الارشيف الدراسي

comprehension about sport للصف التاسع

السلام عليكم ممكن comprehension عن sport بس يكون ملائم للصفوف الصغيرة ومشكورين

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

تفضل اخوي طلبك,,

Today with the speeding step of life, more and more people spend their most time in working. Of course, it is necessary for us to devote ourselves in working, but sports can bring us energy and high efficiency and some abilities in cooperating with others.

Firstly, basketball can improve the consciousness of cooperation. The goal when we play basketball with our team against another is not for awards but for the proud when we are successful. And team work teachs us the bad result as the bully

Secondly, badminton can improve the feelings between the couples. As badminton for amature is not so high stress as boxing, so most women love this kind of sport. If husband and wife can play together on sunday for about 2 hours, the love feelings will be improved.


جاري تعديل العنوان وينقل للقسم اللغة الانجليزية,,

بس ياريت تقول لنا لاي صف هذا,,


لصف ثالث

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

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