الصف الثاني عشر

the food in the past -مناهج الامارات

مرحبااااااااا السااااااااااااااااع ..

حبايبي ..

حد عنده تقرير عن الموضوع ..

او أي فكره عنه ..

يساعدني فيه ..

و يزاكم الله كل خيييير ..

دخيلكم وانا بعد ابي تقرير عن نفس الموضوع ..وابويااا دخيلكم ساعدونااا … بصيح والله .. خخخ

اسففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففف والله

اسفة والله بس أنا دورت وملقتش
يا ريت لو تحاول تغير موضوع تقريرك بيكون أفضل (إذا قدرت )

لوووووووو سمحتوا بلييييييييييييييييييز انا بعد أريد
إذا جدرتوا إلي عنده مايبخل علينا بليييييييييز
اتنمنى الرد بأسرع وقت ممكن

السلام عليكم …
Your heart needs care for life. A healthy heart is about enjoying a healthy lifestyle and making this part of your everyday life. It is also about taking positive steps to reduce risk factors.

The good news is that if you lead a healthy lifestyle, as outlined in the information in this section, you can reduce your risk of developing heart disease.
Enjoy Healthy Eating
Enjoying a variety of foods from the different food groups is the key to healthy eating. Try to:
• Eat plenty of plant-****d foods including vegetables, fruits and legumes and grain ****d foods (preferably wholegrain), such as bread, pasta, noodles and rice
• Eat moderate amounts of lean meats, skinless poultry, fish and reduced fat dairy products
• Replace saturated fat with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils and fats.
A healthy way to start the day – the benefits of breakfast

Regular breakfast eaters are more likely to enjoy a wide range of benefits including a more nutritious eating pattern and a healthier weight. Some simple ways for people on the go to enjoy the benefits of breakfast are available in an information sheet

Eggs, The Heart Foundation And The Tick – The Facts

Fresh hen eggs now carry the Heart Foundation Tick, as they are a highly nutritious food containing good quality protein.
Be Active Every Day

Being physically active is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. At any age physical activity provides a range of health benefits. And the good news is activity doesn’t have to be vigorous – moderate activity, such as brisk walking, is great for your health!

The Heart Foundation and other leading authorities recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on all or most days of the week. This can be accumulated in bouts of ten minutes or more if this is more convenient.

Be Smoke Free

Cigarette smoking is the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in Australia. It is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, as well as a range of cancers and other diseases and conditions.

The single most important thing a smoker can do for their cardiovascular health is to quit smoking. One of the first steps in the quitting process is to decide that you want to quit, then set a quit date and plan towards it.

Another way to be smokefree is to make your house a smokefree zone. This protects the non-smokers in the household, especially children and people with heart disease. Also, when you are out, ask for a smokefree area. Encourage your local pub, club or casino to go completely smokefree.

Risk Factors for Heart Disease
‘Risk factors’ for heart disease are characteristics that increase our chance of developing heart disease.

These include:
– smoking
– high blood cholesterol
– physical inactivity
– diabetes
– high blood pressure
– being overweight
– depression, social isolation and lack of social support.

Being male and having a family history of early death from heart disease are also risk factors for developing heart disease.

Leading a healthy lifestyle and following medical advice to reduce or remove risk factors over which we have some control, is the best way to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, and to help prevent it getting worse if it already exists.
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in the arteries as the heart pumps it around the ****.

If the blood pressure remains high it can cause serious problems like a heart attack, a stroke, heart failure or kidney disease. High blood pressure usually has no warning symptoms and therefore it is important to have regular blood pressure checks to find out whether you might have high blood pressure.

Finally , this id the more important thing you should do to have a healthy life … I hope the healthy life for every o

لا الـــه الا الله

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