الصف العاشر

EMSA -مناهج الامارات

EMSA english exam

للتحميل كامل و مرتب في المرفقات

Education is the key to future success.

Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons and examples to support your
point of view.

What account type is being used?
A basic
B public
C shared
D premium

The password is
A isis\mark.wong
B mark.wong
C sunshine069
D isis\mark.wong\sunshine 069

Many people feel overwhelmed by today’s talk
of global warming and all the environmental
problems we face. What it really comes down to
is the need for all of us to take action as
Talk to your parents and grandparents about
how things used to be. There is often good reason
fo r traditional practices and beliefs. People today
are incredibly wasteful in ways our grandparents
cannot really understand. Our grandparents would have
mended broken things and done without things they couldn’t afford. Today, if
something is broken, it is sometimes cheaper just to throw it out and buy a new one.
We need to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Before you buy something next time, think about what your grandparents might
say and ask yourself: do I really need this?
16 According to this information how are people today different from their grandparents?
People today are
A more traditional.
B more wasteful.
C less concerned about the environment.
D less interested in grandparents

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