القسم العام

عرض عن صعوبات التعلـّم ( Learning Disabilities ) -للتعليم الاماراتي

عرض عن صعوبات التعلـّم ( The Learning Disabilities )
" تصف أدبيات التربية الخاصة صعوبات

(The Learning Disabilities)

بأنها إعاقة خفية محيرة، فالأطفال الذين يعانون من هذه الصعوبات
يمتلكون قدرات تخفي جوانب الضعف في أدائهم .
فهم قد يسردون قصصا ً رائعة بالرغم من أنهم لا يستطيعون الكتابة
وهم قد ينجحون في تأدية مهارات معقدة جدا ً رغم أنهم قد يخفقون
في اتباع التعليمات البسيطة
وهم قد يبدون عاديين تماما ً وأذكياء ليس في مظهرهم أي شي ء يوحي
بأنهم مختلفين عن الأطفال العاديين
إلا أن هؤلاء يعانون من صعوبات جمة في تعلـّم بعض المهارات في المدرسة
فبعضهم لا يستطيع تعلـّم القراءة
وبعضهم عاجز عن تعلـّم الكتابة
وبعضهم الآخر يرتكب أخطاء متكررة
ويواجه صعوبات حقيقية في تعلـّم الرياضيات

اليكم في المرفق بقية العرض


الملفات المرفقة

تسلمين عزيزتي ع الطرح
يعطيج العافيه

ما قصرتي

السلام عليكم
طرح رائع
موفقه خيتووووو

بارك الله فيج

م قصصررتيً

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
بارك الله فيج..
يعطيج العافية..

يزاج الله خير على الموضوع


سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير عن Learning Styles للصف الحادي عشر

الســـلامن عليكم

اشحالكم ياعرب عســـاكم ماتشكون من باس؟.

بثقل عليكم شوي بغيت تقرير حق الانجليزي عن اي شي

يخص المنهج فيه مقدمة وموضوع وخاتمه ومصدر وفهرس

ماعندي موضوع محدد لاني ميح في الانجليزي

المس تباه بعد اسبوع والسمـــوحه

يا ريت تكتبين شو المقررعليكم؟

اممم قلتلك انا في الانجلش ماعرف شي ((ماماتيه تقول هب زين تتعلمون لغة الغرب هاااع ))المس قالت اي شي يخص

المنهج بس انشاء الله باجر بسئل المس عن شو بسوي

ابا اسماء العجائب السبعة القديمة والجديدة بالانجليزي واباه ضروري لو سمحتووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو

انا ابغي صور لسلسله الغذائيه




وانا ابي عن
Learning Styles

تقرير عن Learning Styles

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير عن ways of learning بحث للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

شحالكم…. وشخباركم

أبغيكم تساعدوني…
ابغي تقرير عن ways of learning

أو عن Kinds of learn

أخوكم ذئب الامارات…

أخوي هإلي قدرت عليه ,, إن شاء الله يكون المطلوب

Tips and ideas on the best ways to learn English faster.


Tips for Beginners

You are like a new baby
Babies learn their language slowly.
First they learn to listen.
Then they learn to talk.
Finally, they can read and write.

Listen to English every day
Listen to English radio.
Watch English TV.
Go to English movies.
Use online lessons.

Make an English/ESL friend
Make up conversations.
Practise dialogues.
Use beginner $$$$books.

Read English stories
Start with children’s storybooks.
Try ESL readers.
Read advertisements, signs and labels.
Try EnglishClub.com for Young Learners.

Write down new words
Start a vocabulary (new word) notebook.
Write words in alphabetical order (A…B…C…).
Make example sentences.
Always use an English-English dictionary first.

Keep an English diary
Start with one sentence.
How do you feel?
How is the weather?
What did you do today?
Write another sentence tomorrow.

Visit an English speaking country
Learn English more quickly.
Stay with an English family.
Hear native speakers talk.
Have a fun experience.
Where do I start?
Why do you want to learn English?
Before you begin (or go back to) studying English, ask youself one question. Why do I want to study English? Is it because you want to, or because someone else wants you to? Like every decision in life, studying English must be something you want to do.

Set goals
If you know why you want to study, setting goals is easy. For example, maybe you want to travel to an English-speaking country. Great. Your goal might be to learn "Survival English". Perhaps you already know many useful phrases, but you want to improve your listening skills and pronunciation. Whatever your goals are, write them down.

Make an agenda
How long do you need to study to achieve your goals? This answer is different for every student. The important thing is to be realistic. If you work 60 hours per week, don’t plan on spending another 40 hours a week studying English. Start off slow, but study regularly. Use material that is challenging, but not too difficult. Find out what works for you. After you have studied for a few weeks, adjust your study schedule accordingly. Do you study best at night, or on the bus on your way to work? Do you like to study alone in a quiet place, or with friends and background music? Click here for a sample 4 week agenda.

Make a commitment
Learning English requires a lot of motivation. Nobody is going to take your attendance when you aren’t in class. If you are sure you are ready to begin studying, make a commitment. Click here to sign a contract with yourself.

Have fun learning English!
The things we do best in life are the things we enjoy doing. If you aren’t having fun learning English, you’re not studying the right way! You can be a serious student who has fun at the same time. Make up your own rewards program to give yourself incentives to stay on task.

Study a Balance of the 4 Key Skills
(Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing)
Most students want to communicate better in English. If this is one of your goals, it is important to study a balance of the four major skills. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are the main (macro) skills you need to communicate in any language. Being very good at only one of these skills will not help you to communicate. For example you need to be able to read well before you can write well. You also need to be able to listen before you can speak. It helps to think of these communicative skills in two groups.

INput «««
Listening (in through your ears)
Reading (in through your eyes)

OUTput »»»
Speaking (out through your mouth)
Writing (out through your hand)
It’s simple. Think of it this way. First you have input. Next you have output. First you listen to someone ask you a question. Second you speak and give them your answer. First you read a letter from someone. After that you write back to them. These are examples of communicating.

Input and output don’t necessarily go in a specific order. Sometimes you speak first and then you listen. Sometimes you write about something you hear. During communication, the person you are communicating with uses one of the opposite skills. Therefore, in order to understand each other, everyone must be skillful in all four areas.

Some students want to know which skill is the most important. Since all of the skills rely on each other, they are all important. However, to communicate we do use some skills more often than others. For example, about 40% of the time that we spend communicating we are simply listening. We speak for about 35% of the time. Approximately 16% of communication comes from reading, and about 9% from writing. These statistics are for an average communicator in English. Depending on someone’s job or situation, these numbers may vary.

Each of these main skills have micro skills within them. For example, pronunciation is a type of speaking skill that must be practised in order to improve communication. Spelling is a skill that makes understanding the written word easier. Grammar and vocabulary are other micro skills. Micro doesn’t mean they are unimportant. Macro skills such as listening are very general, while micro skills are more specific. (More about input and output)

For the best results, create an agenda that combines all four areas of study. Allow one type of studying to lead into another. For example, read a story and then talk about it with a friend. Watch a movie and then write about it. This is what teachers in an English class would have you do, right? EnglishClub.com has lessons in all 4 key skills (and all minor skills), as well as many outside links to help you study further. (ESL Internet resources)

1. How to learn LISTENING
Listen to the radio
Don’t always have a pen in hand. Sometimes it helps to just listen.

Watch English TV
Children’s programming is very useful for ESL learners.
Choose programs that you would enjoy in your own language.
Remember that much of what you hear on TV is slang.

Call Automated Answering Machine recordings
You can find these numbers at the front of telephone books in many English-speaking countries. Before you dial, make sure that you are calling the free numbers.

Watch movies
Choose ones with subtitles, or one from ESLNotes.com (provides useful notes on popular movies).

Use Internet listening resources
Every day there are more and more places to listen to English online.

2. How to learn SPEAKING and pronunciation
Talk to yourself
Talk about anything and everything. Do it in the privacy of your own home. If you can’t do this at first, try reading out loud until you feel comfortable hearing your own voice in English.

Record your own voice
This might feel very uncomfortable, but it will help you find your weak pronunciation points. Listen to yourself a few days later. Which sounds do you have difficulty hearing?

Use the telephone.

Participate in class

Learn common idioms

Understand the sounds that your language doesn’t have
For example, many languages don’t have the "r" sound. These sounds require extra practice.

Recognize that teachers are trained to understand you
When you get out into the real world, average people will have a more difficult time understanding you unless you practise speaking slowly and with proper pronunciation.

Practise minimal pairs

Study word and sentence stress

Practice tongue twisters

Speaking tips
More speaking tips
3. How to learn READING and vocabulary
Read something every day
Children’s books, simplified readers (Penguin), newspapers, magazines, Internet sites, novels, and much much more…

Read what interests you.
Remember that you learn better when you are having fun.

Read at the appropriate level
You want to learn new vocabulary, but you also want to understand what you are reading. If you are looking up every word, the reading is too difficult.

Review Who, What, Where, When, Why for each story you read
You can do this for almost any type of reading. Who is it about? What happened? Why did it happen? Where did it take place? When did it take place? This is very useful when you have no comprehension questions to answer. You can write or speak your answers.

Always have an English-English dictionary nearby
It is a bad habit to always rely on a translation dictionary or electronic dictionary.
Think of your English-English dictionary as your life line.
Use online dictionaries when you are using the Internet (keyword online dictionary).

Record vocabulary in a personal dictionary
Keep this notebook separate from other work
Record vocabulary in alphabetical order (an English address book works well because it has letters of the alphabet)
Record the part of speech (sometimes there is more than one)
Write a sample sentence for yourself (don’t use the one from the dictionary)
Review your personal dictionary (especially new entries) every night before bed

More reading tips
4. How to learn WRITING and spelling
Keep a diary/journal
Don’t always pay attention to grammar. Free-writing can be very useful. It can show you that writing is fun. Have fun with the language.

Write emails in English
Stay in contact with teachers or other students.

Rewrite your local news in English
This is another exercise that can be done on a daily basis. Remember that regular activities are the best ones.

Learn important spelling rules
Remember, you won’t always have a dictionary or a spell-checker handy, especially when you are writing a test. Even native English speakers need to review the spelling rules from time to time

أبغي تقرير لفصل الاول لمنهج الجديد

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

Independent and group learning -تعليم اماراتي

Independent and group learning

Independent learning means a person taking full responsibility for their learning.
I’m with independent learning because this style of learning you follow your own style how to learn .
You should create a suitable environment for study and take your own notes, research and summaries.
You must have a asexual and organize it with important subjects like English .
This kind of learning is very helpful because it will help you how to rely on your self , and this will help you in your future life in the college.

How ever group learning is anther kind of learning style .
You can share ideas and discus them with your friends .
Also in this style you will enjoy studding there are other students will help you to understand your lesson .

I prefer group learning style because you will study better and enjoy your time by this style of learning.

ارجوا منكم التبليغ عن الاخطاء الاملائية و النحوية

ودعواتكم لي بالتوفيق

ربي يوفقك يالغلا

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة المبرمجة مشاهدة المشاركة

Independent and group learning

Independent learning is whena person takesfull responsibility for his/her learning..
I’m with independent learning because this style of learning is my own style how to learn .
I should create a suitable environment for study and take MY own notes, research and summaries.
You must have and organize it with important subjects like English .
This kind of learning is very helpful because it will help you how to rely on your self , and this will help you in your future life in the college.

How ever group learning is another kind of learning style .
You can share ideas and discus them with your friends .
Also in this style you will enjoy studying there are other students will help you to understand your lesson .

I prefer group learning style because you will study better and enjoy your time by this style of learning.

ارجوا منكم التبليغ عن الاخطاء الاملائية و النحوية

ودعواتكم لي بالتوفيق

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الثاني عشر

Paragraph about learning style -تعليم الامارات

هلآ والله

بغيت اسااعدووني بغيت writinig learning style وابيه يوم الاحد اخر تسليم الله يخليكم بحدود 120 او 200 كلمه

Learning Styles

You have probably noticed that when you try to learn something new that you prefer to learn by listening to someone talk to you about the information. Some people prefer to read about a concept to learn it; others need to see a demonstration of the concept. Learning Style Theory proposes that different people learn in different ways and that it is good to know what your own preferred learning style is.

Some links have been provided below for you to follow to learn more about learning styles. There are a variety of instruments that help you identify your learning style and you may prefer to do them on line, or you may want to stop in the Career Service Office, Campus Center 21, to talk to a real person and use a real pencil to fill out a Learning Style Inventory! But first, check out the resources below.

فديت رووووووووووووحج

مشكووووووووووووووووووره غنااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااتي^^

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن Learning styles -للتعليم الاماراتي

السلام عليكم

لو سمحتوا أريد تقرير عن Learning styles

وآخر موعد يوم الأثنين

وأرجو المساعده

الملفات المرفقة

انا بعد ابا تقرير

1. Known as the bodies of the tools and materials used Amil m to improve the teaching and learning process.
2. All the procedures employed in the context of teaching to achieve quieter P educational.
3. Are the channels of communication that could be a milestone on the way to transfer a the message (article ******* seminar) aspects Althla The (cognitive, motor and emotional restraint) of the sender and uh and (the teacher) to the future is (educated) less effort M. In the shortest time possible, as clearly as possible and at the lowest possible cost .
Learning techniques :
1. the methodology of the process to improve the humanitarian learning, based on the management of human interface with sources learning Almtno Eh of educational materials, devices or machines Educate Linear, and solve the problems of education, and to achieve specific goals.
2. Nazeem integrated approach comprising several elements rights and machine wa the thoughts and working methods and management working together in under one approach.
Sources learning :
learning Resource Center is the place where a facilitating education for individual and the collective, providing access to the student or the Viewing the hearings or by providing an appropriate environment for Henman Yeh process, which is designed, implemented and evaluated P j light of the objectives of education.
The difference between teaching and learning techniques :
1. The phrase means educational tools, equipment and only T. and certain equipment for the teacher while learning techniques unchanged e on an integrated system that includes (rights, views, the ideas, methods of work, Lord. Administration) all working to raise the efficiency of the process Educate Mia.
2. Teaching aids are an integral part of the strategies for a to teach a component of the comprehensive educational system, while learning techniques is a new way of working and the way in thinking solving problems, as it depends on the planning and programming.
Stages of the evolution of the concept of teaching aids :
1. education Basri (the beginning of the 1920s).
2. Audio-Visual Education (end of the 1920s 192 15:00).
3. The theory of communication (late 1940s).
4. The entrance systems (late 1950s).
5. Educational Psychology (early 1970s).
The importance of educational methods :
1. Building concepts.
2. Care individual differences.
3. Spare monotony educational attitudes.
4. Increased attention of the students.
5. Generation need to learn.
6. An increase in the amount of production and the volume of work. 7. Reflect the values and meanings of abstract (overcome prosecutor verbal).
8. Providing learning rare and dangerous phenomena.
9. Providing the possibility of studying complex phenomenon.
10. Provide solid track records of the events.
11. To overcome the temporal and spatial dimensions.
12. Providing the possibility of studying the subtleties and her danger.
13. Economy of effort, money and time.
14. Providing solutions to the problems of education today.
15. Providing solutions to special education.
16. Provide continuing education.
Classification of educational means :
1. Audio : ie, radio-educational audio recordings.
2. Photo-optical methods such as : blackboards (Atabachirih-magnetic – hairy – pockets).
3. Optical methods such as optical : transparencies-slide-film Althea Alvotgraveh bits).
4. Audio-visual means, such as : educational films – ********* television Educate mi).
5. Concrete means such as : the figures (models – things – samples). 6. Educational dramas.
7. Field visits.
8. Games and educational means of simulation.
9. Offers illustrations.
Rules in the use of means :
a) prepare for the use of the means.
B) used in a timely manner.
C) presented in the appropriate place.
D) presented in an interesting and exciting.
E) to make sure to see all the students of the device during the presentation Ha.
F) to ensure interaction with all the means through presentation.
g ) allow for the participation of some students in the use of a the vehicle. H) Non-length in the presentation of the means to avoid monotony.
I) Non brief breach in the presentation of the means.
J) non-congested lesson large number of means.
K) Lack the means to keep students after completion in order to avoid the use they preceded on the follow-up to the remainder explanation.
L) To answer any queries necessary for the learner on means.
The rules after the completion of the use of means :
A)evaluate the way : to identify the effectiveness or lack of effectiveness in achieving machine tune, and the interaction with students, The extent of the need for the use or non-use of another time j.
B) Maintenance means: any reform that may occur from breakdowns, the replacement may destroy them, and the cleaning and coordination, in order to be ready to use again.
C) Keeping method: any stored in a proper place to preserve it until a request and use in times to come

منقول للأفادة

مشكور وما تقصر
صدق أنك عذب

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة العشبي مشاهدة المشاركة
مشكور وما تقصر
صدق أنك عذب

لا شكر على واجب


السلامـ عليكمـ و رحمهـ الله و بركاتهـ

فيـ المرفقاتـ تقرير عن Learning styles

ملاحظهـ : ترا مبـ أنا الليـ مسويتنهـ ، أعتقد انهـ موجود فيـ المنتدى ^ـ^

my sister
ينيهـ AlMόтFάεĻĦ or

شكرا على المرور جميعا أرجو أن يكون التقرير عجبكم
الله هالله فادعاءكم لي


سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تعبت في تقرير learning styleبس ميغلاش عليكم( أكيد ..دعواتكم) وورد و بور بوينت -للتعليم الاماراتي


الملفات المرفقة




مشكور على التقرير

بس ماايفتح وطول الله عمرج

تسلمين اختيه

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

2 تقرير عن التعليم و و التعليم في الاماارات Learning Education in the UAE للصف الثاني عشر

2 تقرير عن التعليم و و التعليم في الاماارات Learning Education in the UAE

السلام عليكم
اضغط ع الصورة لتحميل التقارير

2 تقرير عن التعليم و و التعليم في الاماارات Learning Education in the UAE 2 تقرير عن التعليم و و التعليم في الاماارات Learning Education in the UAE jrvd uk hgjugdl td hghlhvhj , طلاب تقرير عن ليرنك , ليرن , لارنك

مشكوورين وماقصرتواززززززززززززززززززززز

لو سمحتوا الرابط مايفتح عندي

ابا تقرير عن education now and then ضروري ضروري ضروووووووووووري آخر موعد التسليم 153 الله يخليكم

مشكووووووووووور يا خويه ويزاك الله كل خير

كيف احمل الملف ما اعرف بليز حد يعلمني

شكرا" كتير


الاخ السائل عن طريقة الفتح اولا تضغط على الصورة الموجودة في الاعلى سيفتح الرابط وب اختيارين الابلاغ عن المخالفات اوتحميل الملف اختر تحميل الملف سوف تفتح لك نافذة موجود بها الخيار save as اضغط عليه واختر مكان الحفظ ومبرووك عليك التقرير شفت كيف السالفة سهلة

مشكوورين وماقصرتواززززززززززززززززززززز

صلى الله على محمد

الارشيف الدراسي

مقدمه وخاتمه لتقرير learning to style -اصف التاسع

السلام عليكم .. ورحمه الله وبركاته ..

اخواتي واخواني الاعزااااء ..

بغيت طلب بسيط ارجووووووا مساعدتي

انا سويت تقرير عن learning to stle

بس ابغي مقدمه وخاتمه عنه .. بلييييز تكون طويله شوي ,.,

لانه المقدمه والخاتمه اللي موجوده فالتقرير فالمدونة .. ما عجبت الابله وااااايد

فأرجوووووو مساعدتي اللي يحب يكتب مقدمه وختامه ,,

عادي لو تكون الخاتمه فالنهايه عن مثلا اي learning انا اتبعه او مناسب لي .. (اي شي )

بليييييييييييييييييييز ابغيه اليوم …

وينكمممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممم مم


أستــــغفر الله العظيم