الصف السادس

paragraph about communication للصف السادس

paragraph of 50 -70 words about communication:
These questions may help you:
1. Is communication important?
2. What kinds of communication do people use?
3. What’s your favorite kind of communication? And why?
ابيها في اسررع وقتت

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

هذا اللي حصصلته..

واذا كان طويل حاولي تختصرينه..

Communication is usually described along three major dimensions: content, form, and destination. Examples of communication content include acts that declare knowledge and experiences, give advice and commands, and ask questions. These acts may take many forms, including gestures (nonverbal communication, sign language and body language), writing, or verbal speaking. The form depends on the symbol systems used. Together, communication content and form make messages that are sent towards a destination. The target can be oneself, another person (in interpersonal communication), or another entity (such as a corporation or group).

There are many theories of communication, and a commonly held assumption is that communication must be directed towards another person or entity. This essentially ignores intrapersonal communication (note intra-, not inter-) via diaries or self-talk.

Interpersonal conversation can occur in dyads and groups of various sizes, and the size of the group impacts the nature of the talk. Small-group communication takes place in settings of between three and 12 individuals, and differs from large group interaction in companies or communities. At the largest level, mass communication describes messages sent to huge numbers of individuals through mass media, although there is debate if this is an interpersonal conversation.

Communication theories

The wide range of theories about communication make summarization difficult. However, a basic model of communication describes communication as a five-step output-input process that entails a sender’s creation (or encoding) of a message, and the message’s transmission through a channel or medium. This message is received and then interpreted. Finally this message is responded to, which completes the process of communication. This model is based on a model of signal transmission known as the Shannon-Weaver model. A related model can be seen in the work of Roman Jakobson.

Communication mediums

The beginning of human communication through artificial channels, i.e. not vocalization or gestures, goes back to ancient cave paintings, drawn maps, and writing.

Our indebtedness to the Ancient Romans in the field of communication does not end with the Latin root "communicare". They devised what might be described as the first real mail or postal system in order to centralize control of the empire from Rome. This allowed for personal letters and for Rome to gather knowledge about events in its many widespread provinces.

In the last century, a revolution in telecommunications has greatly altered communication by providing new mediums for long distance communication. The first transatlantic two-way radio broadcast occurred on July 25, 1920 and led to common communication via analog and digital mediums:

* Analog telecommunications include traditional Telephony, radio, and TV broadcasts.
* Digital telecommunications allow for computer-mediated communication, telegraphy, and computer networks.

Communications mediums impact more than the reach of messages. They impact content and customs; for example, Thomas Edison had to discover that hello was the least ambiguous greeting by voice over a distance; previous greetings such as hail tended to be garbled in the transmission. Email has produced the Emoticon

Significantly, new communication mediums now allow for intense long-distance exchanges between larger numbers of people (many-to-many communication via e-mail, Internet forums). On the other hand, many traditional mass media favor one-to-many communication (television, cinema).

The adoption of a dominant communication medium is important enough that historians have folded civilization into "ages" according to the medium most widely used. A book titled "Five Epochs of Civilization" by William McGaughey (Thistlerose, 2000) divides history into the following stages: Ideographic writing produced the first civilization; alphabetic writing, the second; printing, the third; electronic recording and broadcasting, the fourth; and computer communication, the fifth.

While it could be argued that these "Epochs" are just a historian’s construction, digital and computer communication shows concrete evidence of changing the way humans organize. The latest trend in communication, termed smartmobbing, involves ad-hoc organization through mobile devices, allowing for effective many-to-many communication and social networking.

Talking is the direct and quick way for communication. Something that is communicated by or to or between people or groups. Between people, you have to speak out what you want to say or complain what you can’t tolerate any more. Under this communication, then others can understand it easily. If you do no choose to say it and keep it as a secret, then you can’t expect others to know you. It is mission impossible to everyone. No matter what methods you take as talking, writing, and even use your body language, all you have to do is express it out.

Communication barriers

The following factors can impede human communication:

Not understanding the language
Verbal and non-verbal messages are in a different language. This includes not understanding the jargon or idioms used by another sub-culture or group.
Not understanding the context
Not knowing the history of the occasion, relationship, or culture.
Intentionally scrambling the messages.
Not giving adequate attention to processing the message in real-time, perhaps because of multitasking.
Lack of backchannel cues in asynchronous communication
The inability to give immediate feedback such as a question ("what?") or acknowledgement ("I see") may lead to larger misunderstandings.
Lack of time
There is not enough time to communicate with everyone.
Physical barriers to the transmission of messages, such as background noise, facing the wrong way, talking too softly, and physical distance.
Medical issues
Hearing loss and various brain conditions can hamper communication.
World-views may discourage one person from listening to another.
Fear and anxiety associated with communication is known by some Psychologists as communication apprehension. Besides apprehension, communication can be impaired via processes such as bypassing, indiscrimination, and polarization.


مشكوررررررة وجزاج الله خير

صلى الله على محمد

الصف التاسع

poem about courage للصف التاسع

اريد صور وقصيده عن الشجاعه

I want pictures and a poem about courage

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تفضلي اختي اعتقد هذا طلبج

موفقة يارب

وين رمش الذبوحي

هذا شعر عن الشجاعة..

بس صور ما حصلت والسسموحة منج..

شكرا مقصرتي

مشكوووووووووورة الرمش الذبوحي ..

الله يبارك فيج


مشكوووووووووورة الرمش الذبوحي ..

الله يبارك فيج


لا الـــه الا الله

الصف السابع

paragraph about the family

this is a paragraph about the family

The family is very important to every body . I have a big and beautiful
family . My family consist of my father , my mother , one sister and one brother . My father is a doctor , he works in a hospital ad he loves his work very much . My mother is a housewife , she looks after us and also makes delicious food to us . I love my sister and my brother very much and i enjoy my free time with them . This is my family

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف الثامن

paragragh about work and business -تعليم الامارات

بدي براااااااااااااجراف عن العمل ورجااااااااااااال الاعمال

ضروووووووري لوسمحتووووووووو

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تفضلي اختي البرجراف..

How many of us aspire to enter into this world and that it achieves what he wants and that is said about him becoming a businessman and not only, but the name of the owners of the funds.

Here’s the ambition of men in the principle of wealth and lead and become a well-known figure with a strong personality and its potential physical and also aspires to be a role in community service, and that draws attention to him and I did not everyone in this view, as we said but some or most likely.

The important thing here is how to become a businessman, and that out of all my ambition and my son name me in the domestic and global market How do I get to this success, some people think through some of their books as they could Augeok to the right path and give you all the scientific solutions in order to avoid losses and raise profits despite that most of them will not be able to reach this dream because of lack of support for them and some have a bunch in the modern feel his audience as someone who has the ability, and that was not owned and here the person must be warned before falling into the sweet words people are only good for talk and test their work in reality or trying to to run his own with some help from some experienced people that did that to such acts and have proved successful.

The self-made person is one of the most powerful businessmen for its ability to manage its projects because people started from scratch, as they say, and here lay the foundations for doing its job properly and implemented them and reached for his way, how to get you to what you meant? Through trust yourself first and not the adventure of others calculated and avoid the temptations that give you the feeling that you will become wealthy mandate within a short period of time and not to pay high amounts for certain products or services without the study and informed you of the full market, there are speculators Johmuk that the market in high permanent until you fall in Mshehadthm then find that it eclipsed the earth, and such examples saturated the Saudi market by, and asked people, they were able to build their name in the market for entrepreneurs find that their debut do not have any adventures, but diligence long period of time until he reached the conclusion reached by .

Tip: Avoid all offers that type of exaggeration and temptation often stay is a special imaginary, and that became a reality is the fact that less than expected, some draws you to the plate is beautiful and lucrative offer bold and find some conditions which, if you read the left supply line is very small which is a trap went you through to make you consider only one side and leave the other side.

The start of any work to be done is to make sure the client that you want to target that is sweeping the market by the content item or service and taking a sample of them and provide them with the product and see how satisfied they were with him in order not to provide product in the latter united to demand it.

Interest in the work carried advertising in order to attract all of the above and try to make the offer attractive manner and avoid the tricks and over-supply or develop some features that are not owned by your product here become the credibility of your business is weak and less demand for your products and providing your product explicitly avoids the problems you may experience in the future and strengthen here your reputation in the market that you want to grow it and want to become one of the biggest business.

Here, note that the successful are made with high quality of their work and take care of the requirements of the client, which is the basis of their success if the client is satisfied with something to offer him ..

منقول , موفقة


أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف العاشر

paragraph about The Amazon River للصف العاشر

ياريت حد يعطيني برجرافين عن نهر الامزون
لاني سمعت انه هو اللي بيينا في امتحان الانجليزي

Amazon is the longest river in the world, a length of 6,500 kilometers, but This is not what sets it apart, but because it is home to one third of animals and plants worldwide. It also contains more than 300 species of mammals, and more 500 thousand species of insects, and more than 300 species of reptiles, And more than 100 species of snakes live in the Amazon, in addition to many Of spiders, such as the Brazilian spider Large Spider and lupus

ان شاء الله تستفيدون منه


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

ما قصر اخوي حمودي يعطيه العافية..

وهذي اضافة مني..

Length: The Amazon River is 6280km long.
Source: Calillona, Peru.The Mouth(Delta) is located in North Eastern Brazil.
The Amazon River is the world’s second longest river. Only the Nile, in Africa, is longer. The Amazon however, at any one point in time has the highest amount of water flowing down it. No other river even comes close. It may not be the longest, but it is the widest.

The Amazon produces approximately 20 percent of all the water that the world’s rivers pour into the oceans on its own.

The Amazon collects water from just over 40 percent of South America’s Landmass, through the thousands of tributaries that join the main branch of the Amazon river. Of these tributaries, 17 are over 1600(1000 miles) kilometres long.
From Iquitos in Peru all the way across Brazil to the Atlantic, the Amazon is between six and ten kilometres wide..
The Amazon is even wider when it is flooded in the wet season.

The first European found the amazon because he was 200 miles out to sea and noticed that he was sailing in fresh water. He turned toward shore and found the amazon river. Ships still today anchor in the outflow of the Amazon, to remove the marine life(barnacles) attached to their hulls (salt water organisms can’t live in fresh water).

In flood season, the Amazon widens to cover its banks and the islands in the middle of the river The sediment left by the floods enriches the soil.

تسلمــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـو

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

English report about desert للصف الحادي عشر

لو سمحتو ابى تقرير عن الصحراء في العالم

وانـــا بعد ابي
اذا ما عليكم امــــر

انا بعد ابغي

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الحادي عشر

English report about tourism in UAE ، تقرير اجليزي عن السياحة في الإمارات -تعليم الامارات

بغيت تقرير عن السياحة في الامارات بسرعة


Due to its ******** the UAE has been able to act as a connecting link between Europe and the Indian subcontinent, the Far East and Africa since time immemorial. It is still playing the role of intermediary between these vastly different cultures, the only difference being that air travel has significantly increased the number of visitors who come to the UAE. Traditional Arab hospitality and a delightful winter climate complemented by a highly sophisticated infrastructure and crime-free environment, have also contributed in recent years to creating an ideal atmosphere for the development of tourism. The UAE is also endowed with an extensive coastline, sandy beaches and varied landscape, where a wide variety of activities can be indulged, ranging from powerboat races to sand-skiing. Manicured golf courses provide ready enjoyment and for the less active shopping opportunities abound. In addition, the country’s deep-rooted cultural heritage, accessible in the many cultural centers and at traditional sports such as falconry, camel- racing and horse-racing, has been a powerful attraction for tourists. The UAE has also become a much sought after venue for conferences, regional and international exhibitions and major sports events such as the Dubai World Cup, the Dubai Desert Classic Golf Tournament, and polo and cricket competitions.
Federal Coordination
Tourism organizations in the individual emirates actively market their own special attractions, frequently attending international holiday fairs as well as encouraging travel agents and tour operators to visit the UAE to experience the rich seam of Arabian life for themselves. Minister of Information and Culture Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan announced at the ATM 99 (Arabian Travel Market) that the Ministry is studying a plan to set up a federal body to coordinate the promotional activities carried out by tourism authorities in individual emirates in order to integrate tourism promotion in the UAE as a whole. Sheikh Abdullah called on local authorities to concentrate on developing elite tourism and to focus on the country’s heritage and culture. He noted that the selection of the UAE as one of the nine prominent destinations in the Middle East at the 1999 ITB Berlin travel and tourism show was an acknowledgement that the country’s tourism infrastructure and facilities were rated among the best in the world. Sheikh Abdullah stressed the importance of promoting inter-Arab tourism and also mooted the idea of Arab countries coming together to form a pan-Arab tourism body in the Middle East.
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi emirate was little known as a tourist destination until the discovery of oil financed its major development programme. A thoroughly modern infrastructure of air and sea ports, highways, telecommunications systems, five-star hotels, restaurants and entertainment complexes has turned the emirate into an active tourist center. Dubbed the Garden City of the Gulf, Abu Dhabi now offers visitors a variety of options ranging f rom green parks, clean beaches, a range of marine and other sports, exotic adventures in the desert, or the pleasure of shopping in its diverse shopping centers and malls. Tourists can also pay a visit to the oasis city of Al Ain and enjoy a sightseeing tour to archaeological and leisure sites such as Al Hili Fun City, Ain Al Faydha Resort, Al Jahili Fort or the National Museum. In 1997 some 937,717 people from neighboring countries visited Abu Dhabi.
Abu Dhabi National Hotels Company

Established in 1978 the Abu Dhabi National Hotels Company (ADNHC), plays an important role in the promotion of tourism in Abu Dhabi emirate. The total assets of the company were Dh 1.175 billion for the year ending 1998. ADNHC owns six hotels in the emirate and manages seven other hotels and a number of tourism outlets such as the Abu Dhabi Ice rink, as well as several rest houses. It also supervises the duty-free complexes at Abu Dhabi and Al Ain international airports and is involved in the development of several new facilities.
The company operates divisions for hotel management, catering and contract services, purchasing and tourism services and provides transport services through Al Ghazal, a wholly-owned subsidiary.
Al Futaisi Golf and Country Club
Tourist development in Abu Dhabi is ongoing and many new projects are under way. One imaginative scheme is Al Futaisi Golf and Country Club’s plan to transform Al Futaisi Island off Abu Dhabi into one of the UA E ’s most popular tourist resorts. The Club already has a restaurant, tent village, 18-hole golf course, horse riding track, beautiful beaches and a swimming pool. Forty luxurious chalets are being built and the island, which covers 45 square kilometers, is to have several species of local and migratory birds, sand gazelles, turtles, and horses, and is a haven for nature lovers.
Global Travel Awards
Worldwide acknowledgement of the great strides made in the tourism industry in the UAE was underlined when the UAE was awarded several international travel industry awards in March 1999, the most significant of which was the world’s safest holiday destination, a tribute to the high degree of personal safety experienced by visitors to this country. The UAE was also voted the best overall destination and best shopping venue, as well as runner-up in the dining out category, scoring just one point less than Italy. Emirates airline was voted the best international airline. The Travel Oscar awards were organized by Germany’s travel magazine GLOBO which surveyed 13,000 readers. The UAE had also received the safest destination award for 1996.
Independent studies show that the tourism industry has accounted for a steadily increasing percentage of Dubai’s GDP, with some estimates putting it as high as 20 per cent. In fact tourism is expected to over take oil exports as an important source of revenue in the near future. Dubai’s 255 hotels have a total of 17,253 rooms and occupancy in 1998 a veraged 49.3 per cent. Since January 1997 when the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (D TCM) took over from the Tourism and Trade Promotion Council, there has been renewed focus on worldwide promotion of Dubai as an ideal tourist destination and a thriving commercial center. This has involved setting up the DTCM representative offices in many countries across the globe as well as participation in numerous international tourism fairs. In addition, the DTCM has launched very successful advertising campaigns worldwide. The DTCM also organizes tourism-related exhibitions in Dubai. Early in 1999 it hosted the Arabian Marine Tourism Conference, the first of its kind to be held in the region. In May more than 500 exhibitors from 40 countries participated in the Arab Travel Market 99, which was also held under the auspices of the DTCM. Not surprisingly, since the number of tourists is expected to reach three million by the end of the year 2000, Dubai has a number of major tourism-related projects coming on-stream.

Royal Mirage Hotel
The Royal Mirage, an opulent 250-room beach resort, opened in mid-1999. Located on Jumeirah beach, the resort has been designed to reflect the splendour of a rediscovered Arabian fort ress. With a majestic 70-foot gilded dome, the hotel promises to link Arabia’s enticing culture with the demands of twenty-first-century leisure. Focus is on the most highly prized virtues of the Arab world, hospitality and courtesy. The hotel has 64,000 square metres of manicured desert landscape and 800 meters of private beach with a dedicated water sports and recreational facility, including sailing, kayaks, windsurfing, pedals, water-skiing, snorkeling and water polo.
Fujairah Tourism Bureau
Fujairah Tourism Bureau was established in 1996 to market the emirate’s considerable tourist attractions, which include such diverse activities as watching bloodless bull-wrestling, visiting mangrove forests and bird-breeding sites, or navigating the steep mountain roads and narrow gorges of the Musandam peninsula. The area between Al Faqit and Al Aqqah, just south of Dibba, is already a popular destination for holidaymakers, thanks to its long, sandy beaches and many snorkeling and scuba-diving sites. Fujairah Tourism Bureau recently signed a contract with the Belgian Three Corners Emirates Company to build a 150-room resort in Al Faqit. The Dh 34 million Fujairah Resort will be constructed on 35,000 square meters. In addition, Emirates plans to build a five – star, 200-room hotel in Al Aqqah which will be operated by Meridien Hotels. Several other projects are also set to commence in the near future: a spa in Ain Al Ghammour, two diving centers in Dibba Al Faqit and a large marina and golf course in Al Aqqah near the Sandy Beach Motel.


يعطيج اللللف عاااااااااااافيه

روحي العين

مشكووووووووووره أختي

ال يبا اي بحث او تقرير او مشروع يتفضل ترا الأمتحانات قربة انا اعضي عرووووض ممتازة

يسلموو هاجر ع التقرير الروووعة

تراني نيخته واستخدمته بس داخل المنتدى ..



thanks ^,^

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

English paragraph about stress للصف الثاني عشر

السلام عليكم

اتمنى تساعدوني بكتابه براجرافات عن المواضيع الموجوده بالكتاب ,,,,,,,,

يعني أي حد عنده موضوع أو يقدر يكتب موضوع أو كتب يحطه هني ,,

عشان الكل يستفيد

على الاقل نشوف الجمل وكيف تنكتب …

وحتى ممكن يساعدنا بـ

واتمنى تثبيت الموضوووع وتفاعلكم وياي

راح أبدأأ بدايه معاكم


هالموضوع اللي لقيت عنه …

Success can really be defined in many ways. Whatever personal meaning you have for success, what is important is that you do your best to achieve your goals, you abide by the rules of life and you use your skills to the fullest.
* Success is being a Company’s Executive.
Some people define success as getting to the top of the career ladder. They aim to be one of the company’s executives who can make critical decisions for the company and their employees.
There are people who work hard to achieve this goal. They associate being the top executive as having the authority and the respect of their subordinates. They feel that they have achieved enough if their skills were recognized and they were promoted to the highest positions in the company
* Success is getting your Dream Job.
There are people whose goals are to get their dream job. Due to the difficulty in finding a job these days, people settle to work in a job that they don’t even like. Some even decide to get a job that is not even related to their field of study or their interests.
After spending time in that job, or being able to provide for the family or send the kids to school, these people try to find opportunities in their chosen field. Many times, these people do not even consider how much they will be paid, or if they will be rejected since they will be neophytes in their chosen field.
They feel that their ultimate goal is being able to do what they love to do. However, only few people discover what they love to do early in life. Lucky are those young people who started working in the path to their dream job. There are also people who spend so much time in one career only to discover later on that they wanted to do something else.
* Success is being able to Share
Idealists can define achieving success when they have the knowledge and the wisdom that they can share to their colleagues and the rest of the world. Volunteers describe success as being able to share what they have without thinking what they can get in return.
*Some ways to be success:
Plan, plan, plan Good planning and knowing where you’re going is 80 percent of your project’s success, while the other 20 percent is the actual work, Eriksson says. The planning phase should include a project map with a list of all team members, individual responsibilities, their contact information, and whom they report to and when.

Create the team you need Start small, say, with two or three team members and grow from there. Recruit diverse people with different abilities. Create an environment that encourages teamwork

Manage yourself. Plan your time and keep yourself healthy by eating well and taking plenty of exercise.

Truth. Be honest with yourself. Did you really spent two hours doing your homework or did you spend an hour and a half talking to your friend on the phone and half an hour on your homework ?
Vision “an idea about what the future could be like “.You must be able to clearly see what you want. Your vision must be clear and detailed.
Finally You should work hard to make balance in our society. Being a successful project manager doesn’t happen overnight, Eriksson says. "But almost every job-related experience can add to your mastery and excellence in project management,"

لو سمحتو

لازم الكل يستفيد …

يسلمووووووووووووووووووووووووو وربي كنت محتاجة له

مششششششششششششششششششششكور دمت ذخرا للمجتمع



العفو العفو العفو
ونتو مب ناويين نتساعد مع بعض

يالله اللي عنده يحط


انــــــــــا ابى برجراف عن ال dormitory

يعني الفرق بين الدراسه في الداخل والخارج

الايجابيات والسلبيات لوسمحتووو اباه ضرووري

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

english report about egyptian civilization , تقرير انجليزي -تعليم اماراتي

السلام عليكم

ممكن تساعدوني؟
ابغي تقرير من 3 إلى 4 صفحات عن ( الحضارة المصرية القديمة, او اي حضارة ثانية ) .
مع تقديم بوروبينت .!!

ساعدوني بليييييييز ..
لمـَدة 3 ايام فقط !!

شكرآ لكم


هاجر !!!
غريب امرج !!!

انا حاط الموضوع في قسم اللغة الانجليزية !!!
يعني ابغي الموضوع باالانجليزي !!

تعطيني اياه بالعربي !!

لو ابغيه بالعربي كنت بحطه في اي قسم ثاني !!


المعذرة لم أقرأ مكان الموضوع

وجدته في مواضيع لاردود لها

ولم أنتبه للقسم

لي عودة

المعذرة منك


شـُكرآ لتعاونك ومُساعدتك,,,
بإنتظار الغنائم ,,

بـارك الله فيك



اشكرج الغالية على المُساعدة ,,

بس ماشي تقرير جاهز,,؟
لأنه باقي يومين ولازم اسـَلم التقرير ,,,
وعندي امتحانات !!!
شو اللي اخـَليه واسوية .!!
الله يعين ,,!!

وفوق هذا بوربوينت,,,


صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن الصحراء , English report about desert -تعليم الامارات


بنات ادبي 2 مدرسة الشفاء لاتاخذونه
الاني سلمته لأبلة ش م ا ي ل خخ

الملفات المرفقة

خخخخخخخخخخخ ..~

تسلمين يالغلا وبارك الله فيج ..~

هاا تقرير يسمونه والله انج حاله ..

المهم يسلموو

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة نمله مشاهدة المشاركة
هاا تقرير يسمونه والله انج حاله ..

المهم يسلموو

اختي نمله السمووووووووحه منج بس يرجى احترام الاعضاء

مشكووووووووووره توأمي بالتوفيج ان شاء الله..

مشكوووره اختيه


هاه مب تقرير ><


ما يطيع التقرير يتحمل ليييييييييش

بغيت بعض اسماء الصحاري في الامارات

بس هذا مااايتسمى تقرير
بعد مشكوووووووووووور ةوتسلم إيدج

الصرااااااااحة في قمـــــــة الروؤوعـة


سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده