الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير عن Learning Styles للصف الحادي عشر

الســـلامن عليكم

اشحالكم ياعرب عســـاكم ماتشكون من باس؟.

بثقل عليكم شوي بغيت تقرير حق الانجليزي عن اي شي

يخص المنهج فيه مقدمة وموضوع وخاتمه ومصدر وفهرس

ماعندي موضوع محدد لاني ميح في الانجليزي

المس تباه بعد اسبوع والسمـــوحه

يا ريت تكتبين شو المقررعليكم؟

اممم قلتلك انا في الانجلش ماعرف شي ((ماماتيه تقول هب زين تتعلمون لغة الغرب هاااع ))المس قالت اي شي يخص

المنهج بس انشاء الله باجر بسئل المس عن شو بسوي

ابا اسماء العجائب السبعة القديمة والجديدة بالانجليزي واباه ضروري لو سمحتووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو

انا ابغي صور لسلسله الغذائيه




وانا ابي عن
Learning Styles

تقرير عن Learning Styles

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

الصف الحادي عشر

حل صفحه 12 و 13 في work book الحادي عشر العلمي, الأدبي -التعليم الاماراتي

السلام عليكم والرحمه

شو الاخباار؟؟

بغيت حل صفحه 12 و 13 في work book

لا تبطون علي ردوو اذا تعرفون ..


ساعدوووني بليييييييييييييييييز هئ هئ

ص 12
السؤال A
1_ ثاني اختيار
2_ اول اختيار
3_ اول اختيار
4_ثالث اختيار
5_ ثاني اختيار
السؤال B
2 _ or
6_ and
15_that وتستوي so
اخاف اني تاخرت عليج اذا بعدج تبين ص13 بكملها لج واذا خلاص ادعيلي ^_^ تحياتي عشقك يكفيني

لو سمحتوا اريد حل كتاب الملون صفحة 39 ضروري لانه باجر مناخذه..

والله خرعتينا ابسرعه ادخلو على بالي عندج سالفه هاذي سالفتج:)

مشكوووووووووورة الغالية ع الاجوبة

يزاج الله ألف خيييييييييير

في ميزان حسناتج ان شاالله

أريد حل ص 15 البراجراف في work book

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الحادي عشر

بليييييييييييييييزز سااااااعدووووني بلييييزز …. للصف الحادي عشر

لووووو سمحتوووووووووووووووو بلييييييييييزززززززززززززززززززز ابا موضووووع مال الانكلش

المووووووووووووووووووووووضوع عن كيف يستعد ل atest ؟

ويكون عن ما تستعمل في غرفة الامتحان ؟

بلييييييييييييييزززززز اباااااه ضررررررررروووور لا تردوني بلييييز يالاعضاء الكرااااااااام ..

تحياااااااااااتي لكم …

أختكم … مدى الايام ..

و الله ما ادري

أختي ما فهمت لج ؟

اختي ترجمي يا اخوني ما في مترجم

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الحادي عشر

ضرووري بحث عن friend ship للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

طلب ضررروووووووووري

ياليت يكون جاهز اليوم

بحث عن friend ship

يكون متضمن اربع نقاط

1_ whats the friend ship

2_how to make your friend ship

3_ماهي شخصية أو صفات الصديق المفضل لديك

4_ howto keep your friend ship

ويكون مابين عشر سطور و20 سطر

الملفات المرفقة

تقرير عن ال friend ship منقول من منتدى تعلم لأجل الامارات

في المرفقات >>

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الحادي عشر

بليز ابي بعض برقرافات للمواضيع ساعدوني….. للصف الحادي عشر

سلام عليكم والرحمه
ابي مساعد بعض

الـــ " write paragraphs "

1- education
2- learner sityl
3- memory
4- friendship
5- how con write report

بليز والله مهم يوم الاحد علي الامتحان

وأنا يوم جفت العنوان استانست قلت يمكن حد فيه خير ورد….آخر شي تقفطت…أسمحيلي أخوتي بروحي أنا أدور …..وإن لقيت ما بقصر وياج

والله..هذا الموجود ع جهازي….ويمكن هذا محملتنه من نفس القسم>>من معهدنا الغالي :)…بس يالله بحطلج إيااه وإن شاء الله بيفيدج

^^>>>I hope

;hjabout a good teenager : ( عن المراهق الجيد )

1- I believe teenager respect their parents at all times .
2- they should listen to their parents ideas .
3- I think good teenagers should be polite with their teachers .

about equations ( المعادلة ) :

1- equations are used in business and maths .
2- sometimes equations are numbers .
3- equations are sometimes words .

about how to manage your time : ( كيف تدير أو تنظم وقتك )

1- we must have enough time to do the work we have to do .
2- we must balance the work and the time available .
3- lt’s better to do the most important work first .

about how to beat time thieves(كيف تهزم لصوص الوقت ) .

1- Tum off mobile phone if you are studying .
2- a cup of water is better for concentration than a cup of coffee .
3- don’t plan to study at silly times of the day .

Write a paragraph about how to learn new information ( كيف تحفظ معلومة جديدة ) :

There are five main ways of learning new information . the first way is frequency .this means hearing or reading new information lots of times . for example you should write the new information 10 times and say it to yourself . the second way is activity . it is doing something with new information . variety is another way . it means doing different things with new information . linking new information with old one is another way . for example , you should link a new word to a word you already know . finally , finding something new information helps learning it .

How to keep friends . ( كيف تحافظ علي أصدقاؤك )

Keeping friends is an important thing to do . good friends are sometimes better than brothers . moreover , l like the friend who is supportive . who can help me when I need him because a friend in need is a friend indeed . I don’t like those friend who always criticize me . on the other hand a good friend should be honest and reliable . I like the friend whom I can depend on and trust . I can tell him about my problems and he can help me solve them and try to think about my feeling . finally , it is very necessary to keep friendship forever because life without friends is impossible .

How to solve problems between friends ( كيف تحل المشاكل بين الأصدقاء )

Problems may occur at any time between friends . problems between friends don’t go away by themselves . it is a good thing to talk to our friend about the problem because he may not recognize that he did something annoying . in addition , it is not a good idea to confront a friend while being angry , it’s better to calm down first , then discuss the problem . the best thing to solve a problem with a friend is to talk to him face to face and share feelings .

Managing time : ( إدارة تنظيم الوقت )

Managing time is very important in our daily life . we must have enough time to do the work we have to do . we must also ensure that work equals the time available . it is easy to and the previous work . it is very important to do the current work first then do the previous one , but if we don’t do the correct work , it becomes previous as a result the work accumulates and we can’t do it properly . so it is very necessary to manage your time in order to get done .

How to beat the time thieves ( كيف تهزم مهدرات الوقت ) :

in everyone’s life , there are time thieves . those thieves could be people , things and inside ourselves . some people would like either to talk or take our time while we are busy to busy want to offer any help . for example , if a friendly colleague wants to talk , tell him that you want to study . sometime time thieves are the mobile phone or untidy desk . so it better to know when to use the phone and it wise too to tidy your desk before you sit to study . finally our stomach and brain can take much of our time . it is a good idea to stop studying when we are hungry , we have to plan to study after having a light meal .

[COLOR="Blue"]مشكوره اختي على البرقرافات ..[/COLOR]

بدور لج

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير عن الوطن العربي , English report about the arab world للصف الحادي عشر

أطلب من كل طالب or طالبة يساعدوني في هذا البحث بس ورقتين
لكن أبى مراجع ….. وجزاكم اللله ألف خير …. ويعله في ميزان حسناته اللي
يحطه مسرعة قبل فوات الأوان ………….

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الحادي عشر

طلب تقرير عن fast food للصف الحادي عشر

ممكن تقرير عن fast food بليييز لو سمحتوا

الغلا فالرابط التقرير




لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الحادي عشر

حلول ص >9< في كتاب practice book للصف الحادي عشر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اشحالكم يا اعضاء مدونة معهد الامارات التعليمي

امممممممم بغييت حلول ص >9< في كتاب practice book و سوال يقول : 2 – now write a short paragraph that descibes your food chain chart

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الحادي عشر

بحث , تقرير / جيفارا CHE Guevara للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم

لوسمحتوو ابي بــــحث 3 صفحات عن جيفارا ضروري جدا باللغه الانجليزيه وشكــــرأأأ..

هلآ ,

هنآ حصلت قصته ~>


وترجمتها للإنجليزي من قوقل !


CHE Guevara

The beginning of his life ……….

Guevara’s father was working Mhnders architect who was well off either the mother was

Educated and energized by a Vyafatty breathed passion and spirit as

Argentina and raised by the conduct of editors and the great sons of the homeland and the poems

Hair where the hair of the Spanish poetry (Pablo Neruda) and French literature

Guevara was born in 1928 Guevara was suffering from his childhood moved Rabomndhu Father

Family to the mountains as the only way to cure his son Berg under this

Guevara play sports, although he was thin, where currently only a length of 173 cm

The spirit was scathing parody of everything, even of the same has been

Unanimous views of accosting him that he was carrying inside the strange decline between boldness

And shame as it was absurd and an attractive appearance as well in this period after the transfer of

The family to a dry place because of illness Guevara Guevara met with Ornstouhit I

The situation in Latin America, poverty and social disorder and the family returned to

The capital to join the Faculty of Medicine and the boy after the end of the first phase Guevara

In 1947 when he was twenty-one years of age has long tour

Lasted about 8 Shahurma friend a doctor who was older than him and I was his friend

Was approaching to the politics here and has begun to discover the social reality of the continent

I started and know the worries in life more than his illness, which was the ghost

Aserthvroy attends the life of Indian groups and personally inspected the food shortages

Wheat and practiced medicine with the workers of a mine where identified as Manalven

Sided with the revolutionary social doctrines by their experience In the 19 century

There have been many diseases that ravage the poor to become a communist Alaurbin In

1953, after receiving medical clearance by the second trip was to

Juatimalahit supported the president was a young man who attempts to reform

Interventions were thwarted by the CIA and was a popular revolution condemns such

Interventions; what led to the deaths of thousands of people believed that the peoples of armed Guevara

Only capable of making hobbies and maturity of life and in the best

Meet 1955) Hilda (in exile in Guatemala marry her and gave birth to daughter

I (Byron) The irony is that Hilda had made him read for the first time

Some of the classics of Marxism, in addition to Lenin, Trotsky and Mao by

Strikes, supported by the colonial United States is left Guevara

Zjtah to Mexico and that was all Althoarat refuge in Latin America

After the fall of the popular cause of acquaintance Guatemala Guevara Fidel Castro

Who was the 1952 military coup in Cuba, Fidel Castro suddenly to

Mexico in search of land to create a neutral and when he was

Castrootkablh is Guevara and agree on the principle and one which the editors of Nothingness

His free peoples who are the same, "said Fidel Castro that Che Guevara was

Repeating the saying (to stop lamenting and the start of armed resistance) and decided that, Gephardt

Itaatdrb to guerrilla tactics in the farm b (Mexico City)

Beginning of the revolution …….

Zhongwei to Cuba and began the first attack, which they did not with them only

Eighty men had left them only 10, but this failed attack earned them

Many supporters, particularly in areas Rivipozlt war group exercise

Bands for two years until he entered the capital in January 1959 after the victorious

That toppled ex Aldictaturovi the meantime, Guevara gained the title (Batista)

Tony and companion in arms, and then took over the stability of the revolutionary government positions

The new has reached the highest military rank and Ambassador assigned to the bodies

International Kabryoniz Almellixiaoriis Central Bank and the Planning Officer

Minister Alsnaapomn positions that Guevara addressing the full force of the interventions

United States, he decided to nationalize all the interests of the State in agreement with Castro

She stressed the United States embargo of Cuba, which made gradually moving towards the

The Soviet Union at the time also announced his support of liberation movements in all

From Chile, Vietnam and Aldzairually Although the relationship between the powerful

Guevara and Castro, the difference in my Nzerehma occurred after the loss period

Castro was strongly biased to the Soviet Union and was attacking the rest of the

Socialism also clashed Guevara brutal and corrupt practices that were

Carried out by the leaders of the revolutionary government and then decided to leave Guevara Kobamottagh to

DRC sent a letter to Castro in October 1965 gave

Where Nhaiiamswulyath in the party leadership and his position Kozyruan rank

Kqaiduan his Cuban citizenship and it was announced that there are links other nature,

Can be eliminated securities Alsmpkma expressed his deep love for the Castro

Kobaouhninh for days and the common struggle

Bolivia, the last revolution ………..

After a short stay in Cuba after the return from Zaire, Guevara went to Bolivia

Chosen probably because it has the highest percentage of Indian population in the continent to create

Bolivian armed movement is not Latin American project to counter the tendency

U.S. exploited the wealth of the continent, but the preparation to monitor the movements among the

Althrripbkiedp a group of veterans to achieve these goals and has during

That period between November 7, 1966 and October 7, 1976 his book Diary

The battle was writing a diary usually when Chi was standing amid the forests and

Time to rest and holding pen registers by what he sees as worth up this

Diary was not written with a view to publishing, but written in the few rare moments

Which he was resting in the midst of heroic struggle than superhuman

Last-minute ………

On October 8, 1967 In one of the narrow valleys of Bolivia’s forces attacked army

Bolivian constituent members in 1500 has remained Guevara and his comrades are fighting 6 hours

Kamilhoho something rare in the guerrilla war in a rocky area

Arptdjal and even communication between them was almost impossible Astmervi fighting

Even after the death of all members of the group despite being wounded in his leg and was

Alqubd headed and put it on the love for a distance of 7 km This is Guevara’s Assad

Captive handcuffed behind his back as he lay in the dirt and darkness

Plunging and thought they were killed Itkhals it does not seem to even before the world champion and I

Zaawa affected that he died of his wounds and after the death of Guevara have remained afraid of it after his death

Later, say French writer (Sartre) Gievaraho finished object

Bcryvy the modern era is that Guevara was assassinated doctor and Ahaaarao Rebel

Hunter and butterflies and even long after the death is still some

Difficult to answer questions from her and did not resolve even one day is

Snitching and also do not know where the tomb of a real Guevara with some allegedDiscovered
After 30 years on death Gievaraantchert in the whole world Guevara fever

And print an image on clothing, tools, and study his biography and the publication of books about him

Guevara became a symbol of the revolution and left in the whole world and the myth can not be

Replicated at the level of military and political action that is supported by sayings

Wonderful activist and a believer to the principle of different direction be sure of that

There is something to live for unless he was ready to die in the process, but

Matt was assassinated by the dictatorship that the body has not blighted Rabomat Revolutionary

And died to keep the legend rare symbol of revolution and the spirit has not been Nasrlkn

To remain immortal

وبالتوفييج إن شآء آلله ..

ممم ،، إختي , هآ لصف كم ؟

مأإ قصصرت أختي الغالية إماراتي7

يعطيج الف عاافيه ماقصرتي ها لصف الحادي عشر ^^ بس احس ترجمت جوجل مو اوكيه ولا ؟

هييه قوقل ترجمته مــب زينه,,ولأإ الـوأإفـي بسس يمكن حَـد يَقدر يسسأإعــدك <~:")

مُب أوكي ذآك آلزود , بس يفيد ..

إحنا فتقاريرنا آلمدرسية نترجم منه ونحصل درجات عالية ,

لإنه آلأخطاء الإملائية مايكون عليها وايد , بالزود درجتين !

إسمحيلي مآعرف وآيد إنجليزي و أهلي آلأجآنب فدوآمآتهم خخخ ولآ جآن ترجمنا لج ..


يُنقل للصف الحادي عشر , إنجليزي (=

ثاانكس خيتوو اماراتي 7

إماراتي ما قصرت


سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

تقرير عن Food Chains & oure Food We للصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تقرير عن
Food Chains & oure Food We

Food Chains & Food We

Do you like to play games? If you do, you will need energy. Every time you run or jump, you are using up energy in your body. How do you get the energy to play? You get energy from the food you eat. Similarly, all living things get energy from their food so that they can move and grow. As food passes through the body, some of it is digested. This process of digestion releases energy.

A food chain shows how each living thing gets its food. Some animals eat plants and some animals eat other animals. For example, a simple food chain links the trees & shrubs, the giraffes (that eat trees & shrubs), and the lions (that eat the giraffes). Each link in this chain is food for the next link. A food chain always starts with plant life and ends with an animal.
1- Plants are called producers because they are able to use light energy from the Sun to produce food (sugar) from carbon dioxide and water.
2-Animals cannot make their own food so they must eat plants and/or other animals. They are called consumers. There are three groups of consumers.
A – Animals that eat ONLY PLANTS are called herbivores (or primary consumers).
B – Animals that eat OTHER ANIMALS are called carnivores.
– carnivores that eat herbivores are called secondary consumers
– carnivores that eat other carnivores are called tertiary consumers
e.g., killer whales in an ocean food web … phytoplankton → small fishes → seals → killer whales

1. Animals and people who eat BOTH animals and plants are called omnivores.
2. Then there are decomposers (bacteria and fungi) which feed on decaying matter.

These decomposers speed up the decaying process that releases mineral salts back into the food chain for absorption by plants as nutrients.

Image Map of the Nitrogen Cycle – What happens in the soil?
1. Do you know why there are more herbivores than carnivores?

In a food chain, energy is passed from one link to another. When a herbivore eats, only a fraction of the energy (that it gets from the plant food) becomes new body mass; the rest of the energy is lost as waste or used up by the herbivore to carry out its life processes (e.g., movement, digestion, reproduction). Therefore, when the herbivore is eaten by a carnivore, it passes only a small amount of total energy (that it has received) to the carnivore. Of the energy transferred from the herbivore to the carnivore, some energy will be "wasted" or "used up" by the carnivore. The carnivore then has to eat many herbivores to get enough energy to grow.

Because of the large amount of energy that is lost at each link, the amount of energy that is transferred gets lesser and lesser.

1. The further along the food chain you go, the less food (and hence energy) remains available.
The above energy pyramid shows many trees & shrubs providing food and energy to giraffes. Note that as we go up, there are fewer giraffes than trees & shrubs and even fewer lions than giraffes … as we go further along a food chain, there are fewer and fewer consumers. In other words, a large mass of living things at the base is required to support a few at the top … many herbivores are needed to support a few carnivores
2. Most food chains have no more than four or five links.

There cannot be too many links in a single food chain because the animals at the end of the chain would not get enough food (and hence energy) to stay alive.

Most animals are part of more than one food chain and eat more than one kind of food in order to meet their food and energy requirements. These interconnected food chains form a food web.

A change in the size of one population in a food chain will affect other populations.

This interdependence of the populations within a food chain helps to maintain the balance of plant and animal populations within a community. For example, when there are too many giraffes; there will be insufficient trees and shrubs for all of them to eat. Many giraffes will starve and die. Fewer giraffes means more time for the trees and shrubs to grow to maturity and multiply. Fewer giraffes also means less food is available for the lions to eat and some lions will starve to death. When there are fewer lions, the giraffe population will increase.

السلام عليكم
بارك الله فيك
يعطيك العافية
موفق ان شاء الله

اشكرك اخي ريح

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

يزاك ربي الف خير,,

وتسلم يمناك,,

ما قصرت..

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده