الصف السادس

براجراف عن meeting a famous person -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
أريد براجراف عن meeting a famous person
أرجوكم لوبوا طلبي و لو سمحتوا

السموحه لم إجد

إن شاء الله غيري يساعد


meeting a famous person

السموحه يالغاليه ,, كيف يعني مقابله شخص مشهور ؟

وضحي أكثر وفالج طيب 🙂

أكتب أنك أنت قابلت شخص مشهور معنى هذا البراجراف أنفهمت ولا لا إمتحاناتي تبدأ يوم الاحد

السلام عليكم ,, كتبت هالبرقراف مدري اذا قصدج جذا ولا

In my life I had a chance to meet a very famous person who has a lot of achievements in his life. This person is Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid. I was very happy to talk with him and discussing how he did those achievements. All that was happened in our school when he visited us. He told me at the first that he is very proud of his religion, his country and his nation. In addition, he see that this experience in the United Arab Emirates is just an example of what good things could be happen if the leader of the country is trying to achieve the behalf of the community not for the behalf of special group. In other words, he always advice to look at the whole picture, see everything is important in the country. Turning to me I pick up the optimism and the great ambition of him. I’m really proud that we have a great person like him in our country. I hope a strong generation has those features that Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid has.

بالتوفيق 🙂

مشكوورىة على الرجراف و كان جميل جداً
عندي سؤال و هو كيف أغير أسمي في المنتدى

رؤية ما قصرت

والسموحه تم تغير العنوان ليتناسب مع فحوى الموضوع

وبخصوص تغير الأسم ضع طلبك في قسم الشكاوي ..


أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف التاسع

فقرة عن احسن الاصدقاء \My favourite person للصف التاسع

السلام عليكم

My favourite person

relative is my grandmother. She is my mother’s mother and she is the sweetest, kindest person I have ever known. She has 10 children and 24 grand children! Isn’t that amazing? Even though there are so many people in our family, my grandmother always remembers everybody’s birthday. She never forgets to send all her children and grandchildren a special birthday card. She keeps all these important dates in her head, I have never seen her writing anything down in her diary or book.
My grandparents used to live in a small, beautiful town in East Africa for many years. Then they shifted to London, but now they live in Chennai. I am very happy to have my grandmother near me once more. During my holidays I love to go and visit her and my grandfather at their home. My grandfather is very strict and does not like any noise or indiscipline from us. So, my cousins and I are very careful and well behaved whenever he is around.
We call our grandmother "Big Mama" because she is plump and cuddly. When I was younger, I used to sit on her stomach and bounce up and down because she is so soft and comfortable to sit on!
She is also an excellent cook. I love to eat her biriyani and cutlets. During the winter, she even knits me some lovely warm sweaters and tops and sends them to me.
I think my Big Mama is a very special person and even her birthday falls on a special day — December 31. This is New Year’s eve and all over the world, people have parties and celebrations. But in my family, we always have a double celebration in her honour. I am eagerly waiting to meet her again next month.
Manisha Mathew, VI
Hyderabad: Gitanjali Devshala


My favourite person

relative is my grandmother. She is my mother’s mother and she is the sweetest, kindest person I have ever known. She has 10 children and 24 grand children! Isn’t that amazing? Even though there are so many people in our family, my grandmother always remembers everybody’s birthday. She never forgets to send all her children and grandchildren a special birthday card. She keeps all these important dates in her head, I have never seen her writing anything down in her diary or book.
My grandparents used to live in a small, beautiful town in East Africa for many years. Then they shifted to London, but now they live in Chennai. I am very happy to have my grandmother near me once more. During my holidays I love to go and visit her and my grandfather at their home. My grandfather is very strict and does not like any noise or indiscipline from us. So, my cousins and I are very careful and well behaved whenever he is around.
We call our grandmother "Big Mama" because she is plump and cuddly. When I was younger, I used to sit on her stomach and bounce up and down because she is so soft and comfortable to sit on!
She is also an excellent cook. I love to eat her biriyani and cutlets. During the winter, she even knits me some lovely warm sweaters and tops and sends them to me.
I think my Big Mama is a very special person and even her birthday falls on a special day — December 31. This is New Year’s eve and all over the world, people have parties and celebrations. But in my family, we always have a double celebration in her honour. I am eagerly waiting to meet her again next month.
Manisha Mathew, VI
Hyderabad: Gitanjali Devshala

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف التاسع

My favorite person للصف التاسع

Pless I wanT bargraF abouT

My favorite person


بليـز آبي مـوضـوع عنـ My favorite person

my favourite person is my father and that is because of three main reasons . firstly he is so patient and he do not be angry easly . secondly he is so kind , he always help who need support . thirdly he is workhard person , for examole he can spend aalot of time in his office working and working without giving up or being boared . In conclusion my father is my favourite person

ماا قصرت هاجر ..

جاري تقيييييممها

شكرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر رررررررررررا

صلى الله على محمد