الصف الحادي عشر

موضوع انجليزي عن ال sport للصف الحادي عشر

بلبز شباب بنوتات حلوين بغيت موضوع انجليزي عن ال sport ضرووووووووووووووووووووووووووري
dont for get me ok





Every one dreams of being happy and healthy. This dream needs lots of things to do such as having a healthy life style. Sport is one of the most important things that help people to be healthy and happy. In this project I am going to talk about the definition of sports, importance and types of them.
Sport is an activity that is managed by a set of roles. Sports differ in their roles according to their types. For example, football differs from the volley ball in their roles. This activity of sports helps in moving the body and the blood of humans which give the people healthy bodies.
People have many hobbies. Some people choose a type of sports as a hobby which is a good thing. There are many types of sports but they have common benefits. All the sports help the body to be strong. They also help people being more active so they work well and achieve their goals and duties in their lives. All the sports are the same in relaxing the minds of the persons who practise. Sports also are very important of $$$$$$$ing people. When people do some sports, they become happier and comfortable. Sports also play a vital role in helping people lose weight. When some one suffers from the overweight, doctors advise him to ensure a balanced diet but he should also concentrate in doing some sports not just to lose weight, to be fit also. Some children like for example playing foot ball. They play and play to be an excellent player in this sport. This thing may help these children to attend to football clubs and to get more experience. When they become really excellent players, they can achieve their dreams by showing their talents to the world and becoming famous persons.
There are many types of sports. Court is one of the main types of sports. It has many types of sports also like tennis, basket ball and netball. Field (team) is another type of sports. It includes football, flying disc and other sports. Swimming and the ice dance are sports of Gymnastics type. Arts are also considered as types of sports like martial arts. Racing is a famous sport all over the world and it has many kinds such as swimming, running, boat racing, car racing, air racing and other types of racing. Skiing, walking, ice hockey and other sports are Rink, ramp and Obstacle Park type of sports. There is a kind of sports also called strategy and it includes the chess, card games and other things.
Sport is a very important thing in our life. With sports we can live a healthy life and we can feel the happiness. All of us should think of practicing at least three times a week. The best two sports are walking and swimming. They are also easy sports. When we do some sport, we become stronger and more relax so we can then think about our lives and solve our problems easily

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