الصف السادس

Proper Adjectives / English / grade 6 -التعليم الاماراتي

Name: _________________________ Date: ______________

Capitalization and Proper Adjectives

Circle the proper adjectives that should be capitalized in the sentences below.
1. Would you like a belgian waffle for breakfast?
2. Gary loves the bright orange sunset over the mexican landscape.
3. My uncle Robert lives in the pacific northwest region of the United States.
Complete each sentence by placing a proper adjective in each blank. Challenge a partner to come up with common adjectives that might also fit the sentence.
1. Ana likes to wear the ____________________ outfit her mother gave her.
2. Give that seat to ______________ Sebastian, who will be speaking later.
3. The museum displayed treasures from the _______________ people.
4. My friend Rene goes to the _________________ church.
5. I have an appointment with ________________ O’Shea for a checkup.
Words that are capitalized in English include the first words of sentences and questions, the major words of titles, proper nouns, and proper adjectives. Proper adjectives include family or professional titles, cultural references, and regional and country designations. Use a dictionary or online resource to check any spellings you are unsure of.
Examples: The proper adjectives are in boldface.
• I just met Mr. Porter, who is the new band director in our school.
• Juan’s dad is Puerto Rican and his mom is Chinese American.
• I love Italian cooking.
• My aunt has some beautiful Persian carpets and Indian tapestries.
Note: Family titles like aunt and uncle are only capitalized as part of a person’s name, such as Uncle Don.
Example: My uncle is coming to town with Aunt Carrie.
Some adjectives that were once proper may now be common, and some can be spelled either way. For example, French fries may also be spelled as french fries. Both are acceptable.


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
تسلمين كرورو
ان شاء الله تفيد الطلاب


تسلمين ع الطرح
يعطيج العافيه


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
بارك الله فيج..

جزاج الله الف خير
والله يعطيج العافية ع المجهود الطيب



أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف الثامن

موضوع ( why i want learn english ) -تعليم اماراتي

Why I want to learn English
The answer should be easy. English is auniversal language (global language in case we are not the only creature whocan speak.) The world has changed. We can no longer live alone in our countryanymore. If you want to learn the world you need to learn English….
Because I’m astudent , I would have to learn English for my own bright future or, at least,pass the exam
I love English andbe able to communicate with people from all the world to have a lot of friends.
English iseverything now days, and I need it at my university because the lecture areteaching us in English as well as I can get a good job with good salary.Furthermore, I want to learn English because I love it….
I learn Englishbecause It’s a international language. And also we can use English and speakany body in any country. Thats why it has more weighted than other languages.Most refer books are in English. If we don’t know English, we can’t refer thosebooks. Therefore English language is Important and I learn too.
English is widelyspoken all over the world as a second language. Moreover, English Grammar isnot a complicated one.
I learning Englishbecause I like travel, I want to meet new people and I want to see differentculture.
I learn Englishbecause, it is helpful to speak in the international language, mostly when I amabroad, making life simpler.
I like to learnEnglish because English is my second language l need to be a well Englishspeaker because it is a international language.
I learn Englishbecause I want to travel a lot. I’ve already started to realize my dream and Iwill never stop. Now I work in Foreign Company and see many nationalities. Ourcommon language is English here. We enjoy this language because it helps us tocommunicate to each other. I want to do my best and improve my English.
Learning…it takesup a lot of time but the incentives may be pretty different. Do you questionyourself why you are learning English, maybe you aren’t in need of this knowledge?Or maybe you are really enthusiastic about it, aren’t you? So am I! Of courseit really useful in the modern world nowadays, but despite of the above said mygreat work force in learning is the strong senses of the inspiration and theinterest to the language, making the process of my education very speed andinteresting…I eager to have learnt English to discover the world beyond myown, outside the country and the city in which I live, out of culture which hascreated me as a person, out of myself, my views and visions, my feelings andperceptions, to open the worlds of other societies and nations with theirhabits and likings! And also I’d give the opportunities to other people fordiscovering the universe of mine taking people throughout my own world, throughcountry I’m living, through surroundings I’m feeling, through the amazingbeauty of this world. And following up this great idea I hone my Englishlanguage skills every day, because I aspire to know the language as if it hadbeen my native.
By the time I wasseventeen I didn’t have a lot to do in my afternoons and no money wasavailable, that was when I decided to go to the library every day and study ashard as I could just to get home and be able to understand some new lyrics,games and movies, yes, that’s what you’re thinking I don’t like the sound ofthe word "self-student" but I kind of learned English all by myself,nowaday I work with computers and this is just possible because I can easilycommunicate in English, what I’m saying is I learn English because I know thisis the only way I have to get whatever I want.
I learn Englishbecause it is a worldwide language, in which you can communicate with manypeople and learn new stuff.
I am learningEnglish because my English was not flute and I want to improve my career and toget new position so I will get more income, additional to that I can deal withother at my company or worldwide .
. It helps me to realize my dreams that lay in getting aknowledge meeting new people and talking to them in English.
I learn Englishbecause I want to be understood by everyone, everywhere, anytime and to see anew super fantastic world of colorful light.
With kind regards

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الحادي عشر

Natural cycles ، English report about natural cycles للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

طالبتنك طلبة يا جالب المواضيع …واللي حاضر أريد هذا البحث خلال ها الأسبوع

مقدمة وموضوع وخاتمة مع المصارد


الله يخليكم لا تردوني

وسمحولي يا طيبين

Natural Biochemical Cycles

The major natural biochemical cycles include the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphate cycles. They are presented in brief in this graphic.
Plants such as trees and algae undergo the photosynthesis reaction where carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight are converted to organic materials and oxygen.

An important reverse reaction occurs in the water: Fish use ****booilism where oxygen and organic materials – other small fish or algae – as food is converted to carbon dioxide, water, and energy.

Bacteria in water, as well as land, also undergo ****bolism and use oxygen and decompose organic wastes as food to convert to carbon dioxide, water, and energy. By products in the decomposition of organic waste are nitrates and phosphates.

The overall health of a body of water depends upon whether these factors are in balance. Municipal sewage systems are now doing a better job of removing most of the organic waste products in the discharge water, but some organic waste still enters the streams and lakes. If an excess amount of organic waste is present in the water, the bacteria use all of the available oxygen in the water in an attempt to decompose the organic waste.
The amount of organic waste in water is represent by a chemical test called BOD – Biological Oxygen Demand. The concentration of oxygen is measured in a water sample at the beginning of the test and again after five days. The difference between the oxygen concentrations represents the amount of oxygen consumed by the bacteria in the ****bolism of the waste organics present.

حيـــــــــــاااج اللـــــــهـ وفالـج طيـــــب

ها للي اقــــــــــــدر عليه لان ما عندي خلفيه عن الموضوع
وها الروابط وعسى تستفيدين وتفيدينااا




وهــــــــــــا للـــي اقــــــــــــــدار عليــــــــهـ

واتمنى التوفيق لج

جزاكم الله ألف خير وفي ميزان حسناتكم

مشكورة أختي وايد ……….قعدت أدور هالموضوع من زمان ………. أخيراً حصلت عليها

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير انجليزي عن أهمية اللغة الانجليزية , The importance of English -مناهج الامارات

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لو سمحتوا ابي تقريرعن اللغة انجليزية أي شيء

هلا ختيه هذا بحث عن الانجليزي ان شاء الله يفيدج

Now that the language spoken by Alangelesais everywhere and that He is very important to us to live with the language in order to speak out in the place in which they need to speak the language and I advise everyone to learn this language in order to benefit more
Importance of the English language
.. English has become the global language first and most widespread in the world ..

.. English is the language of modern times ..

.. English language, the language of science and technology and scientific research ..

.. English Language economy, e-commerce and aviation ..

.. English language and computer language study at universities and colleges ..

.. English language travel and tourism ..

] – [Necessities learn English] – [

.. English is necessary and the process must be learned in isolation from those who admire spoken ..

.. English has become the king of the spoken and used regardless of the nationality ..

.. Learning English is not incompatible with any logic for being responsive to the needs of many ..

.. English way of thinking as a means of communication with others and become acquainted with the culture is the key to a foreign culture ..

.. The foreign language proficiency programs some kind of intelligence is the only linguistic intelligence ..

.. English constitute a significant addition to individual stocks mental ..

.. Language is a tool communication between peoples and cultures and has owned this tool can
Alakrwaltgay contact with others and influence in other cultures ..

.. Learning English will help us in responding to the challenges of the world and technological knowledge in their own home Ngzona
In the era of globalization and universality of culture ..

] – [The benefits of learning English] – [

.. Respond to the distortion campaigns through the use of language ..

.. Refute misconceptions and misconceptions about Arabs and Arab-Islamic culture ..

.. Use of the English language in the dissemination of the Islamic religion and Arab-Islamic culture ..

.. Learning English helps in raising a good citizen who defends the values and ideals of the nation and religion ..
Arabic to EnglishChinese to EnglishChinese (Simplified to Traditional)Chinese (Traditional to Simplified)Dutch to EnglishEnglish to ArabicEnglish to Chinese (Simplified)English to Chinese (Traditional)English to DutchEnglish to FrenchEnglish to GermanEnglish to GreekEnglish to ItalianEnglish to JapaneseEnglish to KoreanEnglish to PortugueseEnglish to RussianEnglish to SpanishFrench to EnglishFrench to GermanGerman to EnglishGerman to FrenchGreek to EnglishItalian to EnglishJapanese to EnglishKorean to EnglishPortuguese to EnglishRussian to EnglishSpanish to English

الصراحة أقول" جزاك الله خير" من كل قلبي أنك بذلت مجهود" الله يسهل عليك ويحفظك"

تسلمين فديتج هذا واجبيه

تسلمين يل الغاليه عالمضوع الحلو

مشكووووووور انا كنتلا محتاجه له



لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الثاني عشر

English report about time managment -تعليم الامارات

الســـــــلام عليكم

لو سمحتوا اريد تقرير انكليزي عن time thieves او time management مع بوربوينت او فيديو

اذا توفر ذلك

جزاكم الله خيرا

الريــــــــــم العــــــــربي

time management

في الرابط


تسلمــــــــــي وشكــــــــرا جزيلا أختي

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثاني عشر

ابي تقرير عن شكسبير , English report about william shakespeare للصف الثاني عشر



شكراً جزيلا

لا الـــه الا الله

الارشيف الدراسي

Learn English Free Online للصف التاسع

Learn English Free Online

فيدوهاات وقرصات متكاملة للتحميل فى تعلم الانجليزيه السلام عليكم لكم منى ارق واعزب التحيات انا اهتم كثيرا بالانجليزيه ويجب عليكم ذلك اديضا اصدقائى فيدوهات جميله غير برنامج التعلم هنا هتلاقوا سى دهات للتحميل متكامله للانجلييزيه فى كل المستويات والجديد ومفاجاه للجميع هو التعلم اون لاين مع اكبر الدكاتره العربيه والعالميه

من هنا http://modern-girls.com/modern-engli…h72travel.html وما تحرمونى من ردودكم

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