep disorders, anxiety and depression, and low rates
Concentration and conservation.

The study confirmed that exposure to all public and media technology, video games
Dramatically every day has an influential role in these problems next to Facebook.

At the same time, the study showed some positive aspects of social network
Most widely used globally, in the sympathy and support to friends across the network in the world
True by spending more time with them on the network, and that the network
Social help young adolescents who suffer from excessive shyness and introversion,
On the social networking among themselves and young people to the site through a screen protected by
It supports their chance to become more social later, and also provide tools
Educational help to stimulate young students and encourage them to education.

And the relocation of "Science Daily," a specialist in the spread of scientific research in the field of
Technology, a set of tips for parents and mothers, including "If you are preparing
Or already use computer programs to monitor the activity of your children
Social networks, you are wasting your time, the child will find a solution within minutes. "

"We must start early in talking about the appropriate use of technology, and build trust with our children."

The site encouraged parents to their children to evaluate the use of social networks and the removal of
Any content that is inappropriate, and parents should follow up and learn the latest techniques
Web sites and applications used by their children.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

ما قصر ريح..

بارك الله في جهوده..

عساه عالقوة يارب..


مشكور الريح
م قصرت
تسلم يمناك

السسلام عليكم
ما قصصرت ريح..
يزاك الله خيير..

شكراااا ريح يسلمو اديك يا رب

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

I need report about sun safety للصف الحادي عشر


I need report about sun safety

Ineed your help

حشااااااااااا ………..ولا حد عبرني

لا حول ولاقوة الا بالله العلي العظيم

الشيمه يا عرب زاايــــــــــد

هلا والله محد يعبرناااااا ولا شي انا بعد
طلبت تقرير ولين الحين ما جفت شي ..

أختي " معاناة علمي " الموضوع في الرابط ,, خذي التوبيك إلي تبينه


والسموحه منكم كلنا في معاناة ,, والأعضاء مشغولين

يااختي التقرير معاناه

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

Safety , English report about Safety -التعليم الاماراتي

السلام عليكم و رحمه الله وبركاته ..

صبحكم / مساكم ربي بالخيير ..

حبيت احط لكم تقريري لهذا الفصل بعنــوان ( Safety )~

اتمنى انكم تستيفيدوون منه ..

متمنيه لكم دوام التوفيق و التميــز .. !

*) Introduction ..!
In this report I`m going to talk about ( Safety ) .
First , I will talk about the safety . Second , I will talk about the Meanings of safety . After that , you will know about the limitation of safety . finally, you are going to know the types of safety . .

|* Safety :

Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses. It can include protection of people or of possessions.

|* Meanings of safety:

There also are two slightly different meanings of safety, for example, home safety may indicate a building’s ability to protect against external harm events (like weather, home invasion, etc), and the second that its internal installations (like appliances, stairs, etc) are safe (not dangerous or harmful) for its habitants.

Limitations : *|

Safety can be limited in relation to some guarantee or a standard of insurance to the quality and unharmful function of an object or organization. It is used in order to ensure that the object or organization will do only what it is meant to do.
It’s important to realize that safety is relative. Eliminating all risk, if even possible, would be extremely difficult and very expensive. A safe situation is one where risks of injury or property damage are low and manageable.

|* Types of safety :

It is important to distinguish between products that meet standards, that are safe, and those that merely feel safe. The highway safety community uses these terms:
Normative safety :
Normative safety is a term used to describe products or designs that meet applicable design standards.
Substantive safety:
Substantive safety means that the real-world safety history is favorable, whether or not standards are met.
Perceived safety :
Perceived safety refers to the level of comfort of users. For example, traffic signals are perceived as safe, yet under some circumstances, they can increase traffic crashes at an intersection. Traffic roundabouts have a generally favorable safety record, yet often make drivers nervous.

*) conclusion..!

At the end of this report . I hope that you can be safe with the correct ways . I hope you have got some new information about the safety & Thank you for reading. I’m waiting for your opinion and good luck ..

*) References ..!

1- English book for 11th grade.
2-Wikebidia site .
3- Some general knowledge .

… مشكوره اختي الغاليه على التقرير …




يسلمووو على هالمجهوود الطيب ^^


مشكووووورة حياتي..

عـــله في ميزااااانج يآآآآرب ..


اشكر كل من مر ..

اتمنى انكم استفدووا منه ..

مع تمنياتي لكم بالتفوووق ..

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الثاني عشر

English report about stress -مناهج الامارات

لو سمحتو بغيت تقرير عن واحد من هالمواضيع
helthy life styel
ويكون فيه مقدمه وموضوع وخاتمه ومصادر ادري ان طلباتي وايد بس هذا مب حقي لان ربيعتي مسويه نفسي والحين لازم وحده فينا تغير الموضوع ضروري لانا متوهقات الحين

الملفات المرفقة

السلامـ عليكمـ و رحمهـ الله و بركاتهـ

تقرير فيـ الموفقاتـ عنـ stress
بسـ مبـ أنا الليـ مسويتنهـ

شكرا حبوبه

بس مو محدد المقدمه والموضوع والخاتمة والمصادر لو سمحتي حددي


مشكوره يالغاليه بس كنت ابغى يكون فيه مقدمه وموضوع وخاتمه ومصادر وهذا ماينفع بس المهم انج حاولتي فديتج ويكفي انج ساعدتيني المره الاولى

لوسمحتو اريد المواضيع ضروري

help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

مشكور وايد

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير Report on Cause environmental pollution لمادة اللغه الإنجليزيه الثاني عشر 12 للصف الثاني عشر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تقرير Report on Cause environmental pollution لمادة اللغه الإنجليزيه الثاني عشر 12
تقرير Report on Cause environmental pollution لمادة اللغه الإنجليزيه الثاني عشر 12
تقرير Report on Cause environmental pollution الصف الثاني عشر 12 علمي / ادبي

.~ صنع يدي~.

تجدونه في المرفقات

الملفات المرفقة








نترقب آڷڪشۆخيـﮧ ..
ربـــــــــــــــــي ڷآهآنچ ..

يسلموو يلغاليه..

مشكوورة وبارك الله بيج.

^_^ thank you fare much

مشكووره أختي
ع البحث
منظم و جميل

صقر الإمارات 23


صلى الله على محمد

الصف التاسع

Report about safety at home للصف التاسع

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

Report about safety at home

في المرفق..بشكل مرتب

[Ministry of Education
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Area of Cape RAK Education


The Evolution experienced by the world resulted in a lot of threats to human security. And domestic accidents and resulting deaths and injuries and material losses painful thing. It is truly regrettable that the studies and research indicate that more accidents in the home because of ignorance of rights.
.And can not be for a person to do without electricity and gas because it is associated with much of the means by which facilitated our life , which is the blessing given by God to us if we have a good use and in the corresponding risk what bothers life. Became necessary for us to know the danger and its causes and how to deal with him. And I will focus
# On the following points :
* Domestic accidents and methods of prevention.
* How to deal with accidents in the home if it happened.
* Procedures and the required safety in the home.

Accidents in the home
Of the leading causes of accidents in the home

First : gas

Negligence or tampering with gas cylinders results in a lot of risks that may harm family members, and for the prevention of incidents of gas, we must:
• Choose the right place and preferably away from the cooking sites and well-ventilated area.
• Ensure that construction and safety and not exposed to heat and weather factors to cause damage and replace the damaged ones immediately.
• Check stoves and furnaces and make sure they are clean.
• It is better to install a detector for a gas leak.

Second: The accidents of fire

When a fire to allow God must follow the following steps: –
• Immediately inform the existing fire incident with the speed of the evacuation of the place through the emergency exits safe.
• separate power supply at source
• Contact the Civil Defense at (998).
• Fire-fighting means in the initial fire such as fire

procedures and required safety at home :

• provide appropriate fire extinguisher
• Install smoke detectors in the home
• Provide first aid kit
• training on how to deal with incidents when they occur
• the need to define the family phone of Civil Defense (998) to contact in case of any emergency

I’ll put some guidance for the provision of safety at home

Beyond the reach of children hot pots
Beware of leaving children alone in the kitchen
Must be sharp kitchen utensils out of reach of children

Living Room:
Must close all sockets plugs, plastic
Electrical appliances should be removed from the reach of children
Electrical connections should be removed from the hands of children

Must be put detergent shampoo and soap and powder and sharp tools in high-rack is difficult to access.
Should not leave the child alone in the bathroom so it does not harm himself.
Medicines should be kept away and put it in a high rack.


Should not allow the child to go out alone to the terrace and you should not put any piece of furniture (a chair or table) next to the edge of the terrace
Barriers should be placed to protect any internal stairs or on the terrace

In conclusion, I wish to take the parents in the home safety in mind because it is the reason for most of the accidents that are preventable, so we must take care always.


Done by :
Under the supervision of a teacher article : …..


نفع الله بها العباد..

الملفات المرفقة


اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ~غلا الروح~ مشاهدة المشاركة

يسلمج ربي من الشر..


الله يسلمج


الله يسلمج

يسلموووووووووووووو مشكوووووووووووووووورة

الله يسلمك
العفو اخوي


اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الحادي عشر

Report about Traditinal features in the U.A.E للصف الحادي عشر

اريد تقرير عن انجلزي

ما عنــــــــدي 🙁

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف الحادي عشر

English report about tourism in UAE ، تقرير اجليزي عن السياحة في الإمارات -تعليم الامارات

بغيت تقرير عن السياحة في الامارات بسرعة


Due to its ******** the UAE has been able to act as a connecting link between Europe and the Indian subcontinent, the Far East and Africa since time immemorial. It is still playing the role of intermediary between these vastly different cultures, the only difference being that air travel has significantly increased the number of visitors who come to the UAE. Traditional Arab hospitality and a delightful winter climate complemented by a highly sophisticated infrastructure and crime-free environment, have also contributed in recent years to creating an ideal atmosphere for the development of tourism. The UAE is also endowed with an extensive coastline, sandy beaches and varied landscape, where a wide variety of activities can be indulged, ranging from powerboat races to sand-skiing. Manicured golf courses provide ready enjoyment and for the less active shopping opportunities abound. In addition, the country’s deep-rooted cultural heritage, accessible in the many cultural centers and at traditional sports such as falconry, camel- racing and horse-racing, has been a powerful attraction for tourists. The UAE has also become a much sought after venue for conferences, regional and international exhibitions and major sports events such as the Dubai World Cup, the Dubai Desert Classic Golf Tournament, and polo and cricket competitions.
Federal Coordination
Tourism organizations in the individual emirates actively market their own special attractions, frequently attending international holiday fairs as well as encouraging travel agents and tour operators to visit the UAE to experience the rich seam of Arabian life for themselves. Minister of Information and Culture Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan announced at the ATM 99 (Arabian Travel Market) that the Ministry is studying a plan to set up a federal body to coordinate the promotional activities carried out by tourism authorities in individual emirates in order to integrate tourism promotion in the UAE as a whole. Sheikh Abdullah called on local authorities to concentrate on developing elite tourism and to focus on the country’s heritage and culture. He noted that the selection of the UAE as one of the nine prominent destinations in the Middle East at the 1999 ITB Berlin travel and tourism show was an acknowledgement that the country’s tourism infrastructure and facilities were rated among the best in the world. Sheikh Abdullah stressed the importance of promoting inter-Arab tourism and also mooted the idea of Arab countries coming together to form a pan-Arab tourism body in the Middle East.
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi emirate was little known as a tourist destination until the discovery of oil financed its major development programme. A thoroughly modern infrastructure of air and sea ports, highways, telecommunications systems, five-star hotels, restaurants and entertainment complexes has turned the emirate into an active tourist center. Dubbed the Garden City of the Gulf, Abu Dhabi now offers visitors a variety of options ranging f rom green parks, clean beaches, a range of marine and other sports, exotic adventures in the desert, or the pleasure of shopping in its diverse shopping centers and malls. Tourists can also pay a visit to the oasis city of Al Ain and enjoy a sightseeing tour to archaeological and leisure sites such as Al Hili Fun City, Ain Al Faydha Resort, Al Jahili Fort or the National Museum. In 1997 some 937,717 people from neighboring countries visited Abu Dhabi.
Abu Dhabi National Hotels Company

Established in 1978 the Abu Dhabi National Hotels Company (ADNHC), plays an important role in the promotion of tourism in Abu Dhabi emirate. The total assets of the company were Dh 1.175 billion for the year ending 1998. ADNHC owns six hotels in the emirate and manages seven other hotels and a number of tourism outlets such as the Abu Dhabi Ice rink, as well as several rest houses. It also supervises the duty-free complexes at Abu Dhabi and Al Ain international airports and is involved in the development of several new facilities.
The company operates divisions for hotel management, catering and contract services, purchasing and tourism services and provides transport services through Al Ghazal, a wholly-owned subsidiary.
Al Futaisi Golf and Country Club
Tourist development in Abu Dhabi is ongoing and many new projects are under way. One imaginative scheme is Al Futaisi Golf and Country Club’s plan to transform Al Futaisi Island off Abu Dhabi into one of the UA E ’s most popular tourist resorts. The Club already has a restaurant, tent village, 18-hole golf course, horse riding track, beautiful beaches and a swimming pool. Forty luxurious chalets are being built and the island, which covers 45 square kilometers, is to have several species of local and migratory birds, sand gazelles, turtles, and horses, and is a haven for nature lovers.
Global Travel Awards
Worldwide acknowledgement of the great strides made in the tourism industry in the UAE was underlined when the UAE was awarded several international travel industry awards in March 1999, the most significant of which was the world’s safest holiday destination, a tribute to the high degree of personal safety experienced by visitors to this country. The UAE was also voted the best overall destination and best shopping venue, as well as runner-up in the dining out category, scoring just one point less than Italy. Emirates airline was voted the best international airline. The Travel Oscar awards were organized by Germany’s travel magazine GLOBO which surveyed 13,000 readers. The UAE had also received the safest destination award for 1996.
Independent studies show that the tourism industry has accounted for a steadily increasing percentage of Dubai’s GDP, with some estimates putting it as high as 20 per cent. In fact tourism is expected to over take oil exports as an important source of revenue in the near future. Dubai’s 255 hotels have a total of 17,253 rooms and occupancy in 1998 a veraged 49.3 per cent. Since January 1997 when the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (D TCM) took over from the Tourism and Trade Promotion Council, there has been renewed focus on worldwide promotion of Dubai as an ideal tourist destination and a thriving commercial center. This has involved setting up the DTCM representative offices in many countries across the globe as well as participation in numerous international tourism fairs. In addition, the DTCM has launched very successful advertising campaigns worldwide. The DTCM also organizes tourism-related exhibitions in Dubai. Early in 1999 it hosted the Arabian Marine Tourism Conference, the first of its kind to be held in the region. In May more than 500 exhibitors from 40 countries participated in the Arab Travel Market 99, which was also held under the auspices of the DTCM. Not surprisingly, since the number of tourists is expected to reach three million by the end of the year 2000, Dubai has a number of major tourism-related projects coming on-stream.

Royal Mirage Hotel
The Royal Mirage, an opulent 250-room beach resort, opened in mid-1999. Located on Jumeirah beach, the resort has been designed to reflect the splendour of a rediscovered Arabian fort ress. With a majestic 70-foot gilded dome, the hotel promises to link Arabia’s enticing culture with the demands of twenty-first-century leisure. Focus is on the most highly prized virtues of the Arab world, hospitality and courtesy. The hotel has 64,000 square metres of manicured desert landscape and 800 meters of private beach with a dedicated water sports and recreational facility, including sailing, kayaks, windsurfing, pedals, water-skiing, snorkeling and water polo.
Fujairah Tourism Bureau
Fujairah Tourism Bureau was established in 1996 to market the emirate’s considerable tourist attractions, which include such diverse activities as watching bloodless bull-wrestling, visiting mangrove forests and bird-breeding sites, or navigating the steep mountain roads and narrow gorges of the Musandam peninsula. The area between Al Faqit and Al Aqqah, just south of Dibba, is already a popular destination for holidaymakers, thanks to its long, sandy beaches and many snorkeling and scuba-diving sites. Fujairah Tourism Bureau recently signed a contract with the Belgian Three Corners Emirates Company to build a 150-room resort in Al Faqit. The Dh 34 million Fujairah Resort will be constructed on 35,000 square meters. In addition, Emirates plans to build a five – star, 200-room hotel in Al Aqqah which will be operated by Meridien Hotels. Several other projects are also set to commence in the near future: a spa in Ain Al Ghammour, two diving centers in Dibba Al Faqit and a large marina and golf course in Al Aqqah near the Sandy Beach Motel.


يعطيج اللللف عاااااااااااافيه

روحي العين

مشكووووووووووره أختي

ال يبا اي بحث او تقرير او مشروع يتفضل ترا الأمتحانات قربة انا اعضي عرووووض ممتازة

يسلموو هاجر ع التقرير الروووعة

تراني نيخته واستخدمته بس داخل المنتدى ..



thanks ^,^

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

English report about dubai shping festival -مناهج الامارات

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كيف حالكم شباب
يا ريت تكونوا بخير
والله أنا خجلان منكم كتير
وآسف على الإزعاج وكثرة الطلبات ، لكن والله الضغط على الواحد زيادة
فأرجو منكم ان تساعدوني ضروري
إذا حد تكرم وتعطف علي
الأستاذ طلب منا نكتب ايميل عن دبي مول، ومن الحاجات اللي ممكن نكتبها مقدمة أساسي في الأول ـ وصف المول من الداخل للخارج أو العكس ـ الموقع ـ التسهيلات والخدمات والمحال بالمول ـ ورأينا الشخصي، والموضوع في حدود 18 سطر
واحنا و لا مرة كتبنا ايميل والأستاذ يريده مكتوب على الكمبيوتر وآخر موعد للتلسم بعد بكره (يوم الثلاثاء)
فأرجو منكم المساعدة
وجزاكم الله كل خير
ويا رب الـ 155 يوم يعدوا على خير ونفرح كلنا بالمعدلات الممتازة
مع تمنياتي للجميع بالنجاح والتفوق

ما اعرف بس يمكن يفيدك


سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير جاهز عن الغش .. A report about cheating للصف الثاني عشر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

في المرفقات ..


بالتوفيق ..

الملفات المرفقة

وع’ـليكمـٍ آلسلـآمـٍ وآلرح’ـمهـٍ .,.

ع’ـيبني آلتقرير ^^"

تسلميينـً .,. يزآإج آللهـٍ كل خ’ـير 🙂

الله يسلمج


هلَآٍ .,

شح’ـَآلهمْ آلعَربَ عسآهمْ بخَير ( دوْمزِ *~
يزآكمْ آلله ألف خيَر وبآرك الله فيكمَ وصآنكسَ ع هيكْ موضوعِ .,~

اللهَ يحفَظكم ويوَفجكمْ

ويبارك فيج


الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله