الصف العاشر

الالف كلمة الاكثر استخداما في الانجليزية للصف العاشر

اليوم يايبلكم (1000) كلمة هي الاكثر استخداما في الانجليزية انشاء الله الجميع يستفيد
A a able about above across act action actually add addition

adjective afraid Africa after again against age ago agreed

ahead air all allow almost alone along already also although

always am America among amount an and angle animal another

answer any anything appear apple are area arms army around

arrived art as ask at away

B baby back bad ball bank base be bear beat beautiful

became because become bed been before began begin behind being

believe bell belong below beside best better between big

bill birds bit black block blood blow blue board boat body

bones book born both bottom box boy branches break bright

bring British broken brother brought brought brown build

building built burning business but buy by

C call came can cannot can’t capital captain car care

carefully carry case cat catch cattle caught cause cells

center cents century certain chance change chart check chief

child children choose church circle city class clean clear

climbed close clothes cloud coast cold color column come

common company compare complete compound conditions consider

consonant contain continued control cook cool copy corn corner

correct cost cotton could couldn’t count country course covered

cows create cried crops cross crowd current cut

D dance dark day dead deal death decided decimal deep

describe desert design details determine developed dictionary did

didn’t died difference different difficult direct direction

discovered distance divided division do doctor does doesn’t dog

dollars done don’t door down draw drawing dress drive drop

dry during

E each early ears earth east easy eat edge effect eggs

eight either electric elements else end energy engine England

English enjoy enough entered entire equal equation especially

Europe even evening ever every everyone everything exactly

example except exciting exercise expect experience experiment

explain express eye

F face fact factories factors fall family famous far farm

farmers fast father fear feel feeling feet fell felt few

field fig fight figure filled finally find fine fingers

finished fire first fish fit five flat floor flow flowers

fly follow food foot for force forest form forward found

four fraction France free French fresh friends from front

fruit full fun

G game garden gas gave general get girl give glass go God

gold gone good got government grass great Greek green grew

ground group grow guess gun

H had hair halt hand happened happy hard has hat have he

head hear heard heart heat heavy held help her here high

hill him himself his history hit hold hole home hope horse

hot hours house how however huge human hundred hunting

I I ice idea if I’ll important in inches include increase

Indian indicate industry information insects inside instead

instruments interest interest into iron is island isn’t it its

it’s itself

J Japanese job joined jumped just

K keep kept key killed kind king knew know known

L lady lake land language large last later laughed law lay

lead learn least leave led left legs length less let let’s

letter level lie life lifted light like line list listen

little live located long look lost lot loud love low

M machine made main major make man many map march mark

match material matter may maybe me mean measure meat meet

melody members men method middle might mile milk million

mind mine minutes miss modern molecules moment money months

moon more morning most mother mountain mouth move movement

much music must my

N name nation natural near necessary need never new next

night no nor north northern nose not note nothing notice

noun now number numeral

O object observe ocean of off office often oh oil old on

once one only open opposite or order other our out outside

over own oxygen

P page paint pair paper paragraph park part particular party

passed past pattern pay people per perhaps period person

phrase picked picture piece place plains plan plane plant

plants play please plural poem point pole poor position

possible pounds power practice prepared presidents pretty printed

probably problem process produce products property provide pulled

pushed put

Q questions quickly quiet quite

R race radio rain raised ran rather reached read ready

really reason received record red region remain remember

repeated report represent resent rest result return rhythm rich

ride right ring rise river road rock rolled room root rope

rose round row rule run

S safe said sail same sand sat save saw say scale school

science scientists score sea seat second section see seeds

seem seen sell send sense sent sentence separate serve set

settled seven several shall shape sharp she ship shoes shop

short should shoulder shouted show shown side sight sign

signal silent similar simple since sing sir sister sit six

size skin sky sleep sleep slowly small smell smiled snow so

soft soil soldiers solution some someone something sometimes

son song soon sound south southern space speak special speed

spell spot spread spring square stand stars start state

statement stay steel step stick still stone stood stop store

story straight strange stream street stretched string strong

students study subject substances such suddenly suffix sugar

suggested sum summer sun supply suppose sure surface surprise

swim syllables symbols system

T table tail take talk tall teacher team tell temperature

ten terms test than that the their them themselves then

there these they thick thin thing think third this those

though thought thousands three through thus tied time tiny to

today together told tone too took tools top total touch

toward town track trade train train travel tree triangle trip

trouble truck true try tube turn two type

U uncle under underline understand unit until up upon us use


V valley value various verb very view village visit voice


W wait walk wall want war warm was wash Washington wasn’t

watch water waves way we wear weather week weight well we’ll

went were west western what wheels when where whether which

while white who whole whose why wide wife wild will win

wind window wings winter wire wish with within without woman

women wonder won’t wood word work workers world would wouldn’t

write written wrong wrote

Y yard year yellow yes yet you young your you’re yourself

ارييييد المزيييد

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