الصف السادس

كلما يخص الوحدة السابعة, اللغة الانجليزية الصف السادس للصف السادس

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته |…

Comprehension :

Read and answer.
The invention of the computer took more than one hundred years to complete. Charles Babbage designed the first computer way back in the 1830’s. It would be built with brass and run on steam power. Yet in those days, it was too big and too complicated to build. But in time, other people used his ideas to invent the modern computer.

1- This paragraph is about the invention of the :
a) computer b)inventions c) brass

2- computers were invented more than_____years ago.
a)100 b)2017 c)1000

3- The first computer was made in the :
a) 1840’s b)1860’s c) 1830’s

4- The first computer was made of :
a) steam b) wood c) brass

5- The underlined pronoun it line 5 refers to:
a) steam b) brass c) computer

Vocabulary and Grammar

Choose the correct answer :
1) The lesson will ________ easy .
a) was b) be c) been
2) Students can _______ this exam easily .
a) passes b) pass c) passed
3) I might _______ to Sharjah tomorrow evening.
a) go b) went c) going
4) This spoon is _________ gold, it is shining.
a) made of b) make of c) made in
5) Necessity _______ the mother of invention .
a) is b) was c) were
6) There ____many teachers in the school party ,yesterday.
a) are b)were c) is
7) pupils _______ ready to take the exam, now .
a) was b) are c) is
8)I like to drink water from a plastic _____ .
a) spoon b) bottle c) fork
9) We usually put the flowers in a ______
a) bottle b) vase c) cup
10) The plane can’t fly without ______ .
a) brass b) spoon c) wings
11)Wheels are made of ______
a) plastic b) rubber c) ****l
12) Dishes and forks are made of ____
a) stainless steel b) water c) canvas
13) The automobile is another name for the ____
a) plane b) car c) steam
14) People give ______ on birthdays .
a) aluminum b)brass c) presents
15) ________ this button to start the machine.
a) design b) press c) solve

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الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تسسلمين اختي , نشاط رائع..

بارك الله فيج

مشكـــــــــــــــــــــــــورة ^.^

شكرا لانج عطيتيني اللي اريدة

ثانكس واااااااااااايد عيبني

العفو ,,هذا من ذوقج ..

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