الارشيف الدراسي

essay ,report about living in RAK ,Ras Al Kaimah -تعليم اماراتي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تقرير , بحث عن العيش في رأس الخيمه essay ,report about living in RAK ,Ras Al Kaimah
Living in RAK

RAK is one of the places that tourists visit because of the environment and old things such as historical events and tools. There are some advantages and disadvantages in living in RAK.
There are three main advantages in living in RAK. The first advantage is that RAK is a quiet city; it isn’t as crowded as Dubai because the population is less. Another advantage is the education system. In RAK there are many schools than other cities, for instance there are about 95 schools. Thirdly, RAK has many ancient places that tourist might get attracted to, for example museums and old buildings.
However, there are many drawbacks in living in RAK. One disadvantage is the pollution, because the smoke of the cars and factories. Also there is another disadvantage that of bumpy streets because a lot of trucks that carry heavy stones. Finally, there aren’t a lot of entertainment places such as parks and zoos.
To sum up, there are advantages and disadvantages in living in any place that includes RAK. So I think that RAK is a nice place to living in because it has many interesting places like Al Rams Mountain.

writtin by me
أختكم رؤيه

شكرا رؤية ,,,

ابي تقرير عن دبي

المفروض انت تكتبه >> مو تشتغل هناك

تحريت آلمجآل مفتوح , كنت أبآ أطلب تقرير للفجيرة " رئة الإمارات " خخخ !

شكراً لج ,

لا الـــه الا الله

الارشيف الدراسي

essay about comparing marriage between UAE and India -التعليم الاماراتي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تقرير , بحث مقارنه الزواج بين الامارات والهند compare marriage between UAE and India
Many people might wonder about these habits of other countries and what customs in various matters such as food, clothes, work, marriage and raising children. The customs and traditions vary in each country, and they carry different meanings. Marriage is important in every country and has different ceremony customs. Each country still retains customs in such matters. UAE and India’s Muslim people have a few similarities such as religion; however, they also have many differences too.

Let’s start with the similarities. Both UAE and India have the same religion and they follow the religion’s customs in weddings. They require a lawyer and two witnesses to complete the marriage contract (3)[1]. Also, both countries have a document in which the marriage contract is registered. It contains a set of terms and conditions that must be respected by both the parties. In addition, they give the bride the right to divorce her husband. For the contract to be legal it must be signed by the bridegroom, the bride, the Walis, and the Maulvi and that’s what is in the religion. In their religion they separate one hall for men another for women and mixing is not allowed because it is “Haram “

UAE and India both find their husband by help from a matchmaker. Matchmaker is a woman tries to find a good man for a girl who wants to get married (4)[2]. She can find him by asking people and as well she knows many young men before and they are in her list. When she finds a good man she asks him to come to her house. Then she tells him about the girl that who wants to get married. In both countries matchmaker begins to show the man the girls’ picture and tell him about her family’s level and her looks. If he likes the situation then matchmaker gives him the address of the girl’s family.

On the other hand UAE the man should pay money for his girls as a dowry to feel about her value in the life and in herself this gives the husband feel about the responsible that he has. The husband in the UAE must give his wife another money over the dowry that she can used to prepare herself and buy her own clothes and jewel whereas there is no dowry for India’s wife’s because they still have some traditional mixed with their Islamic religion, well the wife has to prepare for the wedding and her house. She must buy all the preparation from jewels, her clothes and for the home like a bed, fridge, oven dishes and all furniture that she can buy.
Another difference that in Indian "The bride wears a red and white sari called a bandbani, named after the tie-dyeing technique used to color it"( 2)[3]. Her head is covered with the end of her sari, and often her hair is full of flowers. The groom usually wears a white kurta and paijamas, embroidered with golden thread, as well as a head covering, often a turban (1)[4]. Variously in the UAE the bride wears a big white dress and white cloth from the crown until the land, she wear also a Bangles in her hands and necklace around her neck, The groom usually wears along clothes which we called ( kandoora ) and they wear something else above the kandoora which called ( didasha ) made from rough cloths.

The other different that UAE and Indian have are days of ceremony. Usually Indian completes his wedding in three days. One for the bride and her family, another for the groom to sees his wife. The third days for dinner, dancing, singing and playing games between the bride and the groom (3)[5]. On another side UAE has just one day for the wedding. It sometime begins at night and neither takes one day starts at sunrise.

Marriage in both countries has reasons, most often including one or more of the following: legal, social, emotional, economical, spiritual, and religious. I think in future India will be more stick to their religion, because it’s hard to woman do everything for wedding and the man must feel responsible about it. On another side Marriage in UAE will be at a less because the amount of dowry that the families’ bride require. Each country must government takes a rule to save the progeny and social.


[1]Zawaj.com Muslim Matrimonials!, Three Days of a Traditional Indian Muslim Wedding, at URL http://www.zawaj.com/weddingways/three_days.html,

[2]Muslim matchmaker, detail for next event, URL http://www.muslim-matchmaker.co.uk/index.html

[3]Lyntoma Linda, The sari, 1995, Haary N.A brams, library RAKWC

[4]Conor Kilogallon, India and Sirlanka, 2022, Mason Crest, library RAKWC

[5]Zawaj.com Muslim Matrimonials!, Three Days of a Traditional Indian Muslim Wedding, at URL http://www.zawaj.com/weddingways/three_days.html

writtin by me

إعداد اختكم رؤيه

بآرك آلله فيج رؤية ,

عسآج ع آلقوه ,,

تسلمين خيتووو
بارك الله فيج
جعله الله في ميزان حسناتج ان شاء الله

دمتـــي بود

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

يعطيج الف عافية,,

وتسلم يمناج,,


اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف التاسع

Essay on Road Safety / للصف التاسع / الفصل الثالث .. للصف التاسع

Accidents on the road have become very common these days .
Road safety is the process of learning how to safe and reduce accident causes on road.
safety is not only necessary for the individual but also for the society.
Pedestrians should also be very careful while using the roads. A safe driver is one who pays attention,
expect the unexpected for example; road a corner where you cannot see. you shouldn’t listen to loud music.
He or she is always aware and does not speed. Safe drivers also does not run red lights.
Drivers mustn’t be angry with the people who behave badly, Stop, calm down and then continue your journey.
Safe drives also must switch off a mobile phone and phone back latter. If you follow these rules I believe that accidents will decrease on the road.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته…
تسلم ايدج حوريتي ,,
والحمدلله على سلامتج..
زين رديتي لنا,,
لج وحششة ^^

شكرا لج أختي .. الله يسلمج ..
رديت عشان خاطر الطلبة .. الله يوفجهم ..


مشكووره خيتو حوريه

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الحادي عشر

Essay about manage your time -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم ابى لو سمحتوا مقال او فقرة عن تنظيم الوقت وبسرعة اذا ممكن ,وشكرا

Time management


You can’t add any more hours to your day so learning to manage your time more effectively will help you plan your work more efficiently and ensure deadlines are met. Managing time effectively is a particularly crucial ingredient in successful projects. It is important to manage $$$$ your personal and professional lives because as much as you try to keep them separate they cannot help but infringe upon one another. Managing your own time will not only benefit you but those around you as well.


What is Time Management ?
According to Wikipedia, time management includes tools or techniques for planning and scheduling time, usually with the aim to increase the effectiveness and/or efficiency of personal and corporate time use.
What Does Planning Your Time Involve?
 Planning involves determining what you want to achieve and how you intend to go about achieving it
 Planning gives you a chance to spend your most valuable resource in the way you choose
 As you plan, be sure to include all aspects of your life
Step One: Monitor Your Time
 Monitor how you currently use your time by using a weekly schedule that list all waking hours in 15 minute increments
 Record everything that you do during the periods you are awake, including eating, getting ready for work or school, etc.
 Build a semester plan
What is a Semester Plan?
 Begin your semester plan by blocking out class time and other timed commitments
 The best time to develop your semester plan is during the second week of classes. By this time, professors should have provided you with detailed requirements of the course as well as your first assignment. By this time, you should be able to determine the amount of workload for each course in a more realistic manner
 Keep this schedule in a prominent place so that you have access to it daily

Step Two: Create a To-Do list
 Brainstorm and write down all tasks you want to complete in the next week as well as the next day
 Estimate the amount of time it will take you to complete each task on your to-do lists. Then add up the amount of time needed to complete all of your tasks, and compare it to the amount of unscheduled hours in the day. This will allow you to see how much time you need to do everything versus how much time you have to get everything done
To-do list, can’t
 Rate each task by priority as either A, B or C
-Tasks rated “A” are high priority and include activities such as class time, and other fixed commitments
-Tasks rated “B” are mid level priority, or tasks that can be postponed another day
-Tasks rated “C” are low level priority, or tasks that don’t require immediate attention
Steps of a To-do List, can’t
 Cross completed tasks off of your to-do list. This can be viewed as a reward and a visible reminder of your diligence
 Don’t panic or berate yourself for completing more “C” tasks during a day than “A” just calmly return to the “A” list


 In order to manage your time effectively, it is important to remember to do the following things:
– monitor the way you are now spending your time
– prioritize tasks on your daily and weekly To-Do lists
– practice effect study techniques
– reduce stress when possible

Number of hours in a day will not change. There will only be 86,400 seconds in a day. It is up to you, how you manage and use each of those seconds. One needs to invest each second. As, it has been rightly said, time once passed will never come again. Busy people are very satisfied, happy and do everything that they want to do in their life. Those, who show that they are busy, end up with frustration, burn-outs, stress and most of the time failure in life and profession. I hope this information has given you some useful tips on how to effectively manage your time and stress level.


الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الحادي عشر

essay about sheikh zayed -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
ممكنessay about sheikh zayed
بلييييييييييز ضروري


هاه اللى عندي وان شاء الله يفيدج

Shaikh Zayed rose to power in 1971. He had orginally been the ruler of Al-Ain, which is part of the Buraimi Oasis complex. When his brother the eccentric shaikh shakhbut, was deposed by family agreement, Shaikh Zayed replaced him in 1966 in ruling the state of Abu-Dhabi. However it is only in 1971 when the Union of Arab Emirates was formed that Shaikh Zayed was chosen for the post he still holds today which is, the head of state of the United Arab Emirates. He also remained the ruler of Abu Dhabi. He united seven emirates under his rule in the form of a federation. The UAE consist of 7 sovereign states: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujaira, Ras al- Khaima, Sharja and umm al-qawani. Each emirate is ruled by a prince from the royal family.
Shaikh Zayed created two councils, the supreme council, where all the rulers of the Emirates are represented and the second were all the advisors to the first council are represented. He was trying through this to form a parliamentary democracy in the UAE.
He is concerned with several issues. First, he is concerned with the problem of unity internally and externally. He believes in maintaining the cohesion between all Emirates. The UAE has an advantage that promot

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

Essay about food chain للصف الحادي عشر

A food chain is an idea developed by a scientist named Charles Elton in 1927. He described the way plants get energy from sunlight, plant-eating animals get their energy from eating plants, and meat-eating animals get their energy from eating other animals. The idea of a chain means that all these animals are linked together, so anything that affects one link in the chain affects everything in the chain. ]The key concept that we need to learn from food chains, food webs and food pyramids is the transfer of energy. For all life on earth there is only one available source of energy, the sun. Furthermore, only plants can change this energy into a form that can be used by animals. All plants rely either directly or indirectly on plants for their energy. Plants feed upon sunlight. Only plants have the ability to convert sunlight into food that they and animals can use. Feeding levels are also called trophic levels. The word "trophic" is a Greek word for nourishment. To determine the trophic level, we count the number of energy transfers. Green plants are at the first trophic, or nourishment, level because there has been one transfer of energy, from the sun to the plants. The first link in the chain, the plant, is called the producer, while all the links above it are called consumers. For example, look at a simple chain in which grass uses sunlight to produce sugars and proteins so it can grow. Rabbits eat the grass, and get energy from it. Foxes eat rabbits and get energy from them. Nothing eats foxes, so they are said to be at the top of that particular food chain. If something happens to the grass, suppose a farmer plows up some of the grass to plant a field. Then the rabbits have less food and some of them will die. Then because there are fewer rabbits, some of the foxes will die, too, even though they don’t eat the grass directly. Of course, in the real world, there are no simple food chains like this. Rabbits eat many things bes…
ides grass, and foxes eat many things besides rabbits and other things also eat grass and rabbits. When talking about the real world, it is more common to think of food webs. Food chains are still an important concept to understand. In the 1960s, a pesticide called DDT became popular for its effectiveness in killing insect pests. It was sprayed in small concentrations, so as not to affect larger animals, but it never went away once it was sprayed. Eventually, rain washed it into rivers and lakes, where the concentration was still very small, but this is where the food chain took effect. DDT was taken up by plankton in the water, and accumulated in them. Theywere eaten by small fish, so each small fish accumulated all t…

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله