الصف الثاني عشر

لاتردوووووني دخيلكم دشووووووووو -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم
لوسمحتوا ابغي حل الموضوع الي في صفحه 82 وحل الموضوع 85
دخيلكم لاتردووووووني اباه قبل يوم الاحد
مافيه ع حشرة الابله ابغا ضروري اذا ماعليكم امر

وينكم ياعرب ردووووووو عليه بليييييز باجر تباه الابله

كالعادة أتمنى كتابة السؤال وتوضيح المطلوب أكثر

آسفة اختي بعدنا ما وصلنا ها الصفحة

حل صفحة 83
1) for – and -across-of-because -without-in -but-from- as
2)store -excess-function
3)heavy-lose -die

حل صفحة 84
A)a.ice b.solid c.annual d.permanent e.melt

حل صفحة 85

D)b.20% of the world
c.no of canada
go down to -50c
f.limited plants life
g.dogs ,seals ,bears
i.sleds and snow mobiles
they cover about 40% of the worlds land area deserts are alike in some aspects and different in many others.they are all dry with limited plant and animal life .not many people live there .on other hand ,the empty quarter,the tundra and takla makan are different . the empty quarter is in asia. it is full of sand it is very hot in summer and cool in winter .people of the empty quarter are bedouins . they live in tents and travel by camels .the tundra in the north of canada .it is made up of snow and ice . it is very cold all around year . people of tundra are lnuit . they live in igloos and travel by sleds .the takla makan is near the silk round .it is acold winter desert .it is made up of stones and rocks. people of the takla makan one nomads .they live in yurts and travelby camels and horses . to sum up . whether hot ,cold or cold winter , life in deserts ,is very hard .

والسمووحه ماا حصلت 82 ^^

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