الصف الثامن

تعبير عن future career للصف الثامن

ألّسْــــــــــلآمّــ عّلّيْــــــكمّـــ ؤ آلّـــرْحمّــةّ ألّلْهّــ ؤ بّركّــأتهــ{..
شَحَااآلَكُم أَعَضَااآأئنَاآ؟؟ عَسَااآكم مَرتَااآحِيين..)
حَبِيــــتَ احطَ هاااآإلموضُــوعَ لِأنَهـ ألَكِل يدَوَور عَنَهـ..
إلموضُــوعَ هُوَ تَعبِير عَنَ future career
أآأآتّمْنْى يّنْـــــــأآأآلّ أآأعّجــــأآأبّكْمــ …

I would like to be a doctor in future. I like work in hospitals becouse I like to treat the sick. I would like to become a doctor to help people enjoy a healthy life. I want to join the health sector. I want to graduate from the university of medicine and health. The profession a good doctor to help people and make them the best case
So I will study hard and have a high degree To become a doctor skilled. I wish that my dream is achieved
فِمَاآأن اللّهـ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

يزاك الله خير اخوي عالفقرة..

وان شاء الله يستفيدون منه..

ننتظر المزيد منك..

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الرمش الذبوحي مشاهدة المشاركة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

يزاك الله خير اخوي عالفقرة..

وان شاء الله يستفيدون منه..

ننتظر المزيد منك..

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاتهـ

تسلمين أختي "الرمش الذبوحي" ع الرد

والقادم أحسن ان شاء الله

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف التاسع

a topic about career of engineer للصف التاسع

لو سمحتو بليييييز تقرير عن مهنة المهندس

I want a topic about career of engineer

Hi my brother
U can see this Report may will help U for Ur assignment

The profession of engineer

Covering a range of career engineer active in the fields of telecommunications, construction, electronics and equipment industry (electrical, mechanical …) and media industries and the field of chemical production and energy conversion, as well as services and the production of materials processing, etc. …

The engineer in the areas of activity of this essential element in carrying out studies related to the functions of a central research and development, production, maintenance and disposal, management and administration. And gives these functions and responsibilities of different jobs, it is sometimes an engineer to president of the administrative framework or high sometimes.

The National Certificate of the Engineer can be considered as a guarantee for:

Strong potential in the areas of science and technology

Stock of creativity and innovation

The capacity to control the methods and routes and methods of industrial management, maintenance and development

Keep pace with technological development and control techniques.

To practice the profession of engineer in Tunisia should be available in the person of the following conditions:

1. To be his nationality Tunisian.

2. Be in possession of his civil rights.

3. Be a holder of a certificate engineer from higher education institutions recognized or certified or rank equal to or continued phase formation took place organized by the administration after taking the opinion of the Deanship of Tunisian Engineers and by the Department after taking the opinion of the Board and Data Preparation and adjust the list of recognized institutions to assign the certificate an engineer.

4. To be studio scale Deanship of Tunisian Engineers.

السلام عليكم
شكرًا لك ريح

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

يزاه الله كل الخير اخوي ريح..

دومه سبّاق لفعل الخير..

موفقين يارب..

تسلم اخوي ريح الشمال ع الطرح
عساك ع القوة

لا هنت

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف التاسع

power point about my career -للتعليم الاماراتي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركآته ..ًٍَِ~
اليوم سويت لكم بوربوينت عن my career و طبعا اخترت اسهل شي ..ًٍَِ~
و اللي هو police wemone لا احلل من ينقل لمدونة اخر دون ذكر المصدر الرئيسي ..ًٍَِ~


لا احلل

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده