الصف العاشر

طلب باراجرف عن advantages and disadvantages of watching TV للصف العاشر

some people think watching a lot of t.v. is bad,while others find it useful .Write about the advantages and disadvantages of TV expressing your point of view

اتمنى انكم تسااعدووني باسرع وقت لو سمحتوا ابااه يوم الاحد

watching TV is a daily habit in our life . In fact some people see that
this watching tv is abad thing , however others see it useful thing .

there are alot of advantages such as getting information about what happens in other countries from the news . In addition you can also enjoy scientific programms and get knowledge from it . further more you can enjoy your free time watching comedian programms

on the other hand watching TV for a long time may cause loss of your time . to illustrate if yo sped more than three hours daily in watching TV , that will not give yo the time to do your homework or talk to your parents . another disadvantage for watching TV is that some channels are not respecting our custome and traditions ,so our children are affected by it .

In my openion I think that watching TV has alot af advantages if we hose the wright time and material to watch .

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