الصف العاشر

تقرير جاهز عن burj dubai‏ -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته..



الملفات المرفقة

مشكوره اختيه وماقصرتي ،،

تسلمين الغلا ع الريبورت ..

ويزاج الله خير ..

خيتج ..

بنوتة أميمة ..



بارك الله فيج

مشكوره اختيه وماقصرتي ،،

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف العاشر

تقرير عن برج دبي Burj Dubai جااهز للصف العاشر

السلاام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تقرير جاهز عن برج خليفة او برج دبي


التقرير جاهز في المرفقات

بالتوفيق ^_^

الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تسلمين عزيزتي عالتقرير..

في ميزان حسناتج يارب..

بارك الله فيج
والله يعطيج العافية
دمتي بود

السسلام عليكم
يزاج الله خير
ما قصصرتي

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الرمش الذبوحي مشاهدة المشاركة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تسلمين عزيزتي عالتقرير..

في ميزان حسناتج يارب..

وعليكم السلاام والرحمة

الله يسلمج ويسمنج هع

ااميين ^_^

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ريــ الشمال ــح مشاهدة المشاركة
بارك الله فيج
والله يعطيج العافية
دمتي بود

الله يعافيك ريح

ربي يحفظك =)

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الطيبة مشاهدة المشاركة
السسلام عليكم
يزاج الله خير
ما قصصرتي

وعليكم السلاام والرحمة


مشكورة عالطلة طيبوه

ربي يحفظج =)

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الحادي عشر

English report about Burj Dubai للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم

شحالكم .. اخباركم

عساكم بخير ..

لو سمحتو ابغي تقرير عن برج دبي او اي مشروع مشهور فالامارات

وطبعا باللغه الانجليزية


امممممممممممممم يعني مقدمة وموضوع وخاتمة
والا بحث عاادي

بدأت شركة إعمـار وإمارة دبي، المصممة على ما يبدو على ملامسة حدود المستحيل، تشييد اعلى برج في العالم يتوقع ان يزيد ارتفاعه عن 700 متر
غير ان الارتفاع النهائي للبرج سيظل سرا حتى آخر لحظة
وانتهت مرحلة وضع اساسات "برج دبي" في اذار/مارس 2022 بعد اقامة 192 عمودا على عمق 50 مترا يشدها بعضا الى بعض حزام سميك من الاسمنت المسلح
والبرج الذي يرتفع بسرعة طابق كل اسبوع سيشكل البناء الرئيسي في مشروع عمراني ضخم بقيمة 20 مليار دولار يتوقع ان يغير ملامح المدينة
ويندرج مشروع "برج دبي" في اطار سياسة المشاريع الكبرى اللافتة للانظار التي تتبعها سلطات دبي لتجعل من هذه المدينة التي يربو عدد سكانها عن مليون نسمة احدى اهم الوجهات السياحية العالمية
واوضح روبرت بوث المدير التنفيذي في شركـة إعمـار الاماراتيـة التي تنفذ المشروع: سيتم استخدام المبنى لاغراض متعددة
واوضح وهو يشير الى مجسم المشروع: ستكون هناك مساحة 345 الف متر مربع من المبنى مغطاة. ويضم المبنى محلات تجارية واماكن للترفيه وفندقا ومباني سكنية واجنحة خاصة للمؤسسات وحديقة بانورامية تطل من عل على المدينة
واوضح ان اغلب الشقق الـ 700 التي توجد في البرج والتي تطل كلها على المدينة بيعت لمستثمرين من مختلف مناطق العالم
ونالت عقد انشاء البرج الذي تبلغ قيمته مليار دولار شركة "سامسونغ" الكورية الجنوبية. وتبلغ قيمة المشروع بكافة مكوناته ملياري دولار. ويتوقع ان يتم تدشينه نهاية 2022
واوضح بوث: في الاجمال هناك اكثر من 500 مستشار في مختلف انحاء العالم يعملون في اي لحظة، في هذا المشروع
واضاف بلهجة لا تخلو من فخر: جمعنا افضل المختصين العالميين في الابراج

سيطل برج دبي على "دبي مول" الذي يتوقع ان ينجز نهاية 2022 ليكون اكبر مركز تسوق في العالم يضم فندقا فاخرا وناطحات سحاب وشققا وبحيرات اصطناعية وحدائق محاطة كلها بجادة بطول ثلاثة كيلومترا
اما عن ارتفاع البرج فيقول بوث "سيكون عليكم التخمين بشأن ذلك" في حين يشير مصعد كهربائي الى الطابق 189
واضاف: شخصان فقط سيكونان على اطلاع على طول البرج رئيس الشركة والمسؤول عن المشروع
واوضح ان البرج يجري بناؤه بشكل يتيح تغيير ارتفاعه اثناء التشييد
غير ان تقديرات خبراء قالت ان ارتفاع البرج لن يقل عن 705 امتار

في الوقت الحالي فان اطول برج في العالم هو "تايبه 101" في تايوان الذي يبلغ ارتفاعه 508 امتار في حين تجاوز ارتفاع برج "سي ان تاور" في تورنتو (كندا) 533 مترا باحتساب الهوائي المثبت فوقه
يقول بوث: لا اعتقد ان المهم في مشروع المبنى ارتفاعه.. مضيفا: الهدف هو اقامة رمز معماري عالمي.. نحن نعرف انه لن يظل الاعلى الى الابد فلماذا نركز على الارتفاع؟
ويتوقع المستثمرون في المشروع ان يصبح برج دبي مركز جذب سياحي هام وان يجتذب ملايين السياح
وصمم برج دبي من قبل ادريان سميث من مؤسسة سكيدمور واوينغ اند ميريل الهندسية التي يوجد مقرها في شيكاغو.
حقائق حول برج دبي
يمكن مشاهدة قمة البرج بالعين المجردة من مسافة 95 كيلومتراًً
سيوفر نظام تزويد المياه في البرج ما معدله 946 ألف لتر.. أي حوالي 250 ألف جالون من الماء في اليوم الواحد
سيتطلب البرج في أوقات الذروة حوالي 10 آلاف طن من التبريد في الساعة، أي ما يعادل طاقة التبريد الناتجة عن ذوبان 10 آلاف طن من الجليد المنصهر في اليوم الواحد
سوف تصل استطاعة مصعد الخدمةو الحريق إلى 5500 كيلوجرام وسيكون أعلى مصعد للخدمة في العالم
سيكون برج دبي أول برج شاهق مزود بمصاعد مبرمجة تسمح بعمليات الإخلاء المنظم في حالات الحريق أو دواعي السلامة الأخرى
سيحتوي برج دبي على أعلى مصاعد في العالم على الإطلاق
ستكون هناك مصاعد شفافة مؤلفة من طابقين يتسع الطابق الواحد منها لـ 21 شخصاً، كما أن المسافة التي ستقطعها هذه المصاعد بين أخفض نقطة وأعلى نقطة تعتبر الأطول في العالم على الإطلاق. وسوف تكون سرعة هذه المصاعد 10 أمتار في الثانية
تقع شرفة المراقبة في برج دبي على ارتفاع 442 متراً فوق سطح الأرض مما يجعلها أعلى شرفة مراقبة يتاح للجمهور الوصول إليها في كافة أنحاء العالم
نظام تجميع الماء المتكثف: ستؤدي رطوبة الهواء الخارجي الحار وعمليات التبريد الخاصة بالبرج إلى تجمع كمية كبيرة من الرطوبة المتكثفة من الهواء.. وسيتم جمع هذه المياه المتكثفة والتخلص منها عبر نظام أنابيب مستقل يصب في خزان موجود في المستوى السفلي الذي يضم موقف السيارات.. وسوف تضخ المياه المتجمعة للاستفادة منها في نظام الري الخاص بالحدائق والمسطحات الخضراء المحيطة بالبرج
سيوفر هذا النظام حوالي 15 مليون جالون من المياه سنوياً، أي ما يملأ حوالي 20 حوض سباحة من القياس الأوليمبي
تبلغ كمية القضبان الفولاذية المستخدمة في تسليح البرج 400ر31 طن متري، ولو وضعناها بجانب بعضها بعضاً تمتد لمسافة تعادل ربع محيط الكرة الأرضية
يتكون نظام تنظيف النوافد وصيانة واجهة البرج من ثلاث رافعات مثبتة على سكك في المستويات العليا للبرج. ويستطيع كل من الأقفاص التي تحمل عمال التنظيف تغطية إحدى الواجهات بأكملها من مقر الرافعة في الأعلى إلى المستوى السابع. ويبلغ مدى ذراع الرافعة 36 متراً في حين يصل طول الذراع الإجمالي إلى 45 متراً. أما حين تكون الرافعة مخبأة في مقرها فيبلغ طول الذراع 15 متراً
تعادل المساحة الإجمالية لسطح البرج الخارجي مساحة 17 ملعباً لكرة القدم، أو مايعادل 25 ملعباً لكرة القدم الأمريكية
تعادل كمية الاسمنت المستخدمة في بناء برج دبي: مكعب يبلغ طول ضلعه 61 متراً.. 200 قدم
رصيف مشاة يبلغ طوله 900ر1 كيلومتر
خمسة أضعاف الاسمنت المستخدم في بناء برج سي ان في كندا.. أو مايعادل وزن 100 ألف فيل
تقدر حاجة البرج من الكهرباء في أوقات الذرة بحوالي 36 كيلو فولت أمبير، أي ما يعادل قوة 360 ألف مصباح 100 واط تعمل جميعها في الوقت ذاته
ستزين النوافير المتراقصة مساحة 200 متر بالقرب من قاعدة البرج
سيضم برج دبي أول مبنى “أرماني” للشقق الفندقية

يعتبر مشروع برج دبي أكثر مشاريع شركة إعمار طموحاً، حيث سيمتد على مساحة 500 فدان محتضناً العديد من المشاريع السكنية والتجارية والفنادق والمرافق الترفيهية ومراكز التسوق مع مساحات خضراء مفتوحة وبحيرات ومسطحات مائية
سيضم برج دبي مرافق سكنية وأخرى لمتاجر البيع بالتجزئة، في حين سيحيط به عدد من المشاريع الرائدة، هي: المدينة القديمة ومركز التسوق دبي مول وجادة البوليفارد ومجمع ذا ريزيدنسز والعديد من المطاعم والفنادق والمرافق السكنية والمكاتب، التي تقع جميعها على ضفاف بحيرة اصطناعية رائعة

إن روعة التصميم المعماري لكل من برج دبي ودبي مول، بالإضافة إلى موقعه الاستراتيجي بالقرب من شارع الشيخ زايد والمراكز التجارية الرئيسية في دبي سيجعل من هذا المشروع بمثابة مدينة قائمة بحد ذاته
إنه باختصار المكان الأمثل للعيش والعمل والتسلية

خخخخخخخخخخخ سوري نسيت اترجمه للانجليزي

The company started the reconstruction and Dubai, designed to what seemed to be touching the limits of the impossible, the construction of the highest tower in the world is expected to rise more than 700 meters
However, the final height of the tower will remain secret until the last moment
The stage ended with a raft "Burj Dubai" in March 2022 after a 192 column at a depth of some 50 meters to pull some thick belt of adamantine
The tower, which rises quickly Floor every week in the main building will draft Urban huge value of $ 20 billion is expected to change the features of the city
Included project "Burj Dubai" in the framework of the policy of major projects remarkable attention of the authorities of Dubai to make this city with more than a million inhabitants one of the most important tourist destinations world
The Executive Director Robert Booth in the reconstruction of the UAE company implemented the project: the building will be used for multiple purposes
He explained, referring to Mjsm project: there will be an area of 345 thousand square meters of the building was covered. The building contains shops and places of entertainment, hotels and residential buildings and suites for institutions and private garden overlooking the panoramic upon the city
He explained that most of the 700 apartments located in the tower and overlooking the whole of the city sold to investors from various regions of the world
Won the contract for establishment tower, which is estimated at one billion dollar company "Samsung" of South Korea. The value of the project in all its components to two billion dollars. It is expected to be launched end of 2022
The Booth: in total there are more than 500 adviser in various parts of the world involved in any moment, in this project
His tone is not without pride: we have the best specialists in the world Horoscopes

Forums, through Burj Dubai "Dubai Mall", which is expected to be completed end of 2022 to be the largest shopping center in the world and a posh hotel skyscrapers and apartments and artificial lakes and gardens surrounded the entire length of three kilometres Avenue
As for the high tower Booth says "You will have to guess on that," while referring to an electric elevator floor 189
He added: only two people will be informed along the tower company chairman and the person responsible for the project
The tower is being built in allowing change height during construction
However, experts estimate said that the high tower will be not less than 705 meters

Currently the longest tower in the world is the "Taipei 101" in Taiwan that has a height of 508 meters while their high tower "CNN Tower" in Toronto (Canada) 533-meter antenna installer count on it
Booth says: I do not think that the important building height in the draft .. He added: Objective is to establish a global code architect .. We know he will not remain for ever higher, why focus on height?
Investors expect the project to become Burj Dubai Centre important tourist attraction and attracts millions of tourists
The Burj Dubai is designed by Adrian Smith of the Foundation Skidmor and Angura End Merrill Engineering, which is based in Chicago.
Facts on Burj Dubai
Top of the tower can be seen naked eye from a distance of 95 kilometres
Will provide water supply system in the tower an average of 946 litres A. .. Or about 250 thousand gallons of water per day
The tower will peak around 10 thousand tons of cooling per hour, the *****alent of cooling energy resulting from the melting of 10 thousand tons of molten ice per day
Will be able to lift up to the fire Alkhaddmho 5500 kg will be the highest elevator service in the world
Burj Dubai will be the first tower altitude with lifts programmed allow evictions methodical fire or other safety reasons
Burj Dubai will display the highest lifts in the world ever
Elevator there will be a transparent two-story room floor each of the 21 people, and the distance between subscribe these elevators lowest point and the highest point is longest in the world. It will be the speed elevators 10 meters per second
Located in the control tower balcony Dubai rise 442 meters above the ground, making it the highest honor control available to the public access around the world
Condensate water pooling system: moisture will lead outdoor warm and special cooling tower to collect a large amount of moisture from the air Almtktvh .. Will be collected this water Almtktvh and disposal system via a separate pipeline would be in the reservoir located in the lower level, which includes parking .. Will be pumped water accumulated for use in irrigation system private gardens and green areas surrounding the tower
This system will provide about 15 million gallons of water annually, or about 20 fills the basin size Olympic pool
Inform the quantity of steel bars used in arming the tower 400 t 31 metric tons, if we set next to each other extends for a distance *****alent to a quarter of the area around the globe
System consists window cleaning, maintenance and front of three tower cranes installed on the railway at the higher levels of the tower. Can each of the cages carrying cleaners cover one entire facade of the headquarters of flying in top-level VII. The arm of the crane 36 metres while the total length of the arm to 45 meters. As for when the crane hidden in the headquarters stands 15 meters long arm
*****alent to the total area of the tower outer surface area of 17 playgrounds for football, or *****alent to 25 playgrounds American football
*****alent to the amount of cement used in the construction of Burj Dubai: The length of solid cubic metres .. 61 200 feet
Quay infantry is a 900 kilometre t 1
Five times the cement used in building the tower CNN in Canada .. Or *****alent weight of 100 thousand Phil
Estimated the tower of the electricity needed in times of corn by about 36 KVA, which is *****alent to the 360 A. 100 watt lamp all working at the same time
Stzin jets Almtracs area of 200 meters near the base of the tower
Burj Dubai will be the first building "Men" of the hotel apartments

Burj Dubai project is the most ambitious reconstruction projects company, which will extend over an area of 500 acres embrace many of the residential and commercial projects, hotels, recreational facilities and shopping centres with green open spaces, lakes and bodies of water
Burj Dubai will include housing facilities and other retail stores, whereas it would take a number of pilot projects are: the Old City Centre Shopping Mall, Dubai Albard serious and complex a Residcz and many restaurants, hotels, residential facilities and offices, all located on the shores of Lake artificial wonderful

The magnificence of the architectural design of Burj Dubai, Dubai Mall, in addition to its strategic ******** near the Sheikh Zayed Road, the main commercial centres in Dubai will make this project a list of the city itself
It briefly ideal place to live, work and entertainment

[code]مشكور/code]مشكور اختي والله يعطيج العافية

العفووووووووووو ^^



مشكورين ؟؟ …….

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثاني عشر

Paragrah about Burj Dubai للصف الثاني عشر

هلا و غلا

اريد منكم البحث عن برج خليفة

مقدمة و خاتمة



يزاااكم الله ااخير


تفضلي ..

In Dubai, no voice goes up and drown out that urbanization, which does not subside and fade away but the international uproar raised about the city and endless ambitions, which are not bounded by logic or impossible.
The newspaper said "Miami Herald" that the U.S. projects and the aspects of Dubai’s many attractions the city beyond imagination Vvdhae, coasts, even the headlines by massing projects collected excellence and high cost.
I ate the paper, the noise turned out to be a real wealth and the city’s efforts have already borne fruit with the booming tourism sector’s performance over the past few years, the city is in the last year attracted more than 6,5 million visitors compared with no more than 500 thousand in 1990.
The paper talked about the most prestigious projects in Dubai, headed by the Burj Dubai, tallest tower in the world, which is expected to extend up to 2700 feet, or about twice the rise building Ampairsti famous, as well as projects to be addressed and the Dubai Waterfront, which is more than double the size of Manhattan, which includes 400 housing units distributed to 250 area and expand to accommodate about 400 thousand people.
The newspaper said the resort project Hedrobolis extends to a depth of 70 feet below the water and the hotel boasts 150 suites and a number of excellent facilities and first of its kind under the water’s surface, including a spa, a library, clinic and beauty of a movie theater and shopping center project cost is estimated at about one billion dollars (3.67 billion DH).
And dealt with the project "Dubai Land" which is estimated to cost about $ 64 billion and commends the project on an area of 107 square miles, and includes the status of "Mall of Arabia" and a number of recreational facilities Alabda in the world.
Paper did not fail, of course, talking about the Burj Al Arab, the first 7-star hotel in the world. And The Palm and The World and the Atlantis resort project expected to cost 1,2 billion dollars, also spoke on the status of "Mall of the Emirates" which includes the largest and the first arena Tzlh on the ice closed in the Middle East, saying that Dubai’s ambition of making it impossible to ensure that visitors to ski

Emaar announces Burj Dubai issued the list of longest-standing structure in the world
Announced »Emaar Properties« the arrival of construction work in the construction of iconic super "Burj Dubai" to rise 555.3) meter (1821.85 feet, to be the longest-standing structure in the world. Thus, the Burj Dubai has succeeded in breaking the record he held Tower "C The Tower "in Toronto, Canada for 31 years a height of 355.33) meters (1815.5 feet along with the calculated force.
Tower also recorded a new record in terms of the number of floors populated, which currently stands at 150 storeys. The Burj Dubai has surpassed its height as Tower of "Taipei 101" in Taiwan, who have won the title of tallest skyscraper in the world since 2022 a height of 508 meters (1667) feet.
On this occasion, he said, Chairman, "Emaar Properties": Mohammed added: "Burj Dubai, which offers become the tallest building in the world a living example of the achievements that can be for the collective efforts and ambitious vision to achieve.
Became the focus of attention of the world and an example design that reflects the spirit and strong will that characterizes Dubai. "

He pointed out that the Alabbar
When completed, the tower in 2022 will hit a record in all categories set by the "Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, which means the classification of high-rise buildings in the world« cutup »on the basis of spire height, high mast or aerial, and surface, and the top floor uninhabited.

Depends Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat data issued by the "Illinois Institute of Technology," which measure the length of the construction of the level of the pavement at the main entrance to the highest point in its structure with the exception of a television antenna or radio masts or flags. The decision to destroy the tower to record the highest structure at all, the title he holds currently building KVLY / KTHI TV-backed wires, based in Blanchard, North Dakota in the United States and the height of 628.8 meters (2036) forward.

Renaissance Dubai dwarf the achievements of the world

Dubai – Abeer Obouchmalp:
"Dubai is an amazing upswing pales to what it carries visions and aspiration of all the world has witnessed the achievements over the past few decades." This is the view newspaper "Globe and Mail," Canadian and confirmed in an article published yesterday on the economic prosperity and urban to Dubai, the emirate which takes each day with confidence and vital to further growth and progress to continue to impress the world.
The newspaper said that every day in Dubai has more ads on projects is unique in nature and speed of implementation with an estimated total value of about 100 billion dollars.
And commended the tireless efforts of the emirate to prove itself and to its presence on the map, money, business and economics worldwide, as the small desert city has succeeded in transforming into a fertile oasis tourist landmarks that continue to attract tourists from around the world such as the Burj Dubai and Burj Al Arab and the Palm Islands and the world. Was also able to confirm its existence as a regional hub for finance, business and shopping.
It cited the expansion of a renaissance in Dubai Urban and subtract it from the draft draws the attention of the world and tops world headlines, most notably of course the Burj Dubai project which is expected to be the tallest tower in the world (altitude 800 meters) and the estimated cost of the tower at about $ 900 million.

Reconstruction, "calling the twin towers" Claren "in Downtown Burj Dubai
Gulf Dubai:
Fired, Emaar Properties, the twin towers of the draft "Claren", the latest projects within Downtown Burj Dubai. The project includes a middle-rise towers in addition to the Boulevard Apartments, embracing the residential units is characterized by wide-area and uniqueness of a quiet atmosphere offer its residents a great deal of comfort and privacy. And will start selling units in the project on September 9, said.
The floors in the podium, "Claren", a set of amenities, and has a serious project ******** for the Burj Dubai Boulevard and easy access to the "Burj Dubai". Offers a range of financial institutions, facilities and excellent financing options for those interested in the project from investors and individuals alike. The range of housing units in the project between the studios and apartments, consisting of one bedroom, or two or three.
Said Saif Al Mansoori, Sales Director, "Emaar Properties": "took the design of the project" Claren "team of architects of international architects who were keen to make full use of the area of residential units to give residents a growing sense of spaciousness and privacy. It also worked to take advantage of a space to provide the greatest possible use of natural lighting in the apartments during daylight hours. The project is a distinct option for staff and businessmen who wish to live in a modern atmosphere in a strategic ******** easily accessible to the various projects within Downtown Burj Dubai, the most important commercial and financial hubs in the emirate. "
He added: "The site of the twin towers" Claren "Boulevard Burj Dubai Boulevard, which will be in the near future is full of shopping malls and outlets, the most important factors that will attract investors to the project. It also features a proximity of the project "Dubai Mall", one of the largest shopping and entertainment on the world. "
Storey podium and embraces a range of amenities including swimming pool and dedicated areas for children, a gymnasium and a fully equipped multi-purpose room. Will be allocated two-story underground parking with the position of the hatched another near the main entrance of the tower.
The unique residential units and panoramic windows wrapping designs that permit the use of natural lighting during daylight hours. The account has been taken to provide sufficient distance between the two towers, giving residents a greater sense of privacy more than usually provided in residential projects of high towers of this type. It also includes tables of houses made of natural stone, cabinets and equipment have been selected and designed the highest levels of luxury and quality in addition to Kalofran integrated appliances, refrigerators and dishwashers. The towers will also be provided telephone service and broadband connections and other modern information technology systems.

Started in the Emirate of Dubai, designed to what seemed to touch the borders is impossible, the construction of the highest tower in the world is expected to increase height of 700 meters, but the final height of the tower would remain secret until the last moment.
Phase is over, piling (Burj Dubai) last March after the establishment of 192 column at a depth of 50 meters, pulled by some to some of the thick belt of reinforced concrete.
The tower, which is rising rapidly floor per week will be the main building in a huge urban development project worth $ 20 billion is expected to change the features of the city.
And falls within the project (Burj Dubai) under the policy of major projects for the attention of the sign followed by the Dubai authorities to make this city with more than one million inhabitants one of the most important tourist destinations.
He said Robert Booth, Executive Director in the United Arab Emirates firm implementing the project will use the building for multiple purposes.
He explained, referring to the model of the project, there will be an area of 345 thousand square meters of the building covered .. The building houses shops and places of entertainment, hotel and residential suites and private institutions and panoramic views overlooking the garden of the city.
He pointed out that most of the 700 apartments are located in the tower, which overlooks the whole of the city were sold to investors from different regions of the world.
Won the contract for the construction tower which billion-dollar company (Samsung), South Korea.
The value of the project in all its components billion dollars .. And is expected to be launched end of 2022.
The Booth: Overall there are more than 500 advisers in various parts of the world are working at any moment, in this project.
The tone is not without pride: We collected the best international specialists in the towers.
And Power will Burj Dubai (Dubai Mall), which is expected to be completed end of 2022 to be the largest mall in the world with a hotel and luxury skyscrapers, apartments, artificial lakes and gardens are surrounded by three miles along the Avenue .. As for the height of the tower and says Booth: You will have to guess on that .. While pointing elevator to the floor 189.
He added: only two people will be informed on the length of the tower head of the company in charge of the project .. He explained that the tower is being built in ways that would change the height during construction.
However, estimates of experts said: The height of the tower will not be less than 705 meters.
At present, the tallest tower in the world is (Taipei 101) in Taiwan has a height of 508 meters while exceeding high tower (CNN Tower) in Toronto (Canada) 533-meter calculates the antenna is installed on it.
According to Booth, I do not think that is important in building project, adding height: The objective is to establish a global architectural symbol we know that will not stay up forever so why focus on the rise?.
He said: Let us enjoy the establishment of something different and leave people guessing on the rise.
Investors expect the project to become the Burj Dubai is a major tourist attraction center that attracts millions of tourists.
Burj Dubai, designed by Adrian Smith of Skidmore Foundation and Ewing Engineering & Merrill, which has Based in Chicago


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