الصف السابع

قمة افيريست بحث- Mount Everest -التعليم الاماراتي

Mount Everest (also known in Nepal as Sagarmatha and in Tibet as Chomolungma) is the Earth‘s highest mountain. It is located in the Mahalangur section of the Himalayas. Its peak is 8,848 metres (29,029 ft) above sea level[1] and is the 5th furthest point from the center of the Earth.[6] The international border between China and Nepal runs across the precise summit point. Its massif includes neighboring peaks Lhotse, 8,516 m (27,940 ft); Nuptse, 7,855 m (25,771 ft) and Changtse, 7,580 m (24,870 ft).
In 1856, the Great Trigonometric Survey of India established the first published height of Everest, then known as Peak XV, at 29,002 ft (8,840 m). The current official height of 8,848 m (29,029 ft) as recognized by Nepal and China was established by a 1955 Indian survey and subsequently confirmed by a Chinese survey in 1975. In 1865, Everest was given its official English name by the Royal Geographical Society upon a recommendation by Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor General of India. Waugh named the mountain after his predecessor in the post, Sir George Everest. Although Tibetans had called Everest "Chomolungma" for centuries, Waugh was unaware of this because Tibet and Nepal were closed to foreigners at the time thus preventing any attempts to obtain local names.
Mount Everest attracts many highly experienced mountaineers as well as capable climbers willing to hire professional guides. There are two main climbing routes, one approaching the summit from the southeast in Nepal (known as the standard route) and the other from the north in Tibet. While not posing substantial technical climbing challenges on the standard route, Everest presents dangers such as altitude sickness, weather, wind as well as significant objective hazards from avalanches and the Khumbu Icefall. While the overwhelming majority of climbers will use bottled oxygen in order to reach the top, some climbers have summitted Everest without supplemental oxygen.
The first recorded efforts to reach Everest’s summit were made by British mountaineers. With Nepal not allowing foreigners into the country at the time, the British made several attempts on the north ridge route from the Tibetan side. After the first reconnaissance expedition by the British in 1921 reached 7,000 m (22,970 ft) on the North Col, the 1922 expedition pushed the North ridge route up to 8,320 m (27,300 ft) marking the first time a human had climbed above 8,000 m (26,247 ft). Tragedy struck on the descent from the North col when seven porters were killed in an avalanche. The 1924 expedition resulted in the greatest mystery on Everest to this day: George Mallory and Andrew Irvine made a final summit attempt on June 8 but never returned, sparking debate as to whether they were the first to reach the top. They had been spotted high on the mountain that day but disappeared in the clouds, never to be seen again until Mallory’s body was found in 1999 at 8,155 m (26,755 ft) on the North face. Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary made the first official ascent of Everest in 1953 using the southeast ridge route. Tenzing had reached 8,595 m (28,199 ft) the previous year as a member of the 1952 Swiss expedition.

Everest from space

Aerial photo of Everest from the south, behind Nuptse and Lhotse

Mount Everest showing the summit pyramid (Ordovician limestone) above the distinctive "Yellow Band" (above the dashed yellow line). Everest
Series pelites and quartzites comprise of the bulk of the mountain below the Yellow Band, of uncertain age (Cambrian?). Click photo to enlarge

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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Mount Everest 10 s2 جبل افريست

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الصف العاشر

Mount Everest -تعليم الامارات

السلـآم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركـآته // أعضـآء مدونة معهد الامارات التعليمي ^^

اليكم تقرير عن جبل ايفرست بس اعذروني مو منظم بس يفي بـ الغرض ^^

الملفات المرفقة

الف شكر لج
موفقه ان شاء الله

السلام عليكم
يزاج الله خير
تسسلم يمناج

وعليكم السلـآم ورحمة الله وبركـآته

ريــ الشمـآل ـح + الطـيـبـة


منورين الموضوع بـ طلتكم البهية

تمنيـآتي لكم بـ التوفيق الدآئم ^^


ودي وإحترآمي

مشكًورهـ غلآآتي..

ربي يوفقج..

آنتظر الزوؤد منج..


.. [ همســة طـموح ] ..


أشكركـ عزيزتي على المرور الطيب

وأتمنى لكـ دوآم التوفيق


باقـآت من الجوري لـ روحكـ العطرة ^^

التقرير ناايس قلبو

متميزة كالعادة

الله يوفقج

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف العاشر

طلب معلومات mount everest للصف العاشر

آبـَِآ معلـٍؤمـٍآت بسيـَِطه عن {mount Everest.,/*


ساانكس هجوورة ^^


أتمنى يكون هذا طلبها

سلمتـَِـي خيتي =)

الله يسلمك حبوبة

يعطيج العافية هاجر

لا يوجد


الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف العاشر

تقرير الإنجليزي Mount Everest للصف العاشر

السلااااااااام عليكم


ممكن تقرير انجليزي عن Mount Everest

واللللللله بليييييييز لاتردوني

اهئئئئ اهئئئئئ


الملفات المرفقة


مب هااا المطلوب

ع العموم مشكوره ماتقصري


جاهز بالمرفقات










سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

Mount Everest للصف العاشر

Mount Everest

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Everest" redirects here. For other uses, see Everest (disambiguation).

Mount Everest
ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ (Chomolungma)
珠穆朗玛峰 (Zhumulangma Feng)
सगरमाथा (Sagarmatha)

Western side of Mount Everest
Elevation 8,848 m (29,029 ft)[1]
Ranked 1st
Prominence 8,848 m (29,029 ft)
Ranked 1st
(Notice special definition for Everest)
Listing Seven Summits
Country high point

Mount Everest

Location on the Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal – Tibet, China border

Location Solukhumbu District, Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal;
Tingri County, Shigatse Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, China[2]
Range Mahalangur Himal, Himalayas
Coordinates 27°59′17″N 86°55′31″ECoordinates: 27°59′17″N 86°55′31″E[3]
First ascent 29 May 1953
Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay
(First Winter Ascent 1980 Leszek Cichy and Krzysztof Wielicki[4][5])
Easiest route South Col (Nepal)

Everest from space

Mount Everest (also known in Nepal as Sagarmatha and in Tibet/China by various romanisations of Chomolungma) is the Earth‘s highest mountain, located in the Mahalangur section of the Himalayas. Its peak is 8,848 metres (29,029 ft) above sea level[1] and the 5th furthest point from the centre of the Earth.[6] The international border between China and Nepal runs across the precise summit point. Its massif includes neighboring peaks Lhotse, 8,516 m (27,940 ft); Nuptse, 7,855 m (25,771 ft) and Changtse, 7,580 m (24,870 ft).
In 1856, the Great Trigonometric Survey of India established the first published height of Everest, then known as Peak XV, at 29,002 ft (8,840 m). The current official height of 8,848 m (29,029 ft) as recognized by Nepal and China was established by a 1955 Indian survey and subsequently confirmed by a Chinese survey in 1975. In 1865, Everest was given its official English name by the Royal Geographical Society upon a recommendation by Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor General of India. Waugh named the mountain after his predecessor in the post, Sir George Everest. Although Tibetans had called Everest "Chomolungma" for centuries, Waugh was unaware of this because Tibet and Nepal were closed to foreigners at the time thus preventing any attempts to obtain local names.
Mount Everest attracts many highly experienced mountaineers as well as capable climbers willing to hire professional guides. There are two main climbing routes, one approaching the summit from the southeast in Nepal (known as the standard route) and the other from the north in Tibet. While not posing substantial technical climbing challenges on the standard route, Everest presents dangers such as altitude sickness, weather, wind as well as significant objective hazards from avalanches and the Khumbu Icefall. While the overwhelming majority of climbers will use bottled oxygen in order to reach the top, some climbers have summitted Everest without supplemental oxygen.
The first recorded efforts to reach Everest’s summit were made by British mountaineers. With Nepal not allowing foreigners into the country at the time, the British made several attempts on the north ridge route from the Tibetan side. After the first reconnaissance expedition by the British in 1921 reached 7,000 m (22,970 ft) on the North Col, the 1922 expedition pushed the North ridge route up to 8,320 m (27,300 ft) marking the first time a human had climbed above 8,000 m (26,247 ft). Tragedy struck on the descent from the North col when seven porters were killed in an avalanche. The 1924 expedition resulted in the greatest mystery on Everest to this day: George Mallory and Andrew Irvine made a final summit attempt on June 8 but never returned, sparking debate as to whether they were the first to reach the top. They had been spotted high on the mountain that day but disappeared in the clouds, never to be seen again until Mallory’s body was found in 1999 at 8,155 m (26,755 ft) on the North face. Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary made the first official ascent of Everest in 1953 using the southeast ridge route. Tenzing had reached 8,595 m (28,199 ft) the previous year as a member of the 1952 Swiss expedition.

شكرا جزيلا تسلم الأيادي

تسسلمين حبيبتي على هذإأ المجهــوودد ,,

والى الامـإأم دإأئمـإأ ,,

حضوركم يسعدنـي و يفرحنـي كثيراُ أخواتي و أخواني الأفاضل
أسعدنـي مروركم و تشرفيكم الرائع جميعـاً
الله لا يحرمني من تواصلكم العـذب
ودمتم بحفظـ الله

شكرا ع الموضوع


Good Job~

ابدعتي ، مشكورة ..

نحن المشاهدين ما نعرف كييييييييييييييف نشكرج ….

لا إله إلا الله …… محمداً رسول الله ….

صلى الله على محمد