الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير وبحث عن metro dubai الصف الحادي عشر

With an economy increasingly based upon financial services, air transport, property development and tourism, Dubai also has a rapidly growing population and severe traffic congestion problems. Population is forecast to increase by 6.4% annually to reach some 3 million by 2022, with tourist numbers projected to reach 15 million by 2022.
From studies started in 1997, Dubai Municipality identified the need for a rail system to relieve growing motor traffic and support continuing urban development. Systra was awarded the preliminary engineering contract, and a consortium of four companies headed by Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) is leading the project to build the first two lines of a high-tech driverless rapid transit system. Other consortium members include the Japanese Obayashi and Kajima corporations, and Yapi Merkesi of Turkey.

The Metro will be fully integrated within the network operated by the Roads & Transport Authority (RTA), a body created in 2022. Routes will be organised around the backbone provided by the rail system.
Groundworks began in February 2022, centred around the 52.1km Red Line. In August 2022 a second contract worth US$.12bn was awarded to the MHI consortium for bulding the Green Line.
"Dubai Municipality identified the need for a rail system to relieve growing motor traffic and support continuing urban development."
Green Line will link strategic ********s Dubai Airport and Healthcare City. In June 2022 Serco (operator of the London Docklands Light Railway) was named as preferred bidder for initial consultation and the system’s operation and maintenance.
The £400m contract, potentially for up to 12 and a half years, relates to the first two lines. In May 2022, the RTA reported that the project was ahead of schedule, with 70% of Red Line and 27% of Green Line construction completed.
The 52.1km (32.5 mile) Red Line will have 29 stations, four of which will be underground. It will run from Rashidiva to Jebel Ali passing the American University of Dubai. It is planned that the first phase will open in September 2022. The whole 52.1km is expected to take 60 minutes to travel, with an estimated 32,000 passengers per hour.
The 22.5 km (14 mile) Green Line will have 18 stations from Al Ittihad Square to Rashidiya bus station through Deira City Centre and Dubai Airport Terminals 1 and 3. It will be progressively extended to serve the Deira and Bur Dubai central areas and Souks up to Burjuman and Wafi shopping centres. Interchange stations will be at Al Ittihad Square and Burjuman.
Underground sections in the city centre are on the Red Line from the intersection of Sheikh Rashid and Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed roads to just before the intersection of Salahuddin and Abu Bakr Al Siddique roads and from Garhoud to Oud Metha Road on the Green Line.
Elsewhere, trains will run on elevated viaducts, the design and aesthetics developed specifically to enhance the urban architecture along its corridor. In no ******** will tracks cross highways, ensuring full mode segregation. Although taxi, bus and water taxi feeder services are being structured to encourage end-to-end use of public transport, the RTA is creating three park and ride sites (the largest with 6,000 places).
Underground works have been carried out without affecting buildings, and authorities claim that residents will not be disturbed by excavation work. A third-rail power supply was chosen to avoid the visual intrusion of overhead line equipment. All stations, elevated or underground, will feature platform screen doors for passenger safety and facilitating air conditioning.
The driverless, fully automated trains are fully air-conditioned and designed to meet Dubai’s specific requirements. Unusual for metro operation, the trains will offer standard ‘Silver’ class, a women and children only section plus a first class ‘Gold’ section (‘carriage for VIPS’). Five-car sets will be approximately 75m long, seating around 400 passengers but with standing room for many more. Numerous double doors will allow fast and smooth flows.
Rolling stock is being supplied by Kinki Sharyo under a US$456.2m contract for 385 cars, the first arriving from Japan in March 2022 with the rest of the Red Line stock due by the end of the year. Local runs began at Jebel Ali in Dubai during May 2022. Requiring under-cover storage and maintenance due to local conditions of heat and dust, the main depot with a capacity for 64 trains will be at Rashidya. Auxiliary depots are being built at Jabel Ali and Al Ghusais..
The automatic train control system will allow headways of between 90 seconds and two minutes. In 2022 MHI contracted Alcatel (now Alcatel-Lucent) to supply the driverless train control system and a communications system for on-train video surveillance, passenger information, public address and the integrated control centre. Trains will be WiFi enabled.
Occupying 10,000m2, the system’s control centre is at Rashidiya depot. The project’s signalling system is moving block and fully automated with in-cab signalling. Reported as attracting considerable local criticism, in mid 2022 the RTA invited international bids for naming rights of 23 of the network’s stations. .
In full operation, Dubai Metro is projected to carry approximately 1.2 million passengers on an average day, and 355 million passengers per year.
"With the Blue Line to follow the Purple Line, Dubai RTA expects 318km of metro lines to be in operation by 2022."
The operating cost including staff, maintenance and power should be approximately AE$570m per year, planned to be met through fares and additional revenues such as advertisement space and joint development.
In May 2022 the 49km Purple Line received approval, moving ahead of another future projection, the Blue Line. Parsons Brinckerhoff has been contracted for initial design work on the express, eight station line.
The Blue Line will link the current international airport with the new Dubai World Central International Airport which is being built at Jebel Ali, part of a 140km² multi-mode transport hub.
Nine-car trains configured for the demands of airport passengers will take 40 minutes between line termini. Starting construction in March 2022, Purple Line services are scheduled to begin in December 2022.
With the Blue Line to follow the Purple Line, Dubai RTA expects 318km of metro lines to be in operation by 2022. To further reduce the area’s reliance upon road transport, the authority is considering adding 268km of light rail lines that will serve as feeders to Dubai Metro. In April 2022 the RTA announced the development of the Yellow Line, a light rail operation, would be by a consortium including Serco and Alstom.

for what it is ?

مشكووور أخووويـ،،،

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الحادي عشر

English report about Burj Dubai للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم

شحالكم .. اخباركم

عساكم بخير ..

لو سمحتو ابغي تقرير عن برج دبي او اي مشروع مشهور فالامارات

وطبعا باللغه الانجليزية


امممممممممممممم يعني مقدمة وموضوع وخاتمة
والا بحث عاادي

بدأت شركة إعمـار وإمارة دبي، المصممة على ما يبدو على ملامسة حدود المستحيل، تشييد اعلى برج في العالم يتوقع ان يزيد ارتفاعه عن 700 متر
غير ان الارتفاع النهائي للبرج سيظل سرا حتى آخر لحظة
وانتهت مرحلة وضع اساسات "برج دبي" في اذار/مارس 2022 بعد اقامة 192 عمودا على عمق 50 مترا يشدها بعضا الى بعض حزام سميك من الاسمنت المسلح
والبرج الذي يرتفع بسرعة طابق كل اسبوع سيشكل البناء الرئيسي في مشروع عمراني ضخم بقيمة 20 مليار دولار يتوقع ان يغير ملامح المدينة
ويندرج مشروع "برج دبي" في اطار سياسة المشاريع الكبرى اللافتة للانظار التي تتبعها سلطات دبي لتجعل من هذه المدينة التي يربو عدد سكانها عن مليون نسمة احدى اهم الوجهات السياحية العالمية
واوضح روبرت بوث المدير التنفيذي في شركـة إعمـار الاماراتيـة التي تنفذ المشروع: سيتم استخدام المبنى لاغراض متعددة
واوضح وهو يشير الى مجسم المشروع: ستكون هناك مساحة 345 الف متر مربع من المبنى مغطاة. ويضم المبنى محلات تجارية واماكن للترفيه وفندقا ومباني سكنية واجنحة خاصة للمؤسسات وحديقة بانورامية تطل من عل على المدينة
واوضح ان اغلب الشقق الـ 700 التي توجد في البرج والتي تطل كلها على المدينة بيعت لمستثمرين من مختلف مناطق العالم
ونالت عقد انشاء البرج الذي تبلغ قيمته مليار دولار شركة "سامسونغ" الكورية الجنوبية. وتبلغ قيمة المشروع بكافة مكوناته ملياري دولار. ويتوقع ان يتم تدشينه نهاية 2022
واوضح بوث: في الاجمال هناك اكثر من 500 مستشار في مختلف انحاء العالم يعملون في اي لحظة، في هذا المشروع
واضاف بلهجة لا تخلو من فخر: جمعنا افضل المختصين العالميين في الابراج

سيطل برج دبي على "دبي مول" الذي يتوقع ان ينجز نهاية 2022 ليكون اكبر مركز تسوق في العالم يضم فندقا فاخرا وناطحات سحاب وشققا وبحيرات اصطناعية وحدائق محاطة كلها بجادة بطول ثلاثة كيلومترا
اما عن ارتفاع البرج فيقول بوث "سيكون عليكم التخمين بشأن ذلك" في حين يشير مصعد كهربائي الى الطابق 189
واضاف: شخصان فقط سيكونان على اطلاع على طول البرج رئيس الشركة والمسؤول عن المشروع
واوضح ان البرج يجري بناؤه بشكل يتيح تغيير ارتفاعه اثناء التشييد
غير ان تقديرات خبراء قالت ان ارتفاع البرج لن يقل عن 705 امتار

في الوقت الحالي فان اطول برج في العالم هو "تايبه 101" في تايوان الذي يبلغ ارتفاعه 508 امتار في حين تجاوز ارتفاع برج "سي ان تاور" في تورنتو (كندا) 533 مترا باحتساب الهوائي المثبت فوقه
يقول بوث: لا اعتقد ان المهم في مشروع المبنى ارتفاعه.. مضيفا: الهدف هو اقامة رمز معماري عالمي.. نحن نعرف انه لن يظل الاعلى الى الابد فلماذا نركز على الارتفاع؟
ويتوقع المستثمرون في المشروع ان يصبح برج دبي مركز جذب سياحي هام وان يجتذب ملايين السياح
وصمم برج دبي من قبل ادريان سميث من مؤسسة سكيدمور واوينغ اند ميريل الهندسية التي يوجد مقرها في شيكاغو.
حقائق حول برج دبي
يمكن مشاهدة قمة البرج بالعين المجردة من مسافة 95 كيلومتراًً
سيوفر نظام تزويد المياه في البرج ما معدله 946 ألف لتر.. أي حوالي 250 ألف جالون من الماء في اليوم الواحد
سيتطلب البرج في أوقات الذروة حوالي 10 آلاف طن من التبريد في الساعة، أي ما يعادل طاقة التبريد الناتجة عن ذوبان 10 آلاف طن من الجليد المنصهر في اليوم الواحد
سوف تصل استطاعة مصعد الخدمةو الحريق إلى 5500 كيلوجرام وسيكون أعلى مصعد للخدمة في العالم
سيكون برج دبي أول برج شاهق مزود بمصاعد مبرمجة تسمح بعمليات الإخلاء المنظم في حالات الحريق أو دواعي السلامة الأخرى
سيحتوي برج دبي على أعلى مصاعد في العالم على الإطلاق
ستكون هناك مصاعد شفافة مؤلفة من طابقين يتسع الطابق الواحد منها لـ 21 شخصاً، كما أن المسافة التي ستقطعها هذه المصاعد بين أخفض نقطة وأعلى نقطة تعتبر الأطول في العالم على الإطلاق. وسوف تكون سرعة هذه المصاعد 10 أمتار في الثانية
تقع شرفة المراقبة في برج دبي على ارتفاع 442 متراً فوق سطح الأرض مما يجعلها أعلى شرفة مراقبة يتاح للجمهور الوصول إليها في كافة أنحاء العالم
نظام تجميع الماء المتكثف: ستؤدي رطوبة الهواء الخارجي الحار وعمليات التبريد الخاصة بالبرج إلى تجمع كمية كبيرة من الرطوبة المتكثفة من الهواء.. وسيتم جمع هذه المياه المتكثفة والتخلص منها عبر نظام أنابيب مستقل يصب في خزان موجود في المستوى السفلي الذي يضم موقف السيارات.. وسوف تضخ المياه المتجمعة للاستفادة منها في نظام الري الخاص بالحدائق والمسطحات الخضراء المحيطة بالبرج
سيوفر هذا النظام حوالي 15 مليون جالون من المياه سنوياً، أي ما يملأ حوالي 20 حوض سباحة من القياس الأوليمبي
تبلغ كمية القضبان الفولاذية المستخدمة في تسليح البرج 400ر31 طن متري، ولو وضعناها بجانب بعضها بعضاً تمتد لمسافة تعادل ربع محيط الكرة الأرضية
يتكون نظام تنظيف النوافد وصيانة واجهة البرج من ثلاث رافعات مثبتة على سكك في المستويات العليا للبرج. ويستطيع كل من الأقفاص التي تحمل عمال التنظيف تغطية إحدى الواجهات بأكملها من مقر الرافعة في الأعلى إلى المستوى السابع. ويبلغ مدى ذراع الرافعة 36 متراً في حين يصل طول الذراع الإجمالي إلى 45 متراً. أما حين تكون الرافعة مخبأة في مقرها فيبلغ طول الذراع 15 متراً
تعادل المساحة الإجمالية لسطح البرج الخارجي مساحة 17 ملعباً لكرة القدم، أو مايعادل 25 ملعباً لكرة القدم الأمريكية
تعادل كمية الاسمنت المستخدمة في بناء برج دبي: مكعب يبلغ طول ضلعه 61 متراً.. 200 قدم
رصيف مشاة يبلغ طوله 900ر1 كيلومتر
خمسة أضعاف الاسمنت المستخدم في بناء برج سي ان في كندا.. أو مايعادل وزن 100 ألف فيل
تقدر حاجة البرج من الكهرباء في أوقات الذرة بحوالي 36 كيلو فولت أمبير، أي ما يعادل قوة 360 ألف مصباح 100 واط تعمل جميعها في الوقت ذاته
ستزين النوافير المتراقصة مساحة 200 متر بالقرب من قاعدة البرج
سيضم برج دبي أول مبنى “أرماني” للشقق الفندقية

يعتبر مشروع برج دبي أكثر مشاريع شركة إعمار طموحاً، حيث سيمتد على مساحة 500 فدان محتضناً العديد من المشاريع السكنية والتجارية والفنادق والمرافق الترفيهية ومراكز التسوق مع مساحات خضراء مفتوحة وبحيرات ومسطحات مائية
سيضم برج دبي مرافق سكنية وأخرى لمتاجر البيع بالتجزئة، في حين سيحيط به عدد من المشاريع الرائدة، هي: المدينة القديمة ومركز التسوق دبي مول وجادة البوليفارد ومجمع ذا ريزيدنسز والعديد من المطاعم والفنادق والمرافق السكنية والمكاتب، التي تقع جميعها على ضفاف بحيرة اصطناعية رائعة

إن روعة التصميم المعماري لكل من برج دبي ودبي مول، بالإضافة إلى موقعه الاستراتيجي بالقرب من شارع الشيخ زايد والمراكز التجارية الرئيسية في دبي سيجعل من هذا المشروع بمثابة مدينة قائمة بحد ذاته
إنه باختصار المكان الأمثل للعيش والعمل والتسلية

خخخخخخخخخخخ سوري نسيت اترجمه للانجليزي

The company started the reconstruction and Dubai, designed to what seemed to be touching the limits of the impossible, the construction of the highest tower in the world is expected to rise more than 700 meters
However, the final height of the tower will remain secret until the last moment
The stage ended with a raft "Burj Dubai" in March 2022 after a 192 column at a depth of some 50 meters to pull some thick belt of adamantine
The tower, which rises quickly Floor every week in the main building will draft Urban huge value of $ 20 billion is expected to change the features of the city
Included project "Burj Dubai" in the framework of the policy of major projects remarkable attention of the authorities of Dubai to make this city with more than a million inhabitants one of the most important tourist destinations world
The Executive Director Robert Booth in the reconstruction of the UAE company implemented the project: the building will be used for multiple purposes
He explained, referring to Mjsm project: there will be an area of 345 thousand square meters of the building was covered. The building contains shops and places of entertainment, hotels and residential buildings and suites for institutions and private garden overlooking the panoramic upon the city
He explained that most of the 700 apartments located in the tower and overlooking the whole of the city sold to investors from various regions of the world
Won the contract for establishment tower, which is estimated at one billion dollar company "Samsung" of South Korea. The value of the project in all its components to two billion dollars. It is expected to be launched end of 2022
The Booth: in total there are more than 500 adviser in various parts of the world involved in any moment, in this project
His tone is not without pride: we have the best specialists in the world Horoscopes

Forums, through Burj Dubai "Dubai Mall", which is expected to be completed end of 2022 to be the largest shopping center in the world and a posh hotel skyscrapers and apartments and artificial lakes and gardens surrounded the entire length of three kilometres Avenue
As for the high tower Booth says "You will have to guess on that," while referring to an electric elevator floor 189
He added: only two people will be informed along the tower company chairman and the person responsible for the project
The tower is being built in allowing change height during construction
However, experts estimate said that the high tower will be not less than 705 meters

Currently the longest tower in the world is the "Taipei 101" in Taiwan that has a height of 508 meters while their high tower "CNN Tower" in Toronto (Canada) 533-meter antenna installer count on it
Booth says: I do not think that the important building height in the draft .. He added: Objective is to establish a global code architect .. We know he will not remain for ever higher, why focus on height?
Investors expect the project to become Burj Dubai Centre important tourist attraction and attracts millions of tourists
The Burj Dubai is designed by Adrian Smith of the Foundation Skidmor and Angura End Merrill Engineering, which is based in Chicago.
Facts on Burj Dubai
Top of the tower can be seen naked eye from a distance of 95 kilometres
Will provide water supply system in the tower an average of 946 litres A. .. Or about 250 thousand gallons of water per day
The tower will peak around 10 thousand tons of cooling per hour, the *****alent of cooling energy resulting from the melting of 10 thousand tons of molten ice per day
Will be able to lift up to the fire Alkhaddmho 5500 kg will be the highest elevator service in the world
Burj Dubai will be the first tower altitude with lifts programmed allow evictions methodical fire or other safety reasons
Burj Dubai will display the highest lifts in the world ever
Elevator there will be a transparent two-story room floor each of the 21 people, and the distance between subscribe these elevators lowest point and the highest point is longest in the world. It will be the speed elevators 10 meters per second
Located in the control tower balcony Dubai rise 442 meters above the ground, making it the highest honor control available to the public access around the world
Condensate water pooling system: moisture will lead outdoor warm and special cooling tower to collect a large amount of moisture from the air Almtktvh .. Will be collected this water Almtktvh and disposal system via a separate pipeline would be in the reservoir located in the lower level, which includes parking .. Will be pumped water accumulated for use in irrigation system private gardens and green areas surrounding the tower
This system will provide about 15 million gallons of water annually, or about 20 fills the basin size Olympic pool
Inform the quantity of steel bars used in arming the tower 400 t 31 metric tons, if we set next to each other extends for a distance *****alent to a quarter of the area around the globe
System consists window cleaning, maintenance and front of three tower cranes installed on the railway at the higher levels of the tower. Can each of the cages carrying cleaners cover one entire facade of the headquarters of flying in top-level VII. The arm of the crane 36 metres while the total length of the arm to 45 meters. As for when the crane hidden in the headquarters stands 15 meters long arm
*****alent to the total area of the tower outer surface area of 17 playgrounds for football, or *****alent to 25 playgrounds American football
*****alent to the amount of cement used in the construction of Burj Dubai: The length of solid cubic metres .. 61 200 feet
Quay infantry is a 900 kilometre t 1
Five times the cement used in building the tower CNN in Canada .. Or *****alent weight of 100 thousand Phil
Estimated the tower of the electricity needed in times of corn by about 36 KVA, which is *****alent to the 360 A. 100 watt lamp all working at the same time
Stzin jets Almtracs area of 200 meters near the base of the tower
Burj Dubai will be the first building "Men" of the hotel apartments

Burj Dubai project is the most ambitious reconstruction projects company, which will extend over an area of 500 acres embrace many of the residential and commercial projects, hotels, recreational facilities and shopping centres with green open spaces, lakes and bodies of water
Burj Dubai will include housing facilities and other retail stores, whereas it would take a number of pilot projects are: the Old City Centre Shopping Mall, Dubai Albard serious and complex a Residcz and many restaurants, hotels, residential facilities and offices, all located on the shores of Lake artificial wonderful

The magnificence of the architectural design of Burj Dubai, Dubai Mall, in addition to its strategic ******** near the Sheikh Zayed Road, the main commercial centres in Dubai will make this project a list of the city itself
It briefly ideal place to live, work and entertainment

[code]مشكور/code]مشكور اختي والله يعطيج العافية

العفووووووووووو ^^



مشكورين ؟؟ …….

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير , بحث , عن Dubai / الإمارات للصف الثاني عشر



it has spectacular beaches but is not Australia; it is one of the world’s most secure destinations but is not Singapore; it has opulent city hotels and superb beachside resorts but is neither
Jakarta nor Bali. It has world class shopping but is not Hong Kong.

Welcome to Dubai, city of merchants, cultural crossroads, second largest of the seven United Arab Emirates. A country where the dust of the desert is clearing to reveal the potential for one of the most significant international cities of the 21st century.

Dubai Shopping Festival:
On February 15, 1996, the travel industry in the Middle East heralded the beginning of a new dawn – the birth of the most impressive mega event for shopping and entertainment. An entirely new concept, it succeeded brilliantly in showcasing.
Today, one of the biggest beneficiaries of the event is the tourism sector. Hotels, and travel agents contribute to the selling of the event worldwide so every year, Dubai Shopping Festival lives up to its promise of staging the most exciting activities for the whole family inspired by the theme One World, One Family, One Festival.

Global Village:
Dubai’s exciting new tourism destination started off as a huge cultural entertainment center to cater to the need for a central meeting point where different countries could showcase the myriad cultures. Over the years it has grown into a star attraction among UAE nationals, resident expatriates from over 160 different countries and visitors from across the world.

Jabel Ali Free Zone:
Jebel Ali is a port town, located thirty-five kilometers southwest of the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The port began to be constructed in the late 1970’s along with Jebel Ali Village (built around 1977) which was used, initially, for the construction workers of the port. The village is still a thriving expect community with over 300 residents. With 67 berths Jebel Ali is the world’s largest man-made harbor and the biggest port in the Middle East. Jebel Ali is located 24°59’N 55°03’E.
The Jebel Ali Free Zone, established in 1985, is the industrial area surrounding the Jebel Ali port. Dubai World Central International Airport is being constructed in the area.
The port of Jebel Ali has become the port most frequently visited by ships of the United States Navy outside the United States. Virtually all sailors who have completed shipboard tours have visited the port at least once. Due to the depth of the harbor and size of the port facilities, a Nimitz Class aircraft carrier and several ships of the accompanying battle group can be accommodated pier side. Due to the frequency of these port visits, semi-permanent liberty facilities (referred by service personnel as "The Sandbox") have been erected adjacent to the carrier berth.

Free Taxes:
Dubai itself is not tax free, but it contains a number of economic free zones which have various economic incentives to encourage investment and commercial development. One of these zones is The Jebel Ali Free Zone, its bot entirely tax free, but its incentives make it come very close. Companies which are run within the Jebel Ali Free Zone are given a total pass on all corporate and personal taxation for a period of fifteen years. At the end of this fifteen year period, a request may be made to be tax exempt for another fifteen years — in effect offering the potential for an indefinite tax free status. In addition, there are no import or export taxes on companies within the Jebel Ali Free Zone. While Dubai itself is not entirely tax free, there certainly are regions within Dubai which allow foreign investors and corporations to set up shop with no taxation whatsoever. These zones provide a virtually unique opportunity for those looking to avoid corporation taxation either on their own business or on businesses they wish to invest in.

Number of Malls:
Dubai is quite literally a shopper’s paradise! It has in excess of fifty notable shopping centers which all offer consumers an incredible array of items at highly attractive tax free prices. Shopping in Dubai is an incredible experience; even people who claim to hate shopping can’t help but be drawn into the experience. The shop windows, the incredible array of goods and items on display and for sale, the fantastic prices and Dubai’s unique way of making everything it creates iconic and impressive will have anyone in awe! I defy you to travel to Dubai and not go at least window shopping! These 5 stars standards are in each and every shopping centre in Dubai and probably the ones that’s most popular are: –
Al Bustan Centre, Al Ghurair City, Al Khaleej Centre, Al Maydan Shopping Centre, Al Mulla Plaza, BurJuman Centre, Century Mall, Deira City Centre, Emirates Shopping Boulevard, Galleria Shopping Mall, Hamarain Centre, Lamcy Plaza, Malaya Centre, Mercado Mall, Sahara Centre, Town Centre, Wafi Shopping Mall.

Specialized Stores:
Dubai is famous of its shopping centers, malls and stores that takes standard of 5 stars from the sight-viewing to the amazing prices of course to take an example there is nothing better than Gold Soak, Because that store is really made of gold. You would know that better when you visit it. It’s really the heaven of gold for evey nation around the world. More than 300 jewelleries situated one after the other are waiting for their visitors. Brilliants, emeralds, sapphires, bracelets, watches, rings and necklaces – everything the heart of a jeweler’s lover desires – glitter in the nicely illuminated show-cases and so every penalized store in Dubai stands-out to take you inside a whole different world of amazement.

Promotions and gifts:
In Dubai working is a world of uncounted opportunities, to work is to find yourself in front of a golden door opened to a better life, your specialization is the last on to-worry-about list, because every job you get no matter what is going to turn into the job of your dreams, so once you build yourself a successful career make sure you will be rewarded for it, you will find the promotions coming on a golden plate when you realize that your hard work didn’t go on a waste, ironically how people think that gifts are the stuff you get without dropping one sweat, but NEWSFLASH! In Dubai working is a gift itself.

Tourists and Guests:
The recognition of Dubai as a tourist destination is a recent phenomenon and has left the whole world in a bit of shock. Most tourist hotspots spend decades trying to build infrastructure and reputation to attract people from the world over. Dubai tourism has exploded within a short span of time thanks to some very intelligent efforts by its government. Dubai attracted the maximum visitors during its annual Shopping Festival. However, that was more of a shopping visitor than a tourist who had come to see the sights and have an amazing time.

Dubai is the fastest growing Business ******** in the GCC countries, and certainly in the United Arab Emirates. Dubai has world class communications, high speed Internet Access, a superb GSM Mobile Phone Network, International Hotels, 100% Foreign Ownership via the Jebel Ali Free Zone, excellent Conference and exhibition facilities, in fact Dubai has everything that you want for a GCC and Arabic base for your Middle East Business ********.


So ‘Dubai is a bargain-hunter’s paradise’
You can try that and then you will believe me



.~. صنع يدي .~.


الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الثاني عشر

English report about dubai shping festival -مناهج الامارات

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كيف حالكم شباب
يا ريت تكونوا بخير
والله أنا خجلان منكم كتير
وآسف على الإزعاج وكثرة الطلبات ، لكن والله الضغط على الواحد زيادة
فأرجو منكم ان تساعدوني ضروري
إذا حد تكرم وتعطف علي
الأستاذ طلب منا نكتب ايميل عن دبي مول، ومن الحاجات اللي ممكن نكتبها مقدمة أساسي في الأول ـ وصف المول من الداخل للخارج أو العكس ـ الموقع ـ التسهيلات والخدمات والمحال بالمول ـ ورأينا الشخصي، والموضوع في حدود 18 سطر
واحنا و لا مرة كتبنا ايميل والأستاذ يريده مكتوب على الكمبيوتر وآخر موعد للتلسم بعد بكره (يوم الثلاثاء)
فأرجو منكم المساعدة
وجزاكم الله كل خير
ويا رب الـ 155 يوم يعدوا على خير ونفرح كلنا بالمعدلات الممتازة
مع تمنياتي للجميع بالنجاح والتفوق

ما اعرف بس يمكن يفيدك


سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

Paragrah about Burj Dubai للصف الثاني عشر

هلا و غلا

اريد منكم البحث عن برج خليفة

مقدمة و خاتمة



يزاااكم الله ااخير


تفضلي ..

In Dubai, no voice goes up and drown out that urbanization, which does not subside and fade away but the international uproar raised about the city and endless ambitions, which are not bounded by logic or impossible.
The newspaper said "Miami Herald" that the U.S. projects and the aspects of Dubai’s many attractions the city beyond imagination Vvdhae, coasts, even the headlines by massing projects collected excellence and high cost.
I ate the paper, the noise turned out to be a real wealth and the city’s efforts have already borne fruit with the booming tourism sector’s performance over the past few years, the city is in the last year attracted more than 6,5 million visitors compared with no more than 500 thousand in 1990.
The paper talked about the most prestigious projects in Dubai, headed by the Burj Dubai, tallest tower in the world, which is expected to extend up to 2700 feet, or about twice the rise building Ampairsti famous, as well as projects to be addressed and the Dubai Waterfront, which is more than double the size of Manhattan, which includes 400 housing units distributed to 250 area and expand to accommodate about 400 thousand people.
The newspaper said the resort project Hedrobolis extends to a depth of 70 feet below the water and the hotel boasts 150 suites and a number of excellent facilities and first of its kind under the water’s surface, including a spa, a library, clinic and beauty of a movie theater and shopping center project cost is estimated at about one billion dollars (3.67 billion DH).
And dealt with the project "Dubai Land" which is estimated to cost about $ 64 billion and commends the project on an area of 107 square miles, and includes the status of "Mall of Arabia" and a number of recreational facilities Alabda in the world.
Paper did not fail, of course, talking about the Burj Al Arab, the first 7-star hotel in the world. And The Palm and The World and the Atlantis resort project expected to cost 1,2 billion dollars, also spoke on the status of "Mall of the Emirates" which includes the largest and the first arena Tzlh on the ice closed in the Middle East, saying that Dubai’s ambition of making it impossible to ensure that visitors to ski

Emaar announces Burj Dubai issued the list of longest-standing structure in the world
Announced »Emaar Properties« the arrival of construction work in the construction of iconic super "Burj Dubai" to rise 555.3) meter (1821.85 feet, to be the longest-standing structure in the world. Thus, the Burj Dubai has succeeded in breaking the record he held Tower "C The Tower "in Toronto, Canada for 31 years a height of 355.33) meters (1815.5 feet along with the calculated force.
Tower also recorded a new record in terms of the number of floors populated, which currently stands at 150 storeys. The Burj Dubai has surpassed its height as Tower of "Taipei 101" in Taiwan, who have won the title of tallest skyscraper in the world since 2022 a height of 508 meters (1667) feet.
On this occasion, he said, Chairman, "Emaar Properties": Mohammed added: "Burj Dubai, which offers become the tallest building in the world a living example of the achievements that can be for the collective efforts and ambitious vision to achieve.
Became the focus of attention of the world and an example design that reflects the spirit and strong will that characterizes Dubai. "

He pointed out that the Alabbar
When completed, the tower in 2022 will hit a record in all categories set by the "Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, which means the classification of high-rise buildings in the world« cutup »on the basis of spire height, high mast or aerial, and surface, and the top floor uninhabited.

Depends Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat data issued by the "Illinois Institute of Technology," which measure the length of the construction of the level of the pavement at the main entrance to the highest point in its structure with the exception of a television antenna or radio masts or flags. The decision to destroy the tower to record the highest structure at all, the title he holds currently building KVLY / KTHI TV-backed wires, based in Blanchard, North Dakota in the United States and the height of 628.8 meters (2036) forward.

Renaissance Dubai dwarf the achievements of the world

Dubai – Abeer Obouchmalp:
"Dubai is an amazing upswing pales to what it carries visions and aspiration of all the world has witnessed the achievements over the past few decades." This is the view newspaper "Globe and Mail," Canadian and confirmed in an article published yesterday on the economic prosperity and urban to Dubai, the emirate which takes each day with confidence and vital to further growth and progress to continue to impress the world.
The newspaper said that every day in Dubai has more ads on projects is unique in nature and speed of implementation with an estimated total value of about 100 billion dollars.
And commended the tireless efforts of the emirate to prove itself and to its presence on the map, money, business and economics worldwide, as the small desert city has succeeded in transforming into a fertile oasis tourist landmarks that continue to attract tourists from around the world such as the Burj Dubai and Burj Al Arab and the Palm Islands and the world. Was also able to confirm its existence as a regional hub for finance, business and shopping.
It cited the expansion of a renaissance in Dubai Urban and subtract it from the draft draws the attention of the world and tops world headlines, most notably of course the Burj Dubai project which is expected to be the tallest tower in the world (altitude 800 meters) and the estimated cost of the tower at about $ 900 million.

Reconstruction, "calling the twin towers" Claren "in Downtown Burj Dubai
Gulf Dubai:
Fired, Emaar Properties, the twin towers of the draft "Claren", the latest projects within Downtown Burj Dubai. The project includes a middle-rise towers in addition to the Boulevard Apartments, embracing the residential units is characterized by wide-area and uniqueness of a quiet atmosphere offer its residents a great deal of comfort and privacy. And will start selling units in the project on September 9, said.
The floors in the podium, "Claren", a set of amenities, and has a serious project ******** for the Burj Dubai Boulevard and easy access to the "Burj Dubai". Offers a range of financial institutions, facilities and excellent financing options for those interested in the project from investors and individuals alike. The range of housing units in the project between the studios and apartments, consisting of one bedroom, or two or three.
Said Saif Al Mansoori, Sales Director, "Emaar Properties": "took the design of the project" Claren "team of architects of international architects who were keen to make full use of the area of residential units to give residents a growing sense of spaciousness and privacy. It also worked to take advantage of a space to provide the greatest possible use of natural lighting in the apartments during daylight hours. The project is a distinct option for staff and businessmen who wish to live in a modern atmosphere in a strategic ******** easily accessible to the various projects within Downtown Burj Dubai, the most important commercial and financial hubs in the emirate. "
He added: "The site of the twin towers" Claren "Boulevard Burj Dubai Boulevard, which will be in the near future is full of shopping malls and outlets, the most important factors that will attract investors to the project. It also features a proximity of the project "Dubai Mall", one of the largest shopping and entertainment on the world. "
Storey podium and embraces a range of amenities including swimming pool and dedicated areas for children, a gymnasium and a fully equipped multi-purpose room. Will be allocated two-story underground parking with the position of the hatched another near the main entrance of the tower.
The unique residential units and panoramic windows wrapping designs that permit the use of natural lighting during daylight hours. The account has been taken to provide sufficient distance between the two towers, giving residents a greater sense of privacy more than usually provided in residential projects of high towers of this type. It also includes tables of houses made of natural stone, cabinets and equipment have been selected and designed the highest levels of luxury and quality in addition to Kalofran integrated appliances, refrigerators and dishwashers. The towers will also be provided telephone service and broadband connections and other modern information technology systems.

Started in the Emirate of Dubai, designed to what seemed to touch the borders is impossible, the construction of the highest tower in the world is expected to increase height of 700 meters, but the final height of the tower would remain secret until the last moment.
Phase is over, piling (Burj Dubai) last March after the establishment of 192 column at a depth of 50 meters, pulled by some to some of the thick belt of reinforced concrete.
The tower, which is rising rapidly floor per week will be the main building in a huge urban development project worth $ 20 billion is expected to change the features of the city.
And falls within the project (Burj Dubai) under the policy of major projects for the attention of the sign followed by the Dubai authorities to make this city with more than one million inhabitants one of the most important tourist destinations.
He said Robert Booth, Executive Director in the United Arab Emirates firm implementing the project will use the building for multiple purposes.
He explained, referring to the model of the project, there will be an area of 345 thousand square meters of the building covered .. The building houses shops and places of entertainment, hotel and residential suites and private institutions and panoramic views overlooking the garden of the city.
He pointed out that most of the 700 apartments are located in the tower, which overlooks the whole of the city were sold to investors from different regions of the world.
Won the contract for the construction tower which billion-dollar company (Samsung), South Korea.
The value of the project in all its components billion dollars .. And is expected to be launched end of 2022.
The Booth: Overall there are more than 500 advisers in various parts of the world are working at any moment, in this project.
The tone is not without pride: We collected the best international specialists in the towers.
And Power will Burj Dubai (Dubai Mall), which is expected to be completed end of 2022 to be the largest mall in the world with a hotel and luxury skyscrapers, apartments, artificial lakes and gardens are surrounded by three miles along the Avenue .. As for the height of the tower and says Booth: You will have to guess on that .. While pointing elevator to the floor 189.
He added: only two people will be informed on the length of the tower head of the company in charge of the project .. He explained that the tower is being built in ways that would change the height during construction.
However, estimates of experts said: The height of the tower will not be less than 705 meters.
At present, the tallest tower in the world is (Taipei 101) in Taiwan has a height of 508 meters while exceeding high tower (CNN Tower) in Toronto (Canada) 533-meter calculates the antenna is installed on it.
According to Booth, I do not think that is important in building project, adding height: The objective is to establish a global architectural symbol we know that will not stay up forever so why focus on the rise?.
He said: Let us enjoy the establishment of something different and leave people guessing on the rise.
Investors expect the project to become the Burj Dubai is a major tourist attraction center that attracts millions of tourists.
Burj Dubai, designed by Adrian Smith of Skidmore Foundation and Ewing Engineering & Merrill, which has Based in Chicago


والسموحه تم تغير العنوان

مشكوووووووووورة بس اريد مصادر و مقدمة و خاتمة بس

يعطيج ااااااالف عافية

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف الثاني عشر

essay about Dubai is the pearl of the gulf -التعليم الاماراتي


أبغي ملف إنجاز للفصل الثاني

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف الثاني عشر

dubai essay للصف الثاني عشر

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته
ممكن كتابة موضوع عن:

write a short research report of about 200 words about Dubai .make sure your report includes
introduction (research question).1
the following ideas and facts may help you
-visitors to dubai
-area of 3883 square km
– population of over 1.3 million
– commerical capital
fast growing
sky scarpers
shopping malls
dubai shopping festival

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تفضلووووو تقرير عن دبي , English report about dubai -تعليم الامارات

هذا تقرير عن Dubai وياريت يعجبكم وهلله هلله في الدعاء لا تنسوون ^_^


Dubai can either refer to one of the seven emirates that constitute the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the eastern Arabian Peninsula, or that emirate’s main city, sometimes called "Dubai city" to distinguish it from the emirate.`The modern emirate of Dubai was created with the formation of the United Arab Emirates in 1971. However, written accounts ********ing the existence of the city have existed at least 150 years prior to the formation of the UAE. Dubai shares legal, political, military and economic functions with the other emirates within a federal framework, although each emirate has jurisdiction over some functions such as civic law enforcement and provision and upkeep of local facilities. Dubai has the largest population and is the second largest emirate by area, after Abu Dhabi. With Abu Dhabi, it is one of only two emirates to possess veto power over critical matters of national importance in the UAE. Dubai has been ruled by the Al Maktoum dynasty since 1833. The emirates’ current ruler, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is also the Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE.
Very little is known about pre-Islamic culture in the south-east Arabian peninsula, except that many ancient towns in the area were trading centers between the Eastern and Western worlds. The remnants of an ancient mangrove swamp, dated at 7,000 years, were discovered during the construction of sewer lines near Dubai Internet City. The area had been covered with sand about 5,000 years ago as the coastline retreated inland, becoming a part of the city’s present coastline. Prior to Islam, the people in this region worshiped Bajir. The Byzantine and Sassanian empires constituted the great powers of the period, with the Sassanians controlling much of the region. After the spread of Islam in the region, the Umayyad Caliph, of the eastern Islamic world, invaded south-east Arabia and drove out the Sassanians. Excavations undertaken by the Dubai Museum in the region of Al-Jumayra (Jumeirah) indicate the existence of several artifacts from the Umayyad period. The earliest recorded mention of Dubai is in 1095, in the "Book of Geography" by the Spanish-Arab geographer Abu Abdullah al-Bakri. The Venetian pearl merchant Gaspero Balbi visited the area in 1580 and mentioned Dubai (Dibei) for its pearling industry. ********ed records of the town of Dubai exist only after 1799. Two catastrophes struck the town during the mid 1800s. First, in 1841, a smallpox epidemic broke out in the Bur Dubai locality, forcing residents to relocate east to Deira. Then, in 1894, fire swept through Deira, burning down most homes. However, the town’s geographical ******** continued to attract traders and merchants from around the region. The emir of Dubai was keen to attract foreign traders and lowered trade tax brackets, which lured traders away from Sharjah and Bandar Lengeh, which were the region’s main trade hubs at the time. On 2 December 1971 Dubai, together with Abu Dhabi and five other emirates, formed the United Arab Emirates after former protector Britain left the Persian Gulf in 1971. In 1973, Dubai joined the other emirates to adopt a uniform currency: the UAE dirham. In the 1970s, Dubai continued to grow from revenues generated from oil and trade, even as the city saw an influx of Lebanese immigrants fleeing the civil war in Lebanon. The Jebel Ali Free Zone, comprising the Jebel Ali port (reputedly the world’s largest man made port) was established in 1979, which provided foreign companies unrestricted import of labour and export capital.Historically, Dubai and its twin across the Dubai creek, Deira (independent of Dubai City at that time), became important ports of call for Western manufacturers. Most of the new city’s banking and financial centres were headquartered in the port area. Dubai maintained its importance as a trade route through the 1970s and 1980s. The city of Dubai has a free trade in gold and until the 1990s was the hub of a "brisk smuggling trade" of gold ingots to India, where gold import was restricted.
Dubai’s geographical proximity to India made it an important ********. The town of Dubai was an important port of call for foreign tradesmen, chiefly those from India, many of whom eventually settled in the town. Dubai was known for its pearl exports until the 1930s. However, Dubai’s pearling industry was damaged irreparably by the events of the First World War, and later on by the Great Depression in the late 1920s. Consequently, the city witnessed a mass migration of people to other parts of the Persian Gulf.
Dubai’s population hit 1,241,000 (one million two hundred forty one thousand) as on 30 June 2022. Of the total population, 73 per cent or 911,000 are male and 27 per cent or 330,000 are female.
Dubai is situated on the Persian Gulf coast of the United Arab Emirates and is roughly at sea level (16 m/52 ft above). The emirate of Dubai shares borders with Abu Dhabi in the south, Sharjah in the northeast, and the Sultanate of Oman in the southeast. Hatta, a minor exclave of the emirate, is surrounded on three sides by Oman and by the emirates of Ajman (in the west) and Ras Al Khaimah (in the north). The Persian Gulf borders the western coast of the emirate. The sandy desert surrounding the city supports wild grasses and occasional date palm trees. Desert hyacinths grow in the sabkha plans east of the city, while acacia and ghaf trees grow in the flat plains within the proximity of the Western Al Hajar mountains. Several indigenous trees such as the date palm and neem as well as imported trees like the eucalypts grow in Dubai’s natural parks. The houbara bustard, striped hyena, caracal, desert fox, falcon and Arabian oryx are common in Dubai’s desert. Dubai is on the migration path between Europe, Asia and Africa, and more than 320 migratory birds pass through the emirate in spring and autumn. The waters of Dubai are home to more than 300 species of fish, including the hammour. Dubai Creek runs northeast-southwest through the city. The eastern section of the city forms the locality of Deira and is flanked by the emirate of Sharjah in the east and the town of Al Aweer in the south. The Dubai International Airport is located south of Deira, while the Palm Deira is located north of Deira in the Persian Gulf. The western section forms the locality of Bur Dubai. Much of Dubai’s real estate boom has been concentrated to the west of this region, on the Jumeirah coastal belt and along Sheikh Zayed Road . Port Rashid, Jebel Ali, Burj Al Arab, the Palm Jumeirah and theme based free zone clusters such as Business Bay are all located in this section. Sheikh Zayed Road and Emirates Road are the main arteries of Dubai; and run roughly parallel to each other in the western section of the city, before eventually diverging sharply near Jumeirah. The eastern and western sections of the city are connected by Al Maktoum Bridge, Al Garhoud Bridge, Al Shindagha Tunnel, Business Bay Crossing and Floating Bridge.
Dubai has a hot and, at times, humid climate with many months recording temperatures of over 40 °C (104 °F) (refer to accompanying table for recorded mean minimum and maximum temperatures during the year). Rainfall is generally light, with a mean of about 150 millimetres (6 in) per year; precipitation is usually centered around January, February and March. However, heavy rain is not uncommon in Dubai during the winter months and January 2022 saw a record of 120mm (or 5") of rain falling in just 24 hours, The mean humidity in Dubai is about 60%.Although Arabic is the official language of Dubai, Persian, Malayalam, English, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Tamil, and Tagalog are widely spoken. Article 7 of the UAE’s Provisional Constitution declares Islam the official state religion of the UAE. The government subsidizes almost 95 percent of mosques and employs all imams; approximately 5 percent of mosques are entirely private, and several large mosques have large private endowments.Dubai has large expatriate Hindu, Sikh, and Christian communities. Non-Muslim groups can own their own houses of worship, where they can practice their religion freely, by requesting a land grant and permission to build a compound. Groups that do not have their own buildings must use the facilities of other religious organizations or worship in private homes. Non-Muslim religious groups are permitted to openly advertise group functions; however, proselytizing or distributing religious literature is strictly prohibited under penalty of criminal prosecution, imprisonment, and deportation for engaging in behavior offensive to Islam.
Dubai is considered to be an important tourist destination and its port, Jebel Ali, constructed in the 1970s, has the largest man-made harbor in the world. Dubai is also increasingly developing as a hub for service industries such as IT and finance, with the establishment of a new Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). The government has set up industry-specific free zones throughout the city. Dubai Internet City, combined with Dubai Media City as part of TECOM (Dubai Technology, Electronic Commerce and Media Free Zone Authority) is one such enclave whose members include IT firms such as EMC Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Microsoft, and IBM, and media organisations such as MBC, CNN, Reuters and AP.
The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) was established in March 2022 as a secondary market for trading securities and bonds, both local and foreign. As of Q4 2022, its trading volume stood at about 400 billion shares worth US$ 95 billion. The DFM had a market capitalization of about US$ 87 billion.
The government’s decision to diversify from a trade-based, but oil-reliant, economy to one that is service and tourism-oriented has made real estate more valuable, resulting in the property appreciation from 2022–2017. Large scale real estate development projects have led to the construction of some of the tallest skyscrapers and largest projects in the world such as the Emirates Towers, the Palm Islands and the world’s tallest, and most expensive, hotel the Burj Al Arab. As of July 2022, the Burj Dubai became the world’s tallest structure and is expected to be taller by several hundred feet, once construction is complete. Construction should finish in late 2022 and the building occupied by September of 2022. There will be an estimated 164 floors, the top floor at 624.1 meters, or 2,058 feet. Including the antennae and spire the total height of the Burj Dubai will be an estimated 818 meters, or 2,684 feet. Dubai has approximately 250,000, mostly South Asian laborers working on real estate development projects such as the Dubai Marina.The main road that connects one side of Dubai with the other is Sheikh Zayed Road. In July 2022, Salik road toll collection points were installed on the Sheikh Zayed road and on Al Garhoud bridge, which emphasizes the system’s congestion management objectives as well as the choice of technology for the toll system. The new system utilizes the latest technology to achieve free flow operation with no toll booths, no toll collectors, and no impact to traffic flow, allowing vehicles to move freely through the tolling point at highway speeds. Each time one passes through a Salik tolling point, the toll of AED 4 will be deducted from her or his prepaid toll account using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.
Dubai International Airport , the hub for Emirates Airline, services the city of Dubai and other emirates in the country. The airport served a total of over 34 million passengers and over 260,000 flights in 2022. The Dubai International Airport ranked 17th among international airports for total cargo traffic in 2022. A third terminal and a new concourse are currently under construction and are both due to open in mid-2017. The new terminal will be dedicated to Emirates Airline and will fully support the new Airbus A380. The development of Dubai World Central International Airport, currently under construction in Jebel Ali, was announced in 2022. The first phase is expected to be completed by 2022, and once operational the new airport will host foreign airlines. Emirates (both the passenger and cargo operations) will remain in Dubai International Airport. Dubai has a large bus system that services 69 routes and transported over about 90 million people in 2022. The Road and Transport Authority (RTA) announced in 2022 that an additional 620 new buses will be added to its fleet of 170 double decker buses. Although the main mode of transportation in Dubai is by private vehicle, Dubai also has an extensive taxi system.
A $3.89 billion Dubai Metro project is under construction for the emirate. The Metro system is expected to be partially operational by 2022 and fully operational by 2022. The metro will comprise two lines: the Green Line from Rashidiya to the main city center and the Red Line from the airport to Jebel Ali. The Dubai Metro (Green and Blue Lines) will have 70 kilometers of track and 43 stations, 33 above ground and ten underground. One of the more traditional methods of getting across Bur Dubai to Deira is through abras, small boats that ferry passengers across the Dubai Creek, between abra stations in Bastakiya and Bani Yas road.
The school system in Dubai does not differ from that of the United Arab Emirates. As of 2022, there are 88 public schools run by the Ministry of Education that serve Emiratis and expatriate Arabs as well as 132 private schools. The medium of instruction in public schools is Arabic with emphasis on English as a second language, while most of the private schools use English as their medium of instruction. Most private schools cater to one or more expatriate communities. Delhi Private School, Our Own English High School, the Dubai Modern High School, and the Indian High School, Dubai offer either a CBSE or an ICSE Indian syllabus. Similarly, there are also several reputable Pakistani schools offering FBISE curriculum for expatriate children. Dubai English Speaking School, Jumeirah Primary School, Jebel Ali Primary School, the Cambridge High School (or Cambridge International School), Jumeirah English Speaking School, King’s School and the Horizon School all offer British primary education up to the age of eleven. Dubai British School, Dubai College, English College Dubai, Jumeirah College and St. Mary’s Catholic High School are all British eleven-to-eighteen secondary schools which offer GCSE and A-Levels. Emirates International School provides full student education up to the age of 18, this is an International school and offers IGCSE and the IB program. Wellington International School, which caters education from 4-18, offers IGCSE and A-Levels. Deira International School also offers the IB program including the IGCSE program.The Ministry of Education of the United Arab Emirates is responsible for school’s accreditation. The Dubai Education Council was established in July 2022 to develop the education sector in Dubai. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) was established in 2022 to develop education and human resource sectors in Dubai, and license educational institutes. Approximately 10% of the population has university or postgraduate degrees. Many expatriates tend to send their children back to their home country or to Western countries for university education and even to India for technology studies. However, a sizable number of foreign accredited universities have been set up in the city over the last ten years. Some of these universities include the Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (BITS Pilani), American University in Dubai (AUD), the American College of Dubai, SP Jain Center Of Management,University of Wollongong in Dubai and Institute of Management Technology, Dubai. In 2022, the Dubai School of Government in collaboration with Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Medical School Dubai Center (HMSDC) were established in Dubai.Admission to any of these schools is based on the institution’s respective policies. They differ in deadlines of submission of applications, admission procedures and tuition and matriculation fees. It is best to contact the school or institution to inquire about its own procedures.
* en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubai
* links.jstor.org *propertyfrontiers.com/pdfs/dubaireport.pdf

مشكورة حبيبتي

ربي يعطيج الف عافية

يسلموا على التقرير


شكرا على التقرير الجميل وجزاكم الله خيرا

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف العاشر

تقرير festival in دبي Dubai Shopping للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم



لو تسمحون ابا منكم تقرير عن

festival in دبي


راسليني عل عنواني وانشاء الله خير


Dubai Festival City (In Arabic: دبي فستيفال سيتي) is a large residential, business and entertainment development in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Touted as a “city-within-a-city”, Dubai Festival City is the Middle East’s largest mixed-use development: all elements for work, living, and leisure will be contained within the project. Once completed Festival City will comprise a series of residential communities, numerous hotels, malls, a golf course and other entertainment sites, and a full suite of public services, including schools.
Construction of the development began in 2022 and is expected to take 12 years. The project spans 3.8 kilometres (2.4 miles) of water frontage on the eastern bank of Dubai Creek and is 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) from Dubai International Airport. As of mid-2006, investments in the project had exceeded 11 billion AED (3 billion USD).
Source: Wikipedia

Dubai Shopping Festival started on February 15, 1996 as a retail event intended to revitalise retail trade in Dubai. It has since been promoted as an tourist attraction. This yearly month long event is usually scheduled during the first quarter of the year, attracting about 3 million people to Dubai.[1]
During Dubai Shopping Festival, shops offer deep discounts on their merchandise, daily car raffles are drawn, and fireworks light Dubai’s night sky. Tourists from all around the world are lured not only for Dubai’s tax free shopping, but also for all of the events that take place during the festival. In 2022, the festival was cancelled due to the death of Dubai’s ruler, Sheikh Maktoum Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. In addition to Dubai Shopping Festival, Dubai also hosts Dubai Summer Surprises.
Dubai – admired and called ‘city of gold’, the city of gold concept was coined during one of the Dubai Shopping Festival awareness campaigns, In 1996, Dubai invited everyone from all around the world to a global annual festival which came to be named as the milestone "Dubai Shopping Festival" or DSF, they came up with the novel idea of a global village, a shopping village was conceived with all nations participating with their wares and styles in their traditional or cultural ways, the immigrant ex pat population and the fly in visitors rejoiced in the celebration that took place and the promise was given that from then on every year Dubai will host a festival for people from all around the world. The years that followed brought in more visitors more exhibitors and now the stage was set to build on the reputation of hospitality.
Dubai shopping festival was segregated into many major attractions all with one purpose, to have as many ways of entertaining the guests to the city, and catering to each and every individual segment’s visiting from around the world, the loyalty of the local expatriate populations definitely finds a reason to become even more attached to the city that brings to them their own culture every year.
Dubai Shopping Festival plays a vital role in Dubai’s tourism industry. Apart from the direct impact it has on the tourism industry, Dubai Shopping Festival also contributes its share of importance into the nervous system of the emirate. With the rise of the number of visitors to Dubai for Dubai Shopping Festival, lots of potential immigrant talent and investment get to experience the luxury of Dubai.

ثانكس اخوي و ما قصرت ….^^

The Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF), known in Arabic as ‘Layali Dubai’, was first started in February 1996 by the Dubai government as purely a retail event aimed to promote trade in Dubai. Since then it has become an annual shopping, entertainment, and cultural extravaganza that continues to promote tourism in Dubai and draws people from around the world each year.
The festival shopping event lasts for one month and its slogan is ‘One Family, One World, One Festival’, but the festival is also called ‘Where the celebrations last a month and the memories, a lifetime’ and ‘The world’s best brands at the world’s lowest prices’. Due to the continous success of the DSF, a number of the world’s best brands have labeled Dubai, the shopping capital of the Middle East.
The Global Village
During the Dubai Shopping Festival exciting activities for the entire family go on throughout the various areas of Dubai. The main focal point of the festival is the Global Village, as it is where the international community gather together to display their culture and heritage through exhibitions of traditional handicrafts, clothing, music, and dance. It has been hosted near the Garhood Bridge for a number of years, but has moved to its permenant place in Dubai Land, in time for the Dubai Shopping Festival 2022. This new ******** is said to be more ideally positioned, as it is intended to be easily accessible to people who would be visiting from the nearby emirates of Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. It is open daily from 4pm to midnight during the shopping festival and for a ******** map of its new ******** on Emirates Road, click here.
Carpet Oasis
One of the popular shopping spots during the Dubai Shopping Festival is the Carpet Oasis. The exhibition showcases thousands of unique, exclusive, handmade, oriental and persian carpets and rugs from around the globe, all under one roof. The Carpet Oasis also offers visitors a large collection of antique souvenirs and is regularly hosted at the Dubai Airport Expo, but is hosted at the Dubai World Trade Center for the DSF 2022.
Shopping and Accomodations
Other popular shopping areas include all the 40+ Dubai shopping malls and if you are interested in bargaining for prices, than the souqs (tradition open air markets) are the right place for you. Over 2,300 retail outlets participate in the Dubai Shopping Festival, offering goods and services ranging from gold, jewellery, electronics, cars, cosmetics, textiles, and handicrafts, at big cash discounts. Travel and tourism companies also offer discounted flights and excursions for those wishing to visit Dubai during the festival. Over 300 hotels in Dubai also participate in the festival by offering deals for hotel accomodations.
Along with all of the shopping outlets, the Dubai Shopping Festival offers a variety of entertainment events, many of which are hosted at the various Dubai public parks. The most popular of these entertainment events include the nightly fireworks, laser/light shows, fashion shows, and music concerts. Some of the most famous Arabic entertainers come and perform during the festival, including Kazim Al Sahir, Nawal Al Zugby, Amr Diab, Milhim Barakat, Asala, Fadl Shaker, Najwa Karam, and Diana Haddad. Another popular event which began in DSF 2022, is the three-day Dubai International Jazz Festival.
Raffles and Awards
The festival also has daily raffle draws, with prizes of money, gold, Lexus cars, or Nissan Patrols. Some of these raffle draw require that you purchase a raffle ticket or else a raffle coupon is given for free after a customer purchases a minimum of gold or dirhams worth of goods at participating outlets. In addition to the raffles, the DSF has started an award ceremony for the Ideal Arab Mother and Ideal Family Awards, where the winnings will receive a prize of US$ 10,000.
Many multi-national companies like Visa and Pepsi sponsor the Dubai Shopping Festival. Emirates Airlines also is a key sponsor of the event, being the official carrier offering discount fares and extra baggage allowance. The festival is a co-operation between the public (government) and private sector of Dubai.
During the Dubai Shopping Festival, visas are easily obtainable at the Dubai International Airport, but most of the visa requirements are still applicable. The DSF has been yearly scheduled from January to February, in order to coincide with the Dubai Desert Classic (golf) and the Dubai World Cup (horse racing).
The Dubai Shopping Festival 2022 will be running from the 20th of December 2022 to 2nd of February 2022. For more information about the Dubai Shopping Festival and its activities .

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله بركاته
اخواني اعضاء اريد تقرير عن A famous festlval
ابي يكون فيه مقدمه موضوع وخاتمه مصادر مراجع وبكون منتنه ليكم

مرسي كتيييييييييير ع التقرير

مشكووورين من متا أدوره

التقرير مب و اضح لو سمحتوا وضحوا و حطو فيه المقدمة و الموضوع و الخاتمة و الفهرس و المراجع

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

بحث , تقرير إنجليزي جاهز / DUBAI SHOPPING FESTIVAL للصف العاشر


The Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF), known in Arabic as ‘Layali Dubai’, was first started in February 1996 by the Dubai government as purely a retail event aimed to promote trade in Dubai. Since then it has become an annual shopping, entertainment, and cultural extravaganza that continues to promote tourism in Dubai and draws people from around the world each year.

On February 15, 1996, the travel industry in the Middle East heralded the beginning of a new dawn – the birth of the most impressive shopping cum entertainment mega event. An entirely new concept, it succeeded brilliantly in showcasing what co-operation between private sector and public sector could do to create a mind-boggling achievement.

Initially, Dubai Shopping Festival was conceived as a pure retail event, the primary aim of which was to revitalize the retail trade in Dubai. It was later developed into a comprehensive tourism product in line with Dubai’s far-sighted stance to set global standards in every field.

Dubai Shopping Festival is basically a shopping paradise. Dubai is know around the world as such a paradise throughout the year, but they really lay out the red carpet during shopping festival month, with over 2,300 retails outlets participating, that offer everything imaginable from gold, perfume, haute couture, cars, electronics to handicrafts and revitalizes.

Along the lines of the stature that Dubai has achieved with its clarity of vision, innovation, initiative and drive, the Festival was shaped under the committed leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.

As months of preparations went into creating Dubai Shopping Festival, the shopping festival matured into a major retailing cum entertainment extravaganza. The rest is history.

Today, one of the biggest beneficiaries of the event is the tourism sector. Hotels, travel agents and tour operators contribute to the selling of the event worldwide and it would be fair to assume, run at the peak levels of operation during the event.

Every year, Dubai Shopping Festival lives up to its promise of staging the most exciting activities for the whole family inspired by the theme One World, One Family, One Festival. As universal brotherhood, happiness, excitement, joy and adventure became the signature trademarks of Dubai Shopping Festival, the Festival itself became a tribute to the inherent ambition and strength of the people of the United Arab Emirates. Local and multinational brands acknowledged their faith in the event, and brands like Visa, Pepsi and Emirates Airlines became partners to DSF’s growth.

Most hotels and appartments also get involved offering special offers during the period, even the world famous Burj Al Arab is included in the hotels. With all these special discounts available many would feel that would suffice, but Dubai goes quite a few steps further. They are scores of raffles that offer very attractive prices outlined below, and Emirates and most other airlines flying out of Dubai offer discounted airfares and much needed excess baggage allowances during the festival.

There are other events as well, including international fashion shows, children’s events, streetside performances, nightly fireworks, film festivals, and many other cultural events that reflect the emirate’s cosmopolitan character. Plus one of the biggest events of them all, the Dubai World Cup also takes place during the festival, and with a staggering US$ 12 million purse that makes it the richest horse race in the world – not something to miss.

The next DSF will witness fresh creative inputs and innovative promotions that will go a long way in

attracting more visitors to the Emirate.

مشكووور إماراتي7 إن شاء الله نستفيد..

إبدآآع مشكوور.. ^ ^

شكرا لج


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