الصف التاسع

برجراف عن adventure -تعليم الامارات



It was a Lovely summer morning, when I and my friends decided to go swimming in a nearby Sea. Once we arrived, there were a lot of children Swimming and diving. I moved to swim though it was the first time entering the sea. I was challenged by the way the children were swimming. The I jumped into the sea without having any previous experience of how swim. It was foolish fame.
Unfortunate tely, when I got into the sea the pressure was too much. I was drowning and I thought that was the end of my life on earth. I could do nothing and the water took me to deeper side of the sea. Dining that tine my friends in search of me while I was shouting far help .
Luckily, amen, who I thought sent by God, Came and rescind me from the middle of death. I was unconscious for ten minutes before I could my self I promised my self never to swim with experience. I am so happy now that I an still alive.

موفقين ان شاء الله ..^_^

Thank you

ولكم …
تسلمين ع المرور العطر ..

يزاج الله خخير

سبحــــــــــــــــــــان الله و بحمده

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