الصف الرابع الابتدائي

(طلب) حل كتاب English Zone – g:four -للتعليم الاماراتي

السلام عليكم
لوسمحتو ابا حل كتاب التمارين للانجليزي english zone
او حتى دليل المعلم للكتابين
على الاقل الوحدة الخامسة للصف الرابع
يا ليت تساعدوني ..

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف السابع

حل كتاب الكتاب الكبير uae english skills من صفحة12 الى 17 -للتعليم الاماراتي

حل كتاب الكتاب الكبير uae english skills من صفحة12 الى 17

ان شاء الله تجد من نفس الكلاس يساعدج
تحياتي لج

انا اريد الدرس ضروري مافي حد يساعدني

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ما عندي الحل للاسف
ان شاء الله غيري ما يقصر

المشكلة انو في مناهج كتير للانجليزي فلما تطلب طلب أكيد ما حد هيقدر يساعدك إلا اللي بيدرس نفس المنهج

وأنا منهجي غير هذا المنهج

سوري ما اقدر اساعدك ان شاء الله غيري يساعدك

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الحادي عشر

English report about sahara desert ، تقرير انجليزي عن صحراء صحارى للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كيف حالكم إن شاء الله بخير

بغيت منكم طلب ضروووري أرجوكم ساعدوني

بغيت تقرير عن صحارى ديزرت

أرجوكم ساعدوني هاي أبلتنا متوحشة بغيته بأسرع وقت

والله يعطيكم العافية


.The Sahara’s boundaries are the Atlantic Ocean on the west, the Atlas Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea on the north, the Red Sea and Egypt on the east, and the Sudan and the valley of the Niger River on the south. The Sahara is divided into western Sahara, the central Ahaggar Mountains, the The Sahara divides the continent of Africa into North and Sub-Saharan Africa. The southern border of the Sahara is marked by a band of semiarid savanna called the Sahel; south of the Sahel lies the lusher Sudan and the Congo River Basin. Most of the Sahara consists of rocky hamada; ergs (large sand dunes) form only a minor part.


A geographical map of Africa, showing the ecological break that defines the Saharan areaThe Sahara covers huge parts of Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan and Tunisia. It is one of three distinct physiographic provinces of the African massive physiographic division.

To the north, the Sahara reaches to the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt and portions of Libya, but in Cyrenaica and the Magreb, the Sahara borders Mediterranean forest, woodland, and scrub ecoregions of northern Africa, which have a Mediterranean climate characterized by a winter rainy season.
To the south, the Sahara is bounded by the Sahel, a belt of dry tropical savanna with a summer rainy season that extends across Africa from east to west. ]

Peoples and languages
The Sahara is home to a number of peoples and languages. Arabic is the most widely spoken language in the Sahara, from the Atlantic to the Red Sea. Berber people are found from western Egypt to Morocco, including the Tuareg pastoralists of the central Sahara. The Beja live in the Red Sea Hills of southeastern Egypt and eastern Sudan. The Arabic, Berber, and Beja languages are part of the Afro-Asiatic language family.

Speakers of the Nilo-Saharan language family also inhabit the Sahara, including the Fur of Darfur in western Sudan and the Saharan languages of Niger, Chad and western Sudan, which includes the Kanuri, Tedaga, and Dazaga.

The Sahara Desert, covering most of North Africa, is the largest desert in the world. From north to south the Sahara is between 800 and 1,200 miles and is at least 3,000 miles (4,800 km) from east to west. Due to the massive size of the Sahara, Africa is split into two regions: that which lies above or forms part of the Sahara and the rest of Africa south of the Sahara. On the west, the Sahara is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and on the east by the Red Sea, and to the north are the Atlas Mountains and Mediterranean Sea.

Physical Features

The Sahara’s topographical features include shallow basins, large oasis depressions, serirs or regs (gravel-covered plains), plateaus, mountains, sand sheets, dunes and sand seas (ergs). The highest part of the desert is at the summit of Mount Koussi, which is 11,204 feet (3,415 m) high. However, the lowest point of the Sahara is 436 feet (133 m) below sea level: in the Qattera Depression in Egypt.

Over 25 percent of the Sahara’s surface is covered by sand sheets and dunes. The most common types of dunes include tied dunes, blowout dunes, barchan and transverse dunes, longitudinal seirfs, and complex sand seas. Within the Sahara are several pyramidal dunes that reach over 500 feet in height while the draa, a mountainous sand ridge, reaches over 1,000 feet. Researchers have for many years tried to figure out how these dunes were formed, but the case remains unsolved.

Animal Life

Some of the mammal species found within the Sahara are the gerbil, jerboa, Cape hare, the desert hedgehog, dorcas gazelle, dama deer, Nubian wild , anubis baboon, spotted hyena, common jackal, sand fox, Libyan striped weasel, and the slender mongoose. The Sahara also contains over 300 species of migratory bird populations along with water and shore birds and various other types of birds. Some of the most common birds are ostriches, raptors, secretary birds, guinea fowl, Nubian bustards, desert eagle and barn owls, sand larks, pale crag martins, and brown-necked and fan-tailed ravens.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Numerous types of reptiles – including frogs, toads, and crocodiles – can be found within the Sahara’s lakes and pools of water, while lizards, chameleons, skinks, and cobras are to be found among the dunes and rocks. Among the reptiles in the Sahara’s rivers and pools can be found snails, brine and algae shrimp, plus other types of crustaceans.

كل مشاركة عبارة عن فقرة منفصلة

جمعيهم واعملي التقرير

اي مساعدة انا موجودة

تسلميـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــن والله حتى انا كنت محتاجه هذا التقرير.,..

جزاك الله الف خير ….

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف الحادي عشر

بحث انجليزي عن التدخين , English report about smoking للصف الحادي عشر

والله مادري وش فيكم ياجماعة الخير كل واحد فيكم يبي تقرير يبي تقرير
طيب حطوا تقارير انتو اول (( لا تقولوا اعطونا بل قولوا خذوا ))

بس ماعلينا انا مسوي تقرير عن التدخين ان شاء اله يعجبكم

الملفات المرفقة

مشكوووووووووووووور اخوي

يسلمووووووووووو ع المجهوود الطيب

طلب عن السياحة والسفر بوجه عام

طلب كثر من موضوع الرد ضروريييييييييييييي

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة قمر2323 مشاهدة المشاركة
طلب كثر من موضوع الرد ضروريييييييييييييي


شكرا وما قصرتو

مشكور وماقصرت

بس لو اعرف اسوي تقرير من عيوني

مشكوووووووور بس طويل واااااااايد الابلة تبانا نحفظه للامتحان بس مو مشكلة مشكوووووووووووووووووور ما قصرت

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن انجليزي عن خالد بن الوليد , English report about khaled bin al waleed للصف الثاني عشر

ابغي تقرير انجليزي عن خالد بن الوليد

مشكور اخوي امير يزاك الله الف خير

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

english report about egyptian civilization , تقرير انجليزي -تعليم اماراتي

السلام عليكم

ممكن تساعدوني؟
ابغي تقرير من 3 إلى 4 صفحات عن ( الحضارة المصرية القديمة, او اي حضارة ثانية ) .
مع تقديم بوروبينت .!!

ساعدوني بليييييييز ..
لمـَدة 3 ايام فقط !!

شكرآ لكم


هاجر !!!
غريب امرج !!!

انا حاط الموضوع في قسم اللغة الانجليزية !!!
يعني ابغي الموضوع باالانجليزي !!

تعطيني اياه بالعربي !!

لو ابغيه بالعربي كنت بحطه في اي قسم ثاني !!


المعذرة لم أقرأ مكان الموضوع

وجدته في مواضيع لاردود لها

ولم أنتبه للقسم

لي عودة

المعذرة منك


شـُكرآ لتعاونك ومُساعدتك,,,
بإنتظار الغنائم ,,

بـارك الله فيك



اشكرج الغالية على المُساعدة ,,

بس ماشي تقرير جاهز,,؟
لأنه باقي يومين ولازم اسـَلم التقرير ,,,
وعندي امتحانات !!!
شو اللي اخـَليه واسوية .!!
الله يعين ,,!!

وفوق هذا بوربوينت,,,


صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

ابا تقرير عن التسوق , English report about shopping -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

شباب لو سمحتوا ، اللي يقدر يساعدني وييب لي تقرير عن SHOPPING يتضمن مقدمة وموضوع وخاتمة ومصادر ، واكون شاكر له كثير .

وعلى فكرة ، وآسف على كثر شروطي ، اتمنى ان تكون هالمساعدة قبل يوم الاربعاء ، لانه بيكون آخر يوم للتسليم .

و اسمحولي ……..

شكراً اختي على سرعت تجاوبج وياي ، وعساج ذخر .

اما عن المقدمة والخاتمة والمصادر ، فلازم اجتهد واكتبهن بروحي .

مشكورة مرة ثانية .

وين حتى انا حق الانجليزي صح ابلة الانجليزي حق المشروع

شكرا جزاك الله الف خير

Introduction اتمنى أن تستفيدو منه منقول
Dubai is one of the seven emirates and most populous city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is located along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula. The city of Dubai is sometimes called "Dubai city" to distinguish it from the emirate.
Written accounts document the existence of the city for at least 150 years prior to the formation of the UAE. Dubai shares legal, political, military and economic functions with the other emirates within a federal framework, although each emirate has jurisdiction over some functions such as civic law enforcement and provision and upkeep of local facilities. Dubai has the largest population and is the second largest emirate by area, after Abu Dhabi. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the only two emirates to possess veto power over critical matters of national importance in the country’s legislature. Dubai has been ruled by the Al Maktoum dynasty since 1833. The emirates’ current ruler, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is also the Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE.


Very little is known about pre-Islamic culture in the south-east Arabian peninsula, except that many ancient towns in the area were trading centers between the Eastern and Western worlds. The remnants of an ancient mangrove swamp, dated at 7,000 years, were discovered during the construction of sewer lines near Dubai Internet City. The area had been covered with sand about 5,000 years ago as the coastline retreated inland, becoming a part of the city’s present coastline. Prior to Islam, the people in this region worshiped Bajir (or Bajar).
The Byzantine and Sassanian empires constituted the great powers of the period, with the Sassanians controlling much of the region. After the spread of Islam in the region, the Umayyad Caliph, of the eastern Islamic world, invaded south-east Arabia and drove out the Sassanians. Excavations undertaken by the Dubai Museum in the region of Al-Jumayra (Jumeirah) indicate the existence of several artifacts from the Umayyad period. The earliest recorded mention of Dubai is in 1095, in the "Book of Geography" by the Andalusian-Arab geographer Abu Abdullah al-Bakri. The Venetian pearl merchant Gaspero Balbi visited the area in 1580 and mentioned Dubai (Dibei) for its pearling industry. Documented records of the town of Dubai exist only after 1799.
In the early 19th century, the Al Abu Falasa clan (House of Al-Falasi) of Bani Yas clan established Dubai, which remained a dependent of Abu Dhabi until 1833. On 8 January 1820, the sheikh of Dubai and other sheikhs in the region signed the "General Maritime Peace Treaty" with the British government.
However, in 1833, the Al Maktoum dynasty (also descendants of the House of Al-Falasi) of the Bani Yas tribe left the settlement of Abu Dhabi and took over Dubai from the Abu Fasala clan without resistance.[18] Dubai came under the protection of the United Kingdom by the "Exclusive Agreement" of 1892, with the latter agreeing to protect Dubai against any attacks from the Ottoman Empire. Two catastrophes struck the town during the mid 1800s. First, in 1841, a smallpox epidemic broke out in the Bur Dubai locality, forcing residents to relocate east to Deira.
Then, in 1894, fire swept through Deira, burning down most homes. However, the town’s geographical location continued to attract traders and merchants from around the region. The emir of Dubai was keen to attract foreign traders and lowered trade tax brackets, which lured traders away from Sharjah and Bandar Lengeh, which were the region’s main trade hubs at the time.

Dubai’s gross domestic product as of 2022 was US$37 billion. Although Dubai’s economy was built on the back of the oil industry, revenues from oil and natural gas currently account for less than 6% of the emirate’s revenues. It is estimated that Dubai produces 240,000 barrels of oil a day and substantial quantities of gas from offshore fields. The emirate’s share in UAE’s gas revenues is about 2%. Dubai’s oil reserves have diminished significantly and are expected to be exhausted in 20 years. Real Estate and Construction (22.6%),Trade (16%), entrecote (15%) and financial services (11%) are the largest contributors to Dubai’s economy. Dubai’s top re-exporting countries include Iran (US$ 790 million), India (US$ 204 million) and Saudi Arabia (US$ 194 million). The emirate’s top importing countries are Japan (US$ 1.5 billion), China (US$ 1.4 billion) and the United States (US$ 1.4 billion).
[IMG]file:///C:/Users/saeed/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image004.jpg[/IMG]The Jebel Ali port in Dubai, constructed in the 1970s, has the largest man-made harbor in the world and was ranked eighth globally for the volume of container traffic it supports. Dubai is also developing as a hub for service industries such as IT and finance, with the establishment of industry-specific free zones throughout the city. Dubai Internet City, combined with Dubai Media City as part of TECOM (Dubai Technology, Electronic Commerce and Media Free Zone Authority) is one such enclave whose members include IT firms such as EMC Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Microsoft, and IBM, and media organizations such as MBC, CNN, BBC, Reuters and AP.
The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) was established in March 2000 as a secondary market for trading securities and bonds, both local and foreign. As of fourth quarter 2022, its trading volume stood at about 400 billion shares, worth US$ 95 billion in total. The DFM had a market capitalization of about US$ 87 billion. The government’s decision to diversify from a trade-based, but oil-reliant, economy to one that is service and tourism-oriented has made real estate more valuable, resulting in the property appreciation from 2022–2006. Large scale real estate development projects have led to the construction of some of the tallest skyscrapers and largest projects in the world such as the Emirates Towers, the Burj Dubai, the Palm Islands and the world’s tallest, and most expensive, hotel the Burj Al Arab.
[IMG]file:///C:/Users/saeed/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image005.jpg[/IMG]Dubai has a diverse and multicultural society. The city’s cultural imprint as a small, ethnically homogenous pearling community was changed with the arrival of other ethnic groups and nationals — first by the Iranians in the early 1900s, and later by Indians and Pakistanis in the 1960s. Despite the diversity of the population, only minor and infrequent episodes of ethnic tensions, primarily between expatriates, have been reported in the city. In 1994, Hindu and Muslim labourers clashed over the destruction of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, India, which resulted in the detainment and deportation of hundreds of Indian and Pakistani workers. Major holidays in Dubai include Eid al Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, and National Day (2 December), which marks the formation of the United Arab Emirates. Annual entertainment events such as the Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) and Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS) attract over 4 million visitors from across the region and generate revenues in excess of US$ one billion. Large shopping malls in the city, such as Deira City Centre, BurJuman, Mall of the Emirates and Ibn Battuta Mall as well as traditional souks attract shoppers from the region.
The diversity of cuisine in Dubai is a reflection of the cosmopolitan nature of the society. Arab food is very popular and is available everywhere in the city, from the small shawarma diners in Deira and Al Karama to the upscale restaurants in Dubai’s many hotels. Fast food, South Asian, Chinese cuisines are also very popular and are widely available. The sale and consumption of pork, though not illegal, is regulated and is sold only to non-Muslims, in designated areas. Similarly, the sale [IMG]file:///C:/Users/saeed/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image006.jpg[/IMG]of alcoholic beverages is regulated. A liquor permit is required to purchase alcohol; however, alcohol is available in bars and restaurants within four or five star hotels. Shisha and qahwa boutiques are also popular in Dubai.
Hollywood and Bollywood movies are popular in Dubai. The city hosts the annual Dubai International Film Festival, which attracts celebrities from Arab and International cinema. Dubai has an active music scene, with musicians Amr Diab, Diana Haddad, Tarkan, Aerosmith, Santana, Elton John, Pink, Shakira, Celine Dion and Phil Collins having performed in the city. Madonna is rumored to play live in November for ₤7.5 million. The Dubai Desert Rock Festival is also another major festival consisting of Heavy ****l and rock artists.
Football and cricket are the most popular sports in Dubai. Five teams — Al Wasl, Al-Shabab, Al-Ahli, Al Nasr and Hatta — represent Dubai in UAE League football. Current champions Al-Wasl have the second-most number of championships in the UAE League, after Al Ain. Cricket is followed by Dubai’s large South Asian community and in 2022, the International Cricket Council (ICC) moved its headquarters from London to Dubai. The city has hosted several IndiaPakistan matches and two new grass grounds are being developed in Dubai Sports City. Dubai also hosts both the annual Dubai Tennis Championships and The Legends Rock Dubai tennis tournaments, as well as the Dubai Desert Classic golf tournament, all of which attract sports stars from around the world. The Dubai World Cup, a thoroughbred horse race, is held annually at the Nad Al Sheba Racecourse.
Dubai is known for its nightlife. Clubs and bars are found mostly in hotels due to the liquor laws. The New York Times listed Dubai as its travel choice for partying in 2022.

There isn’t much to say as conclusion so I will talk about one of the most important thing in Dubai which is education.
[IMG]file:///C:/Users/saeed/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image007.jpg[/IMG]The school system in Dubai does not differ from that of the United Arab Emirates. As of 2022, there are 88 public schools run by the Ministry of Education that serve Emiratis and expatriate Arabs as well as 132 private schools. The medium of instruction in public schools is Arabic with emphasis on English as a second language, while most of the private schools use English as their medium of instruction. Most private schools cater to one or more expatriate communities. Delhi Private School, Our Own English High School, the Dubai Modern High School, and The Indian High School, Dubai offer either a CBSE or an ICSE Indian syllabus. Similarly, there are also several reputable Pakistani schools offering FBISE curriculum for expatriate children. Dubai English Speaking School, Jumeirah Primary School, Jebel Ali Primary School, the Cambridge High School (or Cambridge International School), Jumeirah English Speaking School, King’s School and the Horizon School all offer British primary education up to the age of eleven. Dubai British School, Dubai College, English College Dubai, Jumeirah English Speaking School, Jumeirah College and St. Mary’s Catholic High School are all British eleven-to-eighteen secondary schools which offer GCSE and A-Levels. Emirates International School along with the Cambridge High School provides full student education up to the age of 18, this is an International school and offers IGCSE and A-Levels. Wellington International School, which caters education from 4-18, offers IGCSE and A-Levels. Deira International School also offers the IB program including the IGCSE program.
The Ministry of Education of the United Arab Emirates is responsible for school’s accreditation. The Dubai Education Council was established in July 2022 to develop the education sector in Dubai. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) was established in 2022 to develop education and human resource sectors in Dubai, and license educational institutes.

Www. Wikipedia.com

Introduction اتمنى أن تستفيدو منه منقول
Dubai is one of the seven emirates and most populous city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is located along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula. The city of Dubai is sometimes called "Dubai city" to distinguish it from the emirate.
Written accounts document the existence of the city for at least 150 years prior to the formation of the UAE. Dubai shares legal, political, military and economic functions with the other emirates within a federal framework, although each emirate has jurisdiction over some functions such as civic law enforcement and provision and upkeep of local facilities. Dubai has the largest population and is the second largest emirate by area, after Abu Dhabi. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the only two emirates to possess veto power over critical matters of national importance in the country’s legislature. Dubai has been ruled by the Al Maktoum dynasty since 1833. The emirates’ current ruler, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is also the Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE.


Very little is known about pre-Islamic culture in the south-east Arabian peninsula, except that many ancient towns in the area were trading centers between the Eastern and Western worlds. The remnants of an ancient mangrove swamp, dated at 7,000 years, were discovered during the construction of sewer lines near Dubai Internet City. The area had been covered with sand about 5,000 years ago as the coastline retreated inland, becoming a part of the city’s present coastline. Prior to Islam, the people in this region worshiped Bajir (or Bajar).
The Byzantine and Sassanian empires constituted the great powers of the period, with the Sassanians controlling much of the region. After the spread of Islam in the region, the Umayyad Caliph, of the eastern Islamic world, invaded south-east Arabia and drove out the Sassanians. Excavations undertaken by the Dubai Museum in the region of Al-Jumayra (Jumeirah) indicate the existence of several artifacts from the Umayyad period. The earliest recorded mention of Dubai is in 1095, in the "Book of Geography" by the Andalusian-Arab geographer Abu Abdullah al-Bakri. The Venetian pearl merchant Gaspero Balbi visited the area in 1580 and mentioned Dubai (Dibei) for its pearling industry. Documented records of the town of Dubai exist only after 1799.
In the early 19th century, the Al Abu Falasa clan (House of Al-Falasi) of Bani Yas clan established Dubai, which remained a dependent of Abu Dhabi until 1833. On 8 January 1820, the sheikh of Dubai and other sheikhs in the region signed the "General Maritime Peace Treaty" with the British government.
However, in 1833, the Al Maktoum dynasty (also descendants of the House of Al-Falasi) of the Bani Yas tribe left the settlement of Abu Dhabi and took over Dubai from the Abu Fasala clan without resistance.[18] Dubai came under the protection of the United Kingdom by the "Exclusive Agreement" of 1892, with the latter agreeing to protect Dubai against any attacks from the Ottoman Empire. Two catastrophes struck the town during the mid 1800s. First, in 1841, a smallpox epidemic broke out in the Bur Dubai locality, forcing residents to relocate east to Deira.
Then, in 1894, fire swept through Deira, burning down most homes. However, the town’s geographical location continued to attract traders and merchants from around the region. The emir of Dubai was keen to attract foreign traders and lowered trade tax brackets, which lured traders away from Sharjah and Bandar Lengeh, which were the region’s main trade hubs at the time.

Dubai’s gross domestic product as of 2022 was US$37 billion. Although Dubai’s economy was built on the back of the oil industry, revenues from oil and natural gas currently account for less than 6% of the emirate’s revenues. It is estimated that Dubai produces 240,000 barrels of oil a day and substantial quantities of gas from offshore fields. The emirate’s share in UAE’s gas revenues is about 2%. Dubai’s oil reserves have diminished significantly and are expected to be exhausted in 20 years. Real Estate and Construction (22.6%),Trade (16%), entrecote (15%) and financial services (11%) are the largest contributors to Dubai’s economy. Dubai’s top re-exporting countries include Iran (US$ 790 million), India (US$ 204 million) and Saudi Arabia (US$ 194 million). The emirate’s top importing countries are Japan (US$ 1.5 billion), China (US$ 1.4 billion) and the United States (US$ 1.4 billion).
[IMG]file:///C:/Users/saeed/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image004.jpg[/IMG]The Jebel Ali port in Dubai, constructed in the 1970s, has the largest man-made harbor in the world and was ranked eighth globally for the volume of container traffic it supports. Dubai is also developing as a hub for service industries such as IT and finance, with the establishment of industry-specific free zones throughout the city. Dubai Internet City, combined with Dubai Media City as part of TECOM (Dubai Technology, Electronic Commerce and Media Free Zone Authority) is one such enclave whose members include IT firms such as EMC Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Microsoft, and IBM, and media organizations such as MBC, CNN, BBC, Reuters and AP.
The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) was established in March 2000 as a secondary market for trading securities and bonds, both local and foreign. As of fourth quarter 2022, its trading volume stood at about 400 billion shares, worth US$ 95 billion in total. The DFM had a market capitalization of about US$ 87 billion. The government’s decision to diversify from a trade-based, but oil-reliant, economy to one that is service and tourism-oriented has made real estate more valuable, resulting in the property appreciation from 2022–2006. Large scale real estate development projects have led to the construction of some of the tallest skyscrapers and largest projects in the world such as the Emirates Towers, the Burj Dubai, the Palm Islands and the world’s tallest, and most expensive, hotel the Burj Al Arab.
[IMG]file:///C:/Users/saeed/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image005.jpg[/IMG]Dubai has a diverse and multicultural society. The city’s cultural imprint as a small, ethnically homogenous pearling community was changed with the arrival of other ethnic groups and nationals — first by the Iranians in the early 1900s, and later by Indians and Pakistanis in the 1960s. Despite the diversity of the population, only minor and infrequent episodes of ethnic tensions, primarily between expatriates, have been reported in the city. In 1994, Hindu and Muslim labourers clashed over the destruction of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, India, which resulted in the detainment and deportation of hundreds of Indian and Pakistani workers. Major holidays in Dubai include Eid al Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, and National Day (2 December), which marks the formation of the United Arab Emirates. Annual entertainment events such as the Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) and Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS) attract over 4 million visitors from across the region and generate revenues in excess of US$ one billion. Large shopping malls in the city, such as Deira City Centre, BurJuman, Mall of the Emirates and Ibn Battuta Mall as well as traditional souks attract shoppers from the region.
The diversity of cuisine in Dubai is a reflection of the cosmopolitan nature of the society. Arab food is very popular and is available everywhere in the city, from the small shawarma diners in Deira and Al Karama to the upscale restaurants in Dubai’s many hotels. Fast food, South Asian, Chinese cuisines are also very popular and are widely available. The sale and consumption of pork, though not illegal, is regulated and is sold only to non-Muslims, in designated areas. Similarly, the sale [IMG]file:///C:/Users/saeed/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image006.jpg[/IMG]of alcoholic beverages is regulated. A liquor permit is required to purchase alcohol; however, alcohol is available in bars and restaurants within four or five star hotels. Shisha and qahwa boutiques are also popular in Dubai.
Hollywood and Bollywood movies are popular in Dubai. The city hosts the annual Dubai International Film Festival, which attracts celebrities from Arab and International cinema. Dubai has an active music scene, with musicians Amr Diab, Diana Haddad, Tarkan, Aerosmith, Santana, Elton John, Pink, Shakira, Celine Dion and Phil Collins having performed in the city. Madonna is rumored to play live in November for ₤7.5 million. The Dubai Desert Rock Festival is also another major festival consisting of Heavy ****l and rock artists.
Football and cricket are the most popular sports in Dubai. Five teams — Al Wasl, Al-Shabab, Al-Ahli, Al Nasr and Hatta — represent Dubai in UAE League football. Current champions Al-Wasl have the second-most number of championships in the UAE League, after Al Ain. Cricket is followed by Dubai’s large South Asian community and in 2022, the International Cricket Council (ICC) moved its headquarters from London to Dubai. The city has hosted several IndiaPakistan matches and two new grass grounds are being developed in Dubai Sports City. Dubai also hosts both the annual Dubai Tennis Championships and The Legends Rock Dubai tennis tournaments, as well as the Dubai Desert Classic golf tournament, all of which attract sports stars from around the world. The Dubai World Cup, a thoroughbred horse race, is held annually at the Nad Al Sheba Racecourse.
Dubai is known for its nightlife. Clubs and bars are found mostly in hotels due to the liquor laws. The New York Times listed Dubai as its travel choice for partying in 2022.

There isn’t much to say as conclusion so I will talk about one of the most important thing in Dubai which is education.
[IMG]file:///C:/Users/saeed/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image007.jpg[/IMG]The school system in Dubai does not differ from that of the United Arab Emirates. As of 2022, there are 88 public schools run by the Ministry of Education that serve Emiratis and expatriate Arabs as well as 132 private schools. The medium of instruction in public schools is Arabic with emphasis on English as a second language, while most of the private schools use English as their medium of instruction. Most private schools cater to one or more expatriate communities. Delhi Private School, Our Own English High School, the Dubai Modern High School, and The Indian High School, Dubai offer either a CBSE or an ICSE Indian syllabus. Similarly, there are also several reputable Pakistani schools offering FBISE curriculum for expatriate children. Dubai English Speaking School, Jumeirah Primary School, Jebel Ali Primary School, the Cambridge High School (or Cambridge International School), Jumeirah English Speaking School, King’s School and the Horizon School all offer British primary education up to the age of eleven. Dubai British School, Dubai College, English College Dubai, Jumeirah English Speaking School, Jumeirah College and St. Mary’s Catholic High School are all British eleven-to-eighteen secondary schools which offer GCSE and A-Levels. Emirates International School along with the Cambridge High School provides full student education up to the age of 18, this is an International school and offers IGCSE and A-Levels. Wellington International School, which caters education from 4-18, offers IGCSE and A-Levels. Deira International School also offers the IB program including the IGCSE program.
The Ministry of Education of the United Arab Emirates is responsible for school’s accreditation. The Dubai Education Council was established in July 2022 to develop the education sector in Dubai. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) was established in 2022 to develop education and human resource sectors in Dubai, and license educational institutes.

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صلى الله على محمد

الصف الرابع الابتدائي

بدي حل كتاب اللغة النجليزية ENGLISH ارجوكم واللغة الانجليزية الامريكية وشكرا

ازجوكم اريددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددد دددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددد حل كتاب اللغة الانجليزية كااااااااااااااااااااامل الفصل الاول


لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الثامن

ورقة عمل english للصف الثامن الفصل الثاني -تعليم الامارات

A:- Read and complete the notes on the passage :-
In many countries now seat belts are compulsory for font seat passengers . most doctors believe that seat belts save people from being seriously hurt in a crash . but there are some people who still think that it is more dangerous to wear a seat belt . they say that it may trap one in a burning car so that on is burnt to death . but others say that without belts , one maybe thrown out of
a car in a crash .
– Some people say that seat belts are dangerous
………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………
– Most doctors think seat belts
………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………
– Seat belts compulsory
………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

C:- Choose the suitable words :-
1- He is a farmer he work for …………………
a) transport b) agriculture c) bank
2- My uncle is pilot he works for ……………..
a) government b) typist c) transport
3- My elder brother work in …………… Section he
an accountant .
a) finance b) doctor c) sector
4- She works in the leisure industry she is a …………… in a hotel .
a) typist b) receptionist c) student
5- She is a ……….. she works in an office she helps the manager and types the letters .
a) manufacturing b) doctors c) typist
6- I would like to be a ………… when I leave school , because I like to help sick people .
a) doctor b) teacher c) student

D:- Choose the best answer :-
1- I would ………… a well paid job .
a) likes b) like c) liked
2- I learnt ……….. in coin was shout in 1865 .
a) of b) about c) that
3- He ……….. study hard for the exam .
a) shoulds b) should c) should to
4- I don’t …………. To work in side .
a) want b) do like c) wants
5- This job is …………. Than my last one .
a) good b) better c) gooder
6- He is a ………… manager than her .
a) bad b) worse c) bader

7- What is ………… name ? hamad
a) his b) him c) her
8- I learn …………. Money than him .
a) little b) least c) less

E:- Write a paragraph about " work and business " using the following words to help you :-
( sectors – public – private – government – oil industry – finance – agriculture – manufacturing – retail – transport)
………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ……………

The end


سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

English paragraph about UAE للصف الحادي عشر

الـسلـآم علـيكـم و رحمـة الله و بركـآتـه

شخبـآركـم ..؟؟

إن شـآء الله بخير ..^^

: write a paragraph a bout the following topic

((uae ))

l o cation / border / area / 83600 sq km

sea / gulf

capital / main cities / Emirates liwa oases

situated / continent Rub Al Khali

there is / there are / it is

physical features / desert / mountains / lakes / Oasis



ج ـــزاكــم الله خ ــير

مي توو ابا براجراف

كتاباتي ما لذيج الدرجة بس بكتب لكم هع

تووني كتبته على السريع
شي احسن من لا شي

بس اذا احد عنده ثقاافه احس مني اتمنى يسااعدكم


I want to write today about UAE. UAE it is century in a middle east in Asia. It is border with many countries Oman, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. And lie two gulf Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman.
The Area in UAE is 83600 square kilometres. And a population has 4 million. The capital is Abu Dhabi.
There are natural features like desert and mountains, none lakes. And there are many nice place. A climate to hot in summer and cool in winter.
I hope you like my writer.

شفتي شو قالتي انا اكون سابفنتج الحين انتي سابقتني


اوووك يا اخوووي ما كل مره تكون انت السابق

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ندى المطر مشاهدة المشاركة
كتاباتي ما لذيج الدرجة بس بكتب لكم هع

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله