الصف الحادي عشر

طلب برجراف عن سلسلة الغذائية البحرية للصف الحادي عشر

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

موضوع مبين من عنوانه ارجو منكم مساعدة

لان غدا امتحاني وارجو ان لايكون منقول من النت

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Depend most organisms in the seas and oceans on the plants to get the power, as the plants are alone that can make food from inorganic materials, Olz you, all the animals in the stage of life depends on the plant. Because plants producing food they are The first episode in the food chain and the foundation of the food pyramid, food pyramid represents (FOOD PYRAMID) transmission of the necessary materials for building objects and providing them with energy when fed an object on the other object. The rich surface waters of the Sea with tons of fine plant الهوائم such as diatoms and be with other plants Kaloashab marine beginning of the episode in most marine food chains, and following this episode of rings, are all types of consumers, namely animals.

And an example of the marine food chain where the food top Oherm chain animal Alaurka Oalihut killer (orca_killer whale) consumer loft (top carnivore) where there is in the marine environment any other sea creature feeds it. And feeds Olaurka on cod (cod), which in turn feed on the shells with valves (bivalves) and that Thblaha complete with their shells. Shells feed on zooplankton minute and which in turn feed on phytoplankton minute a basic rule in the marine food pyramid. The phytoplankton minute of food producing group, while the marine animals animal Kalawalq, shells, and cod and killer whales are all consumed food group. Although the killer whale is considered a consumer loft and Aitagzy by any sea creature last, but when he died dive into the depths until it reaches the bottom of the sea, where you start other marine animals nutrition attic (scavengers) which objects that feed on carrion and the remains of dead animals كأسماك shark ( sharks), and cancers (carbs), and some polychaetes the fragile star (stars_brittle) and crayfish (lobsters).

In addition, the marine bacteria begin to attack Jeff marine organisms and the remains of their bodies and decomposition of the remains of complex organic materials synthesis to simple inorganic materials (inorganic nutrients) depend on marine plants in their diet. And operate water currents emerging (Upwelling) to carry this Amozilt from the bottom to the surface of the sea where there are algae and phytoplankton Caldeatumat and others. Dependent biological productivity (Productivity) any maritime zone on the speed of rotation (Recycling) nutrient is dissolved organic from the seabed to the surface is usually in the shallow water of the seas in the North Arabian Gulf and areas with rising water, such as water currents off the coast of Oman, overlooking the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea.

Fish stocks and protection methods

Fish stock is defined as the quantity of fish from one type that live in a specific area and breed with each other. Often members enjoy stock at equal rates in growth and mortality, members may gather inventory in a specific area for breeding Kindle breed in small areas scattered.

Life history inventory

Fish stock is divided into three phases

1 – developed the egg and larva (Tur Roamer):

Put most marine fish very large amounts of eggs ranging between 200,000 to one million eggs per year, where throw female eggs in the water and throw male sperm occurs insemination in aqueous media, Qatar egg fish that live in warm seas around 1 mm, where the fetus grows inside egg and hatch within 48 hours, after which called Balergh where small start between 2_3 mm and feed on adjacent even hinted three days, then begin feeding on microscopic organisms such as phytoplankton minute or animal. The currents and waves play a big role in the movement of larvae from one place to another. After larvae that grow about 10 days after hatching begin feeding on the slightly larger objects. Because of the small size of the larvae and slow movement self be prey to many fish and other marine organisms, including fish of the same kind. Therefore, the proportion of larvae due to predation death is very high, and the larvae may not get adequate food leads to large Muteapkmyat, in addition to having a natural death when larvae hatch because of its moral weakness. And pass the larva in several stages through the development phase Roamer, which may take about 30 to 40 days in the fish or 50 to 60 days in crustaceans such as shrimp, shellfish and oysters. Therefore, larval mortality rates of up to about 99% and up to a few teenage phase, but this ratio are large numbers due to the high fertility of marine organisms.

2 – teenage phase:

At this stage the larva turns into a small fish similar to the kind in terms of external shape and color and scale formation, fins and teeth. Fish feed in the young stage worms and small crustaceans or plankton. And enjoy fish through young fast growth phase due to the abundance of food, fish and exceed teenage phase within a year or two and it depends on the type of fish. The mortality rates are high but it is much less than what is in Roamer phase.
3 – phase adult:

After growing up juvenile fish begins phase ADULT and continue fish in growth during the phase of the growth rate was lower than in phase young, and are fish in the Adults Bthrkha great distances to breeding sites, and less than natural mortality in the Adults only that the rate of fishing mortality due fishing be high. During this phase migrating fish to the deep sea for fishing within places where fishermen are active. And exuding usually adult fish from all regions of nurseries on the coast in the form of groups and accumulate in grazing areas and moving to breeding areas. And contains fish stocks in the grazing areas on different ages and sizes, some fish live longer than others, and marine organisms vary in the ways of her life and her age. The big fish live a long life of up to twenty years when grouper. So the gathering of fish stocks on their way to breeding areas containing varying ages and therefore different sizes of fish in the grazing areas, grouper Vmkhozon in fishing areas may contain fish aged between two and up to twenty years.

Spread stock

Bleaching many fish in the sea بعيداعن beach like fish Almid and grouper, etc., and there are some types choose places near the coast, such as al-Zubaidi or within rivers such as the patient, and therefore the phase Roamer for some types of fish soon be Manalssahel Odakhl sea, thanks to the currents and waves drift larvae towards the coast Uma called nursery areas characterized by a rock or herbs as protection areas for juvenile fish hiding from fish and marine animals predators. And nursery areas abundant food appropriate for juveniles, and juveniles live some fish in specific areas such as rivers before they migrate to the sea like fish patient. The spread of fish stocks in large areas in the sea during the three phases of his life, was transmitted during breeding season to the area in the territorial waters of the State and spends developed young in the territorial waters of the other neighboring countries. There are also some fish stocks migrate to distant places and cut thousands of kilometers, such as tuna. In other cases it may integral to several parts inventory to multiply.

يعطيك الف الف عافيه،،

موضوع رااائع،،

وجهود أروع،،

ننتظر مزيدك،،

ودّي و وردي ،،

تح ـيآتي ،هموووسة


مشكوووور اخويه وما قصرت.

السلام عليكم
جزااك الله خير خيو ريح
بارك الله فيك
تسلم ايدك
مجهود جميييييييييييل

أستــــغفر الله العظيم

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