الصف الثاني عشر

التقرير جاهز ، بحث Stress , English report about stress للصف الثاني عشر

إن شاء الله يعجبكم

ملخص وهو المطلوب عندكم

أدعولي بالتوفيق

الملفات المرفقة

تسلمين اختي رؤية
التقرير عجيب
انشالله اتيبين
نسبه عاليه
وتتوفقين في التخصص
اللي بتدخلينه

السلاااام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاااته

مشكووووورة وااايد والله اني كنت تعبااانة منه مشكووورة يالغالية وجزاااج الله خير

أشكرج جزيل الشكر

هههه …. معلومة أنا تخصصي علمي

تشكر اخي الكريم على التقرير الرائع ^_^

الله يوفقك وعطيك العافية يا فنان

لا لا تقرير مية مية تسلمممممممممم


كل الشكر لج حبوبه

يسلموووو حبوبه ع التقرير

وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله ..

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الثاني عشر

فقرة انجليزي عن سبب غش الطلاب ، English paragraph about the reasons of students cheat للصف الثاني عشر

لو سمحتووووا ابي برجرااااااف عن أسباب الغش …………

بليييز يوووم الاربعاااء علي امتحاااان ……….

وينكم ما تبووون اساااعدووني

والله لو عندي كان عطيتك ،،

إن شاء الله يساعدونك ،،

موفقة ،،

Cheating is a common phenomena in students daily life . However any phenomena should have particular reasons , In my opinion there is main three reasons for that . Firstly the student is not an honest person , so he does not care about behaving honestly . Secondly the student may did not be teached by parents or teacher that this is a bad behavior . Thirdly the student maybe want to show to friends that he is hero and can answer the exams without studying depending on cheating and no one can catch him
. In conclusion I think that parents should teach the children that any kind of cheating is not acceptable with anyone anywhere and that is misbehaving
مش منقول

يسلموو هجووورهـ عالمساعدهـ ^_^

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

بحث عن الانترنت بالانكليزي تقرير English , English report about internet -تعليم الامارات

ممكن بحث عن الانترنت بالانجليزي

صفحة او صفحتين او ثلاثة

بليز ساعدوني

بدي ياه ضروري اليوم

وينكمـ ~

وي التقرير

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف التاسع

Report about Carl Sagan :3 للصف التاسع

Gd Luck Thoo :3

الملفات المرفقة


بارك الله فيج ..

Nwartoo :3

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف السابع

paragraph about what people in the UAE can do?? للصف السابع

The UAE is one of the most respectful countryin the word,it respect the law.we live here in the UAE and feel this thing.every one cont make mistake accor ding the law teenager can vote at 18 and also ride acar .some childrin go tl school at 4 and thay finish at 16.in the UAE children cant work befor 18 .if you want to live here you must respect the law…

ان شاء الله يعجبكم
تراني يالسة وانتظر الردود *_*

تــــــــــســــلـــمـــيـــن خـــيــــتـــو عـــلـــى الــــمـــوضــــوعـ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

يزاج ربي الخير..

تسسلمين اختي

مشكورة عالردود ^_^*

تسلمــي اختــي …
ما قصــرتي تـمـ التقيــيمـ +++
يعطيــج العــافيــهـ …



اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثامن


بوربينت عن الكمينيتي سيرفيس بس حق منهج اديك و سابس

الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
بارك الله فيج..
تسلمين وما قصرتي..

مشكووورة اختي

تسلمين تم تقيييمج


لا الـــه الا الله

الصف العاشر

rebort about spider (done) للصف العاشر


There are more than 4,000 different species of spiders in Canada and America. There have been spiders for 300 million years ago, before the first man appeared. WOW! Spiders are not insects for they have 8 legs and insects have 6. Spiders have 8 eyes too. They have 2 parts, the head and the abdomen. Where do they get the nice sticky thread silk? It comes from their abdomen. They have the strongest silk in the world.


Spiders are good hunters, spending most of their lives hunting. Spiders spin a new web every day. Also another word for spider is “arachnid”. Scorpions, ticks and mites are also arachnids. In warm places there are spiders that live up to 20 to 30 years.
In an ordinary field there are about 2 million spiders catching flies and other pesky insects, which would make our lives very uncomfy. Spiders have loads of enemies but they have camouflage, or they can hide. Their most main enemy is the wasp and the ant.
The male spider the way he mates is he does signals. He dances for her until they mate. If the male is wise enough, he’ll scurry away. Because if the female is hungry she might not know the signal, and she might gobble him up into itsy bitsy little shreds.
The females are great mothers. The wolf spider carries the eggs wherever she goes, then they hatch and they travel on her back. In a week or two, the spiderlings let out little threads. This is called ballooning, which is kind of like sailing. If they could talk I would bet they would say, “We are going to go wherever the wind may take us”.

One kind of spider, the Aranea, makes a web that looks like it’s a bottomless pit. She goes to a hiding place. She knows when her food comes by vibration. She wraps the insect up in her silk. Then she sucks out its blood. Part of the Aranea’s cousins is the Agelena spider, who in her life spins a web not like Aranea’s, but like a really dirty handkerchief that’s hanging up.
Most spiders spin sticky stuff but since they have oily legs, they do not get caught in the sticky stuff.
The black widow spider’s bite is very dangerous and could kill you
Trap-door spiders slightly open their door to their underground tunnel, when a fly comes, they snatch it and slam the door.
Crab spiders are camouflage spiders who walk sideways and backwards just like the crab.
Tropical spiders are very pretty, they are so pretty that you might think they are a nice jewel that you can wear. But you might be scared when you get up close enough. They have better eyesight than the ones who spin webs because they have 8 BIG eyes.
The wolf spider doesn’t spin webs. It actually lives on the ground and it goes as fast as lightening.
The jumping spider is like a cat, it will wait for it’s victim and then it will pounce. For some reason they remind me of Weird Al.
Tarantulas mostly live in the desert or in the jungle. Most tarantulas do not need much space, they dig small burrows. They’ll even dig them bigger, or they’ll dig new burrows when they grow too big for their burrow.
They are hairy spiders, most weigh 1 ounce. Since people are always more afraid of tarantulas than regular spiders because of tarantulas big hairiness, they should not be because tarantulas are shy and spend most of their time hiding.
The names for some tarantulas describe what they do or where they live. The Mexican red knee lives in Mexico and its knees are sort of red.
The Goliath is the biggest tarantula. It can grow as big as a dinner plate. It weighs 4 ounces.
ALL spiders and tarantulas have fangs. When the spider’s fangs move they move like scissors. But tarantulas have fangs that go down like little hooks. They kill their food with poisonous fangs. Most tarantulas venom does not work on humans. But some tarantulas have so powerful a venom that people die from it. That is why you should be afraid of them, not because of their hairiness.
Most adult tarantulas eat only about once a week. Since other spiders weave webs, they need to feel when their food comes and don’t need good eyesight. But tarantulas have excellent eyesight for catching food because they don’t spin webs. They do not feel the vibration of the prey, they see it.
Shedding is the most dangerous time in any tarantula’s life. For when they are laying down and they are done with their old skin, their new skin is very soft until it hardens. So while that process is going on the tarantula is a very good snack for any predator.
Tarantulas have an egg sac that looks like a golf ball (and a fuzzy one at that). But in the egg sac the tarantula lays as many as 700 eggs. When the spiderlings are hatched they look nothing like their mother or father. They actually look like little walking eggs.
And another interesting fact: tarantulas do not play the computer, and they do not dance the tango, but they love to play chess.

Craig, Janet. Amazing World of Spiders. Troll Associates. Mahwah, 1990.
Storad, Conrad J. Tarantulas. Lerner Publications Company. Minneapolis, 1998.

تسلمييينـً إخ’ــتي 🙂

بآآركـٍ آللهـٍ فييج .,. !

ج’ـآري تقييمج + +

بإنتظآإآإر آلمزييد منـً موآآضيع’ـج .,. ~

شكرا لج الغلا

يعطيج العافيه

وربي يوفقج ..

جزاكم الله كل خير ( اماراتى . اماراتية حلوة)



اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الحادي عشر

Essay about manage your time -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم ابى لو سمحتوا مقال او فقرة عن تنظيم الوقت وبسرعة اذا ممكن ,وشكرا

Time management


You can’t add any more hours to your day so learning to manage your time more effectively will help you plan your work more efficiently and ensure deadlines are met. Managing time effectively is a particularly crucial ingredient in successful projects. It is important to manage $$$$ your personal and professional lives because as much as you try to keep them separate they cannot help but infringe upon one another. Managing your own time will not only benefit you but those around you as well.


What is Time Management ?
According to Wikipedia, time management includes tools or techniques for planning and scheduling time, usually with the aim to increase the effectiveness and/or efficiency of personal and corporate time use.
What Does Planning Your Time Involve?
 Planning involves determining what you want to achieve and how you intend to go about achieving it
 Planning gives you a chance to spend your most valuable resource in the way you choose
 As you plan, be sure to include all aspects of your life
Step One: Monitor Your Time
 Monitor how you currently use your time by using a weekly schedule that list all waking hours in 15 minute increments
 Record everything that you do during the periods you are awake, including eating, getting ready for work or school, etc.
 Build a semester plan
What is a Semester Plan?
 Begin your semester plan by blocking out class time and other timed commitments
 The best time to develop your semester plan is during the second week of classes. By this time, professors should have provided you with detailed requirements of the course as well as your first assignment. By this time, you should be able to determine the amount of workload for each course in a more realistic manner
 Keep this schedule in a prominent place so that you have access to it daily

Step Two: Create a To-Do list
 Brainstorm and write down all tasks you want to complete in the next week as well as the next day
 Estimate the amount of time it will take you to complete each task on your to-do lists. Then add up the amount of time needed to complete all of your tasks, and compare it to the amount of unscheduled hours in the day. This will allow you to see how much time you need to do everything versus how much time you have to get everything done
To-do list, can’t
 Rate each task by priority as either A, B or C
-Tasks rated “A” are high priority and include activities such as class time, and other fixed commitments
-Tasks rated “B” are mid level priority, or tasks that can be postponed another day
-Tasks rated “C” are low level priority, or tasks that don’t require immediate attention
Steps of a To-do List, can’t
 Cross completed tasks off of your to-do list. This can be viewed as a reward and a visible reminder of your diligence
 Don’t panic or berate yourself for completing more “C” tasks during a day than “A” just calmly return to the “A” list


 In order to manage your time effectively, it is important to remember to do the following things:
– monitor the way you are now spending your time
– prioritize tasks on your daily and weekly To-Do lists
– practice effect study techniques
– reduce stress when possible

Number of hours in a day will not change. There will only be 86,400 seconds in a day. It is up to you, how you manage and use each of those seconds. One needs to invest each second. As, it has been rightly said, time once passed will never come again. Busy people are very satisfied, happy and do everything that they want to do in their life. Those, who show that they are busy, end up with frustration, burn-outs, stress and most of the time failure in life and profession. I hope this information has given you some useful tips on how to effectively manage your time and stress level.


الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الحادي عشر

English report about the future of education، تقرير انجليزي عن التعليم في المستقبل للصف الحادي عشر

الســــــــــــــــلام عليكم
شحالكم عساكـــــــــم بخير ان شاء الله !!

الصراحه انا في صف الحادي عشر
ومعلمتنا الانجليزي طلبت منا بور بوينت عن الليرننق في الفيوجر

((the future of learning))

الصراحه انا تعبت وزهقت وانا بحث بس ماحصلت فقلت يمكن انتو تساعدونيواتمنى انكم تفيدوني

تراني جديدة في هالمدونة

ما في اي رد؟؟


ياا الغاالية دورت بس ماا حصلت ..

sorry …(*_*)

خيتو دوري موضوع يخص هذاا

وحطيه بالوورد

هذي بعض المواضيع


اختاري الموضوع اللي يعجبج وما عليج غير انج تقطيه لفراقت وتحطيه بالبوربوينت

والسموحه بس هذا اللي اقدر اساعدج فيه

بــــــــــــــس ما طلعني شي الاسف

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الثاني عشر

English report about stress , تقرير انجليزي عن stress -للتعليم الاماراتي

شبااااااااااب بسرعه


Stress: Everybody knows what stress is. Stress is an integral part of our urban
lifestyle. It has become a normal part of life, although it is generally known
that stress is bad fo
r health. But, doesn’t stress also have advantages? Is
stress the same as burden?
What is stress?: First of all we want to make clear what exactly stress is. The body’s adaptive response to abnormal circumstances (like threats or demands) from a new or changing situation is called stress. The term "stress" refers both to certain heightened mental and body states and to the causes of such states.
Nowadays the symptoms of stress are well known. When the human body is under stress (whether it is real or imaginary) Adrenaline is poured into the
bloodstream. As a result of that the pulse quickens, the blood pressure raises
and the muscle tension increases. Furthermore you may feel more criticized by others, become more pessimistic, cynical, or resentful than usual. Things you normally look forward to may seem like a burden.
A lot of people are not aware of being under stress. Some are frequently under so much stress that they assume the feeling is normal.
Pros: By hearing the word "stress" most people think of something unpleasant and bad. But that is only conditionally true. Stress has also several positive aspects:
A lot of people (students!) take stress as a replacement for self-discipline.
They just can’t start working without time-pressure. They need to know a
certain date when they must finish their work.. (like students before a test)
It is known, that people work better, faster and more effective under stress.
There are people, who are even more creative under stress! This is because of the height Adrenaline ******* into your bloodstream.
Stress is said to be the best sport doping (Adrenaline). During a sport
activity, Stress encourages and raises the attention / strength. Under stress
the human body is able to do better to do better physical achievements.
Last but not least, some producers of stress (such as physical exercise,
various emotional states, and creative activity) are usually very healthy! But
be careful, continuous high levels of stress are not.
Contras: On the other hand, stress has much more disadvantages than advantages.
Stress is bad for your health! A lot of people react to stress with
aggressiveness, competitiveness, and self-imposed pressure to get things done. This behavior has been linked to increased rates of heart attack, high blood pressure and other diseases. Stress can also affect the immune system, causing the body to be less resistant to a wide range of other health problems.
Most people can’t think clear under stress. They make false decision and work superficial (slapdash). Stress causes reduced concentration ability.
Stress doesn’t only affect you; it also has an effect on your environment. If
you’re under stress and nervous, your (school/work) friends automatically become like you. A stressed person has a bad influence on the work/school atmosphere. A lot of friendships have broken down because of excessive stress.
It is said, that stress is the most common "illness" at the moment. I am not
of the same opinion. As I look at it, everybody reacts different to stress.
While some people become aggressive and nervous, other people may be equally serious in their intentions, but are more patient. So, it is not possible to say, whether stress is good or bad. It just depends on the person.
Furthermore I think that stress is unavoidable nowadays. But if you’re once
under stress, try to manage it the best possible. Why not making stress work for you as a source of energy? Better you use your energies by being creative than wasting them by getting furious.
Signs of Stress: In researching stress, one would learn about what stress is, the early warning signs of stress, the different types of stress, and how to build resistance to it. Stress is a combination of physical, mental, and emotional feelings that result from pressure, worry, and anxiety.
The pressures from stress are called stressors. Some examples of common stressors are: divorce, death in the family, job change, pregnancy, a large mortgage, marriage, and retirement. "In medicine, stress is, a physical, chemical, or emotional development that causes strains that can lead to physical illness." (Microsoft Encarta)
Some of the most common symptoms of stress are emotional distress, muscular problems, and stomach problems. Emotional distress includes anger, irritability, and anxiety. Muscular problems such as tension headaches, upper and lower back pain, and jaw pain (TMJ), are symptoms of stress. Muscular tensions that lead to pulled muscles and tendon and ligament problems, are symptoms of stress as well. Other symptoms of stress are stomach, gut and bowel problems. Heartburn, acid stomach, ulcers, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome are examples of these problems. Symptoms like cold hands or feet, shortness of breath, and chest pain are also common.
The early warning signs of stress include apathy, anxiety, irritability, mental fatigue, and overcompensation or denial. What is stressful for one person, may or may not be stressful for another; each person responds to stress in a different way. A person can plan their life so that stress doesn’t overwhelm them. Managed stress makes people productive and happy.
There are four types of stress. There is acute stress, episodic acute stress, chronic stress, and traumatic stress. Each type of stress has its own characteristics, symptoms, duration, and treatments.
Acute stress is the common type of stress. Acute stress is exciting and thrilling in small amount, but too much is exhausting. Overdoing it on acute stress can lead to psychological distress, tension headaches, upset stomach, and other symptoms. Some examples of stressors that can cause acute stress are: an auto accident that crumpled the car fender; a child’s occasional problems at school; and so on. Acute stress doesn’t have enough time to do extensive damage that is associated with long-term stress.
Episodic Acute stress is what people who suffer from acute stress frequently have. These people’s lives are so disorderly that they are constantly in a state of chaos and crisis. There are always in a hurry, but they are always late. Another form of episodic acute stress comes from no-stop worry. These people tend to be over aroused and tense. The symptoms of episodic acute stress are the symptoms of extended over arousal: persistent tension headaches, migraines, hypertension, chest pain, and heart disease. Suffers are usually very resistant to change of any kind. Acute stress can come up in anyone’s life but it is highly treatable and manageable.
A more serious type of stress is chronic stress. "Chronic stress is the grinding stress that wears people away day after day, year after year." (Battison, 1997 p. 19) It destroys minds, bodies, and lives. Chronic stress comes when a person doesn’t see a way out of a miserable situation. The worst part of chronic stress is that people get used to it and forget that it’s there. Chronic stress kills by means of suicide, violence, heart attack, stroke, and perhaps, even cancer. The symptoms of chronic stress are hard to treat and could require a lot of medical and behavioral treatment, therapy, and stress management
Traumatic stress is a special kind of chronic stress, known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is caused by trauma that is not handled correctly. Some example of traumatic experiences are: accidents, rape, verbal, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse, being in the presence of extreme violence, a brush with death, natural disasters, death of a loved one, and imprisonment. The symptoms of PTSD are flashbacks, over arousal, emotional numbness or loss of feeling, along with extreme emotional outbursts to minor things. People with PTSD suffer from problems with concentration, controlling impulses, and decision making, The long term consequences of PTSD are depression, anxiety, behavioral disorders, multiple personality disorder, and suicide.
There are three basic strategies for dealing with stress. The first strategy is altering situations to make them less stressful. Avoiding stressful situations is the next strategy. Accepting stressful situations is the other basic strategy in dealing with stress at the source. Each strategy has it’s disadvantages and it’s advantages. It’s up to every person to decide which one to use with which situation. "The tougher a person’s resistance to stress is, the more stress they can take." (Hanson, 1985 p.52)
There is a lot a person can do to maximize their resistance to stress. People have resources to help them handle stress. The re resources include family and financial resources, social and spiritual resources, as well as personal resources. They can also develop good health habits and get rid of bad health habits to help build up a resistance to stress. Improving a person’s nutritional habits makes them much less susceptible to stress.
Stress is something that everyone takes on in their day to day lives. It is a part of our daily routines and sometimes builds up to the point where we think it is unbearable. There are many things that cause stress, yet at the same time there are many things that help us relieve it. Stress can cause physical as well as emotional illnesses but it has also been proven that too little stress can be harmful as well. There are many different ways of handling stress. Some are for the goodness of one’s physical well being where as some are for one’s emotional well being. There are even some that help with both. All in all stress seems to occur depending on one9s perception of events, people, and daily things for stress occurs on different occasions for different people.
• Adams, J.D. Understanding and Managing Stress, San Diego: University Associates. Kalat, J.W. (1993).
• Pfeifer, J.E., and Ogloff, J.R.P. Making the Grade: Strategies for Succeeding at University. Lincoln: JEP and JRPO Rathbone, J.L. (1969).
• The American Institute of Stress http://www.stress.org/
• Stress Free NET http://www.stressfree.com/
• Stress less http://www.stressless.com/


جزاء الله خيرا



سبحان الله و بحمده