الصف الثاني عشر

Paragraph about learning style -تعليم الامارات

هلآ والله

بغيت اسااعدووني بغيت writinig learning style وابيه يوم الاحد اخر تسليم الله يخليكم بحدود 120 او 200 كلمه

Learning Styles

You have probably noticed that when you try to learn something new that you prefer to learn by listening to someone talk to you about the information. Some people prefer to read about a concept to learn it; others need to see a demonstration of the concept. Learning Style Theory proposes that different people learn in different ways and that it is good to know what your own preferred learning style is.

Some links have been provided below for you to follow to learn more about learning styles. There are a variety of instruments that help you identify your learning style and you may prefer to do them on line, or you may want to stop in the Career Service Office, Campus Center 21, to talk to a real person and use a real pencil to fill out a Learning Style Inventory! But first, check out the resources below.

فديت رووووووووووووحج

مشكووووووووووووووووووره غنااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااتي^^

سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

please riport UAE wedding للصف الثاني عشر

booooooyyyyyyyy &&&& giiiiiiiiiiiirllllllllllllllle
can you help me
can you give me a riport a bout

إنشاء الله تكونوا فهمتوا أبغي موضوع عن الزواج في الأمارات

يسلمووو خيوووو

يعطيك العافيه

جزاك الله كل خير

جزاش الله خير

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

الصف الثاني عشر

موضوع عن التلوث يحتوي على 90 للصف الثاني عشر

مساء الخير للكل وإذا مكن موضوع عن التلوث يحتوي على 90 كلمة ضروري كتير قبل يوم الأثنين مششششششششان الله ساعدوني إذا بتحسنوا والشكر

the pollution is the biggest one problems of this age . there are
many kinds of pollution that make life diffecult, unhappy and unhealthy.
the first kind is the most dangerous one which is air pollution . it is caused by factories and cars sending out smoke. this kind is commonly found industrial and big cities. in such cities ,air is not clean and unhealthy.
the other kind is water pollution .factories pour chimecals into nearst seas and rivers. itis also caused by tankers spilling oil or towns pouring waste. those poisonous chemicals and waste make water dirty and unhealthy to drink . they also kill fish that people eat.
many countries work hard to stop pollution and thy cucceeded. air and water on their cities become much cleaner. they now breathe and drink fresh and healthy air and water

انا بعد بغيت حلول عن التلوث بلييييز ساعدوني

تسلم كككككككككككتتتتتتتتييييييييرلأنك أعطني من وقتك
وإنشاء الله تتوفق وتحصل على أعلى الدرجات مشكور

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

لاتردوووووني دخيلكم دشووووووووو -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم
لوسمحتوا ابغي حل الموضوع الي في صفحه 82 وحل الموضوع 85
دخيلكم لاتردووووووني اباه قبل يوم الاحد
مافيه ع حشرة الابله ابغا ضروري اذا ماعليكم امر

وينكم ياعرب ردووووووو عليه بليييييز باجر تباه الابله

كالعادة أتمنى كتابة السؤال وتوضيح المطلوب أكثر

آسفة اختي بعدنا ما وصلنا ها الصفحة

حل صفحة 83
1) for – and -across-of-because -without-in -but-from- as
2)store -excess-function
3)heavy-lose -die

حل صفحة 84
A)a.ice b.solid c.annual d.permanent e.melt

حل صفحة 85

D)b.20% of the world
c.no of canada
go down to -50c
f.limited plants life
g.dogs ,seals ,bears
i.sleds and snow mobiles
they cover about 40% of the worlds land area deserts are alike in some aspects and different in many others.they are all dry with limited plant and animal life .not many people live there .on other hand ,the empty quarter,the tundra and takla makan are different . the empty quarter is in asia. it is full of sand it is very hot in summer and cool in winter .people of the empty quarter are bedouins . they live in tents and travel by camels .the tundra in the north of canada .it is made up of snow and ice . it is very cold all around year . people of tundra are lnuit . they live in igloos and travel by sleds .the takla makan is near the silk round .it is acold winter desert .it is made up of stones and rocks. people of the takla makan one nomads .they live in yurts and travelby camels and horses . to sum up . whether hot ,cold or cold winter , life in deserts ,is very hard .

والسمووحه ماا حصلت 82 ^^

لا تنسوني من دعواتكم

صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

paragraph ((stress)) للصف الثاني عشر

السلام عليكم ..

شحالكم . عساكم بخير

بغيت منكم طلب صغيروني .. اتمنى انكم ما تخذلوني ..

ابغي برجراف عن how to cope with stress during exam times

أبغيه فأسرع وقت .. قبل يوم الاحد هذاا

لأنه عندي واااااجب لازم اسلمه .. وابغي مساعدكم ..

مب تقرير .. برجرااااااف ..

اترياااا ردودكم ..

وينكم … طلبتكم ..


حتى انا ابغيه ضرووووووووووووري اليوم
الله يخليكم يالاعضاء حد يساعدنا منكم

وينكم يا الاعضاء
افــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا ااااااااااا

وينكم محد رد ع المووضوووووووع …

انا خلاص كتبته .. بس اتريااااا المس تصلحه .. وإنشاء الله بنزله .. حق مزنه

وهذا الموضوع كامل .. بدون اختصارات


(( How can I cope with exam stress? ))

Stress is a natural feeling designed to help us cope in difficult situations. In small amounts it’s good for you because it pushes you to work hard and do your best. The problems come when you have too much stress.

According to UK mental health charity MIND, signs of too much stress include headaches, sleeping badly, loss of appetite, being unusually bad tempered, feeling tired all the time, feeling sick, feeling restless, finding it difficult relax or concentrate, drinking or smoking too much, and feelings of panic.

It is important to talk to someone you trust such as a family member, teacher or friend if you’re feeling very stressed and worried. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for support. You may want to make an appointment with your GP or school/college nurse or counselling service, especially if you’re finding it difficult to eat or sleep properly.

To avoid exam stress make sure you’re well prepared. Good planning is the key to success. Get your revision ti$$$$ble drawn up and try to stick to it. Speak to your teachers to find out if there are past exam papers you can look at to familiarise yourself with the layout and type of questions you’ll be asked. Practice completing the exam paper in the set time limit so you’re more confident on the day.

Make time in your day to relax – whether it’s half an hour reading a book, or a long bath in the evening. You’re more likely to do your best if you relax, and you learn better if you take regular breaks. A positive attitude
helps as well. If you know you’ve done your best that’s all that matters – exams are not the be all and end all.

Sleep and food are vital. Your body needs them for energy so don’t skip meals or stay up all night revising. It won’t do you any good in the long run because by the time the exam comes you won’t have any energy and your concentration levels will be low. Get some physical exercise every day – this will help keep your mood positive, and help you sleep.

أتمنى انكم استفدتوا..

فمان الله

مشكووووووووووووورة اختي على الساعدة
وجعل الله في ميزان حسناتج

طاااااااااانكس ….

مشكوووووووووورة أختي وااااااااااااااااااااااااايد وجعله في ميزان حسناتج

تسلمين وعساج على القوة
ويارب ينكتب في ميزان حسناتج الغالية

اللعم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين

الصف الثاني عشر

موقع واايد حلو حق السيبا -التعليم الاماراتي

سلاااااااامي عليكم



يا مرحبا الساع

حبيت احط لكم موقع لامتحان السيبا وان شاء الله يفيدكم



مشكورة ختية ماقصرتي ……………………..
و الله يوفجش ان شالله ….

مشكورة اختي وليف الشوووق على الموقع

دمتي بود
أخوج …. نبض المسا

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مزيون بوظبي مشاهدة المشاركة
مشكورة ختية ماقصرتي ……………………..
و الله يوفجش ان شالله ….


ويوفقك الجميع

واهم شئ النسة

والله يوفقكم يا طلاب الثنوية العامة

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة نبض المسا مشاهدة المشاركة
مشكورة اختي وليف الشوووق على الموقع

دمتي بود
أخوج …. نبض المسا


وشد حيلك

محرومهـ من غلاها
تشكراتي لج
والله يوفقج دنيا وآخرة
تقبلي تجياتي

و الله سويتي فيني خير من متى أدور نفس هذا الموقع بس للإسف ما أحصل دشيت هنيه و حصلت يزاج الله خير و ما قصرت يا الغالية ..

مشكوره اختي بس انا أقول درسو من النابو اكثر
لأنه أحس بييبون منه
وربي يوفقج ويوفقنا

ما طاع ينفج
لو اتساعدوني فيكم الخير


صلى الله على محمد

الصف الثاني عشر

Educaition in the UAE now and then -مناهج الامارات

سبم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم



بغيت تقرير عن

Educaition in the UAE now and then


The different between high school and univercity

وينكم ؟؟

سلام عليكــــــ .::.

بن عمي <<<<<<<<<<<<

متى تبا البحث ؟؟؟؟

Differences Between High School and College

The first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school. You have more
freedom and more opportunities, indicating that you must make important decisions yourself. At day one you are alone. Even if you know other students at the university, you are one in thousands. Becoming someone of importance is challenging, and at times can be very intimidating. Understanding the changes from high school to college will give you a head start.


One of the biggest differences between high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make. Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework. You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be.

The Benefit: If you have ever felt trapped while in high school, because you were unable to make decisions for yourself. Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you. In college you are set free, and if you let your ambitions guide you, you can go places and do things that you never imagined.

The Negatives: For many students, freedom is the one thing that destroys them. If you have the freedom to do great things, you also have the freedom to make poor decisions.

My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom! I hated asking a student teacher, still in college and only a few years older than me, if I could use the restroom.


In high school, I was able to go to class, listen to the teacher, finish the homework assignment, and talk to my friends, all in one class session. In college those tasks will be separated.

Total class time in college is much less than in high school. Professors will cover what they believe is the most important information in that time; however, it does not mean that they will cover all of the material that will be on the test. Most of your college learning will actually be done outside of class and classes will be used for reviewing and reinforcement of concepts. Where as in high school all learning was done in class and review was done outside of class and only if necessary.

Class Attendance: Some professors will give you credit for being in class. Others could care less. However, it is HIGHLY recommended that you attend ALL classes.


Everything you need for a class will be put on the syllabus. Professors may not give any additional reminders of tests, homework assignments, and papers. Not paying attention to your syllabus could be one of your worst mistakes.


The possibilities are endless. You can participate in “real” research, researching things that no one else has. You can be a leader in a student organization that grows to be an organization that many universities support. You can write a book, and have the necessary advisors, professors, to teach you the ropes of having something published. You will learn how to get involved in campus politics, which I believe can be as important as city or national politics.

Meeting People

One of my favorite parts of college is meeting people. Reach out to people. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. You never know, that stranger may end up being your coauthor, or your business partner. There is nowhere else besides a university where you can find such a large amount of people with countless and unimaginable skills.

.Education in the UAE in the past and present.

It is no secret that there was little development anywhere in the Arabian Peninsula prior to the discovery of oil. The reason is simple: there was no money for it. The economy in those days was a simple one, based upon pearl diving, fishing, coastal trade and the most rudimentary agriculture.
In 1962 when oil production began in Abu Dhabi the country lacked virtually everything: schools, hospitals, airports, seaports, a dependable supply of safe drinking water, electricity plants and, most importantly, proper housing for the majority of the people. Indeed in the whole country there was not a single kilometer of tarmac road. There had been peace, but a peace without prosperity.
In 1962 there were only 20 schools in the country with less than 4000 students — and most of those boys. By the time the UAE was established in 1971, there were still less than 28,000 students and education was pretty well confined to the towns. Today there are over 290,000 children at government schools all over the country. Each village has its primary school for young children and in the towns, secondary schools with boarding facilities mean that students of $$$$ sexes can complete their secondary education.
In the past, post-secondary education was government-financed and of course meant going abroad to other Arab countries or even to Britain or America. At present, however, the UAE can offer higher education at home. In 1977 the Emirates University was set up in Al Ain. Since that time there have been some 14,500 graduates with half of them women. Hundreds of new graduates are turned out each year.
Courses offered include the traditional university subjects as well as various kinds of engineering, agriculture, various scientific disciplines and a highly-rated Faculty of Medicine which is recognized by Britain’s prestigious Royal College of Surgeons. Overseas scholarships are still available for higher degrees and are still financed by the government.
Early on, the government realized the importance of technical and vocational training for its citizens — $$$$ male and female — so that they could help in meeting the demands of the local job market.
To help meet these demands, in 1988 a system of Higher Colleges of Technology was set up. These offer a more technically oriented course of study. As in the university and the government schools, tuition at the Colleges is free and curriculum has been produced in consultation with potential employers such as banks, airlines and the local oil industry. In 1992 when the first group of students graduated, they had little or no difficulty in finding jobs.
A new Certificate and Diploma program is being introduced in 1995-96 which will offer a year-long course of basic studies for those who lack adequate preparation to enter the four year Higher Colleges course.
Additional technical education and training is also available in institutions such as the Dubai Aviation College, the Emirates Banking Training Institute or the Career Development Centre of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.
Outside the government sector, there exists a wide range of private schools with an enrolment of some 150,000 students. A number of these teach in the language of one of the expatriate communities living in the UAE and follow the curriculum of their countries. For example, there are English, French, German and Urdu schools preparing children for life in their home countries.
In the last few years, a number of universities and colleges from overseas have begun to offer partial or full degree courses through affiliates in the UAE. This means that a full range of education is available for $$$$ citizens and expatriates.
The President of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed, has said: "Youth is the real wealth of the nation" and if the income from oil can be used to create an academically and technically qualified citizenry, there can be no doubt of the wisdom of the immense expenditure



سبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

مشروع اللغة الإنجدليزية 12ع ف1 للصف الثاني عشر

مشروع اللغة الإنجدليزية 12ع ف1

ويــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــنهـــ

لا الـــه الا الله

الصف الثاني عشر

طلب تقرير عن الشاهين للصف الثاني عشر

طلبتكم طلب والله ماتردوني ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
…. تقرير عن الشاهين……

شو يعني شاهين ؟؟

ممكن تكتبلي اسمو بالانجليزي

مب شاهين حبيب ^^ nudian vultuer ( النسر ) ^^

مرحبااااااااااااااا شحالكم

انا ابغي بحث كااااااااااامل عن الصقر

لو سمحتوااااااا بأسرع وقت

وينكم ^9
ابي مساااعدتكم ضروووووووووووووووري

انااااااا عضووووه يديده ومحد يسااااااااااعدني


انااا أبي أي موضوووع عن الإنجليزي
بس مع ملخص لو سمحتووووووووااا

وينكم والله حرااام محد يرد علينا نحن طلاااب ثنوي عااامه عدناا درااااسة
ومعتمديييييين عليكم دخييييييييييييييييييييييييييلكم لااا تردووونا والله الدرااااااااسه صعبه أي شي جاااهز عندكم نزلوووه

السوحه كنت مسطل شويييييييييي؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
وينج يهاجر وين التقرير عن النسر؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
طلبتج طلبه …………

رحنااا فيهااا اخرطي ><

الحــــــــــــــــــــــمد لله

الصف الثاني عشر

ابي مساعده عفية ساعدووني -تعليم الامارات

هلا فيكم اتمنى تساعدووني

Give advice to friend telling her how to con centrate before exams??

يعني شلوون بشو انصح رفيجتي قبل الاختبار ؟ 3 نصايح حصلت الابلة تبي 20
اتريا ردوودكم ومشكووورين

وحليلي محد بيساعدني بزووول م الابلة

انها تقرأ كيت
تسأل اختها الكبيره

تتحدث معع اصدقائها عن هالموضوع
تبحث عن الاجابه من خلا ل الانتر نت

تسأل المعلمآت الماده او اي ماده

هذا الي اعرفه وترج ـــميه انتي سهل لو غلك ما بيحاسبون يمكن عندكم يحاسبون(طلب مساعده من صديق)

وسموحه ع القصور

ثنكس ع الردد ماتقصر خلاص عااااد سلمت لها الابلة من فتره تسلم

سوؤي ع التأخير سمحيلي يا ختي
دشيت متأخر ع المنتدا

العفوووو فديتج الشكر مووووصوووول لج قبل تساعدين

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ملاسل الدلوعه مشاهدة المشاركة
ثنكس ع الردد ماتقصر خلاص عااااد سلمت لها الابلة من فتره تسلم

انزين ممكن تحطين الي سلمتيه للأبله

محتاااااااااجه بلييييييييز
يمكن يدش بالامتحااان

اوكي بحط الي اذكره لان الوورقة عند الابله

dont thinking any thing problem
just remember your test
do your self time table orgnaise for your time test for study
u should cofdenise and relax
u should sleep early because wake up early and eat break fast and next studu for your and when you study do notes
also orgnaise your time and dont watch TV alot

هذا الي قدرت اكتبه الحين والسمووحة ع القصور

سبحان الله و بحمده