الارشيف الدراسي

الجمل الشرطيةThe Conditional 1 للصف التاسع

الجمل الشرطية1 The Conditional

تتكون الجمل الشرطية من جزئين:

1- جزء يبتدأ بكلمة If ( لو أو إذا)
2- جزء يحمل النتيجة التي ممكن أن تحصل إذا توفر الشرط الموجود في الجزء الأول.



If I have time tomorrow , I’ll call you
(لو عندي وقت غدا سأتصل بك)

وتنقسم الجمل الشرطية إلى ثلاثة أنواع:

Conditional type 1
Conditional type 2
Conditional type 3
If + Simple present ——→ simple future

Example: If I have time [Simple Present] , I ‘ll visit you [Simple Future


*نستخدم هذا النوع إذا كان الشرط و النتيجة المتوقعة قابلين للتحقيق. في هذا المثال ( لو عندي وقت سأزورك) الشرط و النتيجة قابلين للتحقيق

*نلاحظ أن الفعل في الجزء الذي يبتدأ ب if في المضارع البسيط و الفعل في الجزء الثاني في المستقبل

*يمكننا أن نعكس مواقع الجزء الأول و الجزء الثاني و يبقى المعنى هو نفسه فنقول:

I ‘ll visit you , If I have time

تذكير : I will = I’ll I will not = I won’t

I) Put the words between brackets in the correct form

1. If I see Ahmed , I ————( talk ) to him.

2. I’ll help you if you ————(ask )me.

3. What will you do when you————( get ) the Bac.?

4. When I get married I ———— ( have ) a lot of children.

5. If it ————( rain ) tomorrow, Aicha won’t come to school.

6. Where ————( you go ) when you get your holidays?

7. If I ————( be )hungry , I’ll have a sandwich.

8. I ————( not visit ) you if you invite me.

9. If you pray , you ————( go ) to Heaven.

10. I ————( be ) happy when the school year is over

Do you want to check your answers ??? Look down .


1. If I see Ahmed , I –‘ll tallk– to him.

2. I’ll help you if you –ask–me.

3. What will you do when you –get– the Bac.?

4. When I get married I –‘ll have– a lot of children.

5. If it –rains— tomorrow, Aicha won’t come to school.

6. Where –will you go– when you get your holidays?

7. If I –am– hungry , I’ll have a sandwich.

8. I –won’t visit– you if you invite me.

9. If you pray , you –‘ll go– to Heaven.

10. I –‘ll be — happy when the school year is over

يعطيج العافيه ..

ربي يحفظج

صلى الله على محمد

الارشيف الدراسي

Conditional type 2 -اصف التاسع

If + simple past ——→ would + infinitive(without to )

If I had a plane [Simple Past] I would travel all around the world [would + inf

نستخدم هذا النوع إذا كان الشرط و النتيجة المتوقعة غير قابلين للتحقيق أو أن نسبة تحقيقهما ضئيلة جدا.

في هذا المثال:

(لو كان عندي طائرة كنت سأسافرحول العالم)

الشرط و النتيجة يصعب تحقيقهما

نلاحظ أن الفعل ماضي في الجزء الذي يبتدأ ب if

و الفعل في الجزء الثاني يبدأ ب Would + infinitive

يمكننا أن نعكس مواقع الجزء الأول و الجزء الثاني و يبقى المعنى هو نفسه فنقول:

I would travel all around the world , If I had a plane


I) Put the words between brackets in the correct form

1. If I had a lot of money , I ——( build) a mosque.

2. I’d change the educational system if I —— ( be ) Minister of Education.

3. What ——-( you do ) if you had a gun?

4. If I had wings , I ——( fly) in the sky.

5. Would you help poor people if you ——( be) a millionaire?

6. If I were invisible , I——-(do ) many amazing things.

7. If Israel didn’t exist, the world ——( be ) much better.

8. Where ——–( you go ) if you won a lot of money?

9. What would you do if you ——-( find ) a wallet full of money in the street?

10. I would run away if I ——- ( see ) a lion in the street.

Do you want to check your answers ??? Look down .


1. If I had a lot of money , I— would build– a mosque.

2. I’d change the educational system if I–were– Minister of Education.

3. What –would you do– if you had a gun?

4. If I had wings , I –would fly– in the sky.

5. Would you help poor people if you –were– a millionaire?

6. If I were invisible , I–‘d do– many amazing things.

7. If Israel didn’t exist, the world –would be– much better.

8. Where –would you go– if you won a lot of money?

9. What would you do if you –found– a wallet full of money in the street?

10. I would run away if I –saw–a lion in the street

بارك الله فيج ..


سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الارشيف الدراسي

الجمل الشرطية The Conditional TYPE 3

الجمل الشرطيةThe Conditional TYPE 3

If + past perfect ——→ would have +past participle

If you had asked me [past perfect] , I would have helped you [would have +past participle].

لو طلبت مني المساعدة، لساعدتك

نستخدم هذا النوع لنتحسر عن شيء ما كان ليحصل الا لو توفرت ظروف معينة

في هذا المثال:

(لو طلبت مني المساعدة لساعدتك)لكنك لم تطلب مني المساعدة فلم أساعدك

نلاحظ أن:
الفعل في الجزء الذي يبتدأ ب( if ) في الماضي التام past perfect

و الفعل في الجزء الثاني يبدأ ب would have +past participle

يمكننا أن نعكس مواقع الجزء الأول و الجزء الثاني و يبقى المعنى هو نفسه فنقول:

I would have helped you , If you had asked me


1. If you had worked hard, you (pass)—–.

2. If the Arab world had been stronger, Iraq (not be) ——-occupied by the Americans.

3. I (help)—— you if you had asked me.

4. What (you do)——— if you had known?

5. If you( stay)——– at home, you wouldn’t have had that accident.

6. She (find)——- a job if she had been more lucky.

7. If Israel hadn’t been created, the world (be) ——–more peaceful.

8. If I had listened to your parents advice, you (not have)——–that problem.

9. She would have got married if she (be) ——-more polite.

10. If you (tell)—— your mother, she would have found a solution.

Do you want to check your answers ??? Look down

1. If you had worked hard, you –would have passed–.

2. If the Arab world had been stronger, Iraq –wouldn’t have-been occupied–by the Americans.

3. I –would have helped–you if you had asked me.

4. What –would you have done– if you had known?

5. If you–had stayed– at home, you wouldn’t have had that accident.

6. She –would have found– a job if she had been luckier.

7. If Israel hadn’t been created, the world –would have been–more peaceful.

8. If I had listened to your parents advice, you –wouldn’t have had– that problem.

9. She would have got married if she –had been–more polite.

10. If you –had told– your mother, she would have found a solution

بارك الله فيج ..

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين