الصف التاسع

paragraph of school rules للصف التاسع

لو سمحتواا .. بغيت paragraph of school rules
موضوع عن قواعد المدرسة
بلييز ابي بسرعة

ان شاء الله يساعدوج

تم الحصول عليه , من كتابتي ^^

Of the laws of the school cut the nails, and did not cut their nails will return home, and also of the laws not Altokran queue, and also wearing badge and many other laws

هع انا قلت ابي موضووع موو جملة ..
عالعمووم مشكورة … ويعطيج العافية ..

السلام عليكم ممكن حد يعطيني قواعد عن الاماراتrules in uae يعني موضوع بللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللل لللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللل لللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللل لللللللللللللللللللليز الله يخليكم

امممم ,, اختية صح انتى بغيتى موضوع انزين انا ماعنديهَ صلاحية احط لج موضوع من كتاباتى لان تعرفين كراف وهيك وها لقيت يمكن يساعدج والسموحه منج اختية

First you need a list of the school rules, and you’ll have to read them and think about them some.

For this assignment, it’s probably best psych out what the teacher is after. Do you think it’s about proving that you’re aware of the rules? Do you think the idea is to make sure you did your own work–you can’t find it on the Internet? Is is all about making you think about responsible behavior, safety, etc.? Why do you think you were given this assignment? Did something happen in your class or your school? Is there a problem?

If there’s no special reason that you can think of, then just take your own best shot at it: why do you think schools have rules, and why are those the rules for your school?

After you have given it a little thought and formed your opinion about the rules, start writing.

Start with a statement of your position–a sentence or paragraph that states the opinion you are going to present, such as that school rules are necessary. Introduce the main points you are going to make to support your view.
Offer your main points, your major ideas about the topic . Give examples or evidence for each one. Discuss them in the same order in which you introduced them at the beginning.
Draw a conclusion that sums up what you’ve just said and proves your point, without just restating what you said at the start.
For example, in paragraph 1 you might say that school rules exist for three reasons. State the reasons. In paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, discuss each of the reasons in turn, giving some kind of example from school experience or something you know from the world at large, such as real-life incidents or laws. In the last paragraph, sum up by stating your conclusion, such as that it’s important to obey school rules, and why.

There you go.


في بنت اتحبني

شكرا عيوز مشكلجية و الله ظهرتي طيوبة

gooo toooo the healllll oul < moooooool ma tfiiiidooooon

لا الـــه الا الله

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