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Paragraph about learning style -تعليم الامارات

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بغيت اسااعدووني بغيت writinig learning style وابيه يوم الاحد اخر تسليم الله يخليكم بحدود 120 او 200 كلمه

Learning Styles

You have probably noticed that when you try to learn something new that you prefer to learn by listening to someone talk to you about the information. Some people prefer to read about a concept to learn it; others need to see a demonstration of the concept. Learning Style Theory proposes that different people learn in different ways and that it is good to know what your own preferred learning style is.

Some links have been provided below for you to follow to learn more about learning styles. There are a variety of instruments that help you identify your learning style and you may prefer to do them on line, or you may want to stop in the Career Service Office, Campus Center 21, to talk to a real person and use a real pencil to fill out a Learning Style Inventory! But first, check out the resources below.

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