الصف الثاني عشر

بغيت حل كتاب الورك بوك صفحة 39 -تعليم الامارات

بغيت حل كتاب الورك بوك صفحة 39

السموحة اختي الكريمة ان شاء الله الاخوان ما يقصرون اوياج ,,, اي بحث او تقرير انا جاهز .

السموحة اختي حتى انا ادور الحلول ازا لقيت بحطلج ياهم

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حايره مشاهدة المشاركة
بغيت حل كتاب الورك بوك صفحة 39

تسلمووون ماتقصرون

first I am going to talk about the wedding. All people dream of wedding and think the wedding is rest and safety.
There are many different between the wedding in the past and now. In the past the wedding in tent or in house. the wedding is very simple. the dress for groom is very colorful .And the bride is dress the gold and put the henna. the groom family prepared the place for the couple to live. the dowry is very simple for example the cost is 40 DH. But now is very different. the wedding in the big hotel. some people care the wedding is legend. some people give the bride 100000 DH for preparing the wedding. the wedding is wonderful. all people happy when you go the wedding. but some do not wedding so my country give the UAE nationals 70000 DH to preparing. the bride is dress the frock and many gold. i think the groom is very happy in this day.
Finally the wedding is a wonderful. the wedding is very different in the past and now. and I think the wedding is very beautiful

تسلم هزيييمٍِ

thxXxX w a5eran lool

merci kteeer ya a7la a3da2

مشكوره بنات المبادئ لحد ياخذه

مشكووووووووووووووور ماتقصر

أستغفرك يا رب من كل ذنب

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